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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Using the Shopping Cart for more than a couple of items is very dangerous. You are better off simply buying things one at a time. IM the creator(s) and request a re-delivery. Make sure you are not in Busy mode! When a vendor attempts to send you an item and you are Busy, that item is lost.
  2. Peggy's answer is excellent, even if it isn't what you wanted to hear. Lying about your age during registration leaves you open to all sorts of trouble. Let's say for example that you are 15, but said you were 21. You then accessed adult content and had sex with another person. Let's say that this person later starts stalking you and you tell your parents about it. They might want to take legal action against the stalker or Linden Lab...but because you lied about your age, you have no legal grounds for complaint. That's only one possibility. There are many ways for the unwary to get into serious trouble in the adult areas of Second Life. The age verification system is there for your protection as well as to protect Linden Lab from liability. Now, you might be telling the truth about being an adult, even if Peggy and I don't believe you. What you will have to do to prove it is to send a valid copy of proof of age (a photo ID and a birth certificate) by mail to Linden Lab with a request that they change your account data and verify you as an adult. Oh...if you DO manage to get your age changed, better change your user name, too. "Priick" could be considered broadly offensive; someone is liable to submit an Abuse Report on you.
  3. The head may be turning in response to your mouse. Default avatar behavior is to look toward the mouse cursor. You can override this with an animation if you set its priority high (3 or 4, I think) before you upload it. Some viewers also let you disable this "head turning" behavior.
  4. It probably won't help, but first try clearing your cache. Log out, relog to an empty region like Heckendorf or Pooley, and wait for your inventory to reload. You have to do this first, because it's the first thing Support will ask you to try. If it doesn't work, file a Support ticket and request help from LL. They can fix some inventory problems on their server end, and that is what this sounds like to me. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ or, if you are Premium and can access Live Chat, https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  5. Lindal Kidd


    Ruth should be preserved forever! We've already lost so much that used to be a part of SL. I miss the Hippos, especially.
  6. This isn't specific to waterfalls, but for a very long archived thread about SL sales and marketing, see this link: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/ac/274749/1.html
  7. If you can't "catch" the bird (it's too fast, or it won't allow you to select it), it's probably generated from a rezzer. Use Show Beacons to find nearby scripted objects. One of them (there could be a LOT!) will have a name like "bird rezzer". IM the owner.
  8. There are two parts to getting married, both of which are optional. The first is the Partnership offer and acceptance that Valerie told you about. The second is a wedding. This can be as elaborate as you like/can afford. You can rent a venue, hire a wedding planner, get friends to be bridesmaids, buy a dress, say vows, ride to the reception in a horse drawn carriage...whatever you imagine as your "perfect wedding". Or if all that is too much trouble, just move in together and tell everyone that you are married.
  9. 1. Go into Mouselook. (Hit M). 2. Move your mouse to look at where you want to go. 3. Hold the Up arrow key to walk. 4. If you want to maneuver while walking, keep holding down the arrow key, but move the mouse. You will always walk toward the cursor shown on your screen. (This is a really good way to outmaneuver your friends while flying!)
  10. You should contact Billing. 1. If you allow your Premium account to fall into arrears, LL will not downgrade you, they will delete your account. :smileymad: 2. You cannot downgrade your account yourself until you: a. Pay what you already owe, and b. Go in world and abandon your Linden Home, and sell or abandon any other Mainland you have. 3. If you downgrade your account, or quit SL altogether, you will not receive a refund on any unused Premium membership time.
  11. Usive, to pay for full regions, what's needed is $USD, not $L. Go to your Dashboard page on this website. On the left side, in the Linden Exchange box, click Manage, and then click Increase Credit. You can transfer money from your payment method (credit card or PayPal account) in $20 increments.
  12. Note: Just because they are on the parcel access list doesn't mean they will be able to use the door. Check the information on how to add someone to the home controls. The home itself probably gives you a Help notecard with this information. I prefer NOT to use banlines and parcel access lists. The banlines are ugly and they inconvenience your neighbors who may just want to walk or fly across the land. I would much rather personally eject and ban any rude trespassers...it's more fun that way. As for trespassers who come when you aren't at home...why worry about them? They can't steal or break anything.
  13. I suspect the Bloodline people won't want to tell you how to make products that they would much rather you buy from them.
  14. In inventory, right click the hawk, select "Attach To.." and the desired attachment point..
  15. I found a competing product that sells for 3 times your price. If your computer does what it says, it's a great deal. I haven't looked at yours, but the competing one advertised itself as a "real computer" but you had to issue all your commands in chat which seemed very un-computerish to me.
  16. You are charged for the MAXIMUM amount of Mainland you hold at any point in the billing cycle. For example, if you had a Linden Home, and bought your 4096, then abandoned the Linden Home five minutes later, you will be billed for the next tier level up from 4096.
  17. The 'supported cards' list is never up to date. Don't waste time searching for an obsolete video card. Any late model NVIDIA GeForce card (500 series, preferably) will work perfectly. ATI cards will also work, but their reputation for supporting OpenGL is not as good as NVIDIA's. Run your monitor at its native resolution.
  18. pfft, everyone missed the obvious! Just click the little music note icon to turn off the parcel audio stream. All other sounds, such as ambient wind, sound effects, and UI notices remain unaffected. You can also click the Mute button next to the Music slider to turn off that channel. Hover your cursor over the speaker icon to expand the channel list.
  19. There are a number of wedding planners in Second Life. Some just sell dresses and props. Some own land and offer a venue for the wedding. Some offer complete services including officiant, DJ, photographer, etc.
  20. Where: Adult areas, or Moderate areas if you own land and have a private residence there. How: See my blog post http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/06/thanks-for-asking-but.html
  21. you could try the following: - File a DMCA notice against the offender. The procedure can be found here. http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php
  22. My question is, why would you want a private residence in an Adult region? You can do anything you want inside your Linden Home, and keep it private with banlines and the "limit visibility to outside avatars" settings in About Land. The only reason you would need a place on Adult land is if you wanted to set up a public sex area, escort club, etc.
  23. It won't let you go over the limit. If you try to rez an object that would kick you over, you'll get an error message.
  24. Many credit card companies think "Linden Lab" is some sort of internet scam site and block billings from them. You need to call your credit card company and tell them to accept charges from Linden Lab.
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