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  1. So this is the second time this has happened, I thought maybe the first time was just some sort of one time issue. I tried contacting support over it and eventually gave up because they never responded. Now I'm having the same issue, it says completed, but NOTHING on my paypal. I feel like I just wasted L$ trying to get it transferred to cash once again..
  2. If I block someone but keep them on my friendslist will they be able to see when I am online? And also will they be able to see that I had blocked them?
  3. So my roommate is wanting to make a second life account, but she will be using my computer. Though she will be using her own email address of course. I know some websites don't allow that, so i was wondering. Would she be able to make an account without the two of us getting in trouble? And also, would we be able to legally send each other items and/or L$?
  4. Okay, so yesterday I got my premium membership and got my free lindon house. But when i invited a friend over he soon found out that he could not use scripts. Is there any way to fix this, I have heard about creating groups and what not, but all of the instructions are for older SL viewers and I'm not sure if they even work that way. Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance.
  5. Is there a wait time before you get it, or should i contact support about this?
  6. Hello. I recently had tried to sign up to become a premium member here on secondlife. I tried to use my mastercard from payoneer, though it would not accept the card. I can't set it up through paypal seeing as it is not considered to be a bank. But basically my question is, does secondlife accept GreenDot Gold Visa Debit Cards?
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