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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. In addition to the fine answers you've already gotten, see my blog post, "How Does Babby Grow?"
  2. What you probably mean is you put in the RIGHT age when you made the account and now you want to access Moderate and Adult areas by putting in a false age. Dont.
  3. That's odd. The Place Profile comes up Moderate, the land is Moderate...but the Search result is labeled Adult. I suspect that the "naughty word" filter has assigned that maturity level erroneously, possibly based on the use of the words "Romantic/Love/Neko/Furry/Vampire/Children" in combination. You could try removing words from your ad one at a time and see if the maturity label changes, or you could file a support ticket with LL.
  4. If Billing can't help you, you can purchase $L from a reputable third party exchange. I have used VirWox with good results.
  5. What was the amount of the adjustment? If you belong to groups that have all the members share group liabilities (the default setting), you may have had a small amount deducted to pay for a group classified ad or to show group land in search. If this is the case, talk to the group owner. Many don't realize that all their members are paying for this.
  6. Do NOT get "just whatever"!!! You have a huge range of choice in the matter of land. 1. A Premium membership is needed only if you want land on the Mainland. As others have said, you may get a free Linden Home (rather "crumped up" near all the other Linden Homes). Or you can get free tier on a 512 m2 parcel that you buy, anywhere else on the mainland. On the Mainland, you have a lot of freedom in what you can build, LL doesn't enforce zoning except in a few areas. 2. You can lease land on a private estate. You don't need a Premium membership for this, you are dealing with another resident, the Estate Owner. Estates have rules, that are set forth in the Covenant. You can read the Covenant in the "About Land" window of your viewer. Estates may collect money from you weekly or monthly, and it might be in $L or $USD, so be sure you understand the terms and conditions before paying anything. Estates may be themed...gothic, western, tropical, Victorian, Sci-Fi. Land on estates tends to be more peaceful than Mainland -- most estate owners take a more active hand in managing the estate and keeping troublemakers out. But you are also at the mercy of the estate owner. If they go out of business, your land may vanish. Or they may decide they don't like your face, and kick you out. In this case you have no recourse. 3, You can buy your OWN private estate. This is expensive...$1,000 USD set up fee, $295/mo USD to Linden Lab. But you can recover a lot of that by leasing out parcels on your island to other people. Well, maybe...right now, there is a land glut and a lot of vacant parcels. I teach a land class at Caledon Oxbridge University on Friday nights, 5 pm SL time. I encourage you to attend it.
  7. some animal avatars ARE humanoid...they stand on their hind legs. To see if yours can be made to go on all fours, look in your inventory (the icon like a suitcase), in Inventory/Library/Clothing/Initial Outfits. Scroll down until you find the cat avatar and open its folder. Look inside for an item called something like "AO" or "animation override". Right click and select Wear. If there is no AO for your cat, you'll have to go on your hind legs for a while...or try the dog avatar, I know that one is fully quadrupedal.
  8. Remove your email from your post! This is an open forum...publishing your email here will open you up to getting all sorts of spam.
  9. That's just the way animations work. When you are performing an animation that has a higher "priority" than the walk animation, you will continue in that animation while your avatar is moving. To avoid this, stand up or otherwise stop the current animation. Walk to you your new position. Resume your animation.
  10. After emptying your cart, don't use it again. Instead, use the Buy Now button to purchase each item individually.
  11. Since you are only two days old, it's not too late to create another account and start over. Please remember that everyone else can see your user name. "wettygirl21" is pretty...well, awful. Sorry.
  12. I doubt that the shouting was what got you banned. "Ageplay" refers to using a childlike avatar to roleplay sexual activities with a minor, and it is very strictly forbidden. Linden Lab does not ban people for this merely on another person's say-so. They review their own logs of chat and IM to make a determination. You can appeal a ban, which you have apparently done. Your appeal failed. You can file a lawsuit...anyone can sue anyone at any time for any reason, and somewhere there is a lawyer who will be happy to take your money. But you will lose.
  13. There's nothing in the ToS to prevent it. The rules of the RP sim owner may, however, add restrictions.
  14. Dear, please stop repeating your question! You have received an answer...see your original post.
  15. Contact Billing Support. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  16. There is another way. Have all the sales proceeds go to one person...presumably you. Get a HippoRent rent box system. Set up a box and configure it to divide money it receives among your group members. Put the money from sales into the rent box.
  17. You can't delete the Friends/All folder. If you try, it will automatically regenerate. It's a "system" folder. If you have an extra "All" folder, file a support ticket with Linden Lab and request an inventory repair. Include a snapshot of the problem.
  18. You mean, he hasn't been screwed! :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: About the "imposter" claim...it's possible. You can never know which Real Life person is logged into a given SL account. But that doesn't cut any ice...a person is responsible for what happens with their SL account, and if someone else has the password, it's still their responsibility. Or, could you have paid another avatar with a similar name? Maybe. Check your Transaction History.
  19. Do the alts HAVE any Outfits? The newer viewers don't display system folders if they have no contents.
  20. You can do that in Phoenix or Firestorm, in the Phoenix (or Firestorm) tab of Preferences, the Building sub-tab. However, I'm not sure that it will change the center of rotation of the prim with regards to a script. It may just be in effect for the Build tools.
  21. You "tried starting another one"? We need some more information here. If you have a free Basic account, you can't own either a Linden Home or any other land on the Mainland. If you have a Premium account, you can get a free Linden Home (not the same one, but you may be able to get the same style of home), OR You can buy up to 512 square meters elsewhere on the Mainland, and not be charged any monthly recurring fee (tier) for it. If you choose this option, you have more freedom as to what you can build, but the prims of the house will eat into your allowance (a 512 m2 parcel is allowed 117 prims.) If LL wants to charge you an additional $5 a month for a land parcel, my guess is that you still have an active Premium membership, and either a Linden Home or another piece of land somewhere else. Check the Land section of your account information and see if you own any.
  22. Holger is right that SL is hard on laptops...but those specs appear to be perfectly OK for SL.
  23. No. You can have several accounts, and even go back to an old one, but each one is treated as a separate entity. If your neglected account is a free Basic one, it will not be deleted even if you don't use it for a long time If you are Premium, it will be deleted when you stop paying your dues. Even so, you can sometimes reactivate a deleted account by sending a request to LL.
  24. 1. Are you using a current viewer, or a very old one? If you're still on, say, Emerald or Viewer 1.xx, upgrade to Phoenix, Firestorm, or Viewer 3. 2. You may have a bad internet connection or firewall problems. Do you have other SL accounts, and do they work correctly?
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