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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Cort, the Barbarossa infohub has become rather a center for griefers in the Blake Sea area. It's seen some really nasty attacks. So it's quite possible that people there are a little edgy and ready to pull the trigger on anything seen as an annoying act. Besides the out and out griefers, I've met a number of abrasive, annoying people there myself. So again, it's an atmosphere designed to make people ready to believe the worst of others. Don't give up on Mainland because of a bad experience at one hive of scum and villainy. I live on the Blake Sea and I find it to be, by and large, as delightful a place as any private estate...plus there is the occasional, er, "interesting" encounter with a stranger to add a bit of spice to life. Oh, and getting reported? I inadvertently committed a much worse offense. I had been given a folder of hair by another Mentor, and I was in the habit of passing it out to newbies. I happened to run across a newbie at a store one day, and passed her the folder. Another resident, overhearing the local chat, immediately accused me of distributing stolen goods. In an effort to prove my innocence, I gave her a copy as well, saying "These are freebies, see for yourself". She sent back, "These are all copybotted. Reported, muted." I was stunned, and felt just as you did...'reported, after years in SL'. Later, I gave the folder to another Mentor...and much to my embarrassment, he pointed out lots of clues that said that, in fact, the hair WAS copybotted! I contacted the girl from whom I'd gotten the stuff in the first place and she said, "Yeah, I just recently found that out myself. Sorry!" But did I get suspended or banned from SL? Nope. So take heart.
  2. Karen is right...doing a transfer of an existing private region can save you money. Just remember to NOT pay the seller anything directly. LL serves as the "escrow company" and keeps your transaction safe.
  3. Ediliana, I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the others here. Those of us who own land pay for the privilege. Some of us do that with RL money and others (who are, or choose to be, "poor and desperate") work hard to make enough money in world to pay for their land. There's no free lunch, baby, whether it's Real Life or Second Life.
  4. The Marketplace is so full of bugs I'm beginning to think it will never be fixed. If I were a merchant who was at all serious about selling her stuff, I'd think about an in world store instead.
  5. Yes, that's a copyright violation. In fact, syncing copyrighted music to a video, even if it is NOT publicly shown, is a copyright violation. This is why there is a great deal of "royalty free music" out there. You can purchase this music for use in your own video and film productions.
  6. Save your image as no more than a 1024x1024 size. If you can keep the dimensions to a power of two, (512x512, 256x512, etc) your end result will be crisper. Save the file as a JPEG (JPEG 2000, if your image software has that option), or a .PNG or .TGA file.
  7. You don't need to kill the remote object with a script. Instead, make the object Temporary. It will self-delete after a short time.
  8. Cinnamon is correct. However, the more useful response when someone is rude to you in IM is not an Abuse Report, but muting. Call up their profile and select the Block button. Presto! No more rude IMs from that person, ever.
  9. This is true. According to LL, when no one is in a region, or looking into a region, that region will be "idled". This will save a bunch of computing resources and should result in better performance of the other regions running on that processor. Also according to LL, it should be unnoticeable to users, since the region will stop idling as soon as someone enters or looks into it. We shall see.
  10. The "copy" function won't copy text. It's used to copy entire items (for example, you could copy your notecard and paste another instance of it into another place in your inventory.) Highlight the text and use the Mac copy and paste shortcuts.
  11. To add to the perfect Valerie's answer, the solution to most rude people isn't an Abuse Report, it's muting. Right click the offending avatar and select Block (or Mute, in some viewers). Or click the Block button on their profile. Problem solved!
  12. There are at least two ways to make an elevator in Second Life. 1. A physical vehicle that you sit on (the "sit" animation is actually a stand pose) and that moves you physically to a new location. 2. A local teleporter. I have an elevator like this in my high rise building at Masocado. The user clicks the button, sets the floor desired, and is teleported to that location. I have a multi-destination full permissions local teleport script; if you'd like a copy, contact me in world.
  13. This could be two issues. 1. You altered your facial features using the Appearance menu. If so, simply enter Appearance mode and re-edit yourself to your satisfaction. 2. You are wearing a set of prim eyes, and they have either been re-sized, or moved slightly too far away from your face. Stand on a pose stand, right click an eye, select Edit. Carefully re-size and/or reposition them until you are satisfied.
  14. If your inventory shows it as attached to you, but you can't see it, or detach it by right clicking it in your inventory and choosing Detach, then try the following: 1. Go to an empty region, such as Pooley or Heckendorf. Try detaching it there. Wait a couple of minutes, it may not happen right away. If that doesn't work, 2. Clear your cache (in Preferences, Network and cache tab). Log out. Turn off your computer and your internet modem and router. Wait a couple of minutes, turn everything back on, and log back in to the empty region. WAIT until your inventory is fully loaded. You can speed this up by typing anything in the inventory search window. 3, If THAT doesn't work, force-Ruth yourself. Open the Advanced menu with CTRL+ALT+D. Open the Develop menu with CTRL+ALT+Q. Choose Develop/Avatar/Character Tests/Test Male, or Test Female. This will turn you back into a default noob avatar. Once that is complete, put on your normal appearance items, one at a time (don't use the Replace Outfit function.) 4. And if all the above fails, completely uninstall the viewer (all your viewers, if you have more than one), following the instructions for a clean reinstall here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/clean_reinstall
  15. I teach a class on the basics of buying and renting land on Friday nights, 5 pm SL time, at Caledon Oxbridge University. It's free to attend.
  16. If the object is No Modify, you will get this behavior. Check your permissions on the object.
  17. The other thing is....does the plan offer unlimited usage, or is there a download cap? SL can eat up gigabytes of downloads in a short time.
  18. It doesn't help now, but maybe you should start backing up your data files on your computer. There are all sorts of ways to do this.
  19. Lindal Kidd


    File a support ticket. If you are a Premium member, use live chat. LL will put an automatic hold on an account after several incorrect password entries or other actions that could be interpreted as an attempt to hack the account.
  20. Can you post a screenshot of the problem? Use the Options/Edit control in the upper right and the icon like a little tree to do that.
  21. DO NOT enter your login information on that page. If you wish, you can report the avatar and that page to SL as a possible phishing scam. Abuse Report the avatar, and send the link to security@secondlife.com
  22. Yes it does. But I am not sure that that means what you think it means. Linden Lab must comply with US laws. Individuals using SL must comply with US laws, and if they are residents elsewhere, with the laws of their own country as well. But if you think that means that the Second Life world must mirror US law in all respects, you are incorrect. SL is a virtual world, peopled by avatars whose operators are anonymous. Thus, for example, there can be no contract law applicable to agreements between residents, since one of the requirements for a contract cannot be proven to exist (i.e., competent parties). Consumer protection laws don't apply to virtual goods. There are no lemon laws, no minimum wage laws, and on and on. Here's a rather silly example: There are combat areas in SL where you can freely shoot and "kill" other avatars. However, if you tried to assert that this was unlawful because "murder is against the law" you would not have a leg to stand on. If someone does something in SL that you don't like, you CAN apply US law to the situation...but it means going outside of SL. Hire a lawyer, get them to serve LL with a court order requiring that LL divulge the RL identity of the person(s) who you allege has harmed you. Then take them to court in Real Life. WITHIN Second Life, in the context of the virtual world, there are, as a practical matter, no laws except the LL TOS and Community Standards.
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