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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. It's not easy to connect anything to Second Life, because SL is a "closed world". I didn't have any idea what Max/msp is, either...but I had more success in Googling it. It seems to be a programming language used for creating music and multimedia applications and interconnections. I'm not a programmer, so even now that I know that, I have no idea what you would do with it in SL. Anyway, for connecting things to virtual worlds, look at OpenSim.
  2. See this page: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.3
  3. I'm not a Mac person, so I'd ask one. I'm not real happy that the iMac has "integrated graphics", though. In general, that's not favorable. Any late model computer with a fairly powerful discrete graphics card, preferably Nvidia or Radeon, should do the trick.
  4. Have you checked to see if you are wearing an alpha layer? Take Off/Clothing/More/More/Alpha. Also, there is an option that does make your av (all but attachments) invisible. In Phoenix, it used to be in the Phoenix tab of preferences I think...but you may find it in debug settings too.
  5. If your land was group owned, you (or someone) must have donated tier to the group to pay the land fees. In the group's Land and $ tab, see if you have a contribution. If so, change it to zero, then go to your dashboard page and downgrade your tier level as previously suggested.
  6. Every now and then someone claims that someone they know said a friend sighted Magellan. But the whereabouts of the elusive explorer remain a Second Life mystery. Personally, I think Marianne McCann knows, but she's not telling.
  7. I've been seeing more problems with wearing items myself lately. 1. Try changing skins. 2. Normally, I would not recommend clearing cache for this, but it sounds like you may have a corrupt texture in there. Clear cache, re log to an empty region, and wait for your inventory to load.
  8. Also, check to be sure your account has not been compromised by phishing.
  9. They're not crashing the sim, they're freezing your viewer. The defense is to get away. Run or teleport out of shout distance (more than 100m). Then clear the junk off your screen. Or, just re-log.
  10. A lot of us would love to see the Display Names go away and last names return. For a while there, a few months ago, it looked as if LL was going to do it. But in the end they said, "Nahhhh." Sigh. I don't know ANYONE who asked for Direct Delivery. I know a LOT of people who asked for last names back. Go figure. Your best bet under the current system is to choose a first and a last name you like. Probably NOT your real name, unless you enjoy hanging your identity right out there in front of everyone. Run the two together into a single user name, "LindalKidd". Then if you want, create a Display Name to separate them, "Lindal Kidd". In some viewers, you'll show up as Lindal Kidd (LindalKidd Resident), but that's about the best you can do. Any lurkers who haven't created an account yet who happen to read this: PLEASE choose a pronounceable, non-vulgar user name. Your user name WILL be visible to anyone who chooses to see it, and you CAN'T change it once you've created it. It's just about the only thing that will remain constant about your avatar until the day you cancel your account.
  11. Cinnamon is 100% correct! Be aware that it works in reverse too...you won't be able to cam on avatars OUTSIDE your parcel. Also, voice chat and gesture sounds are not blocked by this setting...you can do that in the Sound tab of About Land.
  12. Oddly enough, even though you seem to have gotten conflicting answers, everyone is correct! A "sim" (short for "simulator") is a region in Second Life, and also in other similar virtual worlds. It's represented on the Map by a grid square. You can't "make" sims in SL...but you can buy an existing one, or a piece of one (a "parcel" of land). You can also order a brand new one direct from LL. You can even give them a .raw terrain file and they'll create the region with your own custom land contours...or you can terraform it after it's created. Whole sims are expensive, both to buy and to maintain. Linden Lab charges a setup fee of $1,000 USD, and a monthly upkeep of $295 USD for a private sim. But there is virtual world software, OpenSim, that you can install on your own computer, and create your own sims for free. They won't connect to Second Life, but they CAN be made accessible to others, and connect to something called the "HyperGrid". This is, as others have said, a pretty advanced topic for someone new to virtual worlds to attempt. I suggest you follow a progression something like this: 1. Get a Premium membership, and a free Linden Home. 2. When you get tired of your Linden Home, abandon it and buy some land elsewhere on the Mainland, or lease a parcel on a nice private estate. 3. If you find you enjoy virtual life, you may want to expand your land holdings...buy a bigger parcel, or multiple parcels. 4. Once you have experience in owning land, and all the things that go with it...like building a house, landscaping, terraforming, dealing with griefers, setting music and media streams, customizing your sky and water appearance with the Environment editor...you may find that you want more land and prims than you can afford in SL. Or, you want more control over who can visit your land, and when. Then it could be time to look into OpenSim.
  13. Are you using a two monitor setup? If so, open SL on your primary monitor.
  14. Two great answers! And here is a blog post to check out, too: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/08/jobs.html
  15. OK, you need to understand the Abuse Report system. First, you can AR anyone. Even someone who says they are a Linden. Every real Linden I've met has the last name "Linden", and has been very polite and helpful. Lindens are not allowed to use their godlike powers for personal gain or for vendettas against residents...either as themselves or as alts. I am not saying that it has never happened...but I have never seen it in almost five years here. I suspect that either 1) you aren't telling us the whole story, or 2) you are dealing with people who claim to be Lindens but are not. Second, you will NEVER get any sort of response telling you what Linden Lab did, or did not do, to the person you reported. Linden Lab protects everyone's privacy, even the privacy of slimeballs who should be (and sometimes are) kicked off the grid. Third, your best and most immediate defense against griefers is not the Abuse Report, but your Block button. Right click an offending avatar, select Block (or Mute, in older viewers.) Or call up their profile and click the Block button. Presto, problem solved. They can no longer send you chat, IMs, voice, or objects. They appear on your screen as a formless gray silhouette. They are effectively erased from your SLife. EDIT: Keep right on submitting ARs and muting alts as they appear. Eventually the stalker will get tired of the game and go away. In very extreme cases, you might consider creating an alt yourself and starting over. It's painful, and I hate to suggest caving in to a stalker in this way -- but sometimes it's the best choice available.
  16. See this link, and take action IMMEDIATELY. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Email_Scam_%28Phishing%29_FAQ File a support ticket at once. Change your account password (if you still can). Also, run a scan of your computer for viruses and malware. Use more than one program, no program will catch everything. Finally, call your credit card company. Explain the situation and request that the charge be disputed.
  17. You have already been billed. Linden Homes are in short supply at the moment. You don't receive one automatically, you have to go to that web page and apply for one. When you get it, you'll receive an email with the location of your Linden Home. If you don't want to wait until one becomes available, you have another option. You can find a 512 square meter parcel anywhere on the Mainland, and purchase it. You will pay ZERO monthly tier on this 512 m2. Please don't feel you've been cheated. Premium membership offers you other benefits as well. A $L300 stipend, paid every week on Tuesdays, and a $L1,000 sign up bonus paid after you have been a Premium member for 45 days. You also get a higher level of support from LL. EDIT: Do NOT cancel your Premium membership! Linden Lab doesn't give refunds, and you've just paid for a full year of Premium service. If you do decide that Premium isn't for you, WAIT until you are a few days from your annual billing date, and downgrade to Basic then.
  18. You don't need SLI. I can run two viewers with a single GTX 560 Ti. I'm using dual 24" monitors, too. Other specs: Intel i920, 12GB RAM, cache on RAID 0 drive array, Windows Vista 64 Ultimate. This machine is about 3-4 years old, and you can do even better today.
  19. As long as someone is paying tier on that land, there's nothing you can do except keep trying to contact the land owner(s). Keep an eye on it and note if it goes up for sale, or becomes Abandoned. I looked at the land, and it's not a wasteland...it actually makes for a fairly pleasant park area behind your castles.
  20. Not directly, no. But you can sell your $L on the Lindex (click the Manage link in the Buy $L section of your dashboard page, below your account info on the left side of the page). The proceeds go into your $USD balance. That is the first place LL goes to collect your fees. If there isn't enough there, then they bill your chosen payment method.
  21. This can be done. This HAS been done, actually. You will want to look for land that has access to a large number of sailable ocean regions. Note that most of the blue you see on the Map is NOT accessible...it's simply "placeholder" space so regions can be geographically situated on the grid in relation to one another. The oceans that are actually "live" regions have region names on the Map, and have a ripply water texture instead of solid blue. Good sailing area include: The Blake Sea (Mainland) Some of the oceans between continents (Mainland) The FairChang islands (estate) The "fruit" islands (estate) You want to be next door to sailable water, because it would be VERY expensive to have to set up and pay for a bunch of your own "ocean" regions. Before you get too far into your project, join a couple of existing SL yacht clubs and see what they have done, and how they operate. Two that I like are Tradewinds Yacht Club and Starboards Yacht Club.
  22. The answer MIGHT change, if we are in a bad mood!
  23. 1. Which viewer are you using? 2. What are your system specs? (you can easily get these from Help/About Second Life on the login page.) Update your post by clicking Options/Edit in the upper right hand corner. EDIT: Those specs sound OK for SL. Your graphics card isn't powerful enough to reliably run shadows and depth of field though...if those are enabled in your Preferences/Graphics settings, turn them off. Next thing to do is check your router, port settings, and your internet connection.
  24. Sounds like it's time to file a support ticket with LL. Sorry, I got nothin'. Oh wait...what is your group's EXACT name? Does it use any special characters? EDIT: Another thought...do you have access to Adult material? It's possible LL changed the maturity rating of your group due to "adult" wording in its description.
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