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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Tell us more about your computer, especially what video card you have. Do NOT start a new post. Use the Options/Edit selection in the upper right of your original post.
  2. As long as you're wishing, why not wish for 45,000 prim regions, such as may be found in some other virtual worlds?
  3. Verizon is, in my experience, an EXCELLENT ISP (even though I am angry with them for discontinuing unlimited data wireless plans.) We have their FIOS internet here (also TV and phone), and it's great. "Wireless" can have several meanings. It can mean "WiFi", a short range wireless connection between your computer and the wireless access point/router/DSL modem. That sort of hookup MAY work with SL, but an ethernet cable is faster and better. This, by the way, is what you are referring to when you speak of router placement. If your wireless router is in a central position in your home, you will generally acheive better performance with devices throughout your house. It can mean "satellite internet". In this case, you get your internet data from a dish on the roof. This is not recommended for SL, because of signal delays introduced by the long path from ground station to satellite to ground station. It can mean a wireless 3G or 4G connection, using one of the cellular phone data providers. If you have an iPhone or a "smartphone" that connects to the internet, this is the sort of connection it uses, unless it's in range of a wifi signal. This is definitely not recommended for SL. Even if it works (and it does, for some people, some of the time), using SL will quickly eat up your monthly bandwidth allowance and you will start to incur large excess data charges.
  4. Note that people can't "steal" your rezzed objects, with a very few exceptions. 1) If you have given someone permission to edit your objects (this must be done specifically, in your Friends list) 2) If the object has been Deeded to a group, and a member of the group has the permission to take or modify group-owned objects In addition, people can use illegal software to COPY your objects...but in that case, your original object will be left just as it is. Thus, "missing objects" are almost always a result of the following: 1) A rendering error such as Innula describes 2) A server error or restart. 3) The owner of the parcel Returning the objects, or the land's Autoreturn function doing the same thing. In the latter two cases, look in your Lost and Found folder. Sometimes, when multiple objects are returned at once, they arrive as a single "coalesced" object in your Lost and Found folder, and the name of the object may be misleading. Find a large empty place (your own land or a sandbox) and rez the coalesced object to see what all is in it. Rarely, a rez failure will lead to an object getting placed at region coordinates 0,0,0. Looking for "lost" items at that location can sometimes bear fruit.
  5. Irene is correct. Sell or abandon your excess mainland and/or contributions of tier to group(s). However, on the Land section of your account page, you may still see the higher tier level. You should not actually be charged this amount, if your land holdings put you at a lower tier level, but for your own peace of mind, you may want to change this setting as well, once your land holdings have been reduced.
  6. Besides Rolig's answer, there are also "yard sales" where you can sell your used (transferable) items in world. Some are free, some will charge you a fee to rez your items there for sale.
  7. I have heard some rumors of an exploit that allows this, or at least allows someone who has no rez permissions to litter a parcel with prims. I'm sorry, I have no remedy to offer you other than to AR the person. You may also wish to open a JIRA issue on this. I suggest using the Security category, if it's available to ordinary residents.
  8. Katie, it's all role play. You may use props like the Mama Allpa system if you like, but it's not necessary. For more information, see my blog post, "How Does Babby Grow?"
  9. I teach a class on Second Life land at Caledon Oxbridge University. Friday night (tonight!) at 5 pm SL time. It's free to all.
  10. it's not your avvie, it's your internet connection. Try the fixes found here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/bake_fail Also...you say "others have tried under my account". Have you given your SL password to anyone else? That is a very foolish thing to do. If you have, change your password at once, and don't give it to anyone else, ever again, not in SL or RL. EDIT: I see you modified your post. Good! It sounds as if you have a corrupted item on your avatar. Try the following: First, change your group (right click yourself, choose Groups. Highlight another group or None, and click Activate) If that does not work, try changing clothes. In particular, wear a different bald base, shape, eyes, and skin, as these seem to be the most frequent problem children. If you cannot wear other items, try forcing a default avatar. Hit CTRL+ALT+D to see the Advanced menu, and CTRL+ALT+Q to see the Develop menu. Choose Develop/Avatar/Character Tests/Test Female (or Test Male). Wait for the new avatar to load. Once you have rezzed as a basic newbie avatar, you can then put one, one item at a time, your normal appearance.
  11. I second Rolig's advice. Either card should be a noticeable improvement over your current one, but if I were picking a graphics card primarily for SL, it would be Nvidia rather than Radeon.
  12. Rolig's answer's a good one. Windlight skies have some characteristics that may not suit your purpose. The clouds are always "up there", far away...you can't fly up to, or into them; they are like an infinitely distant backdrop. And the sun, as Rolig says, is a soft glow rather than a defined sphere. The old "classic" clouds would have been better for your purpose. Although they could not be colored, they at least had a physical location, about 200m above the ground, and you could fly into and through them. Unfortunately, classic clouds have been discontinued. Your idea of making clouds from alpha-textured prims would work, but (again listening to Rolig) beware. Too many very large alpha textured objects will contribute to lag. I have seen "space" sims where the entire ground was textured like the earth seen from orbit, and the sky was always black and star-spangled. You can do some amazing things, especially with Windlight, and the ability to set ground textures.
  13. Whether your main account is Premium or not will have no effect on any alt accounts you create...they will be Basic accounts unless you upgrade them to Premium. If you are having problems logging in, call Billing support at one of the following numbers. Or, use your main Premium account and contact Live Chat. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  14. XML doesn't define the avatar mesh. Asking Maya to use an XML file is sort of like asking it to use a Word document file. What you want is a Collada file, .dae...and I have no idea where to find that for an avatar.
  15. Ewww, don't! I agree with Karen.
  16. There are a LOT of "SL-like" virtual worlds out there, using the open source OpenSim server software. They can be accessed using Second Life viewer software, although not all viewers will work with all OpenSim variants. None of them are anywhere near as large or diverse, or for that matter as stable, as Second Life...but if you like being out on the "pioneering edge" of virtual world development, one or more of them may be your cup of tea. One thing that is a big plus for these places...land cost is far lower than in SL. In some places, it's free. For example, I run four regions hosted on my personal PC and connected to the virtual world OSGrid.
  17. We have a Hybrid Dance Ball that does both singles and couples dances. The remotes for it are full permission (not the scripts, but the prims themselves.) So we can form the remotes into any shape we want. Not sure you can do that with an Intan remote, but maybe Miss Zheng would sell you a modifiable one.
  18. Make sure you specify a different location for Firestorm's cache folder. Viewers should not share caches.
  19. They DO suggest taking care when choosing a user name, right there on the page, and tell you that others will be able to see it and that it cannot be changed. But people don't Read the Directions.
  20. Your BANK was charged $80.00? But Linden Lab does not accept bank accounts (directly) as a payment method...only a verified PayPal account or a major credit card. Did you use a third party site to buy your $L? Some of them are quite safe, and reputable. Others are scammers.
  21. To add to the previous excellent answers, here are specific instructions for how to move your camera. Hit ESC a few times to be sure your main user interface window "has the focus"...that is, your cursor is not in a chat or IM window. Hold down the ALT key, and the left mouse button. Move your mouse to move your camera. When you hold down your left mouse button with this technique, it causes your cursor to "grab on" to any object it's resting on. Because of this, one person once described the process as being rather like "swinging on a web strand like Spiderman". Indeed, moving the mouse sideways can swing your camera from one side of a wall to the other...and it is this which enables you to get your camera inside a locked room where you yourself cannot get. Then, as the others point out, find something to right click and sit on (or double click teleport to a spot inside). Presto, you're in! If you "get lost" by camming in this fashion (you can get your camera a LONG way from you!), simply hit ESC to return the camera to its normal position above and behind your avatar.
  22. For some reason, Vampire clans seem to generate more interpersonal Drama of this kind than most other sorts of roleplay. My advice would be for your friend to leave the bloodsuckers behind her.
  23. Rolig is absolutely correct. However, please remember to use off sim structures responsibly. These things are really intended to stick out into the void...areas beyond the boundaries of a private region where there is normally nothing at all. If your off sim objects stick out into somebody else's sim, they are likely to be upset with you. If the sim belongs to Linden Lab, the area is intended to be freely navigable, and sticking reefs and things into that space is also frowned on.
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