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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Yes, but as Rolig says, in most cases it's not the best use of your time. See my blog post, "Jobs".
  2. Just un-check the "Remember my Password" box on the login screen, and enter your user name and password manually. You should be logging in manually every time anyway. Letting the program remember your user name and password is an invitation to someone else to use your account.
  3. The REASON you have to request it is that you have a choice of benefits. You can get a free Linden Home, OR you can buy, from another resident, up to 512 square meters on the Mainland and hold it without paying any monthly tier fees.
  4. I don't think you NEED permission, but I also think most vendors would be tickled pink that you'd ask them, and that you'd include them in your advertising. It's a great way to develop contacts and network.
  5. More information would be helpful. Was the "TOS violating object" that was given to you the blackjack table? Or did the table itself give you some other object that you believe violates TOS? You can find out the name of an object's creator by right clicking it and selecting Inspect. Also, the Abuse Report form gives you the option to report a griefing object...by selecting the object, the object's owner is also automatically selected. HOWEVER...I'm not at all sure that what you have encountered is a TOS violation. For example... ...I can create a simple green-felt topped table, some card and chips objects, and call this thing a "blackjack table". It is a prop. It LOOKS like a blackjack table. You and your friends can sit around it and even appear to be playing blackjack. But there is no gambling going on, no $L are changing hands, and this is not a TOS violation. Only actual gambling is prohibited, not the appearance of gambling. Or... ...I can do as some very clever people have done, and create an actual scripted blackjack game. People can be dealt cards, and if they win, can accumulate "chips" or tokens. As long as the chips have no value, and cannot be exchanged for something of value, this is NOT GAMBLING, per LL's definition and by previous rulings. Again, this is not gambling, because people are not receiving money based on the action of random chance. Some very popular clubs feature these tables for "friendly games" of blackjack or Texas Hold'em EDIT: Or are we all misunderstanding your complaint? You mention "harrassment" and "the sim it links to". Did this object send you a teleport offer to some dark and nasty place? This is not a TOS violation, although pushy adverising objects can certainly be an annoyance. Again, we could use a clearer description of the problem.
  6. 1. Check your inventory, it may still be in there. Be sure to use the Search function to look for it, in case it's moved. 2. Check the region at grid coordinates 0,0,0. Mis-rezzed objects sometimes end up there. 3. If it can't be found, and it's a No Copy item, and it does not return within a few days, IM the creator, explain the situation, and ask if they will send you a replacement. They don't have to, but some will.
  7. Nail sheets of plywood over the windows. (Seriously, using the home control panel would be my first thought.)
  8. I second LittleMe's recommendation of The Forum Cartel. In addition to the in-world Hangout location, you can join The Forum Cartel group. There are frequent rambling, fun group chats. Join up, jump in, and say Hi! Another great group for conversation (if you like puns, Victorians, and Mad Scientists) is the Independent States of Caledon. The Caledonians are into Steampunk, and they are another fun, friendly, and chatty group. If you like sports, join the Tradewinds Yacht Club, with a clubhouse and marina located in the Dex region. Races, sailing news, and occasional parties. Or you can just IM me. I'm friendly, don't bite (unless either asked or provoked), and I've never been bowling. You can teach me how, and I'll teach you how to skydive.
  9. Wow, you are starting in a BIG way for someone only two days old. What you may not understand is that what you have bought is an object...actually, a bundle of objects. You must have land to put your city on. The item you bought is HUGE. It takes an entire sim, a map region, to hold it. You have several options here. 1. You can buy your own private region from Linden Lab. This costs $1,000 USD setup, and a recurring monthly charge of $295 USD. 2. You can lease an entire private region from an estate owner. Prices will vary, but since the estate owner is paying that $295 per month to LL, you can expect to pay somewhat more than that. You will probably have to have some discussions with the estate owner about what you plan to do with the region. Many estates are themed, and the owner may not like the idea of a big city smack in the middle of their tropical island paradise. 2b. If you don't need a lot of prims over and above the city itself, you can lease a "homestead" region from an estate owner. Expect to pay around $125 - $140 per month for this. Homestead regions are limited to a maximum of 20 avatars present at any one time, and support up to 3750 prims (as opposed to 15,000 prims for a "full" region.) 3. You can buy an entire Mainland region from the current owner. Pricing will vary widely (anywhere from around $L65,000 up to $L300,000 or more), and you may be able to negotiate a deal with the owner. Once purchased, a mainland region will cost you $195 USD per month in tier to Linden Lab. If you decide to pursue acquiring a region for your city, once you have it, then follow the directions that came with the city to rez it on your land. If you decide all of this is a lot more expense than you bargained for (I wouldn't blame you!) contact the seller and explain you made a mistake and didn't understand that you had to have land to put the city on. Ask if they will refund your money. (They don't have to do so, but they may take pity on you if you are polite.) I recommend you take my Land Basics class to learn more about Second Life virtual land. It's free, and it's held at Caledon Oxbridge University on Fridays at 5 pm SL time. EDIT: I took a closer look at the city. The ad claims you can rent to "60 residents". I hope you are not basing any income projections on that. For one thing, you have to allow each resident some prims, for furniture and such. They can get 117 prims in a free Linden Home, so you should offer at least that amount. Also, you are competing with Linden Homes on price...so you will have to charge less than $9.95 per month, or about $L2400. On my rental property, which is also a high rise building like the ones in your city, I charge about that amount, and give residents up to 300 prims. And I have a 50% vacancy factor at the present. :matte-motes-frown: SL is experiencing a land glut.
  10. If you are using Internet Explorer to view this site, try using Firefox instead. Also, be sure you log out of the site, and then log in again...that should refresh the page to show your changes.
  11. Missy, didn't Live Chat give you any response?
  12. There is one type of transacton where you can get old records. If you use the HippoRent rental box system, it keeps track of every payment ever made to you since you set up the web page...even for rental boxes that you've deleted. But this probably won't apply to your situation, sorry.
  13. If it's Mainland, maybe the land doesn't change because it can't go any further. Mainland allows you to terraform up to +/- 4 meters...but the plus and minus is measured from the initial contours when LL created the land. If a previous owner has already raised the land 4 m, you can't raise it any higher. EDIT: If About Land has "Allow others to Edit Terrain" checked, and your group role says you are allowed to terraform, and you are wearing your group tag...then I'm out of ideas. First, have the owner try restarting the region. If that doesn't work, both you and the owner should file a support ticket.
  14. You Age Verify here on the web site. You set your preferences in world.
  15. Darn, I forgot to put that prompt in! You can just send your credit card details to me. sweetie. :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  16. James, You need to understand how things work around here. If you are a free Basic member, you only get very limited support from Linden Lab. Submitting a support ticket won't get a response, or get a "sorry, we can't help you" answer. Submitting a question on these forums will get you unofficial help. We are residents just like you. We don't run SL, and we can't fix your account if there is some sort of bad corruption. There are many things we can suggest you try, to fix things that could be wrong with your computer or your viewer software, but if those don't work, the only thing you can do is to buy a one month Premium membership and file a support ticket with LL to fix the problem. Now...I want you to stop repeating "help me please". Re-read what Valerie said: Post your system specs, so we can start giving you specific advice. You can find a nice summary of the specs on the log in page. Click Help/About Second Life. Copy that information by highlighting it and hitting CTRL+C. Paste it into your message here. DO NOT START A NEW THREAD! Click the Options button at the upper right of your post, and click Edit.
  17. Peter makes a strong statement, and I'm afraid I have to agree with him. The Marketplace is more broken than it has ever been. If at all possible, don't shop there. If you must (because the merchant does not have an in world store), use the "Buy Now" button to buy things one at a time, don't use the Shopping Cart.
  18. I'm for it...but I doubt it will ever happen. For one thing, it would mean massively revamping the avatar signup and tracking process. But the real reason, I think, is that it would absolutely kill LL's user statistics. We'd finally learn that there are only 1,567 actual SL users. All the rest of you are alts.
  19. You can file an Abuse Report against the creator of the object. Use the category, "IP infringement". Importing copyrighted material into SL without permission is NOT allowed, whether the person doing so sells it or gives it away free. Mesh creators should know better...well, they DO know better, you're required to take a short course in intellectual property issues before you are allowed to upload Mesh.
  20. It's like...if you had a lot of old emails on your old computer, and didn't move them over to your new computer, and then you wiped the old computer's hard drive and sold it to a Tibetan monk on eBay... No. Next time, when it comes time to reformat your hard drive or move in to a new computer, be more careful about what you choose to copy and save.
  21. See my blog post, "How Does Babby Grow?"
  22. I encountered this in a sofa last night! changing poses a couple of times seemed to fix it.
  23. You can only check one. If you check Group, only group members can rez objects on the land. If you check Everyone, then anyone can rez objects. I would not set "object entry" to Group only. This makes life hard on aviators and anyone trying to cross your land with a vehicle.
  24. I don't have much to add, except that "ruthed", in the strict sense, refers to an older version of SL, when failure to download avatar textures resulted in your being given the default female avatar, Ruth, instead of your own. These days, when you look like a cloud or an egg, we call it "bake fail." I prefer that term, because I think associating Ruth's name with an amorphous cloud both does her a disservice and is confusing to newcomers.
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