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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. There is no technological way to absolutely defend against copying...including "no perm" items, and No Mod items with resizing scripts. The fact that the server must send data about the object to your computer in order for you to see the item means that, with the proper software, the data defining the item can be copied. (As an aside, I will add that, as a consumer, I never buy "no perm" items. The functionality is too limited, and there are plenty of merchants who will sell me either no copy items, or no transfer items.) What you can do is this: 1. Ban avatars who are known copybotters from your land and stores. 2. Abuse Report each instance of copybotting. 3. File a DMCA "takedown notice" against copybotters. Here is the procedure for that. http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php
  2. If you are using Internet Explorer as your web browser, try using Mozilla Firefox or Chrome instead.
  3. Are you over 18, and if so, are you Age Verified? You should not have been able to register for a Linden Home if you aren't, but perhaps there was a slip up. Or possibly that region is off line due to technical difficulties. Can you teleport to another Linden Home area?
  4. Both Charlotte and Rolig have given you great answers. I just want to emphasize one thing: While you may be able to rez your house temporarily in a sandbox, the only way you can really use it properly is to own, or rent, land to put it on. You can get land in several ways...go Premium, and buy a plot of land on the Mainland. Or rent a vacant plot from someone else, or buy (lease, really) a parcel of land on a private estate. I teach a class on the basics at Caledon Oxbridge University on Fridays, at 5 pm SL time...it's free to attend. Having land of your own, and a house, and other decorations, is a ton of fun...but it will cost you some money (not necessarily a lot of money, but some).
  5. Note that "Received Items" does not look like a normal folder...it's a whole section by itself, glued to the bottom of the inventory window. If your items are not in the Objects folder, in their own new folder with the name of the item, or in Received Items, then it's likely they were not delivered. Delivery can take up to a full day, although usually it's much faster. If the items are not delivered after a day, check your Transactions log to make sure that payment was taken from your account. If it was not, simply re-purchase the items. If you did pay for them, but not receive them, send a notecard or message to the seller, and include the transaction ID number. Request a re-delivery. If the merchant does not respond to repeated requests, you can file a support ticket with LL, requesting resolution of the matter.
  6. You can take up the case with LL, but in my opinion, you are hosed. If LL issued a hash ban on that computer, whatever you did was pretty awful, and if you let LL know that your current account is the same person as that diabolical criminal, they might ban it as well. I commend your desire to "go straight", but you should understand that there is a risk in doing so.
  7. As Valerie says, most debit cards aren't accepted by Linden Lab. However, you're trying to use a PayPal account, so I think that the criterion here is this: Your PayPal account must be "verified". I am not sure whether PayPal allows this with a debit card; when I verified my account, I used a separate bank account that I use only for on line transactions. See the PayPal web site for details on how to verify your account...the process will take about 5 business days.
  8. Hit Enter, type your local chat, hit Enter again to send. This works in normal view and in Mouselook.
  9. In addition to the other great answers (especially Rolig's), you can set your preferences to allow you to tp to your mouse cursor location with a simple double click...making most add-on devices like this unnecessary.
  10. You can easily change a SINGLE prim to a sculptie. Just go to the Objects tab in the Edit menu, and change the prim type from cube, or sphere, or whatever it is, to "sculpted". It will turn into a plywood apple, which is the default sculpted shape. Then drag the sculpt map you want onto the sculpt map texture window, and it will change to the shape dictated by that particular sculpt map. But it sounds like you want to change a linkset (a number of individual prims that form an object) into a single sculpty object. That can't be done, at least with the prims in your current linkset. What you would have to do is this: 1. Purchase a tool like the Prim Generator found on the Marketplace (I think there are at least two products of this type.) 2. Use the Prim Generator to make prims, and edit them and position them to create a copy of your current item. Once the item has been re-created in this fashion, click the Generate button on the Prim Generator tool. It will make a sculpt map of your assembly and send you to a website. Download the sculpt map to your hard drive, then upload it to SL. Apply the uploaded sculpt map to a new sculpted prim. This will produce a sculpty version of the model you made with ordinary prims. NOTE: These tools have a limitation on how complex a model they can handle. I suspect that none of them will let you use 210 prims to create a single sculpty...and in most cases, you wouldn't want to anyway, because of considerations like texturing and bounding boxes. You'll probably have to divide your object into several sculpties. If you're still confused, contact me in world. I'll show you how to make a sculpty, and demonstrate Prim Generator.
  11. I'm sorry...I can't help having gigglefits over the fact that Caralee Carstensz is a...car! :smileyvery-happy: If you purchased a complete avatar, the various pieces MAY be in one inventory folder with the name of that avatar. In that case, simply find the folder, right click it, and select Replace Outfit. Or, it's possible that the various pieces got sent to different folders in your inventory when you unpacked the box they came in...or you yourself sorted them into different folders. In that case, you'll have to find the pieces by looking in Body Parts, Clothing, and possibly other folders. The inventory Search function can be handy here, especially if the items all had the name of the product in their name, like "Barbie Avatar skin", etc. Once you have reassembled yourself, right click yourself, select Appearance/Edit My Outfit. Then click the Make New Outfit button and save your "look" to a new name. This outfit can then be found in the (what else?) Outfits folder. Changing your look is one of the most fun things about SL...I know some people who morph from animal to vegetable to god-knows-what ten times a day or more. So enjoy your car-ness while it lasts, and experiment with other avatars too. You may find you LIKE being a dragon, or a potted plant, at least now and then.
  12. Tariq, I suggest you file a JIRA issue on this. Go to https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?
  13. If your friend had a basic free account, it won't be deleted any time soon. If it was a Premium account, it will remain active as long as the premium fees are paid. This could be for quite a long time unless your friend's executor is aware of the account and takes steps to cancel it (as, of course, they should.) If you have land, you might consider making a memorial to your friend there. I have seen a number of such memorials here and there throughout SL. There are also some areas where you can go to remember your friend. One place I visit now and then is Angel's Church, a replica of an Anglican church. They have candles at the back, and you can light one in memory of your friend.
  14. We have two large yacht slips for rent! These slips are suitable for stationary or driveable live-aboard yachts up to about 35 meters in length. Slips have their own dedicated land parcel so you have full control of your audio and media streams. Slip rental includes access to all the amenities of the Masocado Resort, including dance club, dancing enabled sim-wide with remotes, skydiving, free jet skis and fishing boats, Seven Seas fishing, pool area, and game room. The Resort is located on open Linden Ocean waters, north of the Blake Sea and with access to perhaps the largest area in Second Life for sailing, flying, and exploring by vehicle. Rental price will depend on your prim requirements, and is calculated at $L9 per prim per calendar month. Visit the Masocado Resort at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Masocado/185/152/22 .
  15. See my blog post, "How Does Babby Grow?"
  16. Well, to start with, don't use Blender. Blender is a 3D modeling program. It's great for making Mesh objects...including clothing. But unless you are dead set on creating a Mesh dress or T-shirt, the old fashioned way of using 2D textures is much simpler, and will usually produce better results. For that, you need Photoshop, or if you don't have that, GIMP or any paint program that supports layers and transparency. Caledon Oxbridge University has a class on basic clothing design, taught on Saturdays at 3 pm SL time. There are also lots of Second Life clothing tutorials on the web. I particularly recommend the ones by Natalya Zelmanov in her "Mermaid Diaries" blog. It's a long time since she's updated that, but the tutorials are still good.
  17. I don't like "character" as a term to refer to one's Second Life presence either, but many people, of what I term the "roleplayer" philosophy, do indeed see their avatars as "characters", someone separate from their "real" self.
  18. A small postscript to Karen's excellent answer: Groups receive a 10% bonus on tier. So, if you buy your land for a group, you can own up to 1024 +102 = 1126 square meters. If each of you donates your 512 square meters of tier to the group, you will pay no tier. (You do have to initially purchase the land, of course.)
  19. To clarify Peggy's answer a bit...Linden Homes are on 512 sq meter parcels. You can have a free Linden Home, OR you can own up to 512 sq m of mainland without paying tier on it. If you own both, then you will pay tier. In this example, you would pay $5.00 per month for the extra 512 sq m. Since tier goes in steps, the 32 sq m of land you now own would also cost you $5.00 per month.
  20. It IS stipend day, istn't it? :matte-motes-smile:
  21. Well, you can upload it for free on the Beta grid, or if you have Phoenix or Firestorm, use the temporary upload feature. That way you could check and see However, it looks to me as if you haven't set the alpha channel correctly...have you saved the image with an alpha channel? And what does that look like?
  22. If you are using a laptop, the built in microphone will generally do the best job. If you are using a desktop computer, or wish to use a different mic with your laptop, I recommend a gaming headset with a boom microphone attached. This way, you will not get feedback between your speakers and your microphone.
  23. The most likely answer is that you are looking in the wrong chatlog file. If you have reinstalled the viewer, you may have forgotten to point it to your old chatlog location, and it's happily storing files in its default location. Do a Search of your computer for "chatlog" and see what shows up.
  24. You can also forward the suspicious email to security@secondlife.com
  25. Should've gotten a dog, they're a lot easier.
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