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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. Yes, I'm a bit puzzled why the OP hasn't just contacted LL if this is something that happens all the time over the years (or even if it happened just the once). We can all speculate up the wazoo but none of us are Lindens.
  2. That day when just as I was doing the last fiddling with photo sliders the region shakes and does a restart. Nooooooooooooooo. Thankfully BD doesn't lose everything with a shutdown. Gidgy Adagio did such a good job with Queensgarden for Fantasy Faire. raw screenshots
  3. Three a.m. and I'm still awake. Yippee. I came so close to making it to bed. And then. I walked from my kitchen to my bedroom and about four feet from my bed a tendon in the back of my left knee said, "Surprise!" and wrenched or something for a big OW! Seriously? Why? I was hoping it was just a little temporary thing, but no, of course not. So now I'm stoned on pain killers but still in enough pain to keep me awake. I went inworld and took some photos at Fantasy Faire. So... yay? Also I'm really bummed out by the stupid "winning the day" thing that I found out about kinda recently (yes, I am generally that clueless) and today it made it into the pet peeve thread because that stupid list just shows me I've been on the Forum too much lately. I tend to do that when I'm in major denial, depression or something like that, so now I get to do some self-analysis to see what's up and here I thought I was doing ok and even posted a kinda positive post in this thread yesterday. Piffle. So back to feeling stabby I guess.
  4. For the record, let it be shown I wasn't the one who declared it "little."
  5. Speaking of "winning"... I didn't discover that whole "winning the day" thing on our forum profiles until about a month or two ago. I just don't look at that page much and I surely don't pay attention to likes and things. (I did know the hand slaps from the monitors are there though O.o.) Anyway, that winning the day thing really bugs me. I know there are people who live for likes, as I've been IMed by a few of them because I failed to like their photos. Oy. So to those people it probably sounds like a humble brag or something, but when I see I've "won" the day it just says to me I'm spending too much time on the Forum. Several times? Uhhhhhh. Wow. I really don't need to know this stuff. I truly wish they'd get rid of that. Is anyone really motivated by that thing?
  6. Well, I was thinking a laugh, a like and a sad face, to several of these last comments. It is funny because it is true; it is so, so sad because it is true.
  7. Yikes. I used to live in the Bay Area and it never got to 100 except maybe once or twice in August or something. ETA: Our temps have been bouncing all over and Saturday we may get... snow. Effing...snow. Sigh.
  8. I can one up you on the pathetic. I live in such a small place that there aren't ANY Chipotles for miles around! I think the closest one is over an hour's freeway drive away! I haven't had Chipotle in eons, and I like them. :::sniffle::: We get roadkill stands with maple syrup for dunking...
  9. The negative comments, while some of them are amusing, are also huh? OK, not interested in watching it, why snark? (And this comes from someone whose native language is Snark.) This reminds me of a Facebook page I used to follow. Remember Facebook? (See? Snark!) The page was for an admittedly guilty-pleasure tv show that I follow and of which I'm a mild fan. A post would go up and inevitably 50% of the comments would be, "Oh I hate this show!" or "Why does anyone watch this piece of crap?" and so on, which made 25% of the comments, "If you don't like it and don't watch it, why post about it here?" And 25% of the comments to ignore the other 75% and just post, "OH, I love this show I'm so excited about xyz!" People, am I rite?
  10. It does look fun and interesting. Please note that you *have to* (according to the article) be running a new viewer release to see the show. It is viewer - CEF Special. I couldn't find anything much about the release except it is a ... new release for a special client. Inara Pey had a little something on her blog about it. I suppose we should all expect it, and be used to it, but I rolled my eyes at the article's, "Remember Second Life?..." ETA: It really is a shame that considerations weren't made for viewers outside of the North/South American time zones.
  11. Good guess, but I'd say "not" since you get the message "you pay your money..." One way to check would be to check the purchase log to see who it went to.
  12. Fauve, everything looked really great but I'm curious about the tea(?) coffee(?). How do you make the little colored circles of what is it?
  13. I just found this terrific link (Thanks Washington Post!). There's a cookbook out there called "Good and Cheap" and it won the James Beard Award in 2015. It is about eating for about $4 per day, and for people on SNAP benefits (food stamps). You can buy it on Amazon BUT it is now available as a free pdf in both English and Spanish. The recipes look really yummy, not just the usual "buy crap in bulk" suggestions for eating cheaply. And while it isn't for dinner tonight, as I'm going to let the chicken marinate overnight, tomorrow I'll have the Filipino Chicken Adobo from the pdf version.
  14. Wow. I hate gachas in general and will tend to by what I want off of resellers. The big exception is if I don't really care what color or whatever is being offered. But what you describe is a new low. The snarky "you pay your money..." is like adding salt to the wound! I am not a TOS expert (at all, not even close) but that seems like it smacks of pure gambling.
  15. For me, just skip to the ultra safe and we're good.
  16. I just saw a Facebook reference to murder hornets and TP and I totally didn't get the joke. Uh oh...
  17. Cool, I didn't know that about the invisible hand slaps! Maybe I can collect a whole set? You've been around for a while, you know I could do it.
  18. @LittleMe Jewell ugh, headaches are The Worst. Well, if not THE worst, they are pretty effing bad. I rarely get them (thank gawd) but when I do I would gladly exchange them for the pain of my knee sliding out of joint for a while. Maybe it is the pain you know? Hmmm :::ponder:::: Hope yours decides to vacate and soon. (I was going to make a joke about "before you go barking mad but figured it would be inappropriate.)
  19. Jason is lovely, no doubt. But I'll take Nathan for the hugs please. What can I say? I've already admitted I like folks who put extra U's in words... He's Canadian
  20. As others have mentioned, there were several old, old posts brought to life by the spammer. Many of them only a page or so long. You know what? As an oldbie I found it grand to reread some of them. There are lots of names and faces I have seen or thought about for years. Then there are the ones that are still here, and that made me grin, too. The spammer is, as they used to say pre-politically correct dats, a poster-child for abortion, but some of the fallout, like these short, old threads, is kinda nice in small doses. @Beth Macbain, aw, I understand completely why you'd be paranoid about being doxxed. When I was being trolled here, there, everywhere (possibly still am, I just don't see it), I worried about that too, because there WAS a direct line from someone I shouldn't have trusted with my info to the trolls. It never happened. I doubt very seriously that you have divulged anything that would get back to your idiots.
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