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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. Ikr? I was trying to figure out who all of them were and I couldn't get more than five I think. Really, ten would be ideal. Then we could get decimated somehow, like if I get removed again, I'd get decimated! The real definition of the word! I dunno. You wanna know what really sucks? You know in the pet peeve thread about the "winning"? Well this 23rd hour frantic back-and-forthing in this stoopid thread I think has me pushed me into #2 for the 6th and so far #1 for the 7th. (I have no idea what time zone they are using. GMT?) Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Demmit. I need a shower now. BUT the Hateful Undetermined Number be all like:
  2. I want to reply with something clever and a tad snarky and definitely dramatic, but I can't. That's a very nice post. Sigh. I literally cringed when I read that I'm in the overall rankings. Oh ffs. Noooooooooooooo. I have cooties! And then you analyzed the numbers? More oh ffs & add a facepalm. I am glad to know I've given out more than I've received, for some reason. I guess it is because of all those people who IMed me complaining I didn't like their photos and it wasn't fair... I know there are people out there who do care, so... here's your points. ? Gosh. That really is a nice post, Lindal. :::sniffle::: ETA: I didn't know where you got the stats from. So today I learned there's yet ANOTHER section! I never noticed it there below the "winning" button. So, yeah, I looked at the reputation breakdown and now I'm wondering how many of the 😄 I got were actually sarcasm (that's been a big topic lately).
  3. You won't get an argument from me on that, either. I think our election season is too long. I think the way the primaries are done, with Iowa and NH with a combined population of 42 and some cows calling the early shots is stupid. The electoral college is past its usefulness. Voting from home. Then there is gerrymandering and all sorts of other issues. So, yup, I think there's lots of places for change. I ain't holding my breath on that, either.
  4. Hm. I am not an epidemiologist (I can't even spell it without correction), but if you take a middle number of 750 for the people who tested positive as I stated, and 15 as the deaths, then that's a 2% morbidity rate? But that's just people who tested positive for the virus, not the people who actually got COVID, so if that is the morbidity rate (sigh, I should look it up, but I don't wanna)... 15 deaths/COVID cases, it would be higher than 2%.
  5. Yes. Yes. And you are correct that the fallout from homelessness and depression is going to be huge. There's a whole nuther discussion about just how ill prepared our mental health system is for all the people needing help. It was already in horrid shape. Yes, people will die. Not arguing that. Yes. And if I had a grandmother I could, too. There are a lot of people who can make reasonable choices. However, I believe the number of absolute idiots out there who could mess up everyone are in higher numbers than people who won't do that. I have next to zero faith in humans and their ability to be intelligent. I believe you share that view. Oh sure, they CAN but my faith in businesses to be anything other than bottom-line, short-term greedy is less than my next to zero faith in humans, as stated above. There are too many examples of that being true, and one that instantly comes to mind is that Smithfield plant. I think the approach to self-distance, etc. isn't made to prevent a single COVID-19 death (although that would be nice), I think a lot of it is because nobody knows what the heck is going on, the information and data changes daily and so social isolation does work to prevent the spread and you go with that until something else comes along that makes as much sense. If anyone is NOT worried about the economy, well, that's just silly too. But it is pitting projection against projection. Projecting COVID deaths by opening up the economy too soon verus projecting deaths due to suicide, drug abuse, domestic violence, etc. NO ONE knows. I don't. You don't. There are some better guesses, and none of them involve injecting disinfectants or taking anti-malarials...
  6. Totally not consensual, invading my space, and akin to assault. Oh. Right. Her rights go past my nose in her world.
  7. The numbers vary, like everywhere else, but the Smithfield plant in SD had 700-800 people test positive for the virus. I couldn't find reliable numbers (I only tried a so-so amount) for the number of people who contracted COVID-19 or the ones who died from it, but obviously those numbers are far less than 700-800. The plant, btw, employs something like 1500 people. And is in what people in SD call an urban area. It was a densely packed area (no pun intended).
  8. I'm guessing you are part of the flock that she's muted so we won't get an answer. Because there's nothing like a good conversation/debate, eh?
  9. FDR is said to have had polio, but there is some debate about that now. He didn't die of polio. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage, that might have been due to cancer.
  10. I'm one of those big meanies (notorious now, huh? cool). It was due to this thread and easy to find out why I was muted. And... ... uttered in the same breath as talking about how many people she's muted. "Good conversation" means "agrees with me." Likewise "debate" means "If I say something totally ludicrous you can't point out the ludicrous or else I'll call you a troll." There sure seems to be a lot of that popping up here lately. Funny, there are people who ARE capable of having a conversation and a debate. The ones who mute tend to be the ones calling people names, like mean, unfunny, and trolls.
  11. And those same people never saw the horrors of polio, or other diseases that we did have quelched due to vaccine efficacy. My much older sister got a mild case of polio and that was bad enough.
  12. With this statement ^^^ of course I agree. Second-term Reagan had people around him who kept him from being perceived as totally off his trolly. Biden isn't my first or even second or even third choice but I will vote for him for sooooo many reasons, most of them being, "Not Trump." You get 10 points for using "vociferous" in a Forum post and bonus points for using it correctly. Biden says idiotic things but they are not near the idiotic things Trump spews. Biden makes gaffs. Trump wants you to inject disinfectant. I mean ffs, Trump makes me long for the brilliance of W. Yup. But in the better of evils, pretty much anything (except maybe Pence) is better than Trump. Yay...
  13. Thanks. If you had your kids immunized then I would say the answer to my question of are you an anti-vaxxer is "No." I understand the concern about the economy. At this point, with numbers still coming in and shifting daily, and that we've not had this kind of "thing" in this circumstance... I understand the concern. I don't think there's enough proof one way or another. I do believe the experts who say opening too soon will kill more people. Will more people die of starvation in the US due to the economy? I'd *guess* not, and I see you are citing Africa, Asia... etc for the starvation. And no I'm not saying that American lives are better than African lives or something twisty like that. But if you're talking opening the American economy up to prevent American starvation... I had to look up SJW.
  14. Yes, that is concerning as well. It has been shown that this POTUS pays way too much attention to entertainment tv, some of it masquerading as news. And fictional tv shows always have this plot line where vaccines are created in hours or days and miraculously save everyone. I think a lot of the general public has this kind of expectation and hope. (No, I don't have hard numbers to support that belief, but that belief goes hand in hand with other stupid things people think all of the time based on tv shows.) I think there is pressure to appease that expectation and hope by moving too fast, and there absolutely could be consequences to that.
  15. Huh? I was addressing your statement about SD and other low populated states, and yes, while SD is low population it did also have a huge cluster at the Smithfield plant. So, I'm not quite sure what point I proved further? And as far as that plant goes, if they couldn't/wouldn't protect their employees better than they did then yes, that plant should have shut down. Have you read about that plant? It was pretty bad. Smithfield doesn't have a great record in employee conditions anyway. I don't know what they processed there, but they do make great bacon... and I wouldn't call it essential.
  16. @Tolya Ugajin I know you are fiscally conservative, but are you an anti-vaxxer as well?
  17. However, the Smithfield factory in SD, which didn't practice any kind of reasonable protective measures against the coronavirus, had at least at one time the biggest cluster of coronavirus cases in the country... There are lies, damnable lies, and statistics.
  18. Just in case you missed it, Sassy, the person posting the sheep etc. is an anti-vaxxer. She's calling informed, responsible people sheep...
  19. Really. And isn't that what anti-vaxxers are doing? They are just in a smaller flock, and a flock that eschews science, and a flock that denies evidence, and a flock that laughs at statements like "your rights end at the tip of my nose." Do YOUR rights extend past MY nose? Then guess what sweety, it works in reverse if that's the kind of world you want to live in. Your flock dislikes logic as well. Sorry that is mean and unfunny. I will lose sleep. ETA: And please note, the edit is in clear site and flagged. Concept. I would wager a guess that Edward R. Murrow would be appalled at the FLOCK that has elected THIS particularly vicious pack of wolves to govern. Good quote, but wrong target for your little argument, if you can call it an argument.
  20. Oh right. *That* thing... sigh. Not right now you can't.
  21. I've tried mooshing them through the USB ports to no avail. Or blowing smoke up... well...
  22. If I ever get into the overall rankings, just... kill me. I'm pretty sure I know what it would entail for me to get into those vaunted realms, and I don't think it would be pretty. The photo made me literally LoL though, and it speaks to why you are Forum Royalty. /me kneels to Mistress Scylla! bwahahahahahahaha ETA: Precisely, 4 times in about a week? Zomg. I need to up my medication...
  23. It just literally makes me facepalm and feel like I should just put on mittens so I can't type. I don't lose sleep over it (although my sleep HAS been screwy, hmmm...). It makes me uncomfortable and itchy.
  24. I think your picks are in the correct order if you want fashion availability and a slim figure. My avatar has a Maitreya body (Genus head, although I've used Lelutka and AK in the past with good results... Catwa didn't give me the look I wanted. The Genus is the most "mooshable" imho. But then you're not looking for a head.) My avatar definitely doesn't have big boobs or butt. You run into trouble if you try to make a relatively small cup size as the boobs start looking like deflated balloons. Compared with a lot of avatars, though, the Maitreya does let you go "slight" by SL definitions.
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