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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. We're being TARGETED for snow within 24 hours! ffs I stayed at a couple of places in Ireland that had frost inside. It was the late 1990s. I need to eat and this thread has made me hungry. Was that its intent? I do love the forumites when they stick together and TARGET a problem, like what to have for dinner. Hive mind at its best. The picture is Roseanne Roseannadanna, by Gilda Radner (RIP), in early Saturday Night Live skits.
  2. Yeah, a nice stir fry. There's even a soy sauce thread in the forum. A little butter and brown sugar (or maple syrup) and a saute of that banana for dessert. Or you could go with the noodles, cheese, pepperoni and broccoli. You have a wealth of choices!
  3. I read it on the Internet, so it must be true. ETA: Oh right. Forgot about the stealth edits. LoL. Just assume "stupid comment" and it all makes sense.
  4. Ugh... is there nothing this administration does that doesn't look like at the top of the project description, in big, bold letters is: Let's Eff this up and make it the most convoluted, shady, deceitful project EVER! So Project Airbridge was supposed to be about getting PPE supplies to where it was needed, ASAP. Noble goal, right? Give credit where it is due, etc, right? Well apparently it is shrouded in so much secrecy and possible corporate-government corruption, and is reported with inflated "success" numbers by Trump/Pence, that just reading about Airbridge make you feel like you need a shower. What the actual eff? Every effing day it is a new lie, a new bit of incompetency, a new... something. One event pushes the last out of memory. Years of this leave us numb to it, moving it to "business as usual" cynicism and demoralization. States don't have a clue even if they ARE receiving things from Airbridge! ffs A short snip from the middle of the article: Kevin Klein, director of the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency, also wanted answers about how supplies were being distributed when he read in news reports that FEMA would direct shipments to certain counties. “No transparency. No communication with the states,” Klein wrote on April 6 to a regional FEMA director in an email released through a public records request. “Kept us out there fighting for supplies. It may have been effective 6 weeks ago, but now? What is really going on?” If you have the stomach for it, and have the time (it is a long one) the special report here (don't know if you need a subscription or not for this one).
  5. Oh, perfect analogy. And it brings back fond memories, sorry Fred.
  6. Arse over tea kettle? Yeah, no. Not quite ass backwards... We always say it bass ackwards.
  7. I thought the drawing was a girl sniffing her armpit. (Seriously.) And only reading your text did I see the blushing. Thus proving... something. Like I need to do the dishes.
  8. /me targets @Tolya Ugajin, hoping he'll get himself in trouble by being targeted :::fingers crossed:::
  9. I wanted to reply with a laugh emoji but figured it would be taken as sarcastic. You made me laugh, although I think you got the wording a bit wrong from Cristiano's "processed to high hell" 😄 I also really liked the photo! So you got a ♥ on it and a chuckle over your words.
  10. Oh, so many thoughts, so few words. I have to say I agree with everyone who has responded, right down the line (and gave you the likes to prove it), and that like never happens, am I right? So few of us ever agree on anything all at once, as Tolya and his analogy of a bar described. Heck, Tolya and I go way back to disagreeing with each other, with the rare burst of agreeing with each other, with a smattering of high spirited jokes inbetween. Targeting? Nah. Not in this iteration of the Forum. Years ago? Oh yeah. But night/day on what was allowed then and now. Taking things off Forum is a mixed bag. The rules themselves say "Take the personal crap to IM" (I believe that's a direct quote?). Well, that can be fine for a minor tiff, but as someone above mentioned, it can also be some major ******* behavior. Taking it off SL, to say, Flickr is just being an as5hole, and a good way to get banned from Flickr if it is done maliciously AND stupidly (emphasis on STUPID). Fun fact I just Googled about "crocodile tears" which for some reason came to mind upon reading the thread topic: Crocodile tears is a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. The phrase derives from an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey, and as such is present in many modern languages, especially in Europe where it was introduced through Latin. I also recently learned, thanks to another thread, that those sarcastic 😄 that some people get so bent out of shape over? (And others think will just bring folks to their knees when applied?) That the 😄 , sarcastic or otherwise, gives the person receiving the 😄 positive reputation points, which I think is a bit of hilarious karma. Oh, and being "targeted" makes the target get into trouble? Hahaha, no. If the so-call target gets themselves hand slapped by the mods, suspended, or banned it is only the so-called target's fault for apparently acting like an a55hole. If the one doing the so called targeting walks away smelling like a rose? Probably the target did something to be a target and by getting in trouble just proves it.
  11. Fabulous, fabulous styling here. I also have a soft spot for Loligoth and never pull it off this well. Ooooooh. Boy did you nail the color and lighting on this. Did you Photoshop the rain or was that particle? And whoever mentioned the gunk on the wheelbarrow was right, that's a fabulous touch, either by you or the designer. I had not thought of the being a ghost effect. I have some old photos that I did inworld using a ghost avatar, that came out "ok." But only ok. They were inspired by a song and just never quite hit right. I may have to add this in as one of my next PShop projects. Just... wow. And adding in the light stand in the foreground really adds to this. I actually took a piece of paper to the monitor (I'm that much of a nerd) and "cropped" that foreground out and the photo was just not as good. Very intriguing. If I can ever get my avatar out of Fantasy Faire (or heck, right now out of Queensgarden region) I'll need things to do.
  12. Beth and I sometimes talk in Taylor gifs. She once stated that there's a Taylor gif for everything. She was right! For hair flipping, flouncing and angry snakes, there's a ton of 'em. Here's the one you were thinking of, I think:
  13. Samin Nosrat had a segment on Japanese traditionally made soy sauce. It is fermented in oak barrels for years. And it is a dying art there. It was an interesting watch on Netflix, Salt Fat Acid Heat.
  14. Same. 😄 ETA: I don't even crop in another program. I do it with the viewer.
  15. Sweetness, go back and read my comment. Or heck I'll snip it here. Note that I didn't say you were referring to me. At all. Just like there was no PS hate at all in that thread. I also didn't ID the troll of the moment... so... but be my guest in accepting the title.
  16. Today is my day for really not having the right emoji responses at my disposal. /me pats your head and "there, there"s you. (Note, it isn't spelled their, their in this case, which is a reference to a deleted subthread in which hilarity ensued.) Forum WWIX was so last decade. On a Thursday. You might need to flounce gif. We're all cranky, tis true. And weird sheet be happening. Have you ever wonder what the species of bug it is that causes so much problems in butts? (I highly suggest NOT Googling it.)
  17. Ahhh, to the troll of the moment: No one in "that" thread said anything about hating Photoshopped images or the people who make them. At all. And it is perfectly fine to like raw screenshots. It is perfectly fine to like processed shots. They are two different things. Both can be done well. Both can be done poorly. Hey, I think that was even said on "that" thread. Nice try on the troll though.
  18. We need a blush emoji. And thank you. And that stuff makes me itch, too. N stuff.
  19. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I viewed your picture, because this caption made me laugh out loud. 😄 And I like you in pink and black and probably both at once. ETA: And I don't think you post-processed that to high hell. Not even close. And, I feel like I have to disclaimer all over the place because... well, because... but I don't dislike Photoshopped images. I don't think "raw" are better. They are two different things. Both can be done well, superbly even, and both can be done not so much that.
  20. spam without fins or feathers, but still at Fantasy Faire, still at Queensgarden, and still can't sleep These both have the "theme" of pensively waiting, hopefully with a tad of foreboding, cuz: why not?
  21. Me too, for the most part. 99% of mine don't have any post-production. For a variety of reasons. I'd like to say that it is because I'm strictly a purist, but it is more like I stink at Photoshop. I'm slowly learning PS, but I hope I don't get to the point where the images are PS to high hell. But yeah, I definitely enjoy the "raw screenshot" groups in Flickr the most. ETA: And with Black Dragon viewer I feel I have even less of a need for PS.
  22. You're a newbie? For some reason that makes me smile. And besides the thank you emoji, I just wanted to say thank you for cleaning up the extraneous bits on this thread, and not shutting it down. I'm a little prejudiced as the OP, but I do think this thread has value since most of us are going somewhat stressed (nuts) because of this whole COVID-19 "thing."
  23. Good god. I read it as mm, just because... that was bad enough. Jeebus. :::very careful hug:::
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