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Erik Kundiman

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    The Kundiman

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  1. And thank you, all for giving it a try, and for the feedback! I really appreciate it. 😊 Things are getting fixed when there is time. It helps to know if it works there on system configurations I haven't got access to in order to test them myself. About Kokua, I'm glad if I could be of any help there too. 😇 About LL viewer, Megapahit isn't planned to stay vanilla on the outside forever, but yeah it's going to take a while until it's starting to not look like the SL viewer. 😃 There are just so many tasks with higher priorities on the list. 🥲
  2. You mean like this? https://my.secondlife.com/cyrotic
  3. It does, as shown on this video. https://megapahit.net/downloads/AppleSilicon.mp4 I set the minimum macOS requirement to macOS 12 Monterey. I'm sorry to hear it doesn't run on your computer. Maybe you tried to run it on macOS 11 Big Sur.. I don't know I didn't fork Kokua, I forked the official Second Life Viewer. I do a full build including linking with arm64 versions of all the libraries needed for the viewer to run. Yes, I know about the Dayturn viewer, that's why I mentioned how you have much more experience in viewer developments than I do. Just like you cross-compile an x86-64 viewer from your Apple Silicon Mac.
  4. Greetings. Please allow me to continue a topic that was discussed in a previous thread entitled "Viewer on Apple M3, M3 Pro, M3 Max CPUs". I just thought maybe even at this quick-and-dirty stage of the viewer development, some people might already find the arm64 build useful. I know, some users already have their Apple Silicon Macs performing well for SL through Rosetta 2. And I know, in most (if not all) cases, one wouldn't use this viewer as their main like they do with other viewers out there that are established, as this one is really still vanilla but with less features and more bugs 😜 But just maybe, there's such a situation where your Apple Silicon Mac is not performing too well with any viewer, and that you have no other computer to log in to SL with. Then maybe by having it native, it helps. Or maybe not. I don't know. Cause I can't test this build myself, as I don't have any Apple Silicon Mac. I cross-compiled it from my Intel Mac (hence the prohibition sign shown on the image I attached, meaning I can't run it on my own system). I'm also assuming that some people are still looking for such a build, and that it's not available yet (I could be wrong, yes). It's just something I conclude from reading other threads in this forum. With that assumption, the new thing with this build is just that. The arm64 architecture. But, it's still using OpenGL like the SL viewer it is forked from, so it's not using Metal yet, neither directly nor indirectly. And as pointed out by Henri Beauchamp and Gavin Hird (both who have much more experience in viewer developments than I do), and also concluded from a test conducted by a friend (though he's not really an SL player), this build may not give you much (if any) performance boost because of it. But then at least we realise, having it native is still not enough, that we still need to work on using a newer graphics API. And at least you have one more viewer for comparisons or reference, or to dissect, or to borrow the dynamic libraries.. Up to you. I realise, I don't have any reputation here (I'm an old resident, but new to this forum and new to viewer developments), that you might not trust my build enough. But, you could try to find my name on the Kokua project (only added this year), so Kokua users should already trust me in a way 😉 I started this one as a personal project, after I was finished with Kokua's Linux port big task, so it's only been a few months. I have applied for the viewer to be listed on the TPV directory, but it's still being reviewed. And, I have my macOS builds notarised by Apple (it's an automatic process, not a manual review), so your macOS Gatekeeper should say that the app contains no malware. Anyway, you can find the build on the website https://megapahit.net There's also a link there to the source code main repository (while its mirror is one of SL GitHub forks), just in case you still don't trust the binary and want to build it yourself 😄 Thank you 🙂
  5. He got it from me! 🥳 Cause I can't test it myself. I guess I've only been relying on the info as shown on the attached image (can also be done from a non macOS) to be able to tell the architectures.. I haven't done any further investigations. Yes! It's been such a handy library. 😀 Ah yes, I've read about it.. Well done! 🙌 Ah! It makes much more sense now. Thank you! So much for the efforts to get a running native build, then.. 🥲
  6. I happen to have got a friend with an M1 & 8GB, who has tested a native macOS arm64 build for me (I don't have any Apple Silicon mac). From the image, you can see his mac's specs, though the floater doesn't say anything about whether it's native or through Rosetta 2 (but it is native, one could run the file or lipo command on any of its binaries to confirm). The thing is, he said running the native one didn't feel any faster than running its x86-64 counterpart emulated. There hasn't been any special effort to further improve the performance on Apple Silicon, let alone any macOS architecture, indeed. He had the graphics level set to High, and his movements were still okay. It could reach a slightly higher FPS than the SL viewer when rendering with more or less the same quality (and much higher at some other time but I think the graphics quality was being affected), but on SL viewer it was heavier.. at least according to his reports. I think the graphics quality on SL viewer is still better, nevertheless. So it's either Rosetta 2 is that good, or the arm64 binary results from the cross-compiling are somehow not good enough yet 🙃
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