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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. That's one of those heavily researched questions. If I read the current literature correctly, you are at least partly right. There probably is a genetic component. Of course, in your case, you also had the advantage of growing up among talented artists who encouraged you, showed you how to polish your latent skills, and were there to commiserate when things went wrong. So it's a little of both genetics and the home environment. In my case, I grew up with a father and sister who were very talented artists and a mother who was not, and nobody with a particular interest in math or the sciences. What this tells us, of course, is that (1) the influences of genetics and environment are hard to untangle and (2) you really can't reach much of a conclusion by looking at just two cases.
  2. This is certainly true. We tell kids that they can be anything that they set their minds to, but that's baloney (and any kid can see through that). Some people have a talent for words, some can draw, some have a mind for numbers, and some are way more coordinated physically than the rest of us. Just because you're not the best at something, though, doesn't mean you're totally out of the game. I have always felt that I have a knack for math. It's one of the things that drew me into a career in the sciences and helps me be -- speaking humbly -- a pretty good scripter in SL. Still, I have known a few people who are really good at math and can run circles around me, and I have known a few truly impressive scripters (like Void Singer, who held my hand as I tiptoed into LSL years ago). It's very humbling. If I had let that discourage me from doing the best that I can, though, I would have missed out on a lot of fun research and wouldn't being having nearly as much fun in SL. The point is that we not only have different talents but we all have our own limits, and what we end up being able to do depends on how much we decide to exercise the talents we have.
  3. On your dashboard at secondlife.com, open the page for Land Manager >>> Land Use Fees You'll find a handy calculator that will help you calculate what the extra amount of land that you want to buy will cost you in monthly land fees. Look to the bottom of the page and click the appropriate button to increase your limit to the amount that you plan to add. If you are hoping to get a Traditional theme Linden Home or a Houseboat in Bellisseria, you will need to be able to buy 1024 sq m more land than you currently own. If you hope to get a Camping Trailer there, you will need to be able to buy 512 sq m. Your Premium land fee waiver will pay for land fees on the first 1024 sq m of the total amount that you own. Any amount above that will be billed to your payment method.
  4. For a lot of basic operations, just stroll through the LSL wiki's FUNCTIONS pages, looking at examples. Many of those are also listed among others on the EXAMPLES site. You can also look in the wiki's Library for more complex sample scripts. Most of the examples that you find in those places were written by competent scripters who have a feel for good practice, The same cannot be said for a lot of other scripts that you find in freebie libraries in world or on the web. As you have noticed, most specialized scripts for the sorts of operations that you might really want to copy modify are no-mod, for good reason. They were written for very specific applications, they took some skilled scripter a lot of time to polish, and they were written for a price. If you have enough experience to write scripts of that complexity, you probably don't need more than an occasional basic example of some odd function to remind you of a detail here or there.
  5. It is, and that's part of the appeal. Someone started another thread the other day, asking what keeps us logging in here day after day. In my own response, I forgot to mention the obvious: I come here because SL is a gigantic puzzle. Over the years, I have marveled over the way that some people view the steep learning curve here as a negative, as if it's some fatal flaw. Say, what? This Second Life, for crying out loud! How much of First Life have you figured out? I have been alive for many decades, getting smarter every day, and there are times when I swear that I am pleased that I know how to tie my own shoes. Why should Second Life be any different? Would it be as intriguing and challenging without mysterious buttons, unwritten instructions, and scripts in Mongolian? To put it simply, one of the big reasons I keep coming in world is that I know that I will find a new puzzle every day. The ones that I solved last year keep changing, too, so I have to go back and relearn them. It's marvelous. If I ever get SL so completely figured out that it becomes boring, I'll quit.
  6. If you are using Firestorm, have you installed the current viewer yet?
  7. If you are new to scripting, probably the best thing you can do for yourself is to spend a few hours with basic tutorials >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial . Scripting is not really about syntax. It's about logic. To begin in any new language, you need to first get a feel for the basic flow of logic in it -- in this case, LSL's system of using events and states to define blocks in which specific segments of your task will take place, and the way it distinguishes between local variables and global ones. Once you understand that, the rest is a matter of looking up the individual functions that you need to use to express the logic of your task. All of the LSL functions are in the wiki >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Functions . Once you have practiced for a while, you won't have to look up the more common functions any more. Even when you become a seasoned scripter, you'll still need to check the wiki for functions that you only use occasionally.
  8. Read up? Everything you need to know is right there in that little example. The logic is the same as if you were incrementing numbers with a pencil and paper: Step 1: Pick a starting number Step 2: Add +1 to it. Step 3: Do something with the new number if you really want to Step 4: Add +1 to it again, and go back to Step 3 and so on. Every time you add +1, just check to be sure that the new number isn't too big. If it is, go back to Step 1 again. That's all there is to it. No magic.
  9. It doesn't make any difference what you are actually changing. The logic is precisely the same. Make a global integer counter, MyCounter = 51, then touch_start(integer num) { if (MyCounter > 65 ) //Reset MyCounter if it gets bigger than 65 { MyCounter = 50; // Start over at 50, which will become 51 in a second ... } ++MyCounter; // Increment MyCounter by +1 // Now do something important with MyCounter }
  10. touch_start(integer num) { vector MyPos = llGetLocalPos(); // Fuind where the object is now if (MyPos.y > 1.0) // Reset Y coordinate if you've already moved too far { MyPos.y = -0.05; // So the next movement will place the object at MyPos.y = 0.0 } llSetPos( MyPos + (<0.0, 0.05, 0.0> * llGetLocalRot())); // Move the object 0.05 units to the right } Since you are scripting a HUD, you should probably take a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Creating_HUDs
  11. Is this happening on all furniture or only on a specific piece of furniture? Does it happen everywhere, or just on one region? Does it happen if you use the standard LL viewer, or only when you use Firestorm? Does it only happen with furniture, or are you having trouble with other scripted objects that are supposed to present menus?
  12. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Department_of_Public_Works
  13. Fortunately, you have more than coordinates to tell you if you are in your own house. The doors of a new Linden Home won't open for anyone except the owner or someone that the owner has put on her access list -- unless, of course, the owner has set the doors for ANYONE to open them, which not very many people are likely to do. So, if you can open the doors of a Linden Home, it's probably your house. To double check, if it's your house, you can use the control panel inside the door too. (Yeah, I know, it still couldn't hurt to check the address also. 😏 )
  14. Premium or Basic doesn't make a difference. If you own the parcel ( or re renting and have rez permission as a group member), you should be able to rez things. You may find it difficult to rez on mesh floors in some houses -- a matter of how well the builder created the physics of the house. If so, rez things outside and drag them in, at least until you have a rug to rez things on. You may also have problems if you rez large things close enough to the property line that they overlap on a neighbor's parcel.
  15. I just throw stuff into whatever folders make sense at the moment, and leave. Every once in a while, I put on hip waders and slog through the mess to see what lovely things I may have buried and forgotten. Other than those times, I find that I really only pay attention to things that I have added within the past few months. On rare occasions, I start to worry that maybe there's too much old forgotten stuff, so I go in with a shovel and toss things that don't look familiar any more. I've been doing this for years and my inventory has stayed within a couple of thousand items of 37K. Organization is highly overrated.
  16. The rule is simply a way for Linden Lab to discourage people from creating an "army of alts" (their words). It isn't something to get overly anxious about unless you were hoping to create a dozen throwaway accounts and go into the wholesale griefing business. If that's what you were planning to do, and if your griefing business caught the Lab's attention, you'd have more to worry about than whether you had violated a 5-alt limit. As others have said, Linden Lab has much better things to do than count how many alts you have. They haven't enforced that rule rigidly in the 12+ years I have been here.
  17. LIttleMe could be my alt, but she isn't. In fact, I have never met her except here in the forums. I retired to SL in 2007 and discovered that I can do anything I please here (as long as it isn't something nasty) and that I can be as sociable or non-sociable as I like. There are enough things to do, places to explore, and ways to be creative that there's no reason to feel stuck with someone else's idea of what make SL fun. LittleMe and I can spend hours scripting and dabbling with other ways to be creative all by ourselves without needing to deal with crowds of other people, or we can sit with a few friends and chat. If we decide to head to a crowded venue, we can be as anonymous as we like -- an introvert's paradise. As far as I am concerned, the biggest selling points for SL are: 1. I get to do things that I find interesting and can ignore the rest. 2. I don't have to tell anyone anything about myself unless I really want to, so I can be as anonymous as I wish. 3. I have an inexhaustible wealth of places to visit and activities to experience, and loads of potential friends. 4. I can leave at any time by simply clicking a little X in the upper right corner of my screen. Oh yes, and I can fly. 😎
  18. Could be. He's a really slow swimmer. IIRC, though, I saw one in one of the lakes in the new camping trailer regions too. Maybe someone's pet released into the wild?
  19. When I joined in 2007, "Loon" was one of the available options for a last name. It seemed just offbeat enough to suit me, and it appealed to my love of being alone in the woods and lakes in my part of the world. "Rolig" is more aspirational. In Swedish, it means "funny", as in a funny story. In Danish, it means "calm". I don't think of myself as either funny or calm in RL, but I have always admired people who can be. Besides, it's unusual enough that I was pretty sure I would be unique in SL. As it turns out, a few people have since found ways to incorporate "Rolig" into parts of their names, but I and my alt (Rolig Resident) are the only real Roligs. That suits me just fine. I have found that a lot of people assume that I must have misspelled my name (or maybe they are not careful readers). I have been called "Rolling," "Roly", "Rolo", and many other things. I find it all funny. And I am quite calm about it. Incidentally, as a tangential bit of history, science fiction author Keith Laumer once wrote a delightful short story in his Retief series that he set on the imaginary world of Roolit. Laumer was a retired member of the US Foreign Service and had been posted in Scandinavia, so was familiar with the languages. His Roolit world was the sort of quirky place that I have found many times in SL. I swear that my own name was not derived from his story, which I read some time later, but it's a nice parallel. (BTW, "Rolig" is pronounced Roolig with a very soft g -- almost like an H. When used to modify a masculine noun, it becomes roligt --- hence Laumer's Roolit. )
  20. We mermaidy types have seen that fish (or his cousins) in many places. He's colorful but reclusive. This one is along the north coast of Pickle Island, if I remember correctly, (Edit: I misremembered. It's on the shore in Myopia Falls, across from Axim. ) and I have seen them down the west coast near Picards Wharf and -- I believe - somewhere near Light Of Aurelia.
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