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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. If you haven't already done it, try using StopAllAnimations. The language is different in every viewer, but you ought to be able to find it in whatever menu is in the extreme upper left of your screen Me (or Avatar) >>> Avatar Health >> Stop All Animations. I'm worried in your case only because you seem to have logged out and then back in again since the problem started. Normally, that will clear a sit problem by itself. Since it isn't doing that, I suspect that you are wearing a scripted object that is forcing you into a sit animation. Open your inventory and look to see what you are wearing. Everything should be listed in the Worn tab. If you see anything unfamiliar, take it off. If you don;t see anything that you can't identify, then start taking off EVERYTHING, one item at a time. (Don't worry about your system clothes. They can't be scripted. Do be suspicious of hair, prim clothing, face lights, ... )
  2. Good idea. I think we can figure this one out if we can each see what the other one is talking about. :smileywink:
  3. Rolig Loon

    zombie bite

    Ooooo! Gotta try that.
  4. That's odd. I have counter scripts on two sims that record parcel traffic and send me a weekly report by IM. Those reports have been reaching me every Saturday midnight without fail for well over a year, forwarded to my e-mail. Maybe you have a sim with a funky server.
  5. If a region is off line for maintenance, you will get that message. You will also get it if the region no longer exists. Both situations are very common in SL. This is a world of constant change. One way to tell if the region is simply off line temporarily is to look for it in your Map view. If it's there, but inacessible, wait for a while. You might also try teleporting to an adjacent sim and walking acrss the border. If it's not on the map, though, the region is gone. I can't begin to count the number of old favorites I have seen vanish in the past few years. Fortunatly, new ones keep appearing all the time.
  6. Take a look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=gesture_issues . That wiki page speaks specifically to "bad" gestures that can cause problems on login, but they can also cause a crash while you are running. See if the solutions they propose help your case.
  7. I think we have a language problem. :smileywink: Like Dora, I don't know what you mean by a 90.0 degree X rotation. That sample script I posted moves 2.5m along the object's own X axis, without rotating on ANY axis whatsoever. That's what an offset of <2.5,0.0,0.0>*llGetRot() means. I had to write something to test your function, which is where I thought you had a question. If you want to rotate your own test object to look at a target position before going there, that's a different matter. Try llRotLookAt(llRotBetween(<0.0,1.0,0.0>, llVecNorm(llDetectedPos(0)-llGetPos())),1.0,0.4); Whatever you ask the script to do before the object reaches its destination, your own cleartarget function levels it and keeps its rotation around Z fixed. I thought you were asking about how to make your function do something different. If so, what? If not, try restating the question.
  8. Malheuruesement, il n'y a pas d'instructions en francais. Alors, je les vais traduire d'anglais ..... Vous pouvez ajouter des articles à votre liste Marketplace en utilisant un objet spécial appelé un monde virtuel Magic Box, qui se connecte au site web du marché. Lorsque vous faites glisser les objets dans la boîte, le marché les reconnaît. Ensuite, vous pouvez activer les inscriptions connexes sur le site du marché et commencer à vendre. Vous pouvez avoir plusieurs boîtes magiques, mais commencer par un pour des raisons de simplicité. Configuration de votre monde virtuel Magic Box 1. Connectez-vous au site Web de marché et d'obtenir un Magic Box libre. 2. Connectez-vous à Second Life, et aller à une parcelle de terrain que vous possédez ou un endroit où vous pouvez conserver en permanence de votre Magic Box. Note: La Magic Box doit rester dans le monde virtuel de façon permanente, ou aussi longtemps que vous voulez vendre des articles à l'intérieur. Si vous n'avez pas une place permanente au rez de votre Magic Box, vous pouvez acheter un lopin de terre pour le garder. 3. Cliquez sur le bouton Inventaire sur la gauche de la fenêtre de la visionneuse pour ouvrir la fenêtre d'inventaire. 4. Rez de la Magic Box comme vous le feriez pour tout autre boîte que vous achetez. 5. Faites un clic droit de la Magic Box et choisissez Modifier. 6. Dans la fenêtre Générer, cliquez sur l'onglet Contenu. 7. Faites glisser l'objet que vous voulez vendre de votre inventaire dans la zone de contenu. Vous devriez le voir apparaître. 8 Attendez jusqu'a la Magic Box termine le téléchargement du nouvel inventaire. Ajout de l'article sur le site Marketplace 1. Sur le site Marketplace, choisissez Mon Marché> Accueil marchande dans le coin supérieur droit. 2. Cliquez sur Gérer les stocks sur le côté gauche. 3. Cliquez sur le Marketplace de synchronisation avec Magic Boxes bouton, puis actualisez la page. 4. Sous l'inventaire du marché non associé, cliquez sur le nom de votre article pour commencer à éditer la liste élément, puis remplissez les champs requis. Vous pouvez trouver une description de tous les champs listing ici (en anglais ) Je m'excuse pour ma traduction maladroite. J'espère que c'est compréhensible.
  9. From your description, I can't tell what you want your function to do. What it does, though, is simply to level the object when it's called. That is, it puts its X and Y axes in a horizontal plane and keeps its rotation around Z constant. Here's a little test script ... cleartarget(){ vector rot=llRot2Euler(llGetRot()); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,FALSE); llSetRot(llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0,rot.z>)); llTargetRemove(ntarget); ntarget=-1;}integer ntarget;default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE); vector tpos = llGetPos() + <2.5,0.0,0.0>*llGetRot(); ntarget = llTarget(tpos, 0.5); llMoveToTarget(tpos,5.0); } at_target(integer tnum, vector targetpos, vector ourpos) { if (tnum == ntarget) { llSay(0,"Arrived"); cleartarget(); } }} When you click on the object, it takes off slowly in whatever direction its +X face (face #2) happens to be pointing, moves 2.5 meters, stops, and levels itself. If that's not what you expected, you'll have to try your explanation again.
  10. It doesn't cost you anything to enter SL. I have been here for almost 5 years on a Basic membership and have only brought money in world when I felt like it. Download a viewer ( https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US ) and jump in.
  11. I'm not sure I understand the problem. Each instance of a notecard is a unique item, just as with rezzed objects. If you change the content of a notecard that is in your card reader's inventory, then the script's changed event will detect it. If you edit a separate copy of that notecard -- one that is not in the reader's inventory -- the reader can't possibly know about it. That's a different notecard.
  12. I can't think of a good reason for that to happen at all. Changing clothes doesn't involve rezzing items that will count against the parcel's prim allowance, so that can't be the cause. Besides, you can change outside, which is still in the parcel. Until you can figure out what the problem is, rez yourself a temporary changing room. It doesn't have to be anything fancy ... just a big hollow box with a lid on it. At least you'll have an "inside" where you can preserve your modesty.
  13. Then there's your answer. You can't retexture the ground in a parcel. The sim owner has to retexture the entire sim.
  14. TKAELA wrote: [... ] **Ty for the response, but Im wearing the Group Tag and was able to move the TV before deeding it to the group. :matte-motes-smitten: You might check to be sure that the TV isn't locked. I have embarrassed myself more than once by struggling to move something, forgetting that I had locked it as a precaution.
  15. Do you own the entire sim, or are you just talking about a parcel? If you are the sim owner, you can texture the entire sim. If you are not, you can't retexture it at all. Nobody can retexture at the parcel level. Terraforming can be done anywhere, however, assuming that you have a role that includes that ability.
  16. Don't blame it on the prim grass or the falling leaves. They aren't going to do much, if anything, to create lag. There's something else going on. You might get a clue by looking at the Statistics Bar ( Shift + CTRL + 1 ).
  17. Is there any alpha? I seem to remember that shiny doesn't like 32-bit textures. I haven't tried it recently, though, so that may be a constructed memory.
  18. It's fairly common for antivirus programs to assume that Second Life is a threat, thus preventing you from connecting. It's also common for firewalls to block access. To take care of both possibilities, see >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=as_anti-virus_white_listing_steps and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configure_your_software_firewall . If you are on a college campus or trying to log in from work, you may need to talk with people in your IT department to gain access.
  19. You may have simply been the victim of bad timing. LL was performing a scheduled upgrade of Marketplace servers yesterday. If you tried uploading and syncing during that period, it could have been messed up. Try again. If it STILL doesn't work, file a support ticket with the menu section "Marketplace." [RESOLVED] Scheduled Marketplace Update Posted by Status Desk on November 30th, 2011 at 09:18 am PST [RESOLVED 9:18 AM PST, 30 November 2011] The Marketplace update has been completed. The Marketplace is once again accessible. [updated 8:07am PST, 30 November 2011] We will be beginning the scheduled Marketplace update shortly. During this time, the Marketplace will not be accessible. [postED 2:10PM PST, 29 November 2011] There will be Marketplace downtime on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 8am -10am PST for a deploy. For release notes and details on where to check out this new release, please see the Marketplace Beta Release Notes. (Once the deploy is completed, the Production Release Notes will be updated.)
  20. You can't "take" it if it doesn't belong to you. If the TV was deeded to the group, then you will have to have the group sell it back to you before you can reclaim it. Since it's your group, that's very easy. Just select the TV with your edit tool, set it for sale for L$0, and then immediately buy it.
  21. Marigold's advice is right on target. I would emphasize, as she has, that the rate of income you may get from a job in SL is significantly lower than what you can earn in RL. In general, then, you are coming to SL for the wrong reason if you are expecting to make a lot of money. Those of us who make a passable living here (meaning that we can pay our in-world bills and have something let over for fun) are usually (1) people with a marketable skill in building, texturing, scripting, or animating, or (2) people who have been fortunate enough to start investing in real estate with a big bankroll and have been lucky not to lose it all since then. If you bring skills as a 3D modeller or a scripter, you can get off to a quick start. Otherwise, it will take a while before you start to break even. Other than those sorts of opportunities, the jobs that pay best are probably in clubs. If you are a good DJ or if you are willing to spend your hours dancing on a pole for tips, you can earn a steady income (though still a small one by RL standards). As far as weapons are concerned, the important thing to remember is that SL is not a game. There are plenty of places where you can play a game or engage in role play, but those are usually well-marked. If you play your game in other places, you will often get the local residents ticked at you, and can find yourself banned from the area. Watch the tiny icons at the top of your screen to see whether you are in a region that is either damage enabled or one where pushing is allowed. Those are good clues that swordplay is OK. Still, check local covenants or ask a local resident if you are at all unsure about the region's weapons policy. If it's OK with the locals, you can use your weapon HUD and rez weaponry as much as you want. The same goes for sandboxes. Read the local rules careully.
  22. LL is still trying to find a fix for Voice appearing to be estate-disabled in many regions . Submit a support ticket, add your report to the JIRA, and get in line. You are not the only one. ETA: Meanwhile, there is a workaround that seems to work for some sims... (1) Disable Voice in World >> Region Details , (2) Hit "Apply" , (3) Restart the Region, (4) Re-enable voice.
  23. Pics (snapshots) are textures. You can use PNG, TGA, JPG, or BMP.
  24. There are probably many in SL, but this forum is not the way to find them. You'll want to ask in the Wanted section of the Commerce forum or search in Marketplace. Actually, though, the easiest solution is to use a viewer with a decent radar, like Firestorm or Phoenix. The radar in those viewers will list anyone in the sim by name and tell you how far they are from you. Otherwise, you can write a sim-wide scanner, but it's a lot of work. Sensors can scan a maximum radius of 96m, so you either need an array of four overlapping sensors to cover a sim at ground level or you need to script a moving sensor. Also, a sensor reports only the 16 closest avatars (or objects) within range, so if you have 20 avatars within your 96m radius it will only see 16 of them. There are ways to get around each of those limitations by doing multiple scans, but as I said, it's a lot of work.
  25. Ladybird Mystiere wrote: [...] Can LL check through logs and find out what happened? As I said, the owner has no access so can't file a report but has asked if I can find any info about it, I'd really appreciate any info! Thank you, Im going through the tips you gave me now There are no logs of changes that you make to the landscape, so that's not possible. The owner can file a report and talk with the folks in Live Chat if he can get to the Internet at all. You don't need to be in world to do that. Just go to https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ and click the Live Chat link on the right side. Good luck.
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