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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Yes. You can apply your 512 sq m land allowance to the purchase of land on the Mainland and then build your own house on it if you wish. The big advantage of having a Linden Home is that the house itself does not count toward the 117 prim allowance on that land. If you build your own house instead, it will count against the parcel's total but, of course, it will be a house of your own choice on land that you have chosen. See more at >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  2. Nope. I don't follow anyone and I don't care to have anyone following me. That's my profile. I don't want other people mucking about in it, and I don't truly care what other people have in their feeds. I haven't figured out what Trends are either. The little bit of explanation I've seen doesn't make any sense to me, so I can't imagine why I should want them. No, I don't use twitface either.
  3. If you have not received an e-mail from LL telling you that you have been banned or had your account placed on hold (check your spam filter to be sure), then there's a very good possibility that it's just your router acting up. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes while you go make yourself a sandwich. When you plug it back in, the router will reboot itself and get a fresh grasp on an IP address. That's often all it takes. If that doesn't work, come back here and update your question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT.
  4. That's a good question. Remember, though, that it's not just IMs that count. The cap includes any notecards, group messages, group invitations, or items that you bought or were given while you were not in world to receive them. I am always amazed by how many pointless group messages I get in a day. Also, IMs still count against the cap even when you have had them forwarded to e-mail.
  5. Don't expect to get a "messages capped" message. If they are capped, they're capped and you'll never know. Because that's always a possibility, it's wise to order items from Marketplace only when you are in world to receive them. The transaction history in Marketplace simply records that they sent a delivery command to the merchant's Magic Box. Marketplace has no way of knowing that the Magic Box couldn't deliver or that you couldn't receive. It's a dumb system, but it's what we've got until they finally release the Direct Delivery system.
  6. There are few "rules" in this business except consistency and readability. In general, it's easier to keep track of blocks of code that belong together if you indent each new level of code by 4 spaces. Beyond that, you'll get disagreement about how much white space to create (I like a lot, so I can see what's going on) and where to put the curly bracket that opens each new scope (I always start on a fresh line). I also add comments at critical spots, especially if I am writing a script for a client, but even if they are just for me. It's amazing how quickly I forget just why I wrote code in a specific way. Whatever style you choose, stick with it. You'll have fewer problems recognizing the common, embarrasing mistakes that we all make.
  7. You've almost got it. Just missing one bracket. I think your problem is basically that you weren't careful to format the script cleanly. If you are always obsessive about indenting each script element with a new scope (like me :smileytongue: ), it will be easier to see where you need brackets, and to count them. Here's a clean version...... list textures = ["123"]; // This list contains the name of one texture, called "123"integer textures_number;integer current_index;default{ state_entry() { textures_number = llGetListLength(textures); } touch_start(integer detected_number) { if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llSetTexture(llList2String(textures,current_index),0); if(++current_index >= textures_number) { current_index = 0; } } } // You were missing this bracket to close the touch_start event} Notice that as you wrote it, the list called textures only has one element, so there won't be much texture switching going on until you lengthen that list. If you're interested, you can compress this script a little by changing the middle of the touch_start event .... if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llSetTexture(llList2String(textures,(++current_index)%textures_number),0); } ETA: Ah... no. Sorry. I miscounted them myself. :=/ I was thrown off by the fact that you didn't put brackets around the scope of your innermost if condition. ALWAYS put brackets around every scope. So, as we both pointed out, the reason there's no changing happening is that you only have one texture in the list.
  8. Well, they can't take your group name, because LL does not allow duplication of group names, so you're safe there. As far as the store name goes, I wouldn't worrry much about that myself, unless both of you are on the same sim. I can't begin to imagine how many businesses in RL have the same name. Besides, unless you have trademarked the name in RL, I doubt that there's much you can do to prevent someone else from using it anyway.
  9. In any of the viewers, type CTRL + Shift + Alt + N to toggle the Beacons window open. Then select the specific type of item you want to locate and the style of beacon.
  10. If you are receiving an error when starting the Second Life viewer that says your graphics card is unsupported or your graphics drivers are out of date and you know that your card meets the system requirements, than this procedure will most often correct the problem. Usually this message appears when you have upgraded from a previous version of Windows, or when a Windows Update conflicts with an installed graphics driver. It can also mean that Windows Update has installed a graphics driver for you that does not have full support for SecondLife or that your graphics driver is not Windows certified. Download the latest graphics driver from the chipset manufacturer (ATI, Nvidia, or Intel) not the maker of your graphics card or computer. Save the file where you can easily find it, but do not install it yet. Run Windows Update and make sure your system is fully patched. (Optional) You may download Driver Sweeper or a similar utility to remove all traces of your old driver. Reboot your computer and enter Safe Mode by pressing F8 at the Windows logo screen. Uninstall your old video driver. You can either use Driver Sweeper or Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager (steps will vary: this applies to Windows XP) and then opening "Display Adapters" and right-click and choose "Uninstall." Reboot your computer. If Windows displays a message that it found new hardware, do not let it automatically install drivers. Instead, run the installation program that you downloaded in step 1. Reboot your computer You should now have a clean version of your video driver.
  11. If you look at all of the other posts in this old thread, you'll see that they were posted on the same day and that they hadn't read the Grid Status note that told everyone the servers were having problems that day. Your problem today is totally different, because the servers are doing fine. Unfortunately, we can't help you very much because (1) you didn't tell us what's wrong and (2) you buried your post at the bottom of an unrelated thread where nobody will see it. So.... Start a new thread and tell us what error messages you are getting, what your computer is like, what viewer you are using, and anything that you have already tried. BTW, Agni is the name of the main grid, where we all are.
  12. Thanks. I missed that. I'm totally mysitifed by the whole thing now. Even stretching as hard as I can, I don't see where the offense was. We have lost a good friend and probably the best scripting mentor LL has ever had. I can't begin to say how much I have learned from Void's examples and encouraging words, and her always-welcome improvements to my perfect scripts.
  13. Firestorm doesn't have a blacklist, at least in its current Beta version. That is still supposed to be in the final release version. To rerender something that you derendered, simply TP to a different sim and back again. If it's something you are wearing, detach it and wear it again.
  14. Look at the extreme upper right corner of your screen, where the sound controls are. Click to open the Sound Control panel and then adjust the Music slider all the way to the left.
  15. Certainly. What is the question? " [...]Second Life does not enter my mind I wonder why?" Do you mean "I cannot log in to Second Life?" If Valerie's response isn't what you were looking for, please tell us more about your problem. What computer are you using? Which viewer? What error messages are you receiving? What solutions have you tried?
  16. Select View >>> Camera Controls. If you did that and yours has somehow slid outside the viewing area on your screen, select any HUD on your screen with your Edit tool. Then use the wheel on your mouse to scroll out and see where the control went. Grab it with your mouse and drag it back.
  17. You have two different thoughts here and I don't understand either one. What do you want to change the color of? And why can't you "go on the game"? You're going to have to tell us a lot more before anyone can begin to guess how to help. Click the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT.
  18. If the "debug thing" is RenderUnloadedAvatar, don't do it. That doesn't cure a thing. It does exactly what it says.... lets you see an avatar even if it hasn't loaded properly. It doesn't load the avatar. You have a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today.
  19. Rolig Loon


    Normally, if you IM with, Pay Linden dollars to, or give inventory to someone you muted, that person is automatically unblocked. Otherwise, a block is forever. There is a bug that makes it possible for someone who has been muted by a group to evade the mute ( https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-27105 ) and -- more relevant to your case, perhaps -- another one ( https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1653 ) that makes it possible for group notices to evade a mute if they were sent by someone with the last name "Resident". Other than those, I can't see anything in the JIRA that would explain why your muting doesn't still work.
  20. I agree. The code is more readable if you always use the brackets, because your eye learns that's the way to recognize the scope of a condition statement consistently, and because the brackets give you white space to isolate that scope. I truly hate trying to update or debug a script written by someone who omits brackets, doesn't indent properly, jams multiple statements on a single line, and doesn't bother to put comments at crucial spots. It's probably my OCD talking (or maybe I'm channelling my 3rd grade teacher), but neatness and clarity count.
  21. It's hard for me to remember the last time I left a "not running" script in something, so I can't offer much comment on item #2. As far as #1 is concerned, though, that's why the Linden gods created Mono. (Well, one reason anyway.... )
  22. /me knocks on the monitor gently. Void? Are you in there?
  23. Hollyjean Allen wrote: The overheating issue began suddenly for me about a week ago as well. I have two extra fans, one underneath, and the other off to the side. But, unless you want to make a grilled cheese sandwich on it, don't touch my computer while SL is running. Something changed, but I did't add a new viewer. Could this be a result of the latest viewer update from LL? Hi, Holly! It's unlikely, but one way to check is to try re-installing a previous viewer and see if the problem goes away. If you don't still have an old version kicking around in your machine, you can download an old favorite by clicking any of the links at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes . Just be sure that you go to Preferences >> Setup and disable the checkbox that authorizes automatic updates. You could also try switching to any of the TPVs, like Firestorm. Frankly, I think the problem is more likely to be in your machine itself. Laptops are harder to clean than desktops, so if you can't snake the nozzle of a can of air inside to blow out any accumulated dust, I'd suggest taking it to a pro who can. Meanwhile, drop your draw distance down painfully low (like below 64m) to reduce the amount of work your graphics card is trying to do. BTW, You will get a wider range of responses to your question if you start a new thread, instead of tacking it onto the end of an old, extinct one here. This one is not going to be seen by many people. :smileywink:
  24. This bug has been reported in the JIRA as https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-27223. I would be a very good idea if you added your own well-documented comments there, so that the issue gets increased attention. Meanwhile, as I read the report it looks as if LL techs are asking affected users to contact Live Chat and ask them to use the "Fix inventory folders" tools. ETA: Fixed the link. I hate this software sometimes.
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