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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. That's a good short scripting challenge. There are a couple of good examples in the wiki page for llRezAtRoot that should get you started.
  2. I won't disagree with you. I don't like the whole facebooky idea. My privacy settings are as tight as I can make them and I'm doing my best to keep my profile dead boring. I wish I could get people to unfollow me. Since I can't, the best I can do is to give them nothing to follow.
  3. Rolig Loon


    Faites un clic droit sur ​​votre avatar et sélectionnez «Apparence». Puis "Modifier la forme." Vous aurez la possibilité de modifier votre corps. Utilisez les commandes pour ajuster votre taille, puis sauvegarder le résultat.
  4. There's no fix, because LL doesn't see it as a problem. It's a "feature," working as designed. You can read the threads in the other sections of the forums to see how other people have responded to it.
  5. Yes, it can. It takes a little work, though.
  6. I first heard that rumor in 2007. It comes back every once in a while, a few people notice, and it disappears again. All it takes to revive it is some journalist speculating in a blog, I guess. Unless you actually see something official on LL's own blog, I'd ignore it.
  7. There are many libraries in SL, of varying sizes and types. Some are extensions of RL libraries. Others are purely in SL. One of the oldest and perhaps the largest is the Community Virtual Library (CVL), centered on the Info Island sim. CVL is a registered non-profit that represents a large number of public and academic libraries in RL and maintains its own selection of in-world collections and services. Among those are collections and themed services in genealogy, science fiction, children's literature, mysteries, religion, role play, women's studies, and scripting for example. Our reference area provides resource links and resources for addressing in-world and RL research questions, and is staffed by RL librarians for at least 25 hours a week. We also offer reading and discussion groups and a regular schedule of other events and exhibits, as well as an art gallery that represents some of the best SL artists. We offer books in a variety of fomats. Many are fascimile editions, textured to fit on your SL bookshelf and scripted to provide a link to an online text (Gutenberg, for example). Others are audio books, again on-line editions, for which we provide a dedicated HUD reader. We also provide a dedicated HUD reader for accessing daily newpapers in 12 major world languages. Any of those books are distributed free. We also have ThinC books (physical, paged editions) that are meant to be viewed in the libraries. Other libraries in SL sell copies of their books in this format. CVL and most of the other libraries in SL are not here to make money. We are supported by own own members, by parcel rental fees to RL partner libraries, and by donations. Most academic libraries are part of the larger in-world presence of their RL universities. To find where other libraries are in SL, open Search and type in "Library", or visit the CVL reference area and check the Directory of SL Libraries, which lists all the libraries that are accessible to the general public (that is, not on closed sims).
  8. It's probably smarter to ask this question in the Merchants section of the Commerce forum, where you will hear from a cross section of merchants who have direct experience to share. My own personal preference is for ads that show a product in a setting where you might expect to see it being used. That gives prospective buyers a chance to get a sense of its size and a way to imagine what it might look like in their own setting. Photos in my Marketplace shop show me wearing the clothing I design and standing in a place where I might want the buyer to imagine herself. If I am selling a building or some home or garden product, I photograph it in a landscaped area and with me in it for scale. That's just me, though. Repost this question in the Merchants forum and see what they have to say.
  9. I assume you mean a ghost prim, not a prim that has been set to phantom. A ghost prim is a prim that you can't see, even when you use CTRL + Alt + T to highlight transparent objects, but you can trip over it. The only way to get rid of a ghost prim is to restart your sim. Since you have tried that and had no luck, the next step is to talk with Live Chat or the Concierge service. ETA: It just occurred to me to ask... the floor of your castle is a megaprim, right? Did you maybe slice it and leave the cut side facing up? If so, you are walking around on the prim's bounding box, which is significntly above the visible level of the floor. Either flip the prim upside down or replace it with an unsliced one.
  10. See the thread right next to this one in the LSL Scripting forum. In particular, look at Cerise's very simple example of a user defined function that makes use of llSetKeyframedMotion. The only thing you have to remember if you take this approach is that your object has to be defined in terms of the new Prim Equivalency system. That means adding llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET, [PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX]); to your script before you call Cerise's function.
  11. When you say "nothing shows on my dashboard," do you mean that the records on your dashboard look OK? No missing L$? No odd transactions? If so, then don't worry about it. The records on your dashboard are the reliable ones. The number that shows up on your viewer screen in world is often out of sync with reality, or it's just flat out wrong. Mine goes to zero or shows a string of ???? every once in a while too. I have a small heart attack, then take a deep breath and click the number to tell it to wake up and get back in the game. It usually does. Sometimes it waits until the next time I log in. In any case, I know that the L$ balance that I see in my viewer isn't the official one, so I just curse quietly and get on with life. Now, if the balance on your dashboard is wrong, that's more serious. In that case, it's time to call the LL billing office and get things straightened out. Here's how ... Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  12. File many Abuse Reports and document them well. Disclosing RL information is against the TOS. Violations may result in banning. If I were you, I would also shut down the group and find a new set of "friends."
  13. I can't either. That entire sim seems to be misbehaving. You can't even walk or fly in, much less TP. The sim is not off line, but it IS inaccessible. Time to call Live Chat or the Conceirge service.
  14. Rolig Loon


    Ruth doesn't have to be in your Inventory to "take over" your avatar. Your avatar IS Ruth. So is mine. Ruth is the default form that any avatar takes if the servers can't find the one that's supposed to be in the avatar files in your viewer. When you log in, you are Ruth briefly until the servers finish uploading information from the viewer on your computerand baking it onto the form that you see in world. As you know, sometimes that baking process fails, usually because of a bad Internet connection. When it does, you can get stuck as Ruth until you rebake. A couple of years ago, residents got annoyed at seeing Ruth so often, so LL substituted a puffy white cloud for Ruth, but she's still there. If you use the Character Test option in the Develop menu, or if you set the RenderUnloadedAvatar debug setting to TRUE, you'll see her instead of the white cloud. The only reason she's also in your Inventory, as far as I can see, is that some people like to bring her out as a party gag.
  15. Well, it's certainly not very nice. I would be ticked if I had purchased it too. Unfortunately, though, I doubt that your complaint will have much effect. I have given away plenty of my own scripts with a notice that says that they are free and not to be resold, but I have no illusions about preventing that. You can probably get LL to pay attention if you bought something in Marketplace that doesn't do what it claimed to, but I would be very surprised indeed if they'll do anything about someone just selling a script that he got for free.
  16. The fastest way to make L$ is to get a RL job and import some of your earnings from it. For the amount of time you have to spend on the job, you get paid much better in RL than SL. Equally important, you don't end up tied to your work all the time in SL. If you don't want to import money, however, I think it's wiser to emphasize keeping expenses low than to obsess about raising income in world. I have been a clothing designer, scripter, builder, whatever, in SL for nearly 5 years. I love creating things and I do manage to earn enough to meet my SL expenses. My earnings have grown very slowly over the years, though, because I have never focused on the money. I've never let my expenses grow faster than my earnings and I've focused on the quality of my work and let word of mouth do the selling.
  17. That's a very difficult one to answer, Holger. If it were me, I would probably wait, because I know that buying a faster computer with lots of memory and a top of the line graphics card will cost more money than I have in my pocket today. I'm patient enough to use what I have until I have saved up enough to get the "ideal" system, and I know what I can tolerate in the meantime. If I had enough annoying performance issues, though, I'd start to lose my patience. I don't know how patient a man you are, but it sounds as if you are getting anxious. I also don't know what quality you can buy with 450 Euros, but I suspect that it's enough to get a good system for SL. I know I can get a decent computer for the equivalent sum in USD, especially if I assemble the components myself (or get a talented friend to do it). Only you can decide whether to get a good computer that helps you enjoy SL more now, however, or wait for a great computer that makes you smile more later.
  18. Rolig Loon

    Avatar lag

    Lag is one of the most complicated and heavily discussed topics in SL. There are many causes for it, and many cures, so the answer to your question is not at all easy. Here's some stuff for you to read. >>>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lag http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_common_performance_problems
  19. Rolig Loon

    Land Glitch!!!!

    That's no glitch. That's what's supposed to happen when a sim goes off line. You should have been immediately logged out of SL if you were sitting in the sim when it went down. After all, your av was being held in a server that was turned off (or in the process of rebooting). Next time you get the 2 minute warning that your sim is about to restart, fly across (or walk across) the border into the next sim and watch. As soon as the sim goes off line, it will do exactly what you describe..... all turn to water. A few minutes later .. POP! ... it will come back again.
  20. You guys confused the poor OP. :smileytongue: He did the right thing by posting here in the first place instead of LSL Scripting. As Peter says, the LSL Forum is for people who are writing their own scripts or who have some scripting insight to share with other scripters. When a post like this appears over there, the moderator usually bounces it right over here.
  21. Take a look at https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SH-2268? Is that your problem too? If so, be patient until LL's developers find a way to fix it. If you want to help them, post your own observations there. Include enough detail about your system, what viewer you are using, etc. so that they can use it to narrow down the cause.
  22. Start by following the suggestions here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting . Those take care of the most common reasons for teleport failure. If they don't help, come back here and add to your question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  23. There's no way that we can check on him, any more than you can. We are all SL residents, just like you. If your friend gave you an e-mail address, you already know more than we do. If not, all you can do is send him an IM and hope that he has his Preferences set to forward IMs to e-mail. Unless he told you his RL identity and contact information, you're out of luck.
  24. You're talking about L$10 = 4 cents U.S. Skip your donut tomorrow morning and bring the money in world instead. You'll have enough to pay for about 40 texture uploads and you won't have to beg.
  25. It's probably not every time, but often enough that you notice it. You probably belong to one or more groups that share liabilities among all group members. If the group has to pay a weekly fee of L$30 to place its parcel in Search, for example, every member of the group is assessed an even share of the L$30. To find out which group you are paying, open your dashboard at secondlife.com and look at Accounts >> Transaction History. You'll be able to see exactly how much was paid and to whom. Then, you can decide whether to stay in the group or maybe send its owner a polite note asking whether the fee could be removed for general members.
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