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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. All shapes are made the same way. Someone has to sit down and fiddle with the sliders, or enter the numbers from those sliders into an XML file manually. A shape is a shape is a shape. All you are doing when you create a shape is manipulating the dimensions on the basic avatar mesh that we are all made from. Now, thanks to very recent changes in SL, you can make a mesh avatar that is entirely different, if that's what you mean. If you want to do that, you are creating a completely new, custom mesh. That's a very specialized skill. Start reading here for the basics and then prepare to enter a very steep learning curve if you are unfamiliar with 3D modeling >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh
  2. Special? How special? I am not aware of any membership type that does not allow you to downgrade, as long as you have satisfied any outstanding obligations like land ownership. You can add more important information to this question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start yet another thread. ETA: You aren't part of the Gold Solution Provider program, are you?
  3. 1. Avoid using channel numbers that are in common use ( one- to three-digit positive integers, or numbers like 1111,12345). Use high, negative numbered channels instead. Avoid using the public chat channel unless absolutely necesary. 2. Filter llListen to listen only to messages from specific sources. 3. Use llListenRemove or state changes to kill llListen when not needed. Use timeouts on dialogs and textboxes. 4. Use llRegionSayTo instead of llRegionSay to target sim-wide messages to specific objects. 5. Use the same llListen for several expected messages instead of opening new instances. 6. Consider using llGiveInventory to share information on a notecard instead of sending a chat message. That last one is particularly handy for sending update information to several remote objects in the sim at once. Drop the new information on a notecard into a central transmitting object and have it send copies to the remotes, where the information is read and incorporated.
  4. Definitely a violation of the LL Gambling Policy >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life : It is a violation of this policy to wager in games in the Second Life® environment operated on Linden Lab servers if such games: Rely on chance or random number generation to determine a winner,OR Rely on the outcome of real-life organized sporting events, AND provide a payout in Linden Dollars (L$)OR Any real-world currency or thing of value. This includes (but is not limited to), for example, Casino Games such as: Baccarat Blackjack Craps Faro Keno Pachinko Pai Gow Poker Roulette Sic Bo Slot machines This policy also includes sports books or sports betting, including the placing of bets on actual sporting events against a book-maker or through a betting exchange. Linden Lab will actively enforce this policy. If we discover gambling activities that violate the policy, we will remove all related objects from the inworld environment, may suspend or terminate the accounts of residents involved without refund or payment, and may report any relevant details, including user information, to authorities and financial institutions.
  5. Again? You should only need to do it one time. The system doesn't need to be reminded, and it knows when you become a year older and should be allowed access to Moderate and Adult land.
  6. Here's an update..... The information on "approved" Third Party currency exchanges (that is, L$ currency exchanges that have satisfied LL's Risk API) is available at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Archive/Third_Party_Linden_Dollar_Exchanges . It should be noted that the Lindex now makes it possible to buy and sell L$ from a wide variety of RL currencies, generally at exchange rates that are lower than Third Party exchanges. The Lindex also has a reputation for being a reliable exchange, so you are less vulnerable to some of the risks for fraud that you might encounter on the open Internet. That said, how you buy and sell L$ is a personal choice.
  7. Anything that you earn in SL is "play money" as long as it stays in SL. As soon as you sell L$, however, you have received real income and are required to pay taxes on it, whether you cash it out to your bank account or not. In practical terms, there is probably very little chance that the IRS will know about those earnings. Linden Lab does not report them to IRS, because you are not being paid. You are simply withdrawing money that you got from selling your L$ to other residents and have parked temporarily in LL's account. (It's like cash that you receive for selling a used lawnmower at your garage sale. You are supposed to pay taxes on that too, but chances are dim that the IRS will ever know if you don't.) If you are withdrawing large amounts of money from SL, however, or are withdrawing money regularly, your visibility increases. And of course, if you are ever audited, all bets are off. The safe thing to do (and certainly the legal thing to do) is to report the income.
  8. As Griffith says, you can put a SLURL on your web site to direct people through the web to your in-world location. To take advantage of that SLURL, however, they will need to have downloaded and installed SL viewers. There's no way to enter SL unless you are a member. You may also be interested in thinking further about many options for using SLURLs in your web site. Take a look here and at the embedded links in it >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Map_API
  9. To buy or sell Lindens, you need to have payment information on file. Many Basic members in SL don't do that as they enter, perhaps thinking that it involves some level of commitment to pay for their SL experience. As you know from having been in SL for a year, however, you are only required to spend money for SL if you are a Premium member. A Basic member can survive forever on freebies and occasional Sploder winnings. The only time it suddenly becomes important to have payment information on file is when you have earned L$ in world and want to cash it out to RL. To do that, you need to have established an account history, which means buying L$ first, and to do that means having payment information on file. So.... go to your dashboard at secondlife.com and navigate to Account >> Billing Information , where you can add information about either a PayPal account or a credit card account that can be used for future transactions.
  10. If you and your co-owner are both locked out of SL by the SVC-6608 bug, the only way to solve the problem is to have someone in LL eject you from the group. You can try submitting and resubmitting a ticket, but that's going to be a frustrtating method. If it works, you may also run into problems with your land, which is group owned. I think your best course of action is for one of you to upgrade to Premium membership for a month. You'll then have access to Live Chat. That's more likely to get you quick attention, and you'll be able to address the land issue at the same time.
  11. What does he see? Nothing at all? A gray av? A fluffy cloud? Is it only your av that he can't see? Can anyone else see you? With what little you told us, my first guess might have been the same as yours. He might have derendered you by mistake. Since you have checked the blacklist, though, you know that's not it. It's more likely now that the problem is on your computer, not his. I assume that you are using the same router. If not, then that would have been another weak link to focus on. Appearance issues can often be traced to a weak Internet connection, and can be solved by rebooting the router (unplug it from the power for a few minutes and then plug it back in). You can try that, but I suspect it won't cure your problem. Try resetting the Maximum Bandwidth slider in Preferences >> Graphics. If it is either too low or way too high, it can cause problems with sending baked avatar textures to SL's servers. When Phoenix is installed, it usuallt defaults Maximum Bandwidth to something like 1,200, which is a good setting for most systems. If yours was pushed higher than that, set it back to 1,200 and see if that helps. If not, lower it to 500. You'll see a drop in performance. Your frame rate will lag, but if the appearance problem goes away, you'll know that you are on the right track. Then try increasing it a little at a time until your performance improves but the appearance problem doesn't return. If that doesn't solve the problem either, the next thing to try is clearing your cache manually, on the theory that your avatar file has been borked and needs to be rebuilt. You'll find instructions for doing that here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_cache_clear .
  12. It can be hard when you are just starting out, partly because you don't have a lot of previous work to show people and partly because advertising a service is inherently difficult. You can try posting in the Inworld Employment section of the Commerce forum here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment or compose a good ad and list your services in Marketplace. Generally, though, the best way is to build a lot of things either on spec or for friends and slowly let the word travel by word of mouth. You will also find that there are several builders' groups in world that may be helpful.
  13. It's hard to tell without knowing what comes before this snippet. The most obvious problem is that the curly brackets aren't matched. You have two left brackets and one right bracket. That's commonly a cause for syntax error messages. Aside from that, there are a couple of strategic issues to consider. If you really want to just shrink your object by 0.5m in the Y direction, a cleaner way to do it is to write vector Size = llGetScale();Size.y -= 0.5;llSetScale(Size); Then, the next line is useless as written. llSetPos(llGetPos -<0.0,0.0,0.0>) is the same as llSetPos(llGetPos()), which has no effect at all. You might as well remove it entirely.
  14. Thank you for pointing this out. I was not aware that they had made this change. I agree that this makes it much harder for SL residents to know which sites other than the Lindex are safe to use. Unfortunately, I cannot point you to a good resource, but I am confident that one will be forthcoming.
  15. It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, especially if the merchant's Magic Box is temporarily out of service or the sim it's on is offline. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. (Given these limitations, I have found that it often makes sense to use Marketplace as a way to see what's available and then visit a merchant's shop in world to make my actual purchases.) So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  16. Is "best" the highest traffic, or the highest FPS in a high traffic sim, or the longest average time spent per avatar in the sim, or the highest number of repeat visits per week, or ..... ? (Actually, on most residential sims, "best" is probably the lowest number of visitors per week. ) The mind boggles at the possible ways to define "best." I doubt that LL is ever going to hand out an award for any of them. If you're trying to sell stuff, though, profit should be enough reward.
  17. Good rant. Unfortunately, you're just talking at other SL residents like yourself. There are no Lindens here. This is a resident-to-resident Answer service. If you'd like to carry on the discussion with other residents, try posting in the General Discussion forum >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/bd-p/GeneralDiscussionForum . There are no Lindens there, either, but they do like to share in a rant. :smileywink: BTW, I haven't noticed anything unusual in SL recently. Every place I have been is running smoothly. You may have just had bad luck to be on sims where LL is doing server maintenance. Give it a few days and see if things improve.
  18. If you use the Phoenix or Firestorm viewers, all you need to do is drop the two anims into the built-in AO and they will take care of themselves. Take a look at >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=animation_overrider . It all looks terribly complicated, but scroll all the way to the bottom of that page and look under Creating an AO Manually, where it says "There is no need to have a prepared AO with a notecard to create an AO in Firestorm; you can 'roll your own' if you have animations to use." It really is as easy as just opening the AO and dropping the anims into the right places.
  19. Unless you have sim-level perms that let you use the Debug >> Top Scripts tool you won't be able to see the list of scripted objects on your land. As others have said, you can use beacons to find all of them, but that is a REAL colossal pain, and it doesn't really tell you what you need to know. The script count isn't as important as knowing (1) how much script memory they are using and (2) how much script time they are using. You can get that information, but you'll need a scripted tool to do it. I haven't looked in Marketplace, but I'm sure there must be one out there. It's such an obvious tool. (If not, I ought to write one. It would probably sell. :smileytongue: )
  20. Then how does your poseball know that you sat on it?
  21. Shawnna Chrome wrote: I only have the firestorm mesh beta and regular phoenix and so far have found phoenix to be a bit better though it crashes sometimes, why do these viewers crash so often?? and how do I get it out of debugging mode? every time I launch phoenix it loads up a dos window and I am sure that's going to make it lag somewhat any way to change this?? thanks You activated one of the debug consoles, probably by accidentally typing one of the keyboard shortcuts. To see which one and to fix it, look in your Development menu (CTRL + Alt + Q). The console options are all at the top of that menu. Look to see which one is checked, and then UNcheck it.
  22. In that case, in the changed event, where you have your test to see if someone is sitting on the object, just add the reverse test ... else if(!AvatarOnSitTarget()){ llDie();} Or, since you want to kill the other object, send your kill message to it from that if test.
  23. Every once in a while some land rental agent hands out LMs that look to me like deceptive advertizing. The LM is legitimate. It does take you to a parcel that is available for rent (or purchase), but the message makes it sound as if you have already agreed to rent the land, so you now owe the agent a rent payment. If that's the sort of thing you are asking about here, just disregard it. Only pay someone for a product or a service when you know what you are getting in return. In this case, if you do want to rent the parcel, check in World >> About Land to be sure that the person you are paying is in fact the landowner.
  24. Take a very close look at Group created possibly involves "invalid character" preventing Login. This is one of the strangest but most common reasons for the "failure to connect with a simulator" message today. It's a recognized bug in the system. If you are a Premium member of SL, call Live Chat and ask them to remove you from whatever group you had active when you logged out last time. If you are a Basic member , you will need to go in world as an alt (or send a friend in), find the owner of that group, and ask to be ejected. Explain that the group tag will cause the same problem for other members, so it should be changed immediately.
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