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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. "Closed" means that as far as Linden Lab is concerned, they are finished doing anything with it. They either fixed whatever it was or decided that it couldn't be fixed or wasn't worth fixing. The initals BI may be saying who closed it, or might be an internal code (Bugger It?).
  2. Ummmm.... the graphics card in your computer is the part that creates images and puts them on your monitor. If you take it out, you'll have a black screen -- totally useless. I think you must be talking about something entirely different. If you want to tell us what it is, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  3. Here are some common reasons for credit card failure: You entered the credit card number incorrectly. You did not enter the billing address or entered it incorrectly. It should be the same address that appears on your bill. You did not enter the name on the card or entered differently from how it appears on the card. The credit card is not in the list of accepted payment methods (see here) You did not enter the CVV (3 digits on the back, or 4 digits on the front for AmEx) or entered it incorrectly. The card is expired, or the expiration date was entered incorrectly. There are no funds available on the credit card to validate it. We send a US$1.00 authorization to ensure that a credit card is valid. This is not a billing, but the card must have at least US$1.00 available on it to pass validation. Your monthly payment limit is reached, and/or your bank is not authorizing any more transactions. The issuing bank has not pre-approved transactions with Linden Research, Inc. Contact the issuing bank to resolve the problem. If you are outside the US, your card may not be set up for international/overseas transactions (this is very common with Visa Electron). If none of the above applies, contact your credit card provider to determine the cause. You may also contact Linden Lab Billing Support.
  4. OK, so here's the trick. I just talked with the scripter who made my arrow. He makes the arrow phantom and sets llVolumeDetect(TRUE) in the state_entry event so that it still responds to collisions. He also sets it to non-physical as soon as it hits the target, the way the OP's script does. Apparently making it phantom does the trick, though.
  5. The maximum texture size you can upload is 1024 X 1024 pixels. There are some legacy textures that are 2048 x 2048, but they were made ages ago before the rules changed.
  6. Good question, Innula. I'm not sure. The way to find out is to test it. Quite a while ago, I picked up an arrow that I have used for testing various RP targets. It sticks into the target without bouncing, so I know it can be done. That one's not my script, though, and I only have a no-mod copy so I can't peek inside to see how it works.
  7. Well, llSetPrimitiveParams has a 0.2 second delay, which is certainly enough time for the arrow to bounce off the target before it turns non-physical. Try changing that one line to llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_SET, [ PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE, PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE ] ); Be careful not to mess up any punctuation or capitalization.
  8. See this recent thread in the Building/Texturing forum >>>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/I-need-help-with-blender/m-p/1620177#M6951
  9. Traffic isn't easy to understand. Unless things have changed since the last time I looked, a parcel gets a traffic count of 1 for every minute that an avatar spends in the parcel --- if the avatar has been in the parcel for at least 5 minutes. So, suppose you have 25 avatars visit your parcel and 24 of them leave in less than a minute. The traffic count will then be based on the one avatar who stayed more than five minutes. If she hangs around for another 3 minutes, your parcel gets 8 traffic points. That way, a parcel can't pump up its traffic count by having a steady stream of visitors who pop in for a few seconds and leave. They actually have to stay long enough to do something. The catch, of course, is that a bot counts the same as an avatar. Linden Lab says that "Use of Bots to game Traffic will be considered a violation," but I have never been sure how they police that.
  10. Read here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Abandoned-land/ta-p/846143
  11. HenryCrawford wrote: EDIT 2: I have walls around my house. Can I upload a photo of a forest and use it to texture the walls I've made? If so, how do I do this? How do I apply a texture to an object I have made? Once I do this, I will only have to find a nice forest photo and figure out a way to make it into a texture for my huge walls. You can apply a texture to any surface of any object you have made. You always have two options: 1. Drag the texture from your inventory and rop it onto the specific surface that you want to texture or 2. Select the object with your Build/Edit tool, go to the Texture tab, click the "Select Face" button and then click on the surface that you want to texture. Then drag your desired texture from inventory and drop it in the Texture Picker window in the Build/Edit tool. I suggest practicing a few times first. There is no UNDO in texturing. If you apply a texture to a face, you can't say, "Ooops! wrong place. Gotta go back." You can't re-apply the old texture unless you have it in your inventory and can drag/drop it on the face. Don't let that intimidate you, though. Just be sure that you always have a backup copy of your house handy, just in case you screw up. It takes only a few seconds to delete the goofy mistake and rez a new copy. It might be a good idea to read >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Textures-and-alpha-channels/ta-p/700157
  12. No, AFAIK. A couple of years ago, it was apparently possible to load linux on an older version of the PS3 and use it to run a SL viewer. Since then, PS3 has changed and so have the SL viewers, so that's no longer possible.
  13. You can make a prim that is up to 64m in all dimensions by just using your standard building tools. If you want to make walls to go around a parcel, that should be big enough. If not, you can find packages of really big prims for free in Marketplace. Just search for "megaprim". Don't pay for them. There really are lots of free ones out there. :smileyhappy: Now, texturing a big prim is exactly the same job as texturing a small one. A prim is a prim is a prim. You'll want a texture that can stand being enlarged to huge dimensions, or that can be repeated several times across your wall without looking stupid. The largest texture you can upload to SL is 1024 x 1024 pixels, so that limits the resolution you can expect. Where do you get nice textures? Go shopping. I suggest doing it in world, so that you can see demos of the textures before you buy. Visit large landscaping stores as well as texture dealers. You'll find that most of them offer a range of great textures for privacy walls. You will also find that there are several merchants who offer ready-made wall systems that are loaded with a stack of different textures, so you can change the feel of your parcel any time you want. I use a very nice cylindrical one with a 50m diameter as a surround for my skybox, so that I can decide on any day whether to look out at a cityscape or the Rocky Mountains.
  14. You can't expect to magically transform a mesh into a sculpty. A sculpty is a very specific kind of mesh object with a fixed geometry and a fixed number of vertices. It's essentially a folded sheet --- no extrusions allowed, no deletion of vertices. Many of the other functions that you would use on a full-fledged mesh object are also forbidden in sculpties. So long as the object you create in Blender conforms to those strict rules, JASS-2 (or, actually, the Primstar plugin that's in JASS-2) can bake it to create an exportable UV map. The major difference between the free version and the Pro version, AFAIK, is that the Pro version lets you create oblong UV maps. I suggest that you spend some time with Gaia Clary's excellent tutorials on the Machinimatrix web site to get a feel for what's possible.
  15. We are not Lindens. This is a resident-to-resident Answer service. Lindens never come here. Unfortunately, that means that we can't fix your inventory. All we can do is tell you how to do it (if it works). The good news is that the inventory is probably not lost at all. The list that you see in your viewer is a cached copy of the real inventory, which is in SL's servers. The copy lives in your own computer, so that that your viewer doesn't need to access the servers every time you look for something. That cached copy is easily damaged, however. The cure is to delete it and force your viewer to create a new copy. Here are instructions for doing that >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear . The instructions were written for Firestorm users, but they will work for any viewer. See also these other suggestions >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lost_inventory
  16. ¿Está recibiendo mensajes de un objeto que se llama EXDEPART REGALO 2012? Se trata de un script malicioso. Si acepta el regalo y lo rez, el objeto envía una copia de sí mismo a cada uno en su lista de amigos. También envía una copia de sí mismo por encima de 4000 m de la tierra, donde se sigue enviando mensajes a cualquier persona en el sim. Usted debe hacer dos cosas: 1. Eliminar el objeto de su propio inventario. NO lo rez más copias. 2. Pregúntale al dueño del sim para usar Top Scripts para localizar la copia que está a 4000m, por lo que se puede borrar.
  17. That's because it's not your viewer causing the trouble. You have a crummy Internet connection. There are several possibilitites. Two are quite local. Reboot your router. To do that, just unplug it from the power for a few minutes. For many people, that' all it takes. The other local possibility is that you have been using a wireless connection --- not usually a good idea in SL anyway --- and one of your neighbors has decided to fire up the TARDIS in his basement. It doesn't take much interference to trash a wireless connection. The solution, of course, is to get off wireless. Use a cable connection instead. For other suggestions, especially for things that are farther from your machine, see http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  18. The easy answer is not to get too paranoid about adding an extra listener. Especially if it's listening on a unqiue high-numbered channel, the amount of added strain it puts on the sim's servers is truly negligible. You already have a timeout on the dialog so that one isn't open for more than a minute. Don't worry about it. :smileywink:
  19. Either: 1. Open the Contents tab in Edit, click New Script, and cut&paste this script in place of the one that's generated automatically, or 2. Open you inventory, click the "+" button at the bottom and select "New Script". Then open it and paste this script in. Drag & drop the compiled script into the Contents tab of your prim. It takes 4.38 sq m to support 1 prim, so 4.38 x 600 = 2628 Sq m. That's more than the 2048 tier, so if you're buying, anything up to 4096 sq m will cost you the same as 2628 sq m will. Go for 4096 @ $25/month. If you're renting on a private sim, you may be able to rent something less than 1/16 of a sim for a lower rate.
  20. Two solutions: 1. Go to Preferences >> Graphics and turn of Basic Shaders. That will disable some other graphics features that you have been enjoying, but will get rid of the pink. 2. Go back to the NVidia site and download Beta driver 304.48 . If you're curious, here's the problem ..... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29228
  21. Yup. That answer works, but here's an alternative. The problem really is your drivers, which are incompatible with the current versions of V3 and Firestorm. You have two choices: (a) If you have installed the NVidia GeForce 304.79 BETA drivers, you can get rid of the pink by turning off Basic Shaders in Preferences >>. Graphics or (b) you can download and re-install Beta driver 304.48 . Take a look at [sH-2908] is back on Nvidia cards running the GeForce 304.79 BETA drivers : Hot pink textures when basic shaders are enabled BTW, the "sarcasm" is hard to avoid when we get the same question a dozen times a week from people who should have simply checked for previous answers. In this case, you're right though. The answer has changed. :smileyembarrassed:
  22. There's a JIRA report on the bug >>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28372 . According to Dan Linden on July 12, "We believe this bug is fixed in the Beta build available at the bottom of http://secondlife.com/downloads/ Check it out and let us know."
  23. I hate an unsolved puzzle, but a vanishing problem is a decent alternative. Such a frustration!
  24. Don't give up yet. You're just getting started.. You have a half dozen items in your Marketplace store now, which isn't a bad start. There's no cost to having the store, and there are no warehousing charges in SL, so relax. Even if you sell nothing for another six months, you're not losing anything by keeping the store up, and you are learning how to run a business. The in-world shop is another matter. Rent does cost you something. Chances are that it's a trivial amount -- a few dollars a month -- but it's a slow trickle loss. On the other hand, an in-world shop gives you a chance to advertize and display things differently than you do in Marketplace, and you may have a chance to be part of a local merchants group, particpate in hunts, sponsor events, ..... I had shops in three or four locations for the first couple of years I was in SL and I rarely did much better than earn rent. It was a good learning experience, though, and it was fun. Most creators in SL are not in it to make a lot of money. You don't get paid enough for your time to justify making stuff, if that's your reason. We create things because we enjoy it, and we hope that someone else likes what we make. So long as you're getting a kick out of being creative, keep at it.
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