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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Be sure to specify that you want to sell the land only to yourself, or someone else may buy it. Follow these steps: Right-click the land and select About Land. Click the OBJECTS tab and set Auto return other Residents' objects to "0". Warning: Failure to turn off auto return may result in the return of all objects on the land! On the GENERAL tab, click the Sell Land button. Enter L$1 under Set a price. Under Sell the land to, choose Specific person from the dropdown menu and click Select. Enter your name in the search field of the CHOOSE RESIDENT window and click Go. Select your name and click OK. Under Sell the objects with the land? option, choose No, keep ownership of objects. Click the Set Land For Sale button. Right-click the land and select Buy Land. Click the Purchase button. If desired, deed the land to a new group.
  2. There's no way to answer. A full region has a theoretical maximum of 100 avatars, but you may hit the real limit well before 100 if many of the avatars are carrying a lot of attachments or of there are a lot of vehicles or other objects putting physics demands on the servers. For your own parcel, of course, the maximum depends on how many people are elsewhere on the sim at the same time. If you have ten neighbors and they each have 9 or 10 people visiting already, you won't be able to get more than a couple more onto your own parcel until some of those people leave. ETA: Your neighbors might be annoyed with you if you start having huge parties too, obviously. If your guests make it hard for your neighbors to TP in, you may get an earful later.
  3. Hehe.. I made that note in the last sentence or two of my post. I really wish LL would update their KB pages more often.
  4. At this point almost all merchants have moved from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery, so some of the tools that were available last winter are no longer accessible. You should probably submit a support case under the category Marketplace Issues to get help.
  5. If you are in a mesh or sculpty house, you may be having a temporary problem with certain components not rendering properly, even though they are there. If so, highlighting transparent objects won't make them show up. You might be able to force your graphics card to render them by right-clicking where you know the walls must be. You might also try toggling momentarily into wireframe mode and out again (using CTRL + Shift + R). That, too, can sometimes force your graphics card to pay attention to objects it has been unable to render. This is an ongoing problem in all viewers. Linden Lab has improved things significantly since last year, when this was truly annoying, but there's still work to be done.
  6. All organizations serving users under the age of 16 must keep their estates private, with 13-15 year old accounts limited to their estate. Access to the estate by users 16 or older will be at the discretion of the owner of that estate, using estate privacy and whitelist features. If you are an educator, non-profits organization, Resident under 18 years old or a business entities that requires a formal invoice, then place your order for private regions with the Special Island Order Form. Use the special order form under these conditions: Orders for eligible educational institution or not-for-profit. There is no longer an educational discount, however, your status as an educator or non-profit does require verification, and there is a minimum initial purchase of five regions to qualify for invoicing. The five region minimum purchase requirement does not apply to currently-invoiced customers. For all under 18 Resident, non-Linden Home, land orders (requires parental/guardian approval if under 18). Note: users under the age of 18 cannot purchase Linden Homes. Any order requiring an invoice (payments by wire transfer, check or credit card). Specifically for business entities purchasing more than five regions (minimum requirement does not apply to currently invoiced customers) requiring a formal invoice/receipt or PO# type process. PO# not required at the time of ordering. If your purchase does not fall into these categories, then place your order at the Land Store. Note:All orders placed through the Special Island Order Form require advance payment of six or twelve months maintenance fees. Maintenance fees are added to your island order invoice based on the payment cycle chosen at a rate of $295.00. Payment is made from the invoice which is issued upon the delivery of your island. Your first invoice will include both the setup and the first cycle of maintenance. TThe text above is exerpted from here. Read it carefully, including the parts that I did not exerpt. At least one statement in the section above is no longer true. Linden Lab began offering Educational Discounts again last winter, so you should make specific mention of that in your application for land purchase. Other provisions may also be out-of-date as well.
  7. As I said in the post above yours, I haven't heard of anyone using that service for a long time. (Actually, nobody I know ever used it.) The most recent documentation I can find on the web was revised in January 2011. I don't find any place where you can sign up for it today.
  8. That's true, provided that the scripts are all in the same linkset, although even then animations will not necessarily stay in sync unless they are periodically restarted. My thoughts were actually aimed at the case where the multiple scripts are in multiple objects. When that's the case, the "synchonize your watches" method is appropriate.
  9. Check your anti-virus software too. It may be denying you access. The "waiting for region handshake" message means exactly that. The servers got an initial message from your viewer, saying that you are logging in, and they have gotten tired of waiting for you to do it. Often, the problem is that your login was trapped by a firewall, but there could be other reasons for a timeout as well. A wireless connection can have interference from nearby sources (cell phones, garage door openers, fluorescent lights ...), for example, or your router or modem may have an intermittent connection, or your ISP may be doing maintenance on their equipment. Get off wireless, reboot your router and modem, and check with your ISP.
  10. When your friend joined Second Life, she agreed to the TOS, which says (Sect 4.1) "You may not sell, transfer or assign your Account or its contractual rights, licenses and obligations, to any third party without the prior written consent of Linden Lab." She may have forgotten, or maybe didn't read what she was agreeing to, but it sounds like Linden Lab feels she violated the agreement. She may submit appeals if she has information that would help show that she didn't. Then it's up to Linden Lab to decide whether to lift the ban.
  11. That's not a trivial scripting project. In the most straightforward solution, you need a separate pose ball or at least a separate script for each dancer, because a script can only manage the permissions for a single av at a time. You'll need to have permission from each av to activate and then change animations. You then need to work on a method to sync the separate scripts so that all dancers start the same dance at once. Typically, one script acts as the lead. When that script is activated it looks at the clock, picks a time a few seconds in the future, and tells all the other scripts, "OK, when it gets to be XX:YY:ZZ o'clock, start dancing!" The lead script has to repeat that same trick every time the dance anim is supposed to change. There are other things to plan for (Which dance comes next? How do the dancers stay synced if there's lag? What is a new dancer joins or leaves after the sequence has started? ... ). Before you sit down to write yours, see if you can find a couples dance machine with a script you can examine.
  12. If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers 24/7: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  13. Linden Lab does have a banking policy -- actually a no-banking policy -- but its purpose is to prohibit anyone from setting up formal institutions that charge interest and act as unchartered RL banks. There's nothing to prevent you from giving your friend L$, and there's nothing to prevent your frfiend from giving you dollars in RL. As with any personal transaction, of course, you each have to decide how much you trust the other person to follow through with his part of the bargain. If there's a disagreement, don't expect Linden Lab to help you resolve it.
  14. Here's another, lengthier description >>>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Fr43k_Paine/Dealing_With_Griefers
  15. 69lace wrote: I click loggin (my home) then darn you have ben logged out of SL this region is having trouble vew im chat or quit click chat then home is not availabl moves me 2 beachwood club I can pull up chat an others but they do nothing an I have a black screen a grifershowed up right befor I got pushed out of SL I uninstalded my vewer reinstalded nothing help don't want 2 loos my girl connect is good that's how I fond u (not wireless ) ooooh do I get a bug did the griffer **bleep** me can u grab my girl an load for me il love u forever Ah.... well, that didn't help after all.
  16. This has been an off and on theme of conversation here in the LSL forum for many years. You're right that there is no good resolution, Leprekhaun. We do have a solid cadre of professional programmers in SL, and they are responsible for much of the wiki's content. Strife Onizaka has probably contributed more content than anyone and is responsible for maintaining its standard format and professional quality. It's an ongoing challenge, and he has done a marvelous job. It's no coincidence that it reads primarily like a technical manual. While there is a lot to praise in that work, however, there has always been a murmur of discontent from "amateur" LSL scripters --- those who are not computer science professionals in RL --- about how hard it is to understand the technical language if you are not one of the geeky few. We often hear people complain that you can't follow the LSL wiki unless you already know what it says and are just looking to remind yourself of the more arcane details. There's no good way to resolve these two perspectives. A helpful scripting resource needs to be clean, consistent, and as free as possible of ambiguity. That argues against fluffy language and long-winded explanations --- precisely the traits that many early LSL scripters liked about the OLD LSL wiki. Adding many good, brief examples has helped to make the wiki more approachable. Strife, in particular, has made a great effort to clean up confusing language and unnecessarily complex tables. Still, the wiki is clearly aimed at people who speak the language of professionals. I am hardly one to argue against a geeky wiki. I'm not a professional, but I have been programming in one language or another since the mid-1960s. I'm the sort of oddball who reads technical manuals with fair ease, if not pleasure. I love scripting for the challenge of solving complex logic problems. I do sympathize with the poor beginner who has to leap into the wiki feet first, though. I suppose that's one reason why I hang around this forum as much as I do, and why many of the other familiar folks here do as well. We were all new at this stuff once.
  17. The inventory cache on your computer appears to have been damaged. You'll have to delete it to force the viewer to download a clean version from the Sl servers. If you have been using wireless, get off of it now. That can be a cause of problems for many SL residents, and it could make it harder to download and rebuild your cache now. Here's how you rebuild your inventory cache >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear IMO, the most important sentence in those instructions is the one that says, "While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory." Just relax and wait while the rebuilding is going on.
  18. Nobody can pull the script out of a house unless they own it. So long as you are the owner, there's no problem. If you want to sell a L$0 demo version of the house, though, they could well remove the script or at least disable it. Making the house no mod will not prevent that. There are several ways around the problem, reasonably well known to scripters, but none is 100% foolproof. If you hedge your bet by building a deliberate flaw into the demo, though, you reduce the chances that anyone will bother to steal it. That's the strategy that people who design clothing, skins, and shapes use. You may be able to buy a ready-made secure system in Marketplace, but I would advise hiring a scripter to write you something that meets your specific needs. Post in the InWorld Employment forum. Do not trust a script that you find in some freebie bin and just pop into your build.
  19. Reinstalling probably wouldn't help, and clearing cache certainly wouldn't. There are many reasons for lag, so it's impossible to guess the cause for yours without having a lot of diagnostic information. The good news is that many of the most common causes for lag are things that you can control because they either have to do with your own computer and its Internet connection, the way you have set Preferences, or the choices you make about what to carry around with you in world. The best I can do from here is refer you to some very good articles on lag and advise you to spend a few hours reading and experimenting. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923 http://smallbusiness.support.microsoft.com/en-us/gw/speed-up-my-slow-computer-2806116 http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/lag http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_very_laggy
  20. Unless you want to create a bot for that purpose and then have the bot handle all of your normal IM traffic, no. You have at least two problems: A LSL script can send IMs, but it can't receive them, so there's no way to build a scripted device that intercepts IMs and responds to them. Your "in box" can only hold 25 IMs before it is capped and rejects any later ones. One solution is to create a message box that a customer might click in your in-world shop. Depending on how it's scripted, your box might simply tell your customer that you aren't in world, or it might let the customer leave a typed chat message or maybe a notecard. That doesn't help if you are selling through Marketplace, but you might provide a "customer service" e-mail address and a polite note that says that the customer may have to wait up to 5 days for a response.
  21. This problem dosn't happen often, but it's maddening when it does. It's a bug in the basic viewer code, so you can be caught by it if you are using any of the TPVs as well as the "official" Linden Lab viewer. If you find yourself suddenly starting to wear your entire inventory, here are some suggestions for how to fix the problem. Please do them one at a time; the initial methods are simpler than later ones, and will often work. If a method fails, then move on to the next one. Please also follow the instructions as exactly as possible. Method 1 Open the Current Outfit folder (no, don't click on the Worn tab; find the Current Outfit folder), and shift select blocks of 10 or so worn items and Right click → detach from yourself. Note: Do not attempt to remove too many worn links in one go, or you will likely crash or freeze. Also note that you cannot detach your skin, shape, bald hairbase or eyes links.Detach everything showing worn in Current Outfit folder that you can and then delete all unworn links a few at a time (again, dont delete too many at once or you may freeze/crash).Once you are only left with skin, shape, baldy and eyes worn, you may wish to empty trash as there may be hundreds of links in there.Now you are safe to replace outfit normally Method 2 If the above doesn't solve the problem, the fix below usually works - though it may need to be repeated a couple of times: Go to Hippo Hollow Make a temporary folder in your inventory; in that, put a *copy* of your skin, shape, hair base and eyes - and if you like, a base layer garment like jeans or a dress. NO PRIMS Right click the folder you just made, and select Replace Outfit. No Add, not wear, but REPLACE Once that has done, relog to last location - ie, back to Hippo Hollow. Make sure you are still wearing only the things from the temporary folder you made At this point, you can put your normal avatar back on.
  22. If videos are not playing or you have a black or blank search page, please do the following: Go to Avatar → Preferences → Sound & Media Make sure the “Enabled” checkbox to the right of the “Media” slider is checked (For audio, check “Streaming Music”) Check “Allow resident scripts to play media” Make sure you have updated both Flash Player and Quicktime. In order to play Flash format videos (eg YouTube videos), you must have the generic Adobe Flash plugin installed. If you use IE as your web browser and already have Flash, you will need to get the generic Flash plugin; see here. linux users need to have gstreamer installed, with the “bad” plugin set. Make sure the issue is not with the specific television you are using, by attempting to view videos on a television that plays video normally for other Firestorm users. Make sure that “Enable plugins” is ticked in Preferences → Network & Cache, else Flash Player or Quicktime can not be executed, and you may see a message saying: Adobe Flash Player or an HTML5 supported browser is required for video playback. IIt is also possible that you are either missing a SLPlugin.exe file or it is being blocked by a firewall or your antivirus routine. Check the SLPlugin file Relog and open Search Go to your computer processes and look for “slplugin.exe” For Windows users, go to Task Manager → Processes Tab For Mac users, go to Activity Monitor → My Processes (usually by default, but you can check top right drop down) For Linux users, go to Command Terminal, and type “ps aux” You may see four instances of the slplugin running (that is normal behavior) If you do not see any instances of slplugin running, that is the cause of media failing If slplugin is not running, disable all firewall and virus protection (including anti-virus software and windows or other operating system firewalls) Relog and attempt video playback again If it works, you will need to stop your firewall/virus protection from blocking the slplugin file by granting it appropriate permissions in your firewall/virus protection software NOTE: If you have several viewers installed, you will have to allow to each one access through your firewall, as well as to SLPlugin for each one.
  23. Yes, you could do that very easily. In the money event of your script, just include a set of if statements to test the amount that your donor has given. Then, once you have identified the L$ range, use llGiveInventory to give him/her the appropriate gift. If you are looking for a scripter to do the work for you instead, just post in InWorld Employment.
  24. This is a known issue with ATI Catalyst versions 12.2 through 12.4 and may affect later versions as well. If you have one of these versions, then you will need to roll back to a previous version. See here for example. Temporary work-arounds: Disable basic shaders Turn off “Enable highlighting of selected prims” via Preferences → Firestorm → Build
  25. No. This is ANSWERS. The land forum is at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-Forum/ct-p/LandForum
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