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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. This is not the correct place to look. Look in the LAND forum.
  2. steph Arnott wrote: [ .... ] Not in the wiki or examples does it any were actualy say what a handle does. I just been putting it in becouse eveeryone else does. Yeah, that's a good point. And as Peter pointed out, it's made more confusing by the way the words are used. Look at it this way, perhaps .... Suppose that you and I each know where the other one lives. You'd think it would be easy to communicate by mail. So, I send you a letter. Unfortunately, so do hundreds of other people. You are inundated with junk mail and you don't want to have to open all of that trash just to figure out which envelope contains a letter from me. How do you tell? You look for my name in the corner of the envelope. That's my handle, a brief descriptor that says, "This one is from me." I can make my handle more specific by also writing my street address and my mail code on the envelope. However I do it, though, the information in the corner of the envelope is your clue to who it's from. As you look through your pile of mail, you are applying a mental process that says, "Nope, not that one .... nope, not that one either ..... Aha! That one!" You are using a handler to sort the mail. Once you have found what you are looking for, you might say, "OK, now I donlt have to look for THAT letter any more." If so , you are using a different mental handler to stop sorting the mail. You're not dumb at all, Steph. You understand the concept and have been using it correctly all along, and so have all the other scripters who trade ideas here. We forget that the concept may be totally new to a beginner, and we make it harder to understand by being sloppy about the words we use. I vaguely remember being confused about what llListen does when I started scripting LSL years ago. Despite the odd wiki wording, I must have figured out on my own that it is telling my listen event which return addresses to accept as it sorts messages. Peter just wants to make it easier for others to figure out.
  3. You have to be a wee bit more careful about your typing, that's all. First of all, check to be sure that you are typing decimal points and not commas. vector blank_vector = <0.000,0.000,0.000> , not <0,000,0,000,0,000> Then watch out for the distinction between assignment and comparison. Test for if (alfa == ZERO_VECTOR) , not if (alfa = ZERO_VECTOR)
  4. That's not the question, Steph. They are the same thing, but that's irrelevant. What Peter is talking about, and the rest of us agree, is the English words we use to describe what's going on. llListen provides an integer handle; that is, something that the script uses to hold onto the communication channel that has been opened. Your script uses that handle to manipulate the communication. The event or function that does the work is handling it, and is therefore a handler. We're talking about clear usage of English words. As an analogy, if I call you on the telephone, I am using your telephone number as a tag -- a handle -- to represent the connection between us. Your telephone's hardware and software (and mine) are doing the work of making and maintaining the communication and are therefore handlers.
  5. My guess is that your Internet connection isn't fine at all. It may be fine enough for browsing the web, sending e-mail, and playing some on-line games, but SL demands more than that. That particular message is one that you get typically if the servers have gotten tired of waiting for your viewer to respond and have no choice but to log you out. When you log in or teleport, the servers have to collect a lot of information about you, adding you to the database in the sim you have just entered. If you happen to have your statistics bar (CTRL + Shift + 1) open at the time, you may notice that your Ping Sim value increases dramatically and that your Frames Per Second (FPS) drops. That's telling you that the Internet is trying to carry a sudden spike of information and that your connection to SL's servers has slowed down temporarily. It usually pops right back to normal within seconds, but if your connection is normally a bit flaky, it may time out instead .... and you disconnect. If you have been using wireless, don't. That's a common reason for instability as well as being much more vulnerable to interference than a direct cable connection. If it has been a while since you rebooted your router, do it. Just unplug it from the power for a few minutes, that's all. If your router is more than three or four years old, you may want to think about replacing it. There are other possible cures, but those steps are good ones to try first.
  6. It's hard to say what you might be doing wrong. Only residents that have Premium memberships and are at least 14 days old are eligible to participate in auctions, so one common reason why people's auction attempts fail is that they haven't been in SL long enough. That's not your problem, since you have been here a couple of years, but maybe you're not a Premium member? If that's not it, take a look here for the answers to some common perplexing questions. Maybe you'll find a clue.
  7. Rolig Loon


    I suspect that you mean a SLURL -- the special variety of URL that we use in Second Life as a teleport link hidden in chat or IM. (A "slur", by comparison, is a demeaning insult meant to degrade another person. Probably not what you meant. :smileysurprised: ) Anyway.... Everything you ever wanted to know about SLURLs is explained right here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Landmarks-teleporting-and-SLurls/ta-p/700123#Section_.2
  8. As we explained in response to your previous post on this same subject, we are all SL residents, just like you. We are not Lindens. Lindens never come to this Answer service and we have never had any indication that any Linden ever reads what is posted here. There is, in fact, nothing that we can do to resolve your problem. The only option open to you is to submit an appeal as directed in the e-mails you have received from Linden Lab. There is no way to discuss this by phone with Linden Lab. I am really sorry, but that's all we have to offer other than sympathy.
  9. Rolig Loon

    Adult content

    If you are on the Mainland, you don't. If you are on a private sim and you are the owner, you can set the sim rating in the Estate/Region tools.
  10. Which upgrade? What picture? Did you do this? >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 Feel free to explain. If you want to provide extra information or need to clarify your question, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do not start a new thread. Doing that makes it hard for us to see what other people have already suggested, and it pushes other residents' questions off the page.
  11. A handle is handled by a handler. A handle is something that you hold onto. A handler is someone or something that holds onto a handle. :smileywink:
  12. And this is in the LSL Scripting forum because ..... ?
  13. This script doesn't sell or transfer anything. All it does is send a message to another script and receive messages that either say that the other script sold something or is in use. You either need to write a script that is going to sell things or you have to hire a scripter to write one. If you want to hire a scripter, you'll need to post in the InWorld Employment forum. I have no idea what G&S currency is, but any script that sells things in SL is going to sell them for L$. That's the way that money events work. You can write a short code snippet that converts between L$ and G&S so that your script says the G&S amount in chat, but the actual transaction will be in L$. The real challenge will be that you can't transfer ownership of the rezzed object to the new owner with a LSL script. The best you can do is to create a vendor that sells a copy of itself (without the vendor script) and then self-destructs. The copy will go directly to the buyer's inventory and it will look as if s/he has received the "original" that served as the vendor. You could even include a flashy particle effect to complete the slight of hand as the sale is made.
  14. Look Waaaaaaay at the top of your viewer window. The black bar that has the menu tabs for your Me - Comm -- World --- Build .... menus is also a control for the various task bars you want to display. Right click on it and select Favorites Bar. It will appear magically
  15. Heheh.. You always pay land fees to someone. After all, land doesn't come free. Here are the monthly fees: Cost Sq. Meters Amount of Land USD 195.00/ month 65,536 Entire Region USD 125.00/ month 32,768 1/2 Region USD 75.00/ month 16,384 1/4 Region USD 40.00/ month 8,192 1/8 Region USD 25.00/ month 4,096 1/16 Region USD 15.00/ month 2,048 1/32 Region USD 8.00/ month 1,024 1/64 Region USD 5.00/ month 512 1/128 Region USD 0.00/ month 0 0/128 Region Buying a sim also means paying the one-time purchase price from the previous owner or paying a setup fee for a new sim from LL. Study this page carefully >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043 Then consider taking Lindal Kidd's free class in land ownership and management at CaledonOxbridge University this Friday evening.
  16. Right. The best place to ask is the General Discussion forum. :smileyvery-happy:
  17. Rolig Loon


    Did you set your viewing preference in Search (upper left corner of the Search window) and in Marketplace (dropdown menu in the middle of the header)? You have to do both of those in addition to setting your rating in Preferences >>> General. Incidentally, SL doesn't have any adult "rooms". That's IMVU.
  18. Zu welchem Zweck? Sie koennen sicherlich externen Datenbanken erstellen, wenn Sie es wuenschen. Einige Haendler haben Kundenliste mit mehreren tausend Namen in ihnen, zum Beispiel, so dass sieaußerhalb des SL verwalten muessen. Aber das ist eher ungewoehnlich. Die meisten Skripte in SL sind entworfen, um Namen und UUID intern zu behandeln. Vielleicht waere es leichter zu beantworten, wenn wir, warum Sie die Informationen benoetigen verstanden.
  19. Nomi Claremont wrote: [ ... ] This is repeatable. It's not anywhere on the sim, even 0,0,0,0. It's not in lost and found or any part of inventory. The owner did not remove. This is instant. From inventory (no copy item) drag to ground (without prem to drop/rez items) to gone. Thanks, In that case, try a variation on what Ariel is suggesting. Sometimes when the servers toss an item back to your inventory, it doesn't show up in the cached COPY of inventory that is on your own computer. That's possible if you have a weak or flaky Internet connection, as could easily be the case if you have been using wireless, for example. Relogging may indeed force your viewer to update cache, making the missing item reappear magically. You can do the same thing more deliberately, though. Here's how >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear IMO, the most important sentence in those instructions is the one that says, "While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory." Just relax until the rebuilding is complete. BTW, those instructions will work for any SL viewer, although obviously you have to look for folders with our own viewer's name on them if you aren't using Firestorm.
  20. It's a subtle difference with generally little consequence. The ++integer case increments the value and then evaluates it. The integer++ case evaluates the variable and then increments it. Which one you chose is usually a mater of taste, but can be important in some specific cases. Here's the example in the wiki: integer count;if(!(++count)) // Is incremented then evaluated.llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Aha"); // Will not be said. integer count;if(!(count++)) // Is evaluated then incremented.llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Aha"); // Will be said. Notice that in both cases, count == 0 to start. In the first case, that value is incremented (so count == 1) and then evaluated. Because !(1) == FALSE, the test message doesn't print. In the second case, the value is evaluated first. Because !(0) == TRUE, the message prints, and then count is incremented.
  21. If you don't have the right group tag on, you generally can't rez items at all. They just stay in inventory. If you succeed in rezzing items and they are later removed by the landowner or by an autoreturn, they normally end up in your Lost & Found folder. On rare occasions, you may rez objects that the servers don't know what to do with. Those items often end up in the sim's "garbage collector", in the extreme SW corner of the sim at location <0.0,0.0,0.0> -- underground or under water. In even rarer cases, items are lost completely. You can try looking for items anywhere on the sim by using the tool at Build >>> Pathfinding >>> Linksets. With it, you can locate objects by name or by the owner's name and can either return them or TP yourself to them. That tool will find any objects that are still on the sim.
  22. DEMO items are exactly that. They are meant to let a potential buyer try on a mildly expensive item before buying it. It's especially wise to get demo copies of any worn mesh items before you pay for the real thing, for example, because mesh clothing that looks great in a photo can look wretched on your own av. Demo items are always watermarked in some way or they have some obvious intentional flaw so that you won't be tempted to use them in public instead of the real thing. Once you've decided that you like the demo, go pay for the actual item. Now, if you wear a clothing item and it suddenly makes other items pop off your body, you just need to change your approach. When you select an attachment in inventory and choose the "WEAR" option, the item will replace whatever is already attached to the designated spot. A new skirt will replace an old one, new hair will replace old hair, and so forth. If you want to wear two items on the same attachment point, you need to choose the "ADD" option. That way, you can wear a skirt and a belt, both of which might be attached to your hips.
  23. Well.... I agree that it's wise to avoid overusing state changes. It's very easy to lose track of variables or -- more to the point -- their values as they are passed from one state to another and, yes, multi-state scripts generally use more memory. In general, you can write many scripts efficiently with only a default state. However, there are several perfectly good reasons for having extra states. For example, a script that reads setup values from a notecard or does other one-time tasks on start-up very often does those in state default and then passes control to a new "running" state from which it never (or rarely) returns. As another example, a script that asks a user to verify access permission will often do that in one state and then pass control to another state once access is approved. Those sorts of tasks can indeed be written in a single state, but separating them into two or more states makes it easier to isolate one task from another. It also saves the scripter from having to carry a pile of flags around to switch events from doing one task to doing another one. It's easy to think of many other examples of scripts that are made simpler/more efficient/easier-to-read by using states judiciously.
  24. Rolig Loon

    How do I ?

    Sure! Depending on how skilled you are, you can create many kinds of clothing. In the simplest case, you are tlking about creating clothes that are actually textures "painted" on the avatar body. You'll find the basic process for doing that here. Making even that type of clothing requires some skill with Photoshop or GIMP, but it's well within the grasp of most SL residents. Fun too. Other clothing is made as attachments that are hung on the av body at various attachment points. They can be as simple as a button or as complex as a suit of armor. Prim clothing -- in items like skirts -- can be made flexible so that it flows when you move. Much of that type of clothing can be made, piece by piece, with your in-world build/edit tools, described in general terms here. For more complicated attachments that are "rigged" to your av's skelton and therefore follow your body's shape as you bend, you'll need to learn mesh 3D modeling techniques. That can be a major project --- AND fun. You can begin by looking for free classes at Caledon Oxbridge University, NCI, or Builder's Brewery in world, or by Googling for the thousands of video and text tutorials on line. As you have questions, start lurking in the Building & Texturing forum and then asking specific questions there.
  25. Rolig Loon


    It depends on how skilled you are. The vast majority of "working" SL residents are self-employed. If you have a RL skill that you can use to establish a business in SL, you are all set. A skilled creator (scripter, graphic artist, animator, 3D modeler .... ) or a performer (DJ, musician ...) can earn a respectable income in SL. It still takes some up-front investment in tools like 3D modeling software, Photoshop, Audacity, a streaming web server, or an in-world wardrobe, and it takes most people a while to become experience enough with the way SL works to build a client list and be competitive. You can get an overview of the sorts of jobs people do in SL here. If you don't have a competitive skill, you'll find that most other jobs pay very little. There isn't much need for unskilled labor in SL since creators tend to sell their own work directly and there's no need for shop help. Still,you can look through the listings in the InWorld Employment forum, or you can add your own offer to work there.
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