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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I am not having any trouble with web links in FS 4.5.1 at all. I have just tested several and they all work. This may mean that you have a faulty installation -- You did do a clean install, didn't you? -- or that you have discovered a bug. If you are sure that you did a clean install, report a suspected bug in the Firestorm JIRA. Remember that 4.5.1 is officially a Beta version. It has some known bugs and may have others that will not be apparent until users have had a chance to test the version in world.
  2. If you block someone, she should still be able to see you, so that's normal. After all, a person isn't supposed to know that you have blocked her unless you tell her. The rest of it isn't right, though. The blocked person should appear gray (or cloudy in some third party viewers), and you should not be able to see their chat. Open your People panel (click on the People icon on your task bar) and then the Blocked tab. If you really did block someone, the avatar name should be in that list. If it is, I suggest deleting the name and re-blocking the person. Maybe it just didn't "stick" for some reason.
  3. No, but you can submit a support ticket to let Linden Lab know that you are another one of the people who have been affected by this problem since last Tuesday.
  4. I suspect that the e-mails are not coming from in world at all, but from your web profile at http://my.secondlife.com/meijhen.hax Open your profile and navigate to Settings >>> Notifications. My guess is that you'll see a column of check marks where you have told the system to send you e-mail notifications when anyone sends you a message, comments on your feed, etc. Just UNcheck those and you should have peace and quiet.
  5. Rolig Loon

    ADITI login

    Some days -- even weeks -- Aditi is like that. That grid is Linden Lab's sandbox. They let us use it to experiment in, but they can take over the entire thing for testing or take it completely off line at any time. We have no guarantee of access, so if it's unavailable ...... wait. As long as you can still log in to the main grid, you know your viewer and conection are OK.
  6. I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. You may only have a Linden Home if you are a Premium member. When you stop being a Premium member, you will lose your house. However, you can still rent property anywhere as a Basic member and you can buy property on private estates as well. So, if you are renting now -- not a Linden Home but a rental home anywhere in SL -- you may continue to do that.
  7. Steph -- If you go to Preferences >> Chat , you can adjust Chat window font size and Onscreen console font size . I am not sure that those make any difference to the LSL Editor, but I have both of mine set to Medium and the text size in my LSL editor is fine.
  8. Yes, but of course you want gCount to be saved each time you update it, not just one time. So you'll want to llSetObjectDesc in the same event that updates it, not in state_entry.
  9. You should not be using Magic Boxes. That's why you are getting those messages. The Magic Box system was discontinued almost a year ago and replaced by Direct Delivery, except for those few items that are one-of-a-kind. See here for all instructions about using your Merchant Outbox to send items for Direct Delivery to your Marketplace store >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193#Section_.4.2
  10. Check the Received Items folder at the bottom of your inventory. You may need to expand it to see the contents. Until you open that folder and transfer the items, they will not be in any of your regular folders.
  11. Before you jump to the conclusion that someon stole your money, please do look at theTransaction History on your dashboard at secondlife.com >>> Account . The most common reason for unexpected withdrawals is a group liability. When you belong to a group in SL, you very often end up sharing the group's costs for advertizing events, listing rental property, etc. Spread over the entire group, it amounts to pennies a week per person. If you don't want tp pay, you may either leave the group or ask the group's owner if there is a way to avoid paying your share (unlikely, but it happens).
  12. Rolig Loon


    No hay tal cosa como la "terreno gratis" en Second Life. Es posible que ya sea comprar un terreno o alquilarlo. Si usted compra la tierra, usted debe seguir pagando las cuotas mensuales de tierras, como los impuestos de propiedad en RL. Si usted tiene una habilidad RL que puede utilizar para establecer un negocio en SL, por lo que es un trabajo fácil. Un creador especializada (guionista, dibujante, animador, modelador 3D ....) o un artista (DJ, músico ...) pueden ganar un ingreso respetable en SL. Todavía tiene algo de inversión inicial en herramientas como software de modelado 3D, Photoshop, Audacity, un servidor web de streaming, o un armario en el mundo, y se necesita la mayoría de la gente un tiempo para convertirse en la experiencia suficiente con la forma SL trabaja para construir un lista de clientes y ser competitivos. Usted puede obtener una visión general de los tipos de puestos de trabajo que la gente hace en SL aquí. Si usted no tiene una habilidad competitiva, usted encontrará que la mayoría de los trabajos pagan muy poco. No hay mucha necesidad de mano de obra no calificada en SL, ya los creadores suelen vender su propio trabajo directamente y no hay necesidad de una tienda de ayuda. Sin embargo, usted puede mirar a través de los anuncios en el foro de empleo en el mundo virtual, o usted puede añadir su oferta para trabajar allí.
  13. Open your People panel (the icon on your task bar that looks like a person) and click the Blocked tab to see the list of people and objects you have blocked. Right click on any name and select UNblock.
  14. Rolig Loon


    Irene's right. Why isn't there something about UNblocking on this page?
  15. If you want a Linden Home, you have to register for one. Go to Premium Membership registration and log in with your Second Life account. Follow the account upgrade process. Once your account is upgraded to Premium Membership, the page will redirect to Linden Home registration. A Linden Home is a starter home in SL, sort of like renting an apartment while you learn more about how this world works and decide whether you want to buy land and build your own home. Linden Lab has thousands of homes in four basic styles. Each is on a 512 sq m parcel of land. As a Premium member, you get to live in the home rent-free. It's a pretty good deal. Like any good deal, of course, it does have some restrictions (you don't get to choose where the home is, you can't build an addition, you can't run a business there ....). Read all about your Linden Home and about what your other land options are as a Premium member >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103
  16. That's always a possibility, since all llTargetOmega movement is client-side. Especially when you have two things rotating, it's going to be hard to keep them in sync over long periods of time. The way to beat that is to set a timer to stop and restart the movement every couple of minutes.
  17. Just use llSetObjectDesc. :smileywink:
  18. Frankly, I thought that you could always buy items in Marketplace directly with your credit card or PayPal, but I've never heard of anyone with your complaint until now. I suppose the catch is that all of the internal accounting in MP is in L$. No matter where your money comes from, it's converted to L$ before your Marketplace purchase is complete. And I suspect that's where the purchase limits come into play. If you're new to SL, the purchase limits won't let you buy huge amounts of L$ at once. The purchase and sale limits on L$ are there to discourage money laundering, if only for the first month or two that someone is in SL. In this case, simply because of the way MP accounts are handled, they also limit how much you can spend there. You can always ask to have your trading limits increased, of course. Here's how >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107#Section_.3.3 BTW, since you mentioned it in passing .... The only way to increase your USD balance now is to sell L$. You used to be able to deposit dollars directly in your USD balance from PayPal or your credit card, but LL changed that last spring. So, unless you can buy L$, you can't increase your dollar balance.
  19. You don't need to touch the ground. Just use World >> About Land or click the little Land icon at the top of your viewer.
  20. You can't. The best you can do is make it transparent most of the time and then switch it to visible when you click on the vendor. Something like this ..... integer gON;integer gCount;default{ touch_start(integer num) { if (llGetOwner() == llDetectedKey(0)) { llSetText((string)gCount,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0*(gON = !gON)); } else { ++gCount; } }} Personally, though, my favorite solution is not hover text at all. Just put gCount in the vendor's Description field and use your viewer's Hover Tips feature to let you see what it is with mouseover.
  21. What matters is whether your texture and the UV map are distorted in the same way. Imagine, for example, the state of Ohio. It's roughly a square but not quite. You could certainly make a square map of Ohio if you wanted to, though. You'd just have to stretch and squeeze the real map until all of its borders matched the outlines of your square. Now, suppose that you have a satellite photo of Ohio. If you're going to use it on your square map, you'll have to stretch and squeeze it too. The point is that there's nothing sacred about the shapes of either the map or the image. All that matters is that they match. Same with your UV map and your skirt texture. If they don't match, you need to adjust one or the other until they do. It doesn't make any difference at all whether your skirt's UV map is a rectangle or a trapezoid or whatever shape it is now. All that counts is that your texture is squished appropriately to fit it.
  22. Read the Linden Lab Age Play Policy. Pay particular attention to the Note in the Discussion section of that document.
  23. AFAIK, Linden Lab doesn't send a verification e-mail any more. If you have downloaded and installed a viewer, try to log in with your new account. If it works, you are verified.
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