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Tazzie Tuque

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Everything posted by Tazzie Tuque

  1. well this sounds a little surreal, or BS ish, but hey tell us more! Just how does this work? etc. etc.
  2. I did end up filing a support ticket; and luckily it was responded to very quickly, the old listings that were still showing have been removed finally! And the new listings have been sorted out.. Thank you for your response!
  3. I saw Grumpity's message that that issue was finally fixed so I Log in to my market place; and select manage my subscriptions: and nearly had a heart attack! All my current paid for listings are gone!!! just gone... the only thing showing is 3 old listings from 2011 and 2012 still saying "charging cannot edit".. Where are my paid for current listings??????? I am furious!! Anyone who can shed some light on this I would be so very grateful! TAZZ
  4. Edited original post... decided this is not worth getting into!
  5. Wow! see what you mean. I rather suspect it might be something with the surface of the model, I would try increasing my LOD factor to 3 and see if that helps. Only other thing would be to try it on an actual avitar and see if it still does the same thing. I have not made too many appliers in Belleza so haven't run into this yet.. but as a rule I do keep my LOD factor up at 3 all the time. Dunno if this helps much but it might
  6. LOL, well it was many years ago I been here 10 years so it was about 8 years ago I did that, and it was mainly for a few Halloween costumes, which actually sold pretty well back in the day.. they would NOT cut the mustard today for sure lol. and I sold the whole shebang skin and clothing etc. in a pakage. As for your idea, who knows someone might pick it up.. but i am not a skin maker so don't think I would give it a go:)
  7. I see what you mean, and if you are handy in photoshop and can use an SL template; making a plain minimal detail skin would be easy.. I made a few several years ago, in different colours to be used with fantasy outfits.. or even get a hold of a cheap full perm skin template, and blurr over or even remove the naughty bits so they don't show save it and upload it, again pretty simple.
  8. Wouldn't it be easier to just get a manikin, or one of those statues or something? I see those all over in stores in SL and on MP. A lot of folks are using those to disply all sorts of clothes.
  9. CadenzaInVivace wrote: Good thing at least Blueberry and Addams charge non-stupid prices for their stuff, unlike Erratic. Their stuff pretty much doubled in price ever since landing that kit. 649L for ONE COLOUR of a lingerie set? Lol. I remember the days when Erratic stuff were like what, 150-200L per colour? Well by jacking up prices, in the end they are not doing themselves any favours. I don't think I am alone in this, but I won't pay 600+ for any one colour item no matter how much I like it (unless it is something like a formal gown that it is obvous that the creator put a lot of time and effort into producing a superior item).. no need to as there is so much out there we have choices, so in the end it is just a loss of sales to them..
  10. I have been designing clothes for 10 years in SL, and it seems to me that no matter which part of the body you are making things for be it clothing or makeup.. it all comes down to textures.. if your textures are dynamic, shaded well, blended well, interesting then so will the product be.. and that's about it.. it is all in the creativity you can come up with in photoshop (or any such program). There really are no short cuts.
  11. It isn't the applier that isn't working it is the script not accepting a glove texture that is preventing the applier from being made in the first place. The hands and feet are totally seperate parts from the body, and technically are not a part of the upper body that is probably why the creator put them on the note card seperately, so I can't see why putting the UUID in the upper body would help in making the applier?
  12. Amethyst Damour wrote: i need some help with the maitreya Developers kit and a problem i am having with it. basically i'm doing a hand tattoo on the glove layer,ive followed the intructions on the dev kits note cards etc,the problem i'm having is this:- on the texture loading note it says the following,This is a BODY OVERLAY texture loader for Maitreya. Fill in a texture key where needed and leave the unused areas blank. No quotes. Do not remove any lines. so i uploaded the texture for the glove,left the rest on the teexture lines blank as stated but when i insert the note card into the hud it come up the following message, mait applier hud: Notecard rejected. No textures detected when it was inspected. It was not what we expected. i cant work out what i'm doing if i use the defualt note card it the kits with the alpha layer section left in the approiate texture line on the note it works but then shows them texture when adding them ohn the avi the hud? hope this make sense and any help would be great thank you Amethyst Damour You are doing everything right Amethyst; I recently tried to make a Trebble Cleff Hand tattoo; and as soon as I loaded the note card into the prim with the script I got this in local chat: rejected. No textures detected when it was inspected. It was not what we expected. I have made tattoos before on other parts of the body with no problem at all, as long as the tattoo layer was applied before any other layers i.e. pants, shirts, etc. The only conclusion I could come up with is that perhaps the image is too small for the script to detect anything being there. Or there is an actual error in the script for the hand layer. I am inclined to think there is an error in the scripting .. as I also made a pair of charcoal gloves and got the same error and those are not particularly small textures.. I think this is an issue to be forwarded to the creator of the Maitreya kit maker.
  13. I see what you mean, and it has to do with alpha blending in textures is this item you are showing all on one texture? or is it on two different textures for different layers? And what does it look like when you apply the texture to the non mesh body? is that skin showing still or not? if not then it does have something to do with alpha blending and transparency with the mesh body layers.. and do you have any other layers on the body open i.e. in use but with no texture on it. that also could be an issue.. these layer things are quite tricky as I am finding out.. I have not mastered all the problems yet but I do know that I have solved some by making sure the layers are totally off (cleared) before I start, then applying in layer order i.e underwear first, then pants etc. I don't know if this will help but in case you haven't checked out the layers it's all I can offer.. perhaps someone else might have a more helpful reply.. sorry.
  14. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Right at the moment, the only major bodies that don't use the Omega appliers are the Slink female and the TMP. The female SLink should be updated to use Omega appliers very shortly. The male Slink body and hands are already Omega compatible. The scripting is simple for the Omega appliers. You just plug the UUID into the provided applier. The advanced ones can be put on a backing prim as a hud. The ones that have materials scripting require you leave them separate. Mounting them on a hud breaks the scripts, at least for now. This is good news indeed! However, has the need for the Omega relay hud changed any or do you still need one for certain brands such as Maitreya, and will you need one for Slink and the others? This is the confusing part.. I like to advise my customers of the need for such a relay hud and let them know where to find it if there is a need for it.
  15. In Market Place; I always list one item fill out the listing form, then use "auto fill" to save time to do the demo listing; and the same item but a different colour or name.. I tried to use auto fill tonight and when I clicked the button and put in the name of the listed item I wanted to use to auto fill for the second item.. nothing came up at all.. I even tried using the SKU and still nothing came up.. I did not mis spell it or get the SKU wrong. Is this feature boked? I sure saves a lot of time when it works!
  16. I am just now catching up with appllers, since I have had so many customers request them for my system layer clothing or part of an outfit with a system layer on it.. I am still sorting it all out.. but so far the Omega applier covers quite a few, but then with bodies like Maitreya the customer will not only need your Omega applier but will need to get an applier which relays the info from Omega to Maitreya for it to work.. TMP as far as I know only work with their own. Slink now is supposed to work with Omega and as far as I know it does. As for the lesser used mesh body brands, I have no idea I have not gotten that far yet. At this point for me it is kind of a trial and error experiment lol.......... but I don't think there is one applier that will cover all makes of bodies.. unfortunately!!! Where Maitreya is concerned I make those even those Omega works if the relay hud is used. But then the only mesh body I own is Maitreya lol so for me they are the easiest and most simple to make. There is a load of info about Omega appliers on their website, but I found even with that it is still somewhat confusing as to just what they will or will not work with. Sorry not much help I don't think.
  17. "Actually it's appliers that are becoming obsolete. The current fashion is mesh clothing in fitted mesh designed for a particular mesh body." Totally disagree.. I see more and more non mesh clothes makers adding appliers to their releases new and older releases.. so appliers are NOT becoming obsolete... As for "the curent fashion" being mesh clothing in fitted mesh designed for a particular mesh body.. although that is nice it sure is limiting in terms of what is available.. Personally as I said before I like the wide choice of fashion available, and do not nor do I ever intend to follow "current fashion trends".. that is the beauty of SL, anything and everything can be tailored to any individual taste.. Even as a designer I do not follow so called "trends".
  18. ahhh ok, smiles, yes I use both actually I make mostly mesh clothing still, but once in awhile I will do something that is part mesh and part system (with appliers) if that is what works best for my design. I wear both still as well, what ever looks best.. I love my mesh outfits and if I can get them to work with my mesh body I will certainly do that, but if it is just impossible and I really like the mesh outfit I revert back to the old sl body with alpha and mesh clothing.. I am of the mind that since we now have so many choices, we are free to pick and choose what works best for us individually.. Celebrated 10 years in SL today, and I for one am enjoying the choices we did not used to have lol.
  19. I am sorry but I am confused about your statement: "Are mesh clothing items without appliers even a thing anymore?" As far as I know mesh clothing has never required appliers. It is system layer clothing that require appliers for mesh bodies. Mesh clothing requires alpha layers most times but never appliers..
  20. Very few if any skins are mod and not everyone has a program like photoshop to create or merge layers. In and ideal SL.. the mesh body makers, would be able to figure out how to create at least an alpha section option that is more flexible then the ones available now. Sections are either too small or way too big, and if you enjoy wearing mesh clothing that is a little different, i.e. odd hemlines, interesting top shapes etc. it is impossible to create an alpha that works given the alpha section choices in all mesh body huds. I would love to be able to take a texture (or even the outline of a texture) and make an alpha to match exactly with the mesh clothing part.. but alas that doesn't work I have tried:( so until some brilliant mesh maker comes up with something.. I think the issue is mute.
  21. The only thing I forgot to note in my original comment with regrds to system layer clothes, is that the skirt layer has always been and still is totally useless, it is the only layer I will not use or wear.. makes one look like they are wearing a bubble or a barrel... lol..
  22. As both a designer and a consumer I find that both system clothing and mesh can and do work well together in many situations. It all depends on the over all look you want. I agree that underwear and in most cases swimwear and any tight fitting clothing works best as system clothing, skirts definitely work best in mesh and that incudes most dresses, mesh pants are next to impossible if you want to wear knee boots so in those cases system pants work best. And often times system pants are a must to fit with some mesh tops or jackets, I hate having to wear a mesh top or jaket 2 sizes too big just to fit over mesh pants so the pants don't poke through the top or jacket. And now with mesh bodies, appliers solve the system layer problem. Having said all that, it is of course a matter of taste and choice, but I see no reason why anyone would have to pick one over the other. If an outfit looks good then it looks good either all system or all mesh or a combination of both. When I started SL 10 years ago we did not have such choices, but just because system layers were he original way of making clothing doesn't mean it is antiquated or of no use now.
  23. With so many designers and so many stores in SL and MP, it could be out there somewhere but I haven't seen anything quite like that either. Perhaps you could approach someone to make it for you?
  24. I understand your frustration, when I finally broke down and got a mesh body I got the Lara body. It took reading the note card that came with it carefully, and then experimenting with using the hud to understand how to use it properly. Understanding the layers and the alpha sections is really important for sucess using any mesh body and the note card does explain this pretty well. The best thing to do when something like you describe happens is to put the hud on, go to the alpha section and use the clear all button. This takes any alpha section off. And the body should appear. Then go to the layers section and clear all the layers there.. Now you should be ok. But having said that: there is a bug in SL, that affects all viewers you might use, and that bug actually detatches your body upon teleport (along with some other attachments sometimes) it doesn't happen all the time but it does happen sometimes. When this happens you may or may not still see your body on your screen, but others cannot see it, and it will look like you are wearing it in your inventory but you will not be able to detach it and put it back on as it won't come off.. the only cure for this issue is to relog and then put the body back on again. I hope this helps, if you are still having issues please feel free to IM me inworld and I will try to help if I can. TAZZ
  25. I hear so much about this Sensar project.. and very little about advancing what SL already has.. this question is specific to format of uplading 3D mesh.. Will SL ever allow uplaoding other formats than .dae? I can create in my 3D program but it is impossible to get my work into SL as my program does not save in .dae format.. I would have to save my work in .obj then import it to blender then convert it to .dae.. then uplad to SL.. I have tried this and it NEVER comes out as it should and therefore is useless. You say Sansar will have the ability to upload in various formats.. why not SL?
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