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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Congratulations! I would love to meet you inworld.
  2. I suspect that no no one else who is on this site is, either, even the horney jerks who walk around naked in sl with woodies saying "Wanna f**k?" So why are all of these ads here? And why does LL leave them up?
  3. Thank you all for your helpful answers. After looking at the videos, I really want APEX!
  4. and alter the shape of the mesh clothing to conform to the shape? I do not understand the technical aspects of how mesh clothing works. However, I have a basic understanding of how computation works. Based on that, it seems like it should be entirely possible for the software to detect collisions between mesh clothing and the avatar shape and gaps between the avatar shape and mesh clothing. The software knows the shape and position of the avatar. It knows the shape and position of mesh clothing. Why can't it compute for each point on the mesh clothing whether it lies inside the shape, away from the shape, or just touching the shape, and alter the shape of the mesh clothing as needed? Why are bones even needed? Sorry to ask what must appear the the cognoscenti a stupid question, but I really am curious about this and would appreciate informative answers.
  5. Sassy Romano wrote: I'll save you the bother. You'll just have invisible pants. Yep! I was so excited I forgot to think. Does wearing invisible clothes count as non-nudity?
  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote: What I don't get is why alpha masks are not done as system clothes. What a grreat idea. I'm going to logon and make a pair of pants with a transparent texture and see what happens.
  7. Forgive my ignorance, please. I don't have what it takes to wade through the bloated TOS. If I have full rights to a texture, I can't transfer it to someone else? If I can't, then I don't have full rights. That makes no sense.
  8. Rolig Loon wrote: I think Alicia's got it. The "creators" who are putting a lot of mesh clothing in the market are only creating things in the "paint by numbers" sense of the word. They are working blindly with a kit. Fortunately, you are experienced enough to know how to make your own alpha mask -- maybe a 5 minute job in GIMP or Photoshop. A lot of buyers can't do that. More like an hour or more, usually. There's a lot of cutting and trying when I do it.
  9. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: As someone who does buy the "mesh kits", and spends hours if not days making my own textures for them, per most of the creators ToU we can not give any part of the kit full perm. Personally i test all of the alphas with a few friends before i put it on the MP, but there will always be a shape that just wont fit. That is not something we can do anything about. I do mod the alphas if needed, but still can't give the textures full perm. You could sell an alpha mask texture you made from scratch yourself full perm. You would be doing the same amount of work that every one of your customers who needs a better-fitting alpha mask has to do. If consumers can make them for their own use, it should be easy enough for designers to make them from scratch. My shape is a standard size small. In addition, I routinely tweak a copy to get a better fit with an individual clothing item. If clothing won't work with a standard shape that is tweaked to fit the clothing, then it is not suitable for sale.
  10. Today, I decided to make an alpha mask for a nice mesh dress I bought because the one that came with it shows above the neckline. As usual, the otherwise very accommodating creator didn't include a copy of the alpha mask texture, but it occurred to me that, since only the upper tattoo needed altering, I could save a little work by just changing the upper tattoo and leaving the lower alone. Nope! The alpha mask was nit modifiable! So I'll have to start completely from scratch. I just do not understand why designers don 't take better care of there customers regarding alpha masks. First, as we have discussed in the forums in the past, the alpha masks that come with nice clothes are often sloppily made, so the consumer has to make her own if she wants to look good. It would cost nothing to make the alpha mask modifiable and include the texture, and it would lead to greater customer satisfaction, which is to a seller's advantage. So why is it hardly ever done? Is there something I'm missing, or do most designers just not understand the issue?
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Blue Voix wrote: Which is why almost every third party viewer has a in world support group..... Unlike LL who offers no support. Hear!
  12. I'm no expert, but I would get the hottest gaming laptop I could afford. Perhaps like one of these.
  13. You can open a second, or even third, inventory window. In Firestorn, click on the suitcase icon below the inventory window to open the second one. To open more, click on the gear icon, and then on "New Inventory Window" on the menu that pops up.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Two main reasons you settle: 1) It's cheaper than fighting. 2) To avoid setting a legal precedent. In a settlement there is generally no admission of guilt by the defendent nor a finding of guilt by the Court. The approval by the Court simply says based on the facts "this looks reasonable." For a more detailed (and lengthy) read about this case see HERE (pops). I'd suggest you have plenty of aspirin on hand before reading. You would only want to avvoid setting a precedent if you thought you would lose.
  15. Solar Legion wrote: And this crap is why I do not have any faith whatsoever in the court system .... Unless they could prove they were wrongfully banned, this case should have been thrown out of court. Sorry, you don't get to place cash into ANY MMO or VW and expect the company to reimburse you if you get your happy tush banned. LL settled. They didn't have to, but they chose to. Nobody had to prove anything because the suit wasn't litigated. We don't know whyt they were banned; it may or may not have been "wrongful," whatever that means. Sio, maybe the plaintiffs could prove that they were wrongfully banned but didn't have to because LL, knowing they could, settled. Anyway, LL could have gone to trial, but they didn't.
  16. Ceka Cianci wrote: Who is betting they settle? They did settle.
  17. Deed the third one to the group, and then sell the other one back to yourself. Groups can own more land than they have donated tier for for a short time without problems. If you own enough land, even for a second, to put you in the next bracket, you pay the higher amount for the month. I don't think selling the land will cause anyone's objects to be returned, but be careful of what the parcel settings are. Make sure that they are set to let everyone rez objects before you sell the land.
  18. I want to make a gesture that runs a smile animation. I have been unable to find a smile animation to use, although I can find attachments and HUDs that contain them. Can someone tell me where to get a smile animation by itself? Thanks.
  19. I just love mesh feet because they get rid of the hated ankle deformity. There is one problem with the ones that I have tried so far: they don't fit shoes made for size 0 avatar feet, which was the standard size for women's shoes for a long time. I have many pairs of nice sculpty shoes that I no longer can use. I would love to be able to buy mesh feet that would work with them, as I am sure many other women would. If such feet are already available, I would love to know it, and I would be eternally grateful to the person who told me where to get them. If not, this is a good business opportunity for someone.
  20. "Until you've been around for a while you won't know what things to look for in a display image that say "this is how it actually looks" or "this is doctored up." I still don't, and any help will be appreciated.
  21. My experience it that sometimes SL gets glitchy for up to several days when I have exactly this problem. I try the standard cures that have been suggested with no improvement. What I do is go play RL and try SL again in a day or so.
  22. I am with Amethyst. If FB hadn't closed my account because I was not a real person, I might like it, but, as it is, I have no use for it. In fact, when I read about it, I wondered why they did something so useless.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: I think ALL had very good reason for closing that account. OK. I didn't look it up until now. The following is from the linked content: "Bragg sought to prevent Linden Lab from enforcing its mandatory arbitration provision. He argued that the provision was 'both procedurally and substantively unconscionable and is itself evidence of defendants' scheme to deprive Plaintiff (and others) of both their money and their day in court.'[11] Judge Robreno agreed and held that the Terms of Service was a contract of adhesion, noting that the Terms of Service was presented by Linden Lab on a "take-it-or-leave-it-basis."[11] However, he limited this holding by noting that a claim that a contract is one of adhesion can be defeated if there are "'reasonably available market alternatives'" available to the weaker party.[11][14] Although there were numerous other online virtual worlds available to Bragg at the time, Judge Robreno noted that Second Life was unique in that it allowed participants to retain property rights in virtual land.[11]" "On October 4, 2007, Linden Lab announced that it reached a confidential settlement with Bragg: 'The parties agree that there were unfortunate disagreements and miscommunications regarding the conduct and behavior by both sides and are pleased to report that Mr. Bragg's "Marc Woebegone" account, privileges and responsibilities to the Second Life community have been restored.[13]" He sued to get his account restored, and he got it restored. Looks like a win to me. The same argument that prevented LL from enforcing the arbitration provision of the TOS would seem to apply equally well to the changes regarding IP rights, particularly in the case of content that was already inworld before the changes. Basically, to keep valuable accounts they already have, people have to sign away their rights. That should qualify as unconscionable easily. One thing I firmly believe is that nobody puts terms in a contract for no reason. If a contract give somebody rights, they wanted those rights because they think they may want to exercise them. Don't these changes make it completely impossible to use trademarks in SL?
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