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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. You can also rez anywhere along the waterfront in Danim, in southwest Zindra.
  2. Didn't LL say at some point that they expected Tilia to process payments for other online services?
  3. Which reminds me to ask: Why don't mesh body makers partner with or line up clothing makers Make clothes for their bodies, or make some themselves, as Maitreya and Slink, and perhaps others of which I'm not aware, do?
  4. It sure is. If I made clothing, I would beg LL to let me do it.. One of the biggest problems clothing creators have is making themselves known to potential customers. What a great opportunity for them.
  5. As a bonus for putting your house on a steep slope, you get to have a large basement.
  6. Ever since I started reading this thread, I couldn't stop myself from thinking of Mormon underwear. I looked on MP expecting to find some, but didn't, so I made some admittedly low-quality ones. If you wear these all the time, nobody will see any interesting parts. It's on MP for L$1. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mormon-Underwear/23775002
  7. I have lived at the same place in Danim in Zindra since it opened in 2009. The front of my house and one side face Linden roads, and the back faces Linden water. There is little lag. I enjoy having random visitors. I think of private islands as similar to gated communities IRL---cut off from the larger community and having less than a full experience. In my case the size of the accessible Linden water is small; I wish it connected to larger bodies of water. I do occasionally have a disagreeable visitor, but not many. The ban list for my land contains less than 100 names. The main disadvantage that I experience with mainland is the clutter in the sky that is ugly if I am at the right height with the right draw distance. I wish it were technically impossible to build something unconnected to the ground below 2,000 m.
  8. For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone cares. I see what is on MY screen. THAT is "My World, My Imagination." Someone else sees what is on their screen. Perhaps it's different from what I see. It's THEIR world, THEIR Imagination. If their imagination wants a world of naked avatars, I don't care. After all, we are all just pixels. As has been pointed out by multiple others, if you are bothered by the possibility that someone will see your integumentary pixels, just wear BOM/system layer underwear, and go about your SL confident that no one will see the pixels it covers replaces.
  9. Me, too. After this thread started, I searched my emails, and I couldn't find any. I wonder why some get them and some don't?
  10. If it's your group, you can give a role a blank title. i have the Owner title in my land group set to blank.
  11. Does anything show in the transactions on the web site?
  12. I have owned several of the leading brands. The V Bento by Session/ASA is hands-down the best I've seen. Support is excellent, and the devs actually listen to users. ETA: I am primarily interested in appearance, and I think The V Bento is definitely the winner in that category. However, after buying The V for its appearance, I have found the included breast deformer to be very useful. I don't use sound much. I should mention that it can be worn unhidden without showing through some of my panties and pants.
  13. Thanks! I had no idea that this existed.
  14. I am always puzzled when I see these figures because at least 90 per cent of the women I encounter are wearing Maitreya. It makes me wonder where all the ones who wear the other bodies are. I suppose it must have something to do with the kinds of places I frequent.
  15. It's like RL, where you can spend a lot of time and a little money shopping charity and consignment shops or a lot of money and a little time shopping department stores and look good either way.
  16. I mostly agree. I think the videos are indeed part of a new marketing effort. I am very glad to see LL making an effort. I think having more users can only make SL better.
  17. You have it backward. You have to be the leader first. LL wants to make things easier for naive users, and it is easier for them when use the market leader. Maitreya is the leader for good reason.
  18. THAT is the hard part! I suggest that you post front and profile views here and ask for suggestions about which might be the best mesh head candidates to try. After you settle on one, you will need to wear a copy of the shape that comes with it and, unless you are very lucky, spend considerable time adjusting shape sliders. I found it helpful to have a alt wearing the same (from the neck down) body shape with my system head shape on an identical posing stand as the one I was on. I placed the two posing stands at the exact same coordinates. Then I tried to make my new mesh head shape approximate the shape of my alt's face as closely as possible.
  19. The answer should be obvious: for the same reason that I and over 90 per cent of the women I encounter wear Maitreya bodies. This body is very well-supported by makers of clothing, skins, shapes, and all kinds of accessories. Most things that are made for any female body are made for Maitreya. LL's objective in making these videos is to make things easier, more enjoyable, and less frustrating for naive residents. Not only are the things one needs to go with it plentiful, but, since it is used by so many, it is easy to get help using it from other residents. The HUD is fairly easy to learn and use, too. In LL's place I would have done the same, and not used as an example some obscure body with some technical advantage and little creator support.
  20. It shouldn't matter where the skybox is, since you'll TP to it anyway.
  21. I agree. Other things I thought about were, "Do you have a budget for recruiting? How much? Do you know what kind of people you seek? Do you have stated qualifications? Do you plan to pay staff? How much? What do you expect/require of staff?" Etc.
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