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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote: i'm just gonna post this in this thread because it's the first island i came to in this spam ocean.. anyways..i noticed something funny.. LL deleted two threads by users.. but left all the spam LOL We're the spam. Rod's girls won't tolerate us shifting their focus.
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: I was going to reply but after reading all the responses I decided not to reply at all. So this isn't happening. Because the OP said a couple of times that he/she would no longer respond (yet did so) I believe that means the thread rules allow me to post and deny I'm posting at the same time. Just a bit of a snippet from some of your comments, Jandid. "As i said, im done. Not a single person has aknowledged the fact that linden labs makes more money than most modern day mmos. They are making more money than games with millions of people playing. I still cant believe I was told the reasons regions are $300 is for salaries and benefits lol they make more than enough money for that lol." You know this how? Linden Lab (actually Linden Research is I believe the name of the parent company) is privately held. Is there someplace I can go online to see exactly how much they make/spend? How much they make from this or that and how much they spend on this or that? Are you a stockholder? On the board? How exactly did you learn about LL's income? Oh, and I'd gotten through a lot of pages wondering why nobody had thrown in a 'game' correction so my initial idea for a non-reply was to make that comment. Drake took care of that. Since I didn't quote at all the post you didn't make at all, I'll not reply at all. I've read that around 2010/11, LL's revenues were estimated to be about $75 million/yr. Some time ago I did a napkin calculation that put it around $60 million now (20K sims @ $250/mo), and I expect it's still declining. Activision, purveyors of World of Warcraft and Call of Duty, anticipates $4.31 billion in revenue for FY 2013.
  3. Czari Zenovka wrote: :matte-motes-crying: Come to Sunday breakfast, Czari!
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I finally got to meet Phil in-world yesterday morning. I looked at him a good long while, trying to determine if he was too big, too small, or just the right size. I'm still not sure, though I am positive that I am precisely the right size. I forgot to snap a pic of me sitting next to him. We could have used that to start a whole new argument discussion! ;-) It was a real privilege to meet you, Maddy If my memory is correct, we looked just right sitting next to each other so, unless you have incredibly short legs, our sizes are well matched To my knowledge, there were 2 pics taken of us together at the table. One was taken by Tex and is in his SL feed, and the other was taken by someone else and passed to me. Both are snaps of the 4 ofus at the table - Tex, Trinity, you and me - and don't show a frontal view of us side-by-side, but a good idea can be got from the one in Tex's feed. You are too kind, if not too small or too large, Phil! It was a treat to finally meet you and Tex as well! I'll have to go look at his feed. I'm about 5'2" in RL and have to wear heels if I want to see stuff on the top shelves at the market. I'm pretty sure that if I met you in RL, I'd think you were too big. ;-)
  5. Did you scroll all the way to the bottom of the Terms? You must do that before the "Accept" button will work. They want to make sure you ignored the entire thing, not just the first page of it.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I'm no legal expert, but there is already a tremendous amount of content inside SL that was licensed from entities like CGTextures under usage terms that LL have now changed. Are creators who used CGTextures products in their creations now obligated to recall those creations? That's not possible of course and LL knows that. So I think I could find a way to agree with Elle Benusconi's statement that LL does indeed intend to do things that will violate license agreements already in place for SL content. Intentionally doing something that violates a license is not the same as intentionally violating a license, so I can still give LL the benefit of my considerable doubt in their competence. All content has a creation or upload date. Very easy for LL to distinguish which was before or after this change to the TOS. It's also very easy to prevent spam in the forums! ETA....I hate when I find myself arguing on LL's side. You weren't arguing for LL's side. You were arguing for the ease of doing something. I agree. I also don't think LL is competent enough to figure that out. ;-) ETA: If they were to do as you say, refraining from using anything containing bits created before the change to the TOS, they'd have nothing to use. I don't know how the law works, but maybe they could still use old content in the way specified in the old TOS, for promoting SL.
  7. I'm no legal expert, but there is already a tremendous amount of content inside SL that was licensed from entities like CGTextures under usage terms that LL have now changed. Are creators who used CGTextures products in their creations now obligated to recall those creations? That's not possible of course and LL knows that. So I think I could find a way to agree with Elle Benusconi's statement that LL does indeed intend to do things that will violate license agreements already in place for SL content. Intentionally doing something that violates a license is not the same as intentionally violating a license, so I can still give LL the benefit of my considerable doubt in their competence.
  8. Ceka Cianci wrote: well all but my worlds largest flying pancake.. i just can't seem to ever want to part with that ..it's just too unique the thought that someone put into that lol I wanna see that!
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: .... still have to toss it though..because like that was the onyl time i went sailing..since then? nothing hehehe Not being premium, I'm not sure, but I am guessing that boat was an easy to sail one that a newb could master quickly and not much fun. You should try a sail boat that sails like a RL one does that is effected by the SL wind just like it would be in RL and that you sail the same way. They are much more challenging, faster and fun to sail and one reason sailing is so popular in SL. The SL wind has changed and I think it's probably, for the first time, possible to sail regattas on it. Prior to the recent change (which breaks my heart, as well as my SL Wind demo) the winds changed over such short distances that any two boats trying to navigate the same course in a race would find it terribly difficult, if not impossible.
  10. Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: No I don't want the last word. We are done now Phew! Everobody is relieved. Loud applauds ensue... Thank you for the challenging debate. :matte-motes-smile: :smileywink: :heart: /me takes a good rest... I finally got to meet Phil in-world yesterday morning. I looked at him a good long while, trying to determine if he was too big, too small, or just the right size. I'm still not sure, though I am positive that I am precisely the right size. I forgot to snap a pic of me sitting next to him. We could have used that to start a whole new argument discussion! ;-)
  11. Welcome back to SL, Aratur: A few forumites and their friends gather together for Sunday breakfast at varying locations around SL, each time hosted by one of the growing gang. If you are available around 8AM SLT on Sundays, come join us! Hippie Bowman (a regular here in the forum) maintains the schedule and posts announcements to the Breakfast group. Look up his profile and you'll see the group. You're welcome to join, or you can watch the forums for information. Hippie sometimes remembers to post invites here, but he's a Hippie don't ya know, so we can't always depend on his memory ;-)
  12. That is very cool. And what's as impressive as the guided recognition of the objects being edited is the automatic patching of the background. It wasn't always perfect, but it was remarkably good (unless they cheated on some of the examples). LIDAR (Laser Interferometry Detection And Ranging, akin to RADAR) is getting very cheap and increasingly capable. The latest XBOX Kinect uses Time Of Flight (TOF) hardware to measure distances to points in the scene. As that technology improves, expect to see systems that can reconstruct what they see with far less guidance than we witnessed in this video.
  13. To avoid getting Phished, make sure you never go to important web properties via links provided by someone else. Set bookmarks to your various entry points and use only those ways in. For example, I routinely get bank statements via e-mail that contain links to my accounts page. I NEVER click on them. I use my bank bookmarks instead. It's just too easy to click on things. So you have to develop a habit of NOT doing that, and that's hard.
  14. Good morning, Kids!!! I see what you are doing. Don't make me come in there!
  15. Hi Deserea, Here's a link to some information that may help. Although it's on the Phoenix viewer website, it applies to all viewers. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix:bake_fail If none of the suggestions there work for you, come back and edit your question to include an update. This will allow us to continue to help you without bumping other questions off the Answers front page. Good luck!
  16. Rolig Loon wrote: So idols have clay feet. Is this news? That's an improvement over our feet of wood, Rolig.
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Hippie!!!! You are the most wonderful friend I ever had! I LOVE YOU! What?! Just a few days ago you wanted to marry me! Just you wait, Ms. Two Timing Valerie Inshan!!! ;-)
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Cj731 wrote: They can be funny with the right timing. Finally, someone who understands necroposting! ;-) ETA: Welcome to the forums, Cj. Put on your hard hat! I almost got out my bottle of ketchup but then decided not to. Yanno, you posted that pic a couple weeks ago and it looked so very familiar to me. I was pretty sure I'd passed that water tower on my way to see the Punkin' Chuckin' contest in Morton, IL. I looked up the tower and found that it is indeed in Illinois, but on the far side of Morton from me by hours. So now I'm worried my mind is going. ETA: You said you once lived within throwing distance of the Pumpkin Capital. Several towns lay claim to that title, were you referring to Morton?
  19. Cj731 wrote: They can be funny with the right timing. Finally, someone who understands necroposting! ;-) ETA: Welcome to the forums, Cj. Put on your hard hat!
  20. Forced to panhandle at Helping Haven... Val, get extra food for tomorrow, you're gonna have a Hungry Hippie on your hands.
  21. Good morning, Hippie! I'm going out kite hunting today, wish me luck... Have fun, Kids!!!
  22. I routinely see advertisements for competing online games at the bottom of the SL home page. It is any surprise that a company dumb enough to offer aid and comfort to the competition is dumb enough to compete with its customers?
  23. Dana Hickman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: LOL omg i jumped back on that one part!! it caught me off guard..hehehehe those are ground squirrels aren't they? chipmunks? Yep, some people don't know their critters. A friend of mine rescued a chippy years ago and raised it in a terrarium. She let it loose once and it immediately vanished. I was over visiting later that day when I heard screaming from their bathroom. The little devil had crawled into the core of the toilet paper roll hanging on the wall and was terrorizing her daughter. Nature is the greatest show on Earth. Chipmunks are cute, and those in the video are NOT chipmunks at all...lol. Those are Indian Palm Squirrels. http://www.fotothing.com/photos/9cc/9cc388e86e7bcbaaecb31455a1522f6c_595.jpg Nature is also the most confusing show on earth :smileytongue: ... adds herself to the list of people who don't know their critters! ;-)
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