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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Nya, This one's a stumper. You crash on two viewers, but only on one of your avatars. You've done all the things I'd have recommended, with the exception of tossing the viewer's "saved state" folder. I added instructions for doing that in the comments of the SLV clean install KB page here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231/comment-id/408 I don't think that added step will fix anything for you. If you have access to another computer, or run Windows on your Mac, you might try installing a viewer there and attempting to log in. If the problem persists, then through some mechanism I don't understand, the avatar, or what it's wearing is exposing some bug in the viewer. If you are able to log in, try stripping off all attachments, then return to your finicky Mac and try again. I don't think I helped, but I do wish you luck.
  2. sphinxy1 wrote: Thanks but am not a noob. I do all the "fixes" way before I ever come to this forum and usually wait a min of 3-4 hours for LL to screw their head on straight. Two days of this crap... I just paid out 17 grand in lindens that I paid for and now... the thing I'm suppose to do tomorrow that cost me this money... I'm gonna have to cancel. So yeah.. I'm a little steamed at this point. You gave no indication that you'd tried anything at all to regain your inventory. You may not be a noob to SL, but you've got a lot to learn about asking for help.
  3. sphinxy1 wrote: Is there someone out there who can give me an estimated time on when I'll be able to access my inventory again? I haven't been able to get dressed in two days and now I can't even be more then a cloud. ZERO access to inventory. I've spent A LOT of money on lindens lately and it seems to be all for naught as I need to be involved in things TOMORROW. Why spend money on lindens if I can't play the game for days on end? Sphinxy, the problem is most likely with your viewer's cache, so the ETA is up to you. Here's a page dealing with your inventory issues... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss The first solution listed "Clearing Second Life's Cache" will probably fix that. If that doesn't fix your avatar cloud problem, here's another page that may help. It's for Firestorm, but applies to all viewers... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix:bake_fail These sorts of problems are more prevalent if you are on wi-fi. You may see improvement with a wired connection, or by relocating/reorienting your computer. Good luck! ETA: I see the grid is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. Check this page for the "all clear"... http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/01/02/post2151/
  4. Welcome to SL, GothicBabe! Lindal gave excellent advice, I'll just add moral support. While building in Second Life may seem daunting (it is!), and your early efforts will not match those of seasoned veterans, you should know that many of us who have been here for years, and who can build virtually anything we want, cannot do one thing that will come naturally to you... ...we can't recreate the thrill of being new to this world! I hope you have as wonderful an experience as those of us who've been here for years. Be patient, enjoy the company of the creative people that haunt this place, and enjoy yourself! Good luck!
  5. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy New year Day! I love you all! The feeling is smootchual... ;-)
  6. Hi nycyogi, I'm afraid last names are ancient history. LL has reviewed the issue and, after cursory careful consideration, decided to stick with the YourNameHere.Resident scheme. :-(
  7. Happy New Year, Coby... and the rest of you Kids!!!
  8. Hi Daniel, LSL has the standard if-else logic. You can learn more about it here... http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=ifelse The "then" is implied by the curly braces that encompass the block of code. Those braces are not needed if the conditional bit is only one statement, but I generally use them anyway. The top of the LSL wiki is here... http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=HomePage Spend some time meandering through the introductory stuff to get your bearings. Good luck!
  9. You may be experiencing this problem, for which Oz Linden has suggestions... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Second-Life-3-6-12-284506-Dec-4-2013-04-55-18-Keeps-downloading/m-p/2375155#M22105
  10. Hi Krystal, I doubt you've lost your avatar. Your log-in issues could be related to either a poor internet connection (SL is terribly picky about the connection) or a corrupted file somewhere. Here's a Knowledge Base entry that covers many reasons for login-failure. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109 Note that the "ghost" problem seems to no longer be an issue. If your viewer crashes, SL will automatically log you out after a few minutes. If none of the suggestions in that article work for you, a clean re-install of the viewer may help. Here are instructions for doing that... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall Good luck!
  11. Hi Tahra, Your stuff is still there, but the local list of inventory items on your computer has probably been corrupted. This SL wiki page deals with inventory loss and solutions... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss The first of the "Common Solutions" will probably fix your problem. Clear your cache, log out, then log back in to a quiet sim. Then give your viewer time to rebuild the cache before wandering about again. Good luck!
  12. Hi Serena, Here's a page showing benchmark results for a lot of graphics cards. http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php You can enter a card name in the search box at the top of the list. By their numbers, the GTX 560ti (3535) is considerably faster than the GTX 650 (1829). Those benchmark results do not directly apply to SL, but they're a start. Good luck with your upgrades!
  13. Rolig Loon wrote: I wish everyone a relaxed, safe holiday season. I hope you enjoy health and friendship in 2014 and that the new year brings you new opportunites to grow. Thank you Rolig! I too wish everyone a happy holiday season and a wondrous 2014. Thank you all for keeping me company here over the last year. Let's do it again! Maddy
  14. Good morning, Hippie!!! I think you'll find it's easier to decorate the tree now that I've laid it on the floor for you...
  15. Hi Lola, The edit window may well be hiding behind the toolbar buttons. You can temporarily drag them to a side or the top of the viewer window to expose the hiding edit window, them put the back when you've moved it back on-screen. You can also right click on a toolbar button and select "Remove this button" from the menu. You can put it (and others) back by right clicking any button and selecting "Toolbar buttons..." from the menu, or by selecting "Toolbar Buttons" from the "Me" or "Avatar" menu.
  16. Good morning, Hippie!!! It's a winter wonderland outside this morning. Six inches of snow on the ground, more coming, and it's all snowman snow!!! After I eat a path down the driveway... I'll turn my attention to building a snowhuman... Good morning, Kids!!!
  17. Hi Talarus, I think you're dealing with two separate issues. I'm not sure what's causing your crashing, but Rolig's suggestion might help. As for the constant updating, that's a known issue caused by a goofup in naming the viewer. Oz Linden describes the error and the solution here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Second-Life-3-6-12-284506-Dec-4-2013-04-55-18-Keeps-downloading/m-p/2375155#M22105 Good luck!
  18. Tiana, your inventory has most likely not been lost. The local cached copy of the inventory list on your PC has probably been corrupted and must be rebuilt. Clear your cache, go to a quiet sim (no/few other avatars) and log out, then log back in and wait for your inventory to rebuild. Here's the SL wiki entry for inventory loss... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss Good luck!
  19. I'm not in PS at the moment, and it's been years since I've done this, but here's how I think I'd do what you want. For example's sake, let's say you want a 480x480 pixel image with 32 pixel wide drop shadow on the right and bottom, and no shadow on the top and left, making a full 512x512 texture. Start by making the alpha channel. I think you click in the channel column of the layer palette and click something on the bottom to make a new alpha channel. I believe it defaults to black, which is full transparent. (I can never remember if black is transparent, or if white is, so if I got it wrong, reverse black and white in everything I say). Now, you want your artwork to be fully opaque, and the shadow to go from opaque at the artwork edge to transparent at the texture edge. To make such a gradient, create a fixed size 480x480 pixel marquee and move it 16 pixels right and down from the top left corner of the canvas. Next, you want to fill the marquee with white, using the bucket tool (and I think you have to click the B/W icon somewhere in the lower left to do that, or use the color picker to get white paint). Now you have a white (opaque) rectangle centered on you canvas, and you want to fuzz the edges to make the drop shadow gradient. Select the entire image, open the Gaussian Blur filter, set the radius to 16 pixels (half the shadow width). Now you have a shadow gradient 32 pixels wide, on all sides. But you want your image in the upper left, fully opaque, so you pull up the marquee again, locate it in the upper left and fill it with white. This paints over the shadow on the left and top edges of the image. Your alpha channel is complete, now return to the Layers tab and fill the entire image with black, the color of your shadow. Open your artwork document and crop/scale it down to 480x480, then copy it into the upper left of your new texture document, then make sure the new alpha channel is enabled. In the layer view, you should see your artwork, with the red alpha highlight over the black areas on the right and bottom of the image. If you export that as TGA, the artwork area of the texture will be opaque, and the black border will go from opaque near the artwork to transparent at the texture edge. If you want a softer shadow, you can adjust the levels/curves of the alpha channel just after applying the gaussian blur and just before painting in the white marquee in the upper left. If you darken the alpha channel, the shadow becomes softer. But you must do that before painting in the fully opaque area with the marquee, or your artwork will become translucent. You may find Rolig's way easier, as her example is a hell of a lot easier to follow than mine. Good luck!
  20. Hi Fresa, In addition to Freya's admonition to be patient, and to make sure your internet connection is fast enough, your problem may be due to a difference in the way your new computer connects to the internet. If your old PC was on a wired connection, and the new one is running wi-fi, that could be an issue. SL is highly intolerant of data transmission errors. A good wi-fi connection will work well, but a degraded one will upset SL long before you notice it in other applications. So, if you continue to have SL woes with your new computer, look to the quality of your internet connection first. Good luck!
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