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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. LepreKhaun wrote: Anything that "promises to beam movies, video games or even video calls directly into your eyeballs" will soon be so yesterday... Just need a few volunteers for my ocular nerve implant prototype tests and I'm off to Kickstarter. Anyone? Virtual reality goggles were "so yesterday" when I first saw them more than twenty five years ago. I think immersive virtual reality is dead, to be replaced by minimally invasive augmentations to real life. There will be small niches for such things as Oculus Rift, but I don't think the mainstream will never adopt them. And implantible gizmos are a loooooooooong way off, even if you only consider malpractice insurance for such elective procedures.
  2. Hi Sam, Snapshots saved in-world are always stored as physically dimensionless textures at a resolution of 512x512 pixels, which has an aspect ratio of 1:1. When saved to disk, or to your profile feed, they retain full resolution and aspect ratio. In-world pictures only look right when displayed at the same aspect ratio as when taken, which depends on your monitor's aspect ratio in fullscreen mode, or the aspect ratio of the viewer window when in windowed mode (normal), or on the settings in the Snapshot window (did you know you can take snapshots with resolution in excess of 6000x6000?!). When viewing snapshots from inventory, you can select various aspect ratios from a drop-down in the lower right of the picture viewer window. If you retain the default "unconstrained" aspect ratio, dragging the window corners allows you to change both size and aspect ratio. If you select any of the fixed aspect ratios, dragging a corner will change only the size. When texturing a prim with a photo, you must make the prim's display face match the aspect ratio of the original snapshot. Unless you know the exact aspect ratio of that snapshot, you'll just have to stretch and squish until you get the right look. I hope that helps!
  3. Hi Dianna, Did you check out the Henmations website? There's a whole column of manuals on the right side of their home page... http://www.henmations.com/hp/
  4. Hi Jacie, If the tip-jar has a suitable surface for holding your image, and if it's modifyable, you should be able to drag an image to that particular surface while editing the jar. Without seeing the tip-jar, and knowing whether it's "mod"ifyable, we can't give much more useful advice about adding your picture to it. Come back to your question and edit it via "Options" over there on the right and tell us more.
  5. Rolig Loon wrote: I made this set of five pillows and applied various textures in world. They each average about the same poly count as yours and come in at a L.I. of between 0.5 and 1.0. You might try reducing the count on your lowest LOD to zero, since you're never going to be looking at a pillow from 100m away anyway. Is your RL home that messy? Where the hell do people sit?
  6. SL imports only .wav files up to 10 seconds in length. It's possible you're trying to upload .mp3/.aac/.other files. Stereo will be converted to mono upon upload, but the file must otherwise meet the requirements of .wav PCM format, 44.1KHz. Here's the wiki page regarding sound clips... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Sound_Clips The 10 second limit will force you to splice multiple clips together to make a song, and that'll require use of a non-trivial script designed for such purposes. Someone may come along to point you to one of those. Lag may cause gaps between the clips, even with the best of scripts, so be prepared for that. Good luck!
  7. Hi Satori, Second Life runs just fine under Windows 8/8.1. What leads you to believe otherwise? Come back to your question and edit it via "Options" over there on the right. Tell us what's not working for you.
  8. If you are saying that your bank transfers money into PayPal with the immediacy of a credit card, make sure that's true for serial transactions. I once had a business account that would float only one transfer at a time. A second transfer could not be completed until the first one cleared in the usual 5-7 business days.
  9. Via Google Translate: hello I need to empredo in SL can be anything, I've had experience as a dancer and promoter of events, please, if anyone is in need of someone to work please contact me, my name is Bellatr00 Hola BelatrOO, Si usted está buscando empleo, el mejor lugar para preguntar es aquí (If you are seeking employment, the best place to ask is here) ... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment ¡Buena suerte!
  10. The evolution of Maddy. Clockwise, from upper left: 2008 - Day Two in SL 2010 - Bartending at the Forum Cartel Hangout 2012 - Pondering one of AM Radio's Sims 2014 - Saluting Snugs
  11. Hi FluX, I have a bank account behind my PayPal account as well, but I must manually transfer funds into PayPal before purchasing Lindens. It typically takes 5 business days for funds to transfer, so if your PayPal balance isn't sufficient to immediately cover the purchase, I imagine it could be cancelled. Try moving funds into PayPal in advance of your Linden purchase. Good luck! ETA: I suggest you do a manual funds transfer and try your Linden purchase again. It has been my personal experience that not understanding why something does not work the way I want will not make it work the way I want.
  12. Hi Snamyeh, Revealing RL information about SL residents (beyond what is shown in a resident's profile) is a reportable violation of the Second Life Terms of Service (TOS) and Community Standards. If this is indeed happening, file an Abuse Report on the offending avatar. Here are instructions for doing so... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065 Be careful to word your report calmly, sticking to the facts and providing links to the web profiles of the offending avatars, with an explanation of which parts of the profile reveal your RL information. Good luck.
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Maddy sure looks in a good form, but she's training for the wrong olympics. These are winter olympics starting tomorrow, better train skiing! Happy Thursday and hugs you all! You train for Sochi, I'll train for Rio... Good morning, Kids!!!
  14. Whoa, I'm late! I lost track of time while preparing for the Olympics... Hi, Kids!!!
  15. I've a few friends who wear "smilers". I don't generally look much at the avatars around me, as I'm too busy in the chat windows... and that's a good thing. Seeing smiles appear randomly just seems odd. If there were a smiler that watched my chat window to wink when I type ";-)", I might be interested.
  16. Hi cherbear70, If you wish to make an official looking birth certificate to hang on the wall, it certainly can be done. That's how I got my PHd in Tattoo Art, and my Nobel Prize in Psychics (I knew that was coming before the Nobel Committee did). You just need to create a template (Google "birth certificate" images), or find one online (Google "birth certificate template) and add in the name of the newborn. Once you've created the certificate image, you must save it as a .jpg or .png file, then upload it into SL via the "Build" menu. That'll cost you L$10, and will result in a texture being added to your inventory with your chosen file's name. Then you rez a cube and drag the texture to one face of it. Squish the cube down so it looks like a certificate and hang it on your wall. Good luck, and have fun!
  17. LaskyaClaren wrote: (or as Madelaine might say, they'll tear out your heart and stomp that sucker flat) In the Lesser Antilles, "stomping that sucker flat" probably arrived with the French... and was an improvement.
  18. I dig it, Mommy-O. Even if they have the jets to kill the cubes, once they go ape it's all over. The trip from cool to frosted is like laying a patch to nowheresville. From radioactive to wet rag in 60 words flat. If they're hep, lingo's no sweat. Shoot low Kids, they're riding Shetlands. ;-)
  19. As Rolig says, you can add anything that fits within the 117 prim limit. As an inveterate prim pincher, I'd be inclined to find something that could serve triple duty as a fireplace, stove and toilet. It's been a cold winter and a warm seat sounds lovely. ;-)
  20. Dillon Levenque wrote: Sorry to waste everyone's time. It was a high moment in my manufacturing career. In the parlance of our business at that time, 'dead bug' meant an integrated circuit lying on its plastic case with its leads pointed up in the air. 'Live bug' meant the opposite. That's the parlance of my business as well, and your story reminds me of the dark humor that pervades the design of medical instrumentation. I fondly recall trying to heat sliced turkey for my lunch between the paddles of a prototype defibrillator.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Wikipedia has an excellent sketch showing the three main 'identifying characteristics' of the spider. It matches very well with the insect contained in your image. You can see the sketch here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spider-characteristics.png Ivan might be able to recognize nefarious ants. Well, whatever those creatures are crawling on the walls I hope Ivan has Abuse Reported them. We can't have them over running SL!
  22. Coby Foden wrote: Cully Andel wrote: STILL no official announcement? That's a little worrying They are working on it. Perhaps... :matte-motes-big-grin: Has anyone allowed for the possibility that Linden Lab doesn't know Rod has left the building?
  23. Dillon Levenque wrote: Wikipedia has an excellent sketch showing the three main 'identifying characteristics' of the spider. It matches very well with the insect contained in your image. You can see the sketch here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spider-characteristics.png Ivan might be able to recognize nefarious ants.
  24. Do you mean that you clicked the inventory toolbar button and the inventory window didn't appear? If so, you may have pushed it off to the edge of the viewer window where it's now hiding, possibly behind the toolbar buttons. Try this to get it back... Enable the "Advanced" menu if it's not already showing. You can do that via Ctl-Alt-D (Ctl-Alt-Shift-D if that doesn't work) or by going to the menu "Me(or Avatar)->Preferences->Advanced" and checking "Show Advanced Menu". Then select the menu item "Advanced->Debug Settings" and type in "floater_pos_inventory_x" and set the value to zero. Do the same for "floater_pos_inventory_y". Those two values set the x/y offset from the center of the inventory window to the center of the viewer window. Setting them both to zero should put the inventory window right in the middle of your view. Good luck!
  25. LaskyaClaren wrote: Maybe this is why I have not be as successful at administration in RL as I might have been? I've been getting the body language wrong! I don't imagine I'll ever find animations that match my RL body language... which is gibberish. I look forward to seeing what you've put together, Laskya! ETA: On further reflection, my RL body language may simply lack nouns.
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