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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Alaina, Intel's integrated graphics are not yet good enough to give enjoyable performance in SL. The latest 5000 series Iris graphics are getting closer, but the benchmarks still fall short of even modest dedicated graphics processing units (GPU). Here's a searchable GPU benchmark list... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php From that list, I find that the latest and greatest Iris Pro 5100/5200 scores 707/1035. The standard 5000/5200 score 591/777, the previous generation 4000 series are 457-634, and the 3000 generation is 305. The NVIDIA GTX 660 ti, which at least one forumite got for her PC, scores 4687. The mobile versions of NVIDIA GPUs score lower, but are still well above the integrated stuff. I don't know anything about AMD's integrated graphics. They might fare better, as they are also a graphics card manufacturer (ATI).
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: TaraBaska wrote: Hello! I am psychology student and I would like to ask you to participate in my research. It discusses Second life and self-care. Here is a short anonymous questionnaire about you, your avatar and self-care that you can fill in. Obtained data will be analysed and results will be used in my diploma thesis. It should take no more than 10-15 minutes and your participation will help me a lot. Thank you https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IsaBO0J1UP_VdT_yh9D8zDX4_IU8kHcSXO0EZSV9hIw/viewform I looked at your Survey and really there is no way to answer your questions about "Your Avatars" Avatars are pixel creations and they don't really have health and safety concerns. A person could role play eating, but really, "Avatars do not eat healthy, exercise, etc, etc." I sent you some chicken juice. you juiced a chicken? ewwwwww BIG EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW That is not the way to a Martian's Heart. Would you rather I get at it with my bare hands? I wouldn't want you to break a nail. Chicken!
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: TaraBaska wrote: Hello! I am psychology student and I would like to ask you to participate in my research. It discusses Second life and self-care. Here is a short anonymous questionnaire about you, your avatar and self-care that you can fill in. Obtained data will be analysed and results will be used in my diploma thesis. It should take no more than 10-15 minutes and your participation will help me a lot. Thank you https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IsaBO0J1UP_VdT_yh9D8zDX4_IU8kHcSXO0EZSV9hIw/viewform I looked at your Survey and really there is no way to answer your questions about "Your Avatars" Avatars are pixel creations and they don't really have health and safety concerns. A person could role play eating, but really, "Avatars do not eat healthy, exercise, etc, etc." I sent you some chicken juice. you juiced a chicken? ewwwwww BIG EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW That is not the way to a Martian's Heart. Would you rather I get at it with my bare hands?
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: TaraBaska wrote: Hello! I am psychology student and I would like to ask you to participate in my research. It discusses Second life and self-care. Here is a short anonymous questionnaire about you, your avatar and self-care that you can fill in. Obtained data will be analysed and results will be used in my diploma thesis. It should take no more than 10-15 minutes and your participation will help me a lot. Thank you https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IsaBO0J1UP_VdT_yh9D8zDX4_IU8kHcSXO0EZSV9hIw/viewform I looked at your Survey and really there is no way to answer your questions about "Your Avatars" Avatars are pixel creations and they don't really have health and safety concerns. A person could role play eating, but really, "Avatars do not eat healthy, exercise, etc, etc." I sent you some chicken juice.
  5. Hi KikiRoseRea, Others have complained of this problem. Here are some things to try... If you are using Internet Explorer, go to Tools then to Compatibility View Settings. Add Secondlife.com. If that doesn't work, try a different browser, SL doesn't like Internet Explorer Disable any ad blocker software extension your browser may be running Check carefully to make sure you haven't overlooked the "Submit" button, it's small, and sometimes it's off the bottom of the window, so you must scroll to find it. Sometimes the button is invisible. You might catch its outline by doing a "select all" on the web page. Good luck!
  6. Hi letseeit, The prim must be quite large to be viewed from SL "space", so make sure you've got the land rights for something that large, and that your neighbors don't mind. Nothing above 400 meters shows up on the map, so stay below that altitude. And to avoid cluttering the sky from below, I suggest you make all but the top face of the prim transparent.
  7. Hi bateliii, There is a section of the forum dedicated entirely to role-play. I think your question is better asked there... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/bd-p/RolePlay Good luck!
  8. Hi redbus, Rolig's explained why you got logged out, and can't get back in to that sim. But you may not be aware that you can specify the sim you wish to enter as you log in. Just to the right of the text boxes where you enter your username and password, there's a box labeled "Start at:". You are given three choices... Home Last Location <Type Region Name> If you select the last, you can type in the name of the region you wish to arrive at in-world. When you can't get home, or to the last place you were, try Smith or Pooley. Those are generally quiet places (I think you end up on the ocean floor) with no lag. Once you're in, you can go to your landmarks or teleport history and get going again. If you want to log-in to a hot mess, type in "Ahern". Have fun!
  9. Cherry Asturias wrote: I keep goin through my preferences and Firestome 4.4.2 (34167 is suckin big time! I wasnt havin any issues until now and the only download I can find is this stinking beta -- This has been dreadful - I am searching for some other client than Firestorm. Every time I search to find answers - all I see are long ago outdated post made about their issues. This version of Firestorm is taking forever to even open up so I can log in - initializing crap!! And then once I am in, I have to click on everything around me so it will rezz up -- OR -- I log in and everything is gray and takes forever to rezz up. I hate this client! The current version of Firestorm is Version 4.4.2 is more than six months old. All viewers appear to have "interest list" rezzing issues. Typing Ctrl-Shift-R (toggle Wireframe mode) twice will force everything to render.
  10. I'm having fun, I'm glad you're enjoying it, too!
  11. Tanith Stillwater wrote: Breedables made my SL experience what it is. Until I got into them, I was basically spending all my time tromping around, shopping, renting houses, furnishing them and tearing them down. Fun enough, but very lonely. When I started with breedables, I was drawn into a community of fun, friendly, supportive folks (and a few cut-throat ones, just to make things interesting. :smileywink:) Plus, I made enough money that I'm still supporting myself in SL more than a year after selling all my breedables off. RL interfered, making the whole thing a little too much for me to handle. (They do require a goodly amount of attention if you're going to profit from it). And I wouldn't recommend them as a surefire way to make money; I caught some lucky breaks and was the beneficiary of extreme genorisity, which I have tried to repay. But I do recommend them as a great way to make friends. I just visited an auto show, to find a replacement for my old station wagon. The exhibition hall was filled with shiny and unnecessarily large new cars vying for everyone's attention and mortgage money. Around the periphery were displays of "old timers". I meandered over to admire them. The oldest was Stan (age unknown) who was lovingly displaying his pride and joy (a 1907 runabout). The moment I expressed interest in his car (which was largely made of wood, my favorite building material) he lit up like an Edison bulb. Stan is a compendium of little facts, not unlike a Trekkie reciting the evolution of NCC-1701 from A through G. He had never been interested in cars... until he attended a car show and met some nice people. He took a business card from one talkative fellow, and a week later purchased a box of car parts from him for $500. It was apparently a very big box, the entire runabout was in it. For the next few years, that box of parts lured him to countless places where he met more nice people with various skills who could help him with the restoration. When the car was ready, he and his wife participated in their first show. Although she had no interest in the restoration, she was happy to ride in the car at parades and chat with the wives of the fellas who'd fixed up other old machines brought to the shows. For the next two decades, that old car was the vehicle for their social life. As I basked in the warm glow of his stories, I realized (once again) why many of us do the odd things we do. It's all about connection. With 25 years of fond car memories, many shared with his beloved departed, I'm putting my money on Stan to be a "car guy" right to the end of the road. I hope he's got a long way to go. I have his business card.
  12. I'm going to coax spring along by pretending it's already here... Happy Wednesday, Kids!!!
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie, Maddy and Studio! Yep, once upon a time we were many much more on this ice field... :smileysurprised: Yay for the veterans of this thread (and thanks Studio for joining us!!!) Some of us just aren't made for life on the ice... Hi, Kids!!!
  14. Hi nek, It's Tuesday morning in San Francisco, home of Linden Lab. This is when the they begin "rolling restarts" of sims across Second Life. They do this to install updated server software or simply to vanquish cruft that collects in the servers during a week of operation. LL keeps us apprised of the situation on the grid status page, which is right here... http://status.secondlifegrid.net Your region should come back online soon, but don't expect everything to be fine until they issue the "all clear".
  15. Hi VelvetCush, Here are instructions for hiding the Library folder. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/TNT-Second-Life-Tips-Tricks/QUICKTIP-Hide-the-Library-in-your-inventory/ba-p/658207 That folder contains Linden Lab supplied things, which is why you can't move or remove them.
  16. Hi Kailani, I've never tried it myself, but here's a page that discusses it... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/TNT-Second-Life-Tips-Tricks/FUN-Awesomize-your-profile-with-Unicode-and-ASCII-art/ba-p/652364
  17. Here's her profile... https://my.secondlife.com/vanilajoy/#about_tab
  18. Hi again, wichapiska! You create "alts" the same way you created your main avatar. Create a new basic account, pick your name and starter avatar and log-in under the new name. Build your wardrobe just as you did with your main. I'd also recommend having both/all accounts give each other edit rights. If I've misunderstood what you want to do, and you simply want to have a pet cat, you can purchase scripted animals in-world or in the Marketplace. They are rezzable objects like any other and do not require another account. They do, however, require a place for you to rez them, and must be set up to remain within your living space. Have fun!
  19. Are you referring to this image? If so, IM Rayne Morgan. She submitted the image and might refer you to that skin.
  20. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: You can also use a megaprim box with a maximum "slice" (edit menu on the very bottom). The dimensions should be 64x64xsomething very big like 256 or 512. That would be a lot easier to texture than a sculpty or cylinder. Oooh, there are 512M megas? I want one!
  21. Bad, Bad, Zach!!! ;-) If you've blocked an object and wish to unblock it, do this... Click the "People" toolbar button and select the "Blocked" tab. Find the thing you've blocked in the list and select it. Click the gear looking drop-down icon and select "Unblock". That should do it. Good luck!
  22. Hiya Teagan, It's odd that this problem persists across two different viewers. I can't think of a cause, though in the last few days, I've been noticing that prim attachments aren't rezzing all the time. My right pant leg goes missing about half the time I log in. I have attributed this to an "interest list" problem, wherein the viewer incorrectly tabulates the things which should be visible in your view, and therefore fails to render things you should see. The solution is generally to right-click where you think the missing thing should be, thereby expressing an interest in it and forcing the viewer to render it. Try that, maybe it'll help. If not, come back and post additional questions as answers to your own question. This will notify any of us who've subscribed to this thread (via Options over there on the right) and will keep the entire conversation in one place. Good luck!
  23. I think Innula's got the right answer, captainimij. That is unless the fella you saw was wearing a baseball uniform. In that case "crgrab" is short for a kind of animation seen only in baseball, where the athletes either wear clothing that's too tight in the crotch, or have hygiene problems. If he returns chatting "ctspit", keep your distance.
  24. NealCrz wrote: Madelaine, That did it! Thank you for the link so much. :matte-motes-big-grin: You mean I actually did some good? It was an accident, honest!!!
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