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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Snowfallsman, If this were happening for only one avatar, I'd wonder if you may have activated move-lock, which is toggled by Ctrl-Alt-P. But if this is affecting all avatars, it may be you've got a poor connection to SL. Here's a page that deals with improving that... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ If these suggestions don't help, post an answer to your own question here and continue telling us what you've tried. This will allow anyone who subscribes to this thread to receive notification when you post that additional information. Good luck!
  2. Hi Lioness, This page... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Education/FAQs#What_languages_does_Second_Life_support.3F Indicates that SL supports... English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Dutch, and Italian The viewer does allow you to connect to Bing's free translation services, or to Google's, which is fee based. You'll find that choice in Preferences->Chat->Translation
  3. Hi Jasper, Here's the best explanation for how permissions work in SL. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Permission You've got to read it carefully, as there are not only the four permissions move/modify/copy/transfer to think about, but also four targets... owner/group/anyone/next-owner. And then there is also the interaction between the top level of an object and the things within it (textures, scripts, etc.). In general, if you purchase a copy/mod item, you cannot transfer it to anyone else, preventing them from copying for profit. But I can't really give you a standard answer here, as the final degree of protection on a thing depends on the subtleties of the overall permissions on/in it. To be honest, I routinely make permissions mistakes when packaging things up. For example, forgetting that placing a no transfer texture on a full perm prim I give away makes the resulting prim no transfer. It's a tricky business, at least for me. ETA: Lindal's recommendation to test the permissions of a thing using an alt is terrific. Every damned time I skip that step, I embarass myself!
  4. Carbon Philter wrote: Can you not use a simple llSetTexture script with the UUID if you know it, to apply the texture with the forgotten name to a prim, then in the Texture tab of Edit click on the texture window, which should open the Pick wiindow and highlight the name of the used texture? You can then get it from your inventory, Ooooh, I love this idea!
  5. Hi Ariaah, There are a kabillion different vehicles in Second Life. Without knowing what you have, it's difficult to know what you're describing. The term "data boxes" is unfamiliar to me. The car could have various prims with scripts in them, either to animate things like the turning of the front wheels, smoke from the tailpipe, or motion of the car itself, or to provide animations for the driver and passenger. What do you think these "data boxes" are supposed to do? Come back and either edit your question via "Options" over there on the right, or post an answer to your own question with additional information. This keeps our entire discussion in one place (vs asking another question) and allows anyone who subscribes to this thread to be notified of new posts (Only if you answer your question instead of editing it. Edits post no notifications.)
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: To be clear here I am truly glad the JIRA's are again visible. And it was not my intent to hi-jack this thread (though I should have figured this would happen) but I believe I have clearly shown there is a conflict with the TOS. It's up to LL to either address this now or ignore it. I'm truly glad as well. It's nice to see Ebbe delivering on his promises, and quickly! Ebbe won't be the first person to walk into a tech driven business that hired lawyers to craft public facing documents and ended up with hairballs. I suspect we'll see improvements in those documents.
  7. Hi Eddy, I don't know of any way to do that you're wanting. If you created anything with that texture that you can find, edit the texture. The texture picker will take you to the texture in your inventory. Unfortunately, if you used only the UUID in your particle generator, I think you may be out of luck.
  8. Привет wwANGELww, Запреты Sploder являются частным делом между владельцем сим / Sploder и запрещенной жителя. Linden Lab не увлекаться житель-до-резидентом споров. Если вы считаете, что ваш изгнание является необоснованным, IM владельца Sploder. Удачи!
  9. Hi Sully, This may help... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Can-t-use-search-for-adult-locations-in-viewer/m-p/2069221#M20154 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Shopping/Can-t-View-Adult-Items-on-Marketplace-but-can-access-adult/qaq-p/2061075 ETA: I see you've already tried the first link. Try a different browser?
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: It says right at the top of the Jira start screen, All submissions to this site are governed by Second Life Project Contribution Agreement. By submitting patches and other information using this site, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to those terms. The Second Life Project Contribution Agreement seems pretty much to cover LL against any claims someone might later want to make regarding how LL has exploited their code/brilliant idea. Same as the wiki. I know I'm being difficult here, but that page creates problems also. Note it refers to Desura, not SL specifically, "As of the date You first submitted a Contribution to Desura Pty Ltd. ("Desura") or Linden Lab, even if such submissions preceded the date below, You and Linden Lab accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for: (i) your past Contributions submitted to Desura; and (ii) your past, present and future Contributions submitted to Linden Lab:" Also, in the "Important" section it provides a link to a PDF contributors are supposed to submit as well as a link to information adressed to TPV developers to explain why/what. That is a confusing document that may leave it uncertain to WHOM exactly it is addressed. I'm pretty sure I know what the INTENT of the TOS is. But that is not the LETTER of the TOS. That said, those are pretty much my thoughts on the matter. I don't really want to get into a long hi jack here on this topic. I will probably submit feature requests also but I'll also be cautious about this until this gets clarified in the TOS. The highlighted line is problematic. Unless I'm misunderstanding (I do that!) if you had, before the date of the agreement, submitted something that didn't meet the terms of the agreement and then submitted something after the date, you'd be in a pickle. I don't often see retroactive terminology like that.
  11. Spring refuses to arrive. There's snow in the forecast tonight/tomorrow. If you can't beat 'em... Happy Friday, Kids!!!
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Community Linden wrote: We've just blogged about Changes to Our JIRA Implementation that will go into effect next week. We think these changes will make for a better, more transparent and more productive experience for all of us, but if you have additional ideas on ways to improve our implementation, feel free to share them with us in this thread. It's great that Feature Requests have been re-enabled. But will the TOS be updated to reflect this change? It cleary states in Section 7 that we are not to send unsolicited ideas. Or can we now safely assume that this section of the TOS is now moot? 7.4 Unsolicited Ideas and Materials Prohibited; No Confidential or Special Relationship with Linden Lab. Linden Lab employs a staff of designers to develop new ideas and Linden Lab solicits and receives product idea submissions from professional inventors with whom it has business relationships. Because of this, in your communications with Linden Lab, please keep in mind that Linden Lab does not accept or consider any unsolicited ideas or materials for products or services, or even improvements to products or services, (collectively, “Unsolicited Ideas and Materials”). Therefore, you must not send to Linden Lab (even within any of your User Content that we may request), in any form and by any means, any Unsolicited Ideas and Materials. Any Unsolicited Ideas and Materials you post on or send to us via the Service are deemed User Content and licensed to us as set forth above. Shouldn't we consider both the JIRA and Feature Requests to be solicitations? That would then be another reason for this section of the TOS to now be moot. Yeah maybe. It's hard to understand LL's intent from the wording of the TOS. I suspect they had something in mind when crafting that verbiage, but it got lost in translation. When I was consulting, I crafted a Non Disclosure Agreement that told my clients not to disclose anything to me that was outside the domain of our relationship and that, if they did, it wasn't covered by the NDA. NDA is more powerful than a patent in protecting yourself against competition from clients. All you have to do is get cozy with a big company you think might compete with you, get them to sign an NDA (hopefully their own, and one that doesn't anticipate your ploy) and then spill the beans about the great idea/thing you have that you don't want them to compete against. Now, without every having to file a patent, you've potentially locked your largest potential competitor out of your sandbox. You got them to promise not to disclose or use your ideas before even revealing them, then revealed them. Unless they can document that they were working on the idea before they signed the NDA, they're in at least some peril. It could be this kind of thing that LL is trying to avoid. Those "edge cases" that Ebbe mentioned can be pretty bizarre and scary! ETA: It's been interesting to watch the evolution of NDA documents over the 20 years I've been reading them. There are still some that require the "destruction" of all covered documents upon request, or termination of the agreement. That's often impossible these days. If you ever received client confidential information in an e-mail or via the cloud, or sent it that way, there's almost no way to purge any backups that may have been made by the service provider. My NDA understands this and says only that I promise to safeguard their things as I do my own.
  13. Perrie Juran wrote: Community Linden wrote: We've just blogged about Changes to Our JIRA Implementation that will go into effect next week. We think these changes will make for a better, more transparent and more productive experience for all of us, but if you have additional ideas on ways to improve our implementation, feel free to share them with us in this thread. It's great that Feature Requests have been re-enabled. But will the TOS be updated to reflect this change? It cleary states in Section 7 that we are not to send unsolicited ideas. Or can we now safely assume that this section of the TOS is now moot? 7.4 Unsolicited Ideas and Materials Prohibited; No Confidential or Special Relationship with Linden Lab. Linden Lab employs a staff of designers to develop new ideas and Linden Lab solicits and receives product idea submissions from professional inventors with whom it has business relationships. Because of this, in your communications with Linden Lab, please keep in mind that Linden Lab does not accept or consider any unsolicited ideas or materials for products or services, or even improvements to products or services, (collectively, “Unsolicited Ideas and Materials”). Therefore, you must not send to Linden Lab (even within any of your User Content that we may request), in any form and by any means, any Unsolicited Ideas and Materials. Any Unsolicited Ideas and Materials you post on or send to us via the Service are deemed User Content and licensed to us as set forth above.Shouldn't we consider both the JIRA and Feature Requests to be solicitations?
  14. Okay, given your last two examples, it's pretty clear the difference is in SL. The reflection of your avatar in the water is virtually undetectable in the image from your new PC, and the reflected sunlight is much brighter. Make sure the sun is in the same place. If you're running Firestorm, back up the viewer settings on your old computer, transfer them to the new one, then restore those settings into the viewer there. Instructions for doing this backup and restore are here... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/backup_settings
  15. Hi Kylie, Both of your images look nice to me, but that's not helpful. We can't tell whether that's because my computer displays things differently than yours, or because I have different taste. Use your new computer to look at snapshots you took with the old one. This will tell you whether the difference in appearance is confined to SL, or applies to everything, including this web page. If old snapshots look the same on both computers, then we can suspect that something's different in SL. If the same snapshot looks different on the two computers, then it's likely your new PC is showing everything differently. If this new PC came with a new display, that may be the cause. If you're still using your old monitor, then the gamma settings the old PC uses may be different than those of the new PC. I'm not a Windows user, but I imagine you'd find some kind of gamma or color control in a Monitors or Displays control panel. If you can find such a thing, experiment with various settings there. Good luck!
  16. Hi ShyCorina, From this page... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477 "Accounts which upgrade from basic to premium get a bonus of L$1000 in approximately 45 days and receive a weekly stipend of $L300 and a 512 square meter premium tier bonus. You may only receive the L$1000 upgrade bonus once per account."
  17. Welcome to Second Life, Anieta! I've been here for six years and I'm still lost. I love it. You won't get far if you depend on walking into signs for directions. So, in addition to Rolig's advice, if you're anxious to see things right away (I sure was when I first started), I recommend the Second Life Destination Guide. During installation of the viewer, your PC should have been told to launch the viewer when you click on the "Teleport" buttons in the Destination Guide, or to give you a Landmark if you are already logged-in. This is a handy way to find interesting places to visit. Get ready to be overwhelmed, I'm still climbing the learning curve, but it's been fun. ;-)
  18. Hi Bliss, The only explanation I can think of is either exchange rate or taxes, or both. $82.80 is 15% above $72.
  19. Sonja Smedley wrote: Oh yes, and not to forget the trainpet monkeys... And don't forget the trunk monkeys...
  20. Continuing my efforts to coax spring into existence... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  21. Welcome to Second Life NoSleep! I'm not sure what you mean by "custom avatar", but I'd recommend building your look from freebie/cheap things from the marketplace. Once you've climbed farther up SL's steep learning curve, you can do something more sophisticaed. Picking shapes, skins, hair, clothing and accessories could keep you occupied for months! You might benefit from introductory SL classes from places like Caldeon Oxbridge, or NCI. They are great resources for both new and experienced SL residents. Get some sleep! ;-)
  22. Hi Jo, I imagine there are two ways to make the transfer (I've never sold Lindens, so I really am imagining one of the ways). 1) Transfer the balance of the wrong avatar back out to PayPal or your bank account. Instructions for doing so are here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015#Section_.2 Note that it takes 5-7 business days for the transfer to complete. You can then transfer the money back into the correct avatar's account, just as you accidentally did for the wrong avatar. 2) Purchase Lindens with the wrong avatar's USD balance and "Pay" them (carefully!) to the correct avatar. That avatar can then sell the Lindens to create a USD balance. Note that there will be a transaction fee in both directions, you will lose some percentage of your original balance. But this way is virtually instantaneous. Here's the knowledgebase page dealing with the buying and selling of Lindens. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107 As this is a money matter, I'd not entirely trust me. Hopefully someone will come along to verify my advice. Good luck!
  23. Hi Thoughtwerk, A little bit down this page... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017 You'll see that you must contact customer support to reset your security question. I've copy/pasted the pertinent paragraph... ----- If you can't recall the answer to your security question, just contact Customer Support, preferably by opening a support case. You'll be asked to verify your identity and, working together, we can reset your security question. ----- Good luck!
  24. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Moni Duettmann wrote: "The current version of Firestorm is". I am using this as the beta-version. Is it alpha now? Do I have to upgrade? Its usually best to look at your software not from 'do I have to upgrade' but from 'is it safe to upgrade'. I don't know for Firestorm either way - but its best to always stay current unless there is a bug or issue that prevents it. is reported as the current released version. That's what I'm using. It's a li'l buggy, but no more so than usual. And I too usually stay fairly current.
  25. Hi Levi, Long ago, there was a third-party tool that could peer into the SL cache files and extract your inventory list. I've not heard anything about it in years. I just did a quick check of the support directories for my viewer and I don't find anything that looks even remotely like an inventory file, so I expect the inventory list is still cached in some proprietary format in a file with an obscure name. :-(
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