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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Aethelwine wrote: Found them. All is good. Are there any left?
  2. Hi thrishia, Add your voice to the chorus of complaints by filing a Bug Report and opening a Support Case. That's what we've recommended to many others... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/How-can-I-stop-my-music-set-event-listing-being-tagged-as-an/qaq-p/2599140/comment-id/11156
  3. 4-9-2015 The discovery of a cache of handwritten letters, penned by Filipa Moniz Perestrelo, the first wife of Christopher Columbus, reveals that Columbus' mis-estimation of the Earth's diameter was probably a result of a chronic inability to judge either distance or time. Many of the letters from Filipa to her sister described Columbus' evening visits to the local pub, which he promised would last no more than two hours, as the pub was "just down the block". "Alas, dear Sister, my husband has once again set out for a short visit to the pub, with the promise to be home by nightfall. Many a time I have walked the nearly three hours to Guiseppe's to wake his alcohol infused corpse from its slumber under the bar. After more than two years of needing his shoes re-soled at the first of every month, you'd think he would come to understand the distance. Heaven help us all if he ever gets the notion to captain a ship."
  4. Welcome to Second Life, Pam! Come back and edit your question to add more information (via "Options" over there on the right) so we have some idea what you've tried and what didn't work. Did you get an error message? If so, tell us. Teleports sometimes fail, particularly if you're going to a very crowded sim, such as an infohub. Try another destination, or be patient. You'll eventually get in. The Answers section of the forum is a technological embarassment. You may get better results posting a hello out in the General Discussion forum, where you can easily reply to others and get a good long conversation going. It can be a bit like the wild west there at times, but people are generally helpful. And, just to be sure... the enrollment process and this forum are website based, the virtual world of SL is not. It's a simulation that you access via an application for your computer called a "Viewer". If you haven't already done so, you can download a copy from here. And finally, here's some recommended reading... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-User-s-Guide/ta-p/1244857 Good luck, have fun!
  5. Thanks for the feathers, Val! I put 'em to good use... Good morning, Kids!!!
  6. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Hmm. Let's see.Spellchecker test in progress. I've yet to meat a spellchecker that catches the mistakes I make all to often. Usually their limited too testing whether words have been spelled correctly, even if there the wrong choice for that particular context. Yep, the usual. I don't usually switch meat for meet but as it happens I did while typing so I left it there. The to/too/(and even, embarrassingly enough, two) and the there/their/they're slips are practically my trademark. So thank you for pointing out the addition but sadly it's not going to help me as much as I'd like. Just for you ... http://www.amazon.com/The-Elements-Style-Fourth-Edition/dp/020530902X That's in my library, right next to... http://www.amazon.com/Charlottes-Web-Trophy-Newbery-White/dp/0064400557
  7. Olá Gabriela, Eis o que a Linden Lab diz que fazer se a sua conta foi hackeada. Use o Google Translate para traduzir para o Português. What to do if your account is compromised Your account may have been compromised if: You can't access your account. You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file. If this happens, contact us immediately! Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990. Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once we have concluded the investigation, we'll send you an email explaining our conclusion and the action we will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab'sTerms of Service. Tip: Even if you are able to log into your account, we recommend that you change your password immediately to something secure and unique. Changing your password regularly is one good way to protect the safety of your account. For information on how to change your password, see the How to change your password section of this article. Aqui é a página para a apresentacão de um caso de suporte ... https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Boa sorte!
  8. I long ago stopped wondering about such things. We're all nuts.
  9. Drongle McMahon wrote: :smileyindifferent: Well, I could, I suppose, but I decided I would respect the intent behind request to leave. ;-)
  10. Drongle McMahon wrote: I found your place in your profile and visited to see if I could detect anythging. From the outside views in your pics, I was getting steady > 100fps (GTX 670, ultra+ALM+shadows, dd 270m rvlf 4.0). I guess it must be something else or a transient problem. Or did you change it back? Couldn't check inside because it told me to go away. Drongle, couldn't you just cam where you wanted to go?
  11. Hi LenaLez, Read this... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 Good luck!
  12. Hi diosabonita0, You may be seeing a test transaction, during which Linden Lab verifies that your payment source is valid. Test transactions generally involved a transfer of $1USD, which is reversed upon success.
  13. Hi finrod, The only way something can be "locked" is if RLV is enabled on your viewer. In Firestorm you enable/disable RLV from the Advanced Menu (Ctrl-Alt-D if you don't see that menu). Once you've re-logged, remove the things you don't want to wear. If you wish to continue using RLV, re-enable it and relog. You can also log in using the official SL viewer, which does not support RLV. Fix everything up, the return using your preferred viewer. Good luck!
  14. Hi Mary, Mari's right about Lindens not getting involved. But, your inability to return items may be due to server problems... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Inventory-issues-still-occurring/m-p/2603966 Good luck!
  15. Hola lolascort , Como miembro de una prima , se obtiene una asignación de la tierra 512m2 que puede utilizar para una parcela vacante del continente, o una parcela con un Hogar-Linden en él. Si opta por vivir en el continente, a encontrar una parcela 512m2 que te gusta y lo compra. No habrá cargos adicionales , a menos que desee adquirir más tierras . El subsidio prim para una parcela 512m2 es de 117 prims . Hogares-Linden no cuentan para los límites de Prim, por lo que si usted vive en un Hogar-Linden , tiene 117 prims se puede utilizar para la decoración. Si usted compra una parcela continental su lugar, y compra una casa prim 50 , tendrá sólo 67 prims gratis para decorar . Si usted ya tiene un Hogar-Linden , asegúrese de que la abandona antes de la obtención de una parcela de tierra firme. Aquí está la información que te pueden interesar ... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/linden-home-vs-diy-mainland/qaq-p/1746353 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/tkb/articleprintpage/tkb-id/English_KB @ tkb/article-id/203 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043 http://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php ¡Buena suerte!
  16. Hi shohi, I think you mean you want to increase the maximum daily charge limit. The maximum buy/sell limits increase over time, after you perform your first transaction on the LindeX Exchange. You can request a review, it's all detailed on this page... https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php?
  17. Hi stoweo, See Rolig Loon's explanation here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Can-I-sell-lindens-if-it-says-0-or-do-I-gotta-go-to-my-account/qaq-p/2602280
  18. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: And I'm also aware that the technology I use is now coloring my world view. I have three user accounts on my Mac, one for RL personal business, one for work activities, and one for SL. A Google search for something will return different results to each of those three accounts. Yeah. In some ways, it is this aspect of data mining and the decay of privacy that most concerns me. http://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles (Kind of ironic that Pariser went on to cofound the clickbait site, par excellence!) When I am looking at an issue I've learned to search for "opposing views." For instance where I live there is a fight about a zoning issue going on. So I do two searches, "Opposition to the issue" and "support for the issue." But there is still the problem that too many people don't understand that their search results are filtered. Indeed. Here we have this wide-open world of ideas, perspectives, and information online . . . and our own data is being used to close it off to us. Computing is so advanced that it even removes the need to generate our own confirmation bias! Yep. I like to think I'm constantly challenging my own confirmation bias. (I hope that sounds as silly as I intend). It would be ironic if broadcasting proved to be the most accurate way to see the world. Ol' Abe didn't forsee narrowcasting. "We've always been at war with Eastasia". "We have met the enemy and he is us." ;-)
  19. Hi OpraChrsTenor, There is no adult option for groups. From... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119 There's this... Groups tab The search system filters searches in the Groups tab the same way as in an Everything search. Groups can be marked as Moderate or left unchecked for non-Moderate groups. If a group's name or Group Charter uses adult keywords, the group appears only in Adult searches.
  20. LaskyaClaren wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: And I'm also aware that the technology I use is now coloring my world view. I have three user accounts on my Mac, one for RL personal business, one for work activities, and one for SL. A Google search for something will return different results to each of those three accounts. Yeah. In some ways, it is this aspect of data mining and the decay of privacy that most concerns me. http://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles (Kind of ironic that Pariser went on to cofound the clickbait site, par excellence!) When I am looking at an issue I've learned to search for "opposing views." For instance where I live there is a fight about a zoning issue going on. So I do two searches, "Opposition to the issue" and "support for the issue." But there is still the problem that too many people don't understand that their search results are filtered. Indeed. Here we have this wide-open world of ideas, perspectives, and information online . . . and our own data is being used to close it off to us. Computing is so advanced that it even removes the need to generate our own confirmation bias! Yep. I like to think I'm constantly challenging my own confirmation bias. (I hope that sounds as silly as I intend). It would be ironic if broadcasting proved to be the most accurate way to see the world. Ol' Abe didn't forsee narrowcasting.
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Better check if you still have your wallet too Tex! Peace! There's no need for him to check.
  22. morganbelarius wrote: I'm used to forum based communities, so posting here wasn't very scary. But yea, thanks, I'll work on my profile a bit! We're less scary in-world, Morgan!
  23. Tex Monday wrote: Anyway...if I can ever get my s**t together and head off to another breakfast, I look forward to seeing you there. Good luck.... You get it together, we'll cook it!
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