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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Okay, first you'll want to fill out your profile a little. You'll find it here... https://my.secondlife.com/karisalynnxoxo Click on your name at the top of the left menu column and then click "Edit Profile". You'll find a place to upload a Profile Picture of your SL self, a place to write up a little Biography, list your interests, etc. You can list RL information if you wish, but I'd leave that for later, when you've decided just how much you want to share here. For now, just list a few interests and make yourself look approachable. Check the "Destination Guide" for places of interest and start wandering SL. Don't be afraid to chat people up, and don't feel jilted if they don't respond. SL is a lot like RL in that you'll get out of chance encounters what you put into them. Head out into the "Make Friends" or "General Discussion" forums and say hello. There are lots of nice people in the forums, and people often look for friends there. Hippie Bowman has a traveling breakfast every Sunday Morning at 8SLT. Look up his profile in-world and open his Groups. You'll find the Breakfast Club near the end of his groups list. Click on it and join. You'll get notices for every breakfast.
  2. Here's the thread in which Darlene asked about dating... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/Dating-Service/qaq-p/2804502
  3. Yep, you will need land on which to locate your house. If you're a Premium Member, you get to pick a Linden Home, or find a plot of mainland up to 512m2 in size on which you can rez your house. If you are a basic member, you'll have to rent land somewhere on which to locate your house. You can have a perfectly splendid time in SL without ever spending a penny, so long as you're happy as a nomad. Getting your own space on which to rez things will cost you some real money. My post answering your question about wearing the car will also address your troubles with wearing the house. In general you only wear clothing items. Everything else is attached to the ground, not to you.
  4. Hi again, Karisalynn! You've committed two of many newbie errors (I've committed all of them... many more than once). First, you've worn the box your car came in rather than unpacked it. Here's the SL guide for unpacking boxes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 You'll need to go to a place that allows "rezzing", like a public sandbox or, if you're a Premium Member and have a Linden Home, your own place. I often go to the Fermi public sandbox to unpack boxes and/or build things. To go there, just type "Fermi" into the address bar at the top of your viewer. You'll be teleported to a grassy area on the sim where you can unpack your box. You'll probably find the car and an instruction notecard in the box, which you'll copy to inventory. If there is a notecard, open it and read the instructions. They'll reveal the second error you made... Cars and other vehicles are generally rezzed on the ground, after which you right-click on them and select "Sit" or "Drive" or "Fly" or whatever name the creator has given to the act of sitting on or in the thing. You don't wear them. Once you've sat in your car, follow the instructions for driving it that you hopefully found in the notecard. You're going to make countless more mistakes here, so get ready for them. Oh, I wish I could go back to my wondrous early days in Second Life, where I was making mistakes at the speed of delight. Hang in there. Second Life is a very special place.
  5. Welcome to Second Life, Karisalynn! There are endless freebies scattered around SL. You can find many of the things you want in the marketplace... https://marketplace.secondlife.com Search for the kind of thing you want, then select "Price: Low to High" from the "Sort by:" dropdown. That will generally bury you in free stuff (L$0). Have fun!
  6. Hi Darla, I've experienced crashing due to dust bunnies blocking air to the graphics adapter (GPU) in the past. It always happened several to many minutes after logging in, sooner if I was in a graphics intensive area, or had draw distance turned way up. I run on Macs, but I expect Windows PCs are similar in that the operating system monitors chip temperatures and either adjusts fan speed, chip (CPU/GPU) clock speeds, or both, to maintain safe operating temperatures. If airways are blocked or a fan is stalled by bunnies, the operating system will command the fans to full speed, but that won't be enough. The next step will be to slow the clocks to the too-hot chips to reduce energy consumption. If the GPU clock is slowed enough, SL crashes. I've never seen any other application crash under such circumstances, SL is apparently a temperamental brat. If you're watching a YouTube video that's encoded using an inefficient codec, I suppose it could tax your GPU enough to cause the same problem. My experience with video has been that it stalls or stutters, not that the computer crasheds. In my case, cleaning out the bunnies restored normal operation. If your cleaning hasn't fixed the problem, then I suspect it's something else. Good luck!
  7. Hi Darlene, Rolig and Ariel have answered your question, but you got me wondering. I've heard of speed dating, which makes me wonder if somehow that doesn't lead to speed marriage, speed pregnancy and speed divorce. I probably should have tried that in RL, where it took three years of dating to get to the marriage and ten years of marriage to get to the divorce. Though I may appear slow, I skipped the pregancy part because nine months just seemed too damned long. ;-).
  8. Hi Disaster, That Laptop will work, but it probably won't support the highest level of graphics at good frame rates. It has an integrated graphics adapter (Intel HD 4600) that scores 707 in this benchmark comparison... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_list.php That's a pretty good score for Intel's integrated graphics, but it's well below what a dedicated graphics adapter can do. Unfortunately, those are generally found in much more expensive laptops, often geared towards gaming. In addition, the integrated graphics unit (GPU) must share memory with the CPU, so the 4GB on that baseline model may be stretched pretty thin if you do anything else at the same time as running SL. In the past, I've had good luck purchasing refurbished computers. That said, I did a quick check of Lenovo's refurbished laptops and don't find anything more compelling than the sale price laptop you picked. Happy Hunting!
  9. And if you don't see your age in days in the web profile (mine doesn't show it) you can compute it by going here... http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html# For your SL birthdate... http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=7&d1=22&y1=2014&m2=8&d2=19&y2=2014 Clicking "Calculate duration" shows that those sims and groups that block newcomers until they're 30 days old will let you in on Thursday. ;-).
  10. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Actually, a hollow cube would have 5 faces since by hollowing, you've eliminated 2 sides of the cube...just saying. Here's a quick demo to show that hollowing a prim adds one face. I made a cube, hollowed it, then tapered it so you could see five sides and the inside at the same time, then turned a copy to show the bottom.... I count seven colors. The interior rectangular cutout counts as only one face (as would a trangular or circular cutout) and so can have only one color and one applied texture. But, clever use of textures, offset and repeat can make good use of that one interior face.
  11. If you hollow a prim, the inside part is considered as an additional face. Since a solid cube has six faces, a hollow cube has seven.
  12. Hi jmt, As Pamela says, you can file an Abuse Report against anyone who reveals RL information about you in-world or in the forums. That is prohitibed in the Second Life Community Standards. 4. Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. And adherence to the community standards is required by the Terms of Service. 6. CONDUCT BY USERS OF THE SERVICE You agree to abide by certain rules of conduct, including any applicable community standards for the portion of the Service you are using) and other rules prohibiting illegal and other practices that Linden Lab deems harmful. As the Terms of Service only cover behavior within LL's services, there is nothing you can do if such revelations occur elsewhere. Good luck!
  13. markkemp wrote: So I see the idea of a facelight is not a new one.....:smileylol: They certainly were ahead of their time. Those cantilevered heels look awfully familiar as well. Not only did the headlight anticipate facelights, but perhaps Redzone as well. ;-).
  14. I suppose it's possible the collar has left the viewer in some odd state, even though it's unlocked. Disable RLV, restart the viewer, then detach the collar and anything else he gave you. The RLV switch is at the top of Preferences->Firestorm->General tab. Once you've removed everything, you can re-enable RLV if you wish and restart the viewer again. Good luck!
  15. I don't have a lot of time tp spend in-world these days, but I might be motivated to find more if the promise of an exciting new wardrobe were dangled before me... Oooh! Swish!! I bet there are folks who'd pay top Linden for that headlight. Me? I just want the candy. ;-).
  16. Hi DIEGO, I think Lindal's on the right track. As I understand it, LL recently (months ago?) changed their policy regarding prepaid cards to only allow those that support recurring payments. If your card doesn't support those, that would explain why it's no longer working.
  17. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Breakfast today is hosted by Pablo and Libz! Breakfast starts at 8 AM SLT and all are welcome! It is a beach picnic! Peace! Once again, I was too busy to attend, but I do thank you for saving a leftover for me... Happy Sunday, Kids!!! Monday's on deck!
  18. Sassy Romano wrote: /me rezzes some "Group Hug" poseballs... I see you waiting in the shrubs with a telephoto, Sassy. There's no way all those poses are hugs. ;-).
  19. That's quite a witch hunt you're on, Drake. I think you've placed yourself at a disadvantage though, by shooting yourself in the foot with the Blunderbuss of Hypocrisy™. You cast unfounded aspersions at Stefanosje and then turn around and complain when you think a little Martian has tossed one at you. That's the kind of whining we've come to expect from the back seat on long road trips.
  20. Hi Kali, I'm no expert, but what I've gleaned from mesh discussions is that the rendering cost for a well designed mesh is lower than for curved prims and many sculpties. If you're careful, you can create realistic curved surfaces with far fewer polygons than are used in prim tori, for example. Poorly designed scuplties can tie the renderer in knot. Poorly designed meshes can do that too, but we can hope the Land Impact calculator will give you some warning. I suspect that, if you design well, you'll be able to support greater visual complexity via mesh than you ever could via prims and sculpties. But I don't know nuffin. ;-).
  21. Dillon Levenque wrote: irihapeti wrote: can turn the whole vampire thing upside down. Make the vampire the victims sell a HUD that lets the slayers hunt the vampires across the grid and stake them. Like the vampire HUD broadcast where they are on teh grid. Whoever stakes the most number of vampires wins any vampire what takes off their HUD to avoid a staking gets turned into a chikken on the Kill a Vampire website but vampire dont have to be totally helpless. If a slayer appears then the vampire can attack them. Like bite their throat out but the vampire has to wait until the slayer makes the first move. Like the HUD tells the vampire when the slayer pulls their stake out. Then is game on. like a combat Because of the somewhat minimal road system in SL and the way the sky settings can vary from sim to sim, I'd have to think the "...at a crossroads at midnight..." could be waived: a stake through the heart should count anywhere/anytime. On the other hand, there's no reason a person who nailed the time and location shouldn't be awarded a big bonus. That might even be good for business. People might start hanging out at crossroads, most of which (at least where I live) have a lot of shops nearby. I'm starting to like this. I'm liking this too! Would we get extra points for slaying a vampire with a flaming stake? Or a flaming steak? I can do either.
  22. So, inside every naked eyeglass and necktie wearing hippie, there's a forlorn businessman yearning to break free? That's a unique turn on Walter Mitty, Hippie! ;-).
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