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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi Tempest, You're unlikely to get ideal measurements here, or perhaps anywhere. That's a personal preference. I'd want to see an avatar that's neither terribly muscular nor terribly tall. I like avatars that have reasonable human proportions (if they're intending to be reasonable humans ;-). Others clearly disagree, as SL is filled with avatars sporting impossible physiques. That's what makes SL so interesting, nobody thinks like me. Here are some blogs that discuss proportion... http://strawberrysingh.com/2013/06/24/whats-your-digits-take-3-proportions-challenge/ http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/getting-good-body-proportions-in-second-life/ http://pennycow.blogspot.com/2011/08/matter-of-proportion.html I'm sure there are many more. SL avatar proportions have always been a fertile discussion topic. Good luck! ETA: Theresa brings up an important point that I forget because I neither wear mesh clothing, nor have a mesh avatar. Unfitted mesh clothing (owned by many) requires a compatibly proportioned avatar to fit well. Fitted, or liquid mesh, conforms to varations in body proportions, allowing greater flexibility in avatar shape. If you are intending to model unfitted mesh clothing, you'll be limited to proportions that fit the garments.
  2. Hi Edde, Dies ist Dienstag, als Linden Lab fuhrt routinemäßige Wartung an den SL-Server. Es ist nicht ungewohnlich fur Simulatoren zu kurz offline gehen, während das passiert. Hier findest Linden Lab Beiträge Status-Updates ... http://status.secondlifegrid.net Die Dinge sollten in den normalen kurz zuruck. This is Tuesday, when Linden Lab performs routine maintenance on the SL servers. It is not unusual for simulators to go offline briefly while that happens. Here's where Linden Lab posts status updates... http://status.secondlifegrid.net Things should return to normal shortly.
  3. Flamedramon wrote: Sometimes one makes terrible personal mistakes, if those mistakes are with you forever and the forums are not able to help in anyway, that destroys the experience. Would you like an account made on September 11? or any terrible date? Those sorta things, a wrong capitalization is another horrible mistake on could make. To see a company tell you no we cant fix that , a simple error but that means sooo much to the user, is soul crushing. Welcome to the endless memory of the internet, Flamedramon. SL is hardly unique in this regard. None of the forums I visit, professional or otherwise, allow me to bulk erase my posting history or change or merge identities. I've taken care to protect my RL identity by keeping some of my onine personas anonymous, but there's a fairly extensive history of my RL self online going all the way back to Usenet in 1993 (when I was 23). I was aware from the start that my mistakes would probably outlive me, so I tried to make as few as possible. Unfortunately, there are people born into this new reality that haven't yet fully grasped the implications of a world that never forgets. And the World must come to terms with this. One reason we've generally got along together 'till now is that we forgive and forget, which was largely driven by forgetting. Now that we're losing that "ability", we may need to work harder on the "forgive".
  4. To make a new forum account, you'd have to create a new avatar account. Although you can delete an account, all posts by that account will remain. People have created new avatars simply to post in the forums. Nothing goes haywire... ...with the possible exception of people's perceptions. ;-).
  5. Good morning, Hippie. Now that my boarder is gone, it's my turn to be a slumbercatdog... Happy Tuesday, Kids!!!
  6. The cynic in me says that, as concurrency continues to fall and resources are pulled from SL to support "The Thing After SL™", this is simply an attempt to reduce the number of ARs filed each day. SL is both paying the bills and creating them. You could imagine Ebbe watching the erosion in revenues, and the pressure that creates to hurry up and get TTASL™ on the air.
  7. Hi Cradom, Managing access to your Linden Home is just like managing access to any parcel of land you might own. Here's a section from the Knowledgebase page on parcel management for "Managing other Residents on your land"... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-parcel/ta-p/700113#Section_.6 And here's the section on controlling landing point access to your home... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-parcel/ta-p/700113#Section_.7.3 Good luck!
  8. Hi Arnie, In addition to Muletta's explanation of the weekly stipend, note that your L$1000 "sign-up bonus" won't appear until you've been a premium member for at least 45 consecutive days. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477#Section_.3
  9. Hi justme, Yep, you're able to change Linden Homes up to five times a day. Try that in real life! Here's more information: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103#Section_.3 Good luck!
  10. Hi cain, It is possible for people to rip textures and some geometry from in-world using "copybot" viewers. If you are sure that's been done to your creations, your only recourse is to file a DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) notification with Linden Lab. Here's how to do that... https://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php Good luck!
  11. Hi Ginster, Googling "second life lip sync" returns this... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lip_sync That's an old document (SLV V1.20), so it may no longer apply. Good luck!
  12. Hi linsayjane, I'm not sure I understand your problem. We're residents here, just like you. We have no ability to "unlock" or un-ban people. If you've been banned from a sim, there's not much you can do about it, except find other places to visit. There are more than 25,000 sims in Second Life. I'm sure you'll find some of them quite pleasant. Good luck!
  13. Mmmm, ty. The perfect midnight snack.
  14. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Good morning, Hippie. I found a cute li'l bug on the patio this morning. I'm lookin' at him... Don't eat any bugs at your picnic today, they're people too! Happy Saturday, Kids!!! Oh cool Maddy! make sure you let him go when you are done! Peace! KK, I'll let him go at your picnic. He looks a li'l hungry.
  15. Good morning, Hippie. I found a cute li'l bug on the patio this morning. I'm lookin' at him... Don't eat any bugs at your picnic today, they're people too! Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  16. Welcome (almost) to Second Life, Dirkster: It appears you haven't actually been in-world yet. Have you downloaded and launched the SL Viewer? Here are some things you should read... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-User-s-Guide/ta-p/1244857 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Controlling-your-avatar-s-appearance/ta-p/... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Troubleshooting-avatar-appearance/ta-p/125... Start with the Quick Start guide (first link). That gives instructions for downloading and launching the viewer. Good luck!
  17. Hi weenlex, The profile feed is notorious for image upload problems. This is why many residents post their photos to Flickr. The most common error isn't failure to upload, but rather uploads that get stuck at "Processing". If that ever happens to you, click your name in the upper left of the profile menu, find the stuck post, then hover over the little button in the upper right of the post and select "Delete". The current upload limit is 500 images. Well, that's the current documented upload limit. The real limit may be different! Hopefully someone else has a solution to your "Failed to upload..." problem. Good luck!
  18. If you were wearing an attachment given to you by the person in question, it could relay your whereabouts. Absent wearing such a thing, there's no way anyone not on your friends list can track you in SL. If your circle of friends overlaps his circle of friends, there may be a mole passing your whereabouts to him. There's no way to hide the fact that you're online from someone determined to know. So they will know when to start looking for you. If you had a dozen favorite haunts, I could probably find you within a few minutes of your logging-in, just by TPing to each of them. You'd never know I was doing so if I used an alt. The message from the blocked account could have been from an alt with a very similar name. The surprise of it may have caused you not to notice. There's usually a non-spooky explanation for spooky events here. Unless I'm involved. ;-).
  19. Welcome to Second Life, Lvddawter! When we use terminology like Build->Upload->Sound, the first element (in this case "Build") is either a menu (look at the top of the viewer, you'll see "Build" there) or an item in one of the menus that we presume you're already familiar with, like Preferences. So, Build->Upload->Sound means to go to the Build menu, drag down to "Upload" and then drag down to "Sound". There are several commonly used viewers, including the standard one provided by Linden Lab, which we call SL Viewer or SLV, and third party viewers like Firestorm, Singularity and others. There are subtle differences in the menu names and organization that can make it difficult to explain things. The Preferences window is located in the "Me" menu in the SL Viewer, which is called the "Avatar" menu in Firestorm. For this reason, you may see us skip the actual menu and go straight to the menu item, as in... Preferences->Graphics In this case, we expect you already know where to find Preferences. The full path would be Me->Preferences->Graphics for the SL VIewer and Avatar->Preferences->Graphics for Firestorm. And once we get down into the lower depths of the user interface, everything goes to hell, with Firestorm providing controls that SLV doesn't have at all. Don't worry if it's bewildering to you. I've been here more than six years and still get lost down in the depths and have to pull a flashlight and map out of my purse. Good luck! ETA: While you must pay to upload sounds, you can use the viewer's "Local Texture" facility to test textures on things you build before committing the L$10 to bring them in-world. The lovely and talented (I complement her to earn kudos, she compliments me so I'll leave her alone) Rolig Loon explains local textures here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Rolig_Loon/Local_Textures
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Chinese Firm Sells Virtual Property Insurance I remember that thread. Ya think they're still in business? Ya think they were ever in business?
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: The ISP I use to host my business' www domain advertises the great care they take to protect customer data. Yet their terms of service absolve them of any liability if they lose it, and their knowledge base recommends that customers have an external backup policy. Unfortunately, you cannot have an external SL backup policy. We all agreed to skate on ice of unknown thickness. What we don't understand is why the Lab appears to be either reluctant or unable to restore Inventory. Right. The same is true of my ISP. And their backups are easier, as the systems are not distributed. My website, SQL databases and all, sits entirely on one server. Yet they don't guarantee I can recover anything. And that's because Linux, MySQL, Intel processors and hard drives come with no guarantees that they'll actually work. And there's no way to assess the value of the data being hosted, so insurance companies aren't going to secure the service providers against customer losses. Risk management doesn't get any easier in a digital economy. My business backup plan allows me to sleep at night (even more so since I've retired and now create nothing of value to others), but I don't offer my clients a guarantee I won't lose their stuff. Nor, for that matter, do I guarantee my clients that I know what I'm doing. I don't actually guarantee anything. Talk about blind trust. ;-).
  22. The ISP I use to host my business' www domain advertises the great care they take to protect customer data. Yet their terms of service absolve them of any liability if they lose it, and their knowledge base recommends that customers have an external backup policy. Unfortunately, you cannot have an external SL backup policy. We all agreed to skate on ice of unknown thickness.
  23. Hi Maddy, SLGo has a free trial, or a USD$1/hr pay-as-you-go plan. If you're able to use it, sign up for the free trial or purchase an hour, log-in, abandon your land and then cancel with SLGo. Good luck!
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