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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. there are several settings that are natureally greyed out when you have "edit linked parts" checked.... simply uncheck it to return to normal object edit mode (which will restore the group and owner displays, as well alow other "general" tab settings.) also make sure your object is not "locked" (checkbox, object tab) as this will also grey out several option and prevent editing most features
  2. because rates are first come first serve, so if the current buy rate is at 250$L then all those previous 250's will go before yours does, and any 251 or higher will go before those! you 249 sell offer is actually worse for the buyer (but better for you) so it will be filled after all the better rates are gone. if you need immediate cashout, either sell at a higher $L rate than the best rate listed, or use "market sell" which will grab the lowest buy rate available.
  3. for you case Ki, since it seems to be a different behavior for your current PC's but not the old one I would double check things that might have changed automatically on the new ones... something new from auto-update or a new virus checker file perhaps?
  4. I know I responded to a similar question a little while back... the (blank), "recognized", and "honored" prefixes are just labels within the ranks to tell how far up the ladder of that rank you are...
  5. I'm told there are setting which all three affect as the imposters code is tied up in the unloaded av code.
  6. usually, "waiting for region handshake..." failures are due to poor network conditions... the big culprit is wireless (which you've eleiminated), but also sometimes a bad region server, or your ISP (you mentioned brownouts?) If logging in to a different region doesn't help, then I would suspect ISP trouble... and immediately check my ping times and bandwidth to phoenix , az and fort worth, tx to see if connection to those two locales is choppy (if it is, there's your problem)
  7. in addition to disabling that feature you may need to set the number of avatars you can see (to a nice high number like 40+) and set the debug option "renderUnloadeAvatar (I think that's what it's called) to get the full correct behavior.
  8. one does not have to verify their paypal account, and can indeed fund it off of another source such as a credit card.... then if that account is burned, they simply open a new account, with a new payment source. heck, even the SAME payment source (since the account is burned with LL not paypal). to say nothing of accounts with stolen credit cards. similarly there are prepaid cards that still work in SL, and those can easily be abused. so if the point is securing a financially responsible party, then those methods break it.. but further more in my eyes you are equating "trust" with "service" rather than "payment" with "service". and while I agree that that trust should enable some services, I don't think it is enough to pay for a service by itself. what you are suggesting is a buy one get one free type of deal, where LL would only make pennies on the dollar for value in trade of the services rendered. but I think, worse, is that it dwindles the value of premium membership that's already devauled to the point that most people see nothing worthwhile in it, since extended support is the ONLY service of premium that can't be had outside of premium membership in one way or another. so it doesn't make good business sense.
  9. that's a very problematic suggestion for non-US residents who formerly used paypal, and were allowed to keep using it as long as they didn't change their payment method.... since once they change payment methods, they can no longer use that functionality.
  10. honestly, I don't see the use of the first suggestion when people just use disposable paypal accounts to game it, or prepaid credit cards.... I do think they deserve better ticket options than NPI accounts, but I don't believe they should be getting benefits that people are paying specifically for. I think if it really has as much value as some people are saying (and that's debatable) then it should be worth paying for. the second idea, I'm all for. it's ridiculous the amount of scam/stolen crap crap that goes through market place, with fund passed around a dozen alts to prevent it from being captured. the third idea I've been begging for for years, and I think it'd even be fair to use those as marketplace accounts, since there is still a financially responsible account to go after. but as Pete points out, none of that is worth a flip if they don't fix their payment/billing options. and that includes alternatives for payouts that are not paypal (it amazes me how a company this size cannot manage to find a bank that will handle mass ACH, and direct billing, in an age where those features are offered to individual basic checking accounts)
  11. I got the impression OP realized that AO's could easily swap animations for above/below water, but was looking for a way to force "fly" when walking was detected.... and assumed (AFAIK) correctly, that there aren't any feasible method to do that (force up would trigger jumping or falling) if someone could figure a way to trigger avatar intersect with an object/ground at will then it might be possible (as both of those often result in flying, and I'm assuming you could use exact value to trigger it each time consistently)
  12. ... and see... posted code, and suddenly 3 people helping and much faster than I could get back to it...
  13. tell ya post the code and I'm sure we can work it out =)
  14. support is a service.... you get what you pay for... don't want to pay for that service... you don't have to. paying for one service or item does not entitle a person to other services or items... are they making money off of those other transactions? you betcha... and that money goes into making those services sustainable an profitable. they'd either have to be making a ridiculous profit on those services, or be ridiculously stupid to give away another service just because you signed up for a secondary one.... me I have a paid account, and some free ones as well... if I want support I log into the portal with a paid account to get the service I'm paying for, and make it clear I need help with one of my other unpaid accounts.... I've never been turned down yet, although I expect I will at some point in the future. I'll be annoyed (mostly because I can't link my accounts) but certainly not surprised.
  15. Darrius Gothly wrote: WOW!! That job is SO ME! I meet every requirement, including the Psychic Certificate thing ... (except I lost my certificate and haven't been able to find it .. hmmm...) doing better than me then, I thought I had a new job right up until the 15kWPM requirement ( v7 Neural inputs are capped at ~10k) Peewee Musytari wrote: hahaha good one!!...I thought Google Motion was their one for this year, they must be doing a few hehe oh they usually do one for each major service... so one for search, email, etc etc. WeeWillie Wylie wrote: considering Emeralds history you would think they wouldn't go playing around with folks program or computer...certainly not remind people that they are in your computer...Guess they haven't learned yet.. ::sighs:: some people have no sense of irony...
  16. looks like Google decided on subtle this year.... (the link is buried in the auto complete dropdown)
  17. my point is not purely what the law says, but what common sense tells us, and where that conflicts with the laws as they stand (because I strongly believe it is severely flawed on several levels) for instance, under current law both the stories and the indvidual characters within it (to say nothing of their design) are separate and complete works... which is a bizarre way of saying you get to eat your cake and have it too, when any observer can see that one flows from the other, which would change how the law treats them. add to that large corporations that can easily drag out copyright matters in law (even if they are legally in the wrong) well beyond the means of individuals and small studios... toss in the inconsistency of something marketed for public appeal that the public isn't allowed to creatively build from in any sensible way, and you got a mess... it's not confusing because it's difficult, it's confusing because it clashes directly with sensible expectation. to clarify my above suggest, not only would the "fan created representation" need to be free, but it also couldn't be co or cross marketed with the commercial product. and probably needs to stay in a non-competing market (which SL is). PS I'm not and industrialist or neo marxist if that's what you're thinking, I believe in credit (and profit) where credit is due, but the current system is credit (and profit) where it's due, and where it's really not, and stifles creativity more than it protects it. not that my opinion would mean jack in a courtroom.
  18. fortune favors the the bold, opportunity, the prepared, and survival the cautious
  19. :: never admits to killing anything except time, just in case someone is listening ::
  20. Peewee Musytari wrote: Macy Verlaine wrote: Being hacked never occurred to me. I just said, "Huh, they have pictures now" and went on logging in. I wonder if it made a difference which pic they got...I got the "Who Dat?" one and I recognised Jessica, but there was one that said something like...I`m in your machine looking for bugs lol "im in ur viewer, fixing ur bugs!" priceless =) =) =) too bad I would've completely missed it if I hadn't seen this thread, since I use a login shortcut that skips that screen.
  21. apparently all the promo screen shots were done with toons named after scott pilgrim characters.....
  22. oye prices for decent low end systems are dropping... ok, withdrawn, with my sincere apologies.
  23. Darrius Gothly wrote: Nice mustache you got there Neil. *grin* .... except for the fact that that's the promo screenshot
  24. 500-600$US ? if that's for the card, get any one you like, as all the cards in that price range will run SL on ultra if that's for the whole system, you are oh so very screwed, because I can't imagine a card cheap enough to allow you to fit in with a system that light. ETA: as Leliel points out later, my price points for low end desktop components is a bit out of date... so, my apologies.
  25. tell ya what Pep, you PM your second guess (which I can almost guarantee matches one of the names on my list) and I'll send you back the third.... I'd post it but someone would just have it deleted.
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