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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. lol, as far as mistakes fo,its a minor one.... and I hear you loud and clear on SayTo (although I'm not so sure about that name... it's really ObjectIM if you ask me... but no one ever really does lol)
  2. [removed quote] thought it might help if people could actually see the images (the relative URLS were off by a folder level or two so I replaced them with fell paths) PS I mostly script, so not a lot of building happening, but I'll see if I can't find some shots of two recent person demo projects. ETA: Probably just as well that you don't take credit on the last one.... looks quite a bit like some of the Galspan bases from Tachyon ETA@: I see you got it fixed now, no need for my quote
  3. Qie Niangao wrote: [...] Postfix increment/decrement is much more efficient than prefix in LSL -- I have no idea why. [...] backwards.... prefix is the faster one (because it happens in line, so only one value on the stack) it's documented on the hacks page (and apparently x = -~x and x = ~-x are even faster still, although I haven't adopted them myself globally yet)
  4. right... looks like we've got more infected.... I'm all outta handcuffs, guess it's back to wire ties
  5. not me, that's for certain.... but I tend to work nights =X
  6. it's the crux of city planning... most cities were poorly planned to begin with, and the few that weren't were planned for horse and buggy, and are now so old and cobbled together.... well you get the idea
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: huh?.... there's something more humans can do? well, us men can take Viagra now. Not just US men. It's sold internationally. I could have said "we" men but then someone would have said it wasn't just for tinies. On second thought, I guess it does fix that problem. separate issue I think.... the television tells me that medicaide will pay for a pump for the other problem though... (filed in scary but true)
  8. it strikes me that LL has a very schizophrenic relationship with PG G content guidelines that they want to portray to the public.... PS That's not a complaint, but I'm sure some of us are wondering, if we as a society at large, and a community in microcosm, are going to fetishize and sexualize content, why aren't there dangly swinging bouncy ken doll "packages" as well? (not that I have any desire to see that, but in the name of equality and truth in advertising....)
  9. @George and Kascha: like I said... desperation =) =) =)
  10. Jo Yardley wrote: When is Mesh coming again? well you were headed in the right direction, just looking at the wrong user group transcripts..... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh_User_Group PS I'll save you the effort of reading, and suggest you'll have better luck asking yourself next monday (it was an agenda item last meeting and never answered)
  11. the only things that should really affect the snapshot size are the format, and the dimensions... higher video settings should actually lower lossy format save sizes, since they'd include more blending... but the main thing is the pixel count.
  12. Marianne McCann wrote: 1. A way to recapture some of the spirit of youth. Much like the old Twilight Zone episode, "Kick The Can," it allows one to 'be' a child, and run and jump, and play unencumbered with the responsibilities of adulthood. I did love that episode, even more when they remade it for the movie.... and it's my favorite reason listed for having a child av myself (not full time, but sometimes). kudos (the actual kind not the software kind) to the person who cited that in the wiki, and some to you too for reprinting it =)
  13. "high resolution" snapshots is an old setting, that's pretty much useless now that we can specify size and format (used to be itw was the only way to get large sizes, or lossless bmp rather than jpg) be very careful with it because it's bugged for most people and cause the snapshot images that are saved to be off center (by about 1/4 to 1/3 of the screen size) from the original view you were trying to capture.... there's a jira on it, but I don't know that anyone ever bothered fixing it with the new snapshot interface available
  14. couldn't pay me to use DSL in any of the market areas I've had experience with. the only places in the US likely to have decent DSL service compared to the local cable service are areas that are under 5 years old for development, because all the rest are either relying on ancient POTS lines, or a hectic mishmash of POTS and fiber.... the only areas likely to have problems with crowded nodes on cable are high density rural apartment complexes, and poorly managed large city services... and even then I've only seen that problem once. unfortunately, I live in an area that will see the heat death of the universe before they get fiber, and there are still buildings here that use bare copper wire strung on ceramic spindles... yeah, that old... the phone service is only slightly more reliable than the weatherman and I hear a never ending stream of complaint from local that use DSL.
  15. :: cough :: I would have figured that most SL users were net savvy enough not to still IE out of anything but desperation =X
  16. Chosen Few wrote: [...]Or, perhaps it was covered up by the perpetrators of a vast alien conspiracy, deeply seated in the highest levels of government. Yeah, taht's probably it. After all, I did recently misplaced my tin foil hat. Guess I had it coming, then, right? bloody he.... no WONDER! :: hisses ::you aren't supposed to mention we know about them.... of course since you've misplaced your hat, you were probably infected to route us all out... we'll have to make sure you're clean of their influence before you'll be allowed to carry on.... it's for your own good.... well, and ours mostly.... now where did I put those handcuffs......................................
  17. I've had feline.... it's not that good :: says nothing about the synonym ::
  18. here's the thing, that system would be a monster for the high end games out there right now... for SL, serious overkill.... anything that will run a high end game at all will get good-to-great for SL. if price isn't a factor, go for it... the system has great survivability, and will last quite a while before replacement compared to other systems. if you need to consider price, scale back every mentioned component two notches, as all of those thing are in the overpriced "high end" range.... and while you are at it make sure that you have at least RAID zero and a lot of disk space.... hard drive failures suck, twice as much when they take your only copy of something with them... and are more likely with longer lived systems.
  19. Utilizator Mode wrote: i spent like 10 minutes trying to spell my SL username in my broken english accent and the person said that they actually seen my ticket and they forwarded it to some other department or something and that they should contact me shortly. its been like a day already and i still didnt receive any news from them or even any kind of sign that they are looking into it. ok, seriously...give it about a week... LL uses the "shortly" like a corporation.... two weeks is fast to them =) i think every new account should either have some kind of one month period where it has a limit of maximum amount of L$ it can spend and receive or only age verified users can cash out their lindens or something like that, or a limit on how much L$ you can transfer to other accounts from an unverified account per week whatever it would be, the point is that 1 day old accounts shouldnt have such freedom to transfer that many lindens in one go, since all my money where transfered to some account that was created like a day ago. there ARE limits, but they apply to RL cash charges and withdrawals.... you'd hear never ending screaming from some people if they couldn't instantly fund and/or syphon L$ from their new alts via their regular accounts.... unfortunately it's a hole in the system, sorry you got burned, and here's hoping that you get things resolved quickly. PS the ticket you filed, that was a report of your account being compromised I hope?
  20. see my post in the building forum, same thread.... I've nothing against resources, but these can look like stealth advertising, so the mods really don't like that... going to try to see if we can't find a way so that even commercial resources that may be of interest to the community have a safe harbor
  21. suspicious because it's a tactic I've seen used elsewhere to prevent negative commentary from keeping anyone away from something (sometimes used in scam marketing). only suspicious because there's no way to tell if the mods deleted those, or if OP got them deleted. posting the same thing to multiple sub-forums is a tactic also used by scammers and spammers, and the fact (noted on the originals) that they were the only posts made tends to lend to that perception. @Chosen: they yanked a post on filter forge discounts..... that's kinda... off. I get it conceptually but.... hmm will try to bend someones ear about a good way to inform about tools the community may be interested in wihtou them getting yanked as advertising...
  22. the troublesome one I found was the last one.... and there's no convenient way to know what a component is without searching all of them and reading their ID numbers... I think I did once and can't remember the result
  23. actually parcel media can be set for multiple people (use PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT for each one), but they will each see the individual content, and only one type of content at a time....
  24. thanks Cerise, what I was finding was that one particular component just wasn't recognized anymore.... but most of those templates give me headaches parsing them because they lask a certain amount of visual definition (counting strings of {{{{{{ is a bit hard of these eyes)
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