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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. you're looking for "auto-relog" rather than "auto-login".... I can respect that... I should timeout sometime later today, so when I do I'll capture the session expired box for you...
  2. heh, when has it EVER been different? the goal has always been the same, just the tools have gotten better. fortunately, subtlety is suspicious so people are finally catching on
  3. no need to capture that page.... simply check whether or not it says guest, and if it does, redirect to the url I posted above, along with the current page address as the referrer..... then you only have to worry about the daily timeout that forces a new password. (and yes the historical claim has been account security)
  4. Any of the Lindens that actually spend time inworld doing something other than work..... doubly for lindens with normal accounts as well. why? because then they get to see and understand what other residents do, and easily understand what needs improvement.
  5. no, there isn't =( on the bright side they fixed the stupid redirect to the blogs, so now when you sign back in you go back to where you were..... PS you can cheat and use this for your forum shortcut url... http://support.secondlife.com/community/login/?referer= <Full Url of the page you want as default goes here>
  6. Shelby Silverspar wrote: if you're an artist yourself how can you sell someone else's art as your own? you didn't create Walle, you copied him. actually, no... OP created a replica based on what they had seen, which is a far cry from "copying"... and it's where copyright law fails in the most illogical way. At best the replica of a character is derivative, and not representative of the the entire work. but by copyright law your labors in creating a replica in an entirely different medium are not your own, and you are not allowed to profit from those labors... it's more than a bit ludicrous. so my sympathies to the OP. My suggestion to the OP? do an end run around the whole thing.... give the designed characters away for free, and sell the scripts to drive them separately...
  7. please note that any links to the last years scripting library are likely to be worthless.... apparently when they were re-parsed, anything between []'s was wiped out (along with the brackets), rendering most of those scripts broken and useless if they dared to use a list (which most did)
  8. change the word "price" above to "rentalcost"
  9. ::hands Wilhaim the super secret hit squad weapon of choice:: Welcome, enjoy your keyboard. PS for sanities sake it's better to avoid reading conspiracy theory blogs.... especially those by drama invested, revisionists with a victim complex, sense of entitlement and no personal accountability.... (and it's sad to say that we have AT LEAST 3 people that would fit that bill)
  10. llSetPayPrice( PAY_HIDE, [price, 2 * price, 3 * price, 4 * price] ); don't forget to check the amount given for an exact value in the money event
  11. assuming the no-copy model no_sensor(){ integer vIntCnt = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_OBJECT ); do{ //-- gStrSearch will be needed to keep track of the name for the next sensor call if (!llSubStringIndex( gStrSearch = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_OBJECT, --vIntCnt ), "kelp" )){ llRezObject( gStrSearch, llGetPos() + <0.0, 0.0, 0.5>, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 42 ); //-- start the new sensor here? or use the time event to call it with gStrSearch return; } }while (vIntCnt); //-- stick a message here about being all out of kelp.... } assuming of course that's the problem.... or maybe OP is looking to have MObject rez multiplecopies of "kelp" at once.... in which case, a larger object linked together named kelp with multiple prims could work, or, if those must remain separate, then rez a whole bunch, then select them all and "take" and put that coalesced object in MObjects contents to rez (so each rez is multiple pieces). copiable, Pete suggested. if there are supposed to be multiple pieces out at once those are the best methods, but as long as the number is supposed to be below 17, you could search for "kelp" and if the sensor returns less than 16, rez one at a random position and sense aagain, so that you had a near constant number of them rezzed.
  12. ::smirks:: notice to whom the reply was addressed? NTIM, I'm much more interested in it happening than any kind of recognition
  13. Darrius Gothly wrote: Void Singer wrote: PS thanks for the compliment, but I don't really think anybody actually listens to me.... in fact, I'm pretty sure of that (At least where it concerns SL and LL's policies and content =/ ) I dunno 'bout that. I listen to you. Except of course when you're wrong. (Meaning any time you disagree with me. *GRIN*) /me ducks .... well, since I'm never wrong.... the universe must now implode due to the inherent paradox. (no one listens, you do if I'm right, I'm always right but said no one listens) ETA: Don't make me spontaneously combustible hamsters to your house... that mailman always gets mad when I mistime them
  14. you didn't by chance use a command line parameter to launch the viewer with? say "--login" ? because that's been borked by v2 for a version or 3, and disables most of the "ctrl+" menu options (because they got sloppy and stuck initialization in the login screen, which --login SKIPS)
  15. Domitan Redenblack wrote: Do you need to request permission to attach? for Rhonda's suggestion, yes
  16. well if it's teleporters there always seems to be a bit of a rough positioning about them (I blame the sit target function). but it's really bad it the teleport unseats an av either inside or in contact with any surface... always make sure to gap those upwards by the avs height as a minimum, even from a position that's above the surface you are dropping them on.... you can almost always tell when you get an itersect, because the Av will end up flying after being unseated. a small sleep before unsit seems to help they tend to behave worse when the physics time is hig (suggesting the av is retaining some physics momentum), or if there are ghost prims on the region (obviously VERY bad if the ghost prims are in your landing zone)
  17. Kirstens isn't bad, but I see nothing special in it to recommend it for users that aren't doing inworld photography or machinima. I suppose it has a slight edge over V2 in that the UI isn't quite as intrusive, and you get RLV support... but that's about it.
  18. Keli Kyrie wrote: Void Singer wrote: Nice... now can have a fix for other nuisance? there should be a reply to Original author at the BOTTOM of the page.... you know, that place you're at when you finish reading the thread? rather than needing to scroll back to the top to reply (as I just did) I posted this idea on the Lithium boards and I didn't get a single vote. Maybe if you head over there and vote on it we will get it too. After all you are smart and people listen to you. Reply to Original Post on Lithium. I'm not sure it's a Lithim issue, rather than just an LL configuration Issue.... Meaning that Lithium probably supports it, but LL's template don't have it. PS thanks for the compliment, but I don't really think anybody actually listens to me.... in fact, I'm pretty sure of that (At least where it concerns SL and LL's policies and content =/ )
  19. that shouldn't happen.... so now on top of "can't stay logged in", and "can't stay on the same page I was on" we now have "can't actually log out" .... my head hurts
  20. I've sent you a private message of the name of a person who does more with physics in SL than anyone else I know, and has demonstrated physics driven toys at SLB for at least 2 years.
  21. heh, no need to include my anti-license, but I appreciate the thought =)
  22. it's not just you... web profiles were having similar issues... WEB-3561
  23. sensor( integer vIntSns ){ gLstNom = []; gLstKey = []; if (12 < vIntSns){ vIntSns = 12; } do{ gLstNom += llDetectedName( --vIntSns ); gLstKey += llDetectedKey( --vIntSns ); }while (vIntSns); string vStrMsg; vIntSns = ([] != gLstKey); //-- same as: -llGetListLength( gLstKey ) do{ vStrMsg = (string)(-vIntSns) + ": " + llList2String( gLstNom, vIntSns ) + "\n" + vStrMsg; }while (++vIntSns); //-- your listen code could go here, or you could use a static listen channel llDialog( llGetOwner(), "Choose one of the following names:\n" + vStrMsg, llList2List( ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"], 0, ~([] != glstNom) ), /*//- Same as: (llGetListLength( gLstNom ) - 1) channel ); llSetTimerEvent( 120.0 );} this saves you from a second sensor to get the key, simply use the number returned, and subtract 1 to get an index and use that to pull it out of gLstKey
  24. some of the old poorly scripted chimeras used to have that problem.... and because they keptt firing new animations, stop animations button only worked for a few seconds at a time
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