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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. I'd definitely raise some hell.... that kind of crap isn't acceptable. as for your router behavior? dunno why it would suddenly retry dhcp just because you logged in, but I suppose it could be doing that... unfortunately there's not really much you can do on your end other than leave the computer always on and always connected to some sort of live feed like an IM client. and even that's not guaranteed. I've seen the exact same problem and the tech swore up an down it wasn't their equipment.... that is until it was pointed out that they had just switched the head end equipment to their DSL processing plant, which of course had the old timeout inactive connections behavior built in... last I heard they were unable to do anything to actually fix the problem because they'd sold off all the old cable plant equipment...
  2. LadyDi Andel wrote: Actually, I thnk most of us would prefer that LL fix problems... like group chat lag, sim lag, etc. Once again, LL proves it's more interested in bright shiny objects, rather than the nuts and bolts of improving their system to provide their customers with a better SL experience. except for the parts where the group chat fix is on beta grid now, and mono2 awareness has already rolled out (I can't tell you if the sqaushed the rest of the MONO rez bug that was crippling regions, but I can say it's certainly bee improved. once the prep work is done, adding more chefs does not make the soup cook any faster... the rest of the cooks might as well work on something (I'm not so sure this was the something it shoulda been, but what do I know)
  3. just one more reason to hate ATI.... I'm going to guess that it's a problem sith ATI's openGL support, and crossfire just doesn't like it... not because I know that's the problem (I don't), but because all the odds are in my favor.... of course the odds were in favor of a bandwidth issue too so..........
  4. point in fact Disney wasn't a very queer friendly employer when those began either.... (although they were better than some, and bloody amazing for Florida) PS @ other poster the divisions of Disney films you're thinking of is Touchstone pictures, other non-obvious divisions exists, such as ABC television, Arts&Entertainment Network (I think they still have a controlling interest), ESPN, Hollywood Records, and Hyperion books.
  5. the linked image is a texture created by DanielFox Abernathy, and given out free for the community to use... of course it's a web texture so you would have to upload it first..... but instead of uploading you can create a script, paste the code in the previous post into it, and save it. then if you drop that script into a sculpt (or any prim) it will apply the same texture to all the face of the prim.... and you don't need to upload the texture (because it uses the UUID of the copy *I* already uploaded). that particular texture shows you where the LOD points are at, in addition to giving you an idea where the surface meets up with the texture. that's in case you don't have a downloadable copy of the sculpt map to plug into a 3d paint program, or a template for the surface.
  6. based on several steampunk revisions of a popular New England Rifle Factory* handgun. no moving parts, although I did add my own gun script to it. this was quick built for a competition to see if my tunings for a vehicle script speed and turn performance profile were correct.... it contain all sorts of SF reference including ST, RD, 2010, Jetsons, and a few other geeky in jokes in the ad copy....the running lights flash, the engine flares are animated at three speeds, and the anchor ties disappear when you board it (they're part of a separate rezzor). the engine speed was custom tuned to 7.75m/s at top speed and handles region border crossing and high lag extremely well. ETA: notice that the rigging does not suffer from the normal alpha sorting problem (most of the time, it's impossible to eliminate entirely)... this was done with an inner cylinder textured on the outside only, perfectly matched to an outer hollow cylinder textured on the inside only... the tie down ropes use the same technique, and are only actually 2 prims for all four textured at the edges of the faces. the tie down spikes are a single tortured tube each. ETA2: spelign, and corrected the company psuedonym of the weapon (which is a joke itself... make it an acronym to get the joke)
  7. the rez box is the best solution.... the second best solution is a coalesed object (select all the part then press take, advise your customer to open the edit window before rezzing it so that all parts will be selected for easy placement) the linked solution is actually the second worst of them all.... why? because each part will have to rotate separately, and around and arbitray position.... this usually means you'll see the pieces moving at different times (some will move before others).... even with the fast version of the script. the non-dynamic, quick and dirty way to do that is to record the positions of each of those parts and their rotations, when open, and when closed, and set them as needed. a fourth way is to create two copies of the moving prims, and set their alpha, but not only can you get the slow pieces moving out of synch with this method, but you can also end up with the "I see the same piece in two place" problem momentarily while it's working..... and the invisble pieces still block clicks.
  8. click on the script error icon and see what the script error window (which should pop up when you do that) says =)
  9. I'm guessing that the cart doesn't actualy take controls, since it runs a set course. but good points on normal vehicles and sat upon prims... I wasn't thinking clearly, object entry and no scripts normally shouldn't affect those.
  10. it's the relative links... the folder depth is different when you are replying or linked in to a particular (highlighted) post. you can easily see the difference by clicking on options for the post and selecting highlight. the same thing happens if you click the link for the most recent post in forum view.
  11. I use colored pixels... YMMV or you could use this handy dandy sculpt alignment texture if you don't have the map of how the sculpt faces are arranged... which can be cheatingly applied without upload by dropping the following script in a prim.... default{ state_entry(){ llSetTexture( "c595dad5-e439-fe75-1220-9dddf6cdf4b3", ALL_SIDES ); llRemoveInventory( llGetScriptName() ); }} that is assuming you can't just open the sculpt in a program like zbrush and paint it directly.
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: Void Singer wrote: it's the crux of city planning... most cities were poorly planned to begin with, and the few that weren't were planned for horse and buggy, and are now so old and cobbled together.... well you get the idea It's so sad to know that places like The Brooklyn Bridge are falling down (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/08/02/brooklyn-bridge-is-one-of-3-with-poor-rating/,) How will I ever find that tree? that's kinda old news.... like 4 years ago, and reconstruction was supposed to start last year.
  13. this is almost assuredly a connection issue.... probably flooded bandwidth choking out updates.
  14. I see some missing logic in the list of reasons for an against inworld/infora meetings such as... infora attendence encourages more casual users to add to the topic, but also contributes to noise on a topic. larger infora participation (and across a broader time) means more work for the involved lindens to answer questions, both in volume and in time lack of clear boundaries for time, and inherent lack of focus. that's not an argument against, but it is a start towards a more balanced view.
  15. preset both alpha and glow before saving object to be rezzed. on_rez llPlaySound or llLoopSound loop with llSetLinkAlpha loop with llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast + PRIM_GLOW llStopSound llPlaySound and probably llDie
  16. ... and then there's the fun of deciding if you want face centers (and remember, prim face center and region face center may not be the same), nearest points on the plane, nearest point on plane to the center of the other, or some other arbitrary set of points.... it might actually help more if you told use what you were trying to accomplish with the measurement, as there may be another simpler way to get what you want than direct measurement between faces ETA: did I realy take > 5mins to write that? or am I seeing a distrubuted update of posts.... because Roligs wasn't there when I hit reply =/
  17. a permissions issue would likely be tied to either parcel allows scripts allow object entry and can be hacked around by sharing the object to group if "anyone" for either is unchecked, but group is checked for both. deeding the object to group if the group ability for either is unchecked the above applies to ever parcel it enters after being rezzed... which is completely impossible for an object that must be deeded to deal with if there is more than one group, and impossible for this situation for an object that must be shared to more than one group. (in world object that don't need to be rezzed, or have to deal with sitters can actually de/re-link themselves to access different groups (that have been preset before linking), although i'm not sure if "share" can be maintained across multiple groups that way) however the object still needs rez permission, so if rez on the original parcel is set to group only, then the object MUST be shared with that group, and if it's unchecked for that parcel, it MUST be deeded. I expect failure on my last suggestion, because if the setting were stopping the objects in the group2 region, it's very likely that the riders being in that group are unlikely to have any effect on overriding it, since they didn't before, and I expect scripts or object entry for group is turned off in those parcels.
  18. forgot to mention.... temp-on-rez carts won't dump passengers if they are seated... everyone must be off the vehicle before it will automatically die.
  19. it may work if the users wear tags for the main group. a slight improvement might be to set the rezzor to the main land group rather than a specialty group, preferably deeded... then if the users have any problem, they can wear tags for group 2... that should eliminate all problems... I think... maybe... I hope... lol
  20. the "no dns" after wake up is seen most often on cable system that gateway to older DSL equipment that is set to disconnect idle connections.... and I'm betting you have to refresh your dhcp every time it happens, because the cable modem doesn't properly drop it? and packet loss shouldn't go up like on a busy node either, just throughput. That looks more like someone has equipment on the node that is spewing feedback down the line.... especially with a jitter value that's half your ping time. yeah I'd be torqued off about that.... they need a tech to examine the neighborhood and see why the hell there aren't some noise filters in place.
  21. turn the feature off if it's a problem. me, I love it.... because I tend to go to places with particular ambiance, and the lighting can make a huge difference. if it's just someones store, bah, I ignore that
  22. well it's not as if you don't earn them with all that you do/have-done for the community
  23. Pep wrote: Desperation . . . and using corporate resources for personal purposes . . . Pep ( . . . which is petty fraud when it comes down to it; if it's on your own time you don't have to use IE9.) it's not fraud, it's misappropriation of resources, and it's only a problem IF there's a policy forbidding it. I could surf Russian porn sites all day for all my work cares, and yes I have that in writing (they don't explicitly mention porn though). and almost every company I've ever worked for or done business with only applies browsing policies to work time activities (and not breaks)
  24. if it's not a permissions issue (and good chances that it is) then it could be the result of of code in your objects checking for information about the object owner that the region doesn't store when they aren't around.... like llKey2Name (there are others but that's the most common) but it's more likely a permissions issue... the code is stupid and object entry might work while you are on but not while you are off unless the object is set the the group (or in some cases must be deeded to the group) of the parcel it is crossing... which is nearly impossible to deal with multiple group owned parcels. as a for instance. there's also functions that can piggyback your permission while you're on in the same manner... llEjectFromLand and llAddToLandBanList are two notable ones that suffer from failures as soon as leave (unless shared with the land group)
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