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Sandy Schnook

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Everything posted by Sandy Schnook

  1. If it's within the past few years, I would check the store, if you know it, for a redelivery. That will sort things from the specific store to the top usually.
  2. Ahh but that depends on if you liked your system head in the first place. I hated all the angles and stretching. I couldn't get a good closeup at all without a lot of postwork. I still do some postwork on the pictures I take, but I'm not spending a ton of time just making my avatar look smoother. I spent a ton of time trying to eradicate the angles in world, but never with any complete success.
  3. I've seen many default resource hogs. In fact, if I'm out and see someone way, way, way over the complexity limit I set (I keep it near 100K) I get nosey and amp complexity up to see WTH they have on. And EVERY SINGLE TIME, it's been a default avatar. Every...single...time. So far the highest has been over 3 million complexity, Her flexi skirt alone had 5 layers so it poofed out. Unless for a photo, I keep myself between 30K and 75K.
  4. Copy. I've lost transfer only items in SL glitches. Still heart broken over a few of them.
  5. If I tease my friend when he's on, it's always more about learning Windlight, since his occupation IRL is photography and he wants to be better in SL. But he has other things outside of SL that keep him busy, so I just learn to enjoy our in SL chats. I talk to him a few times a day on Steam though.
  6. I don't think it's about change for changes sake though. The argument always seems to be about how all mesh heads look alike, all have duck lips and in this case, since the person that started this doesn't even have a bento viewer, we're pretty much all blobs to them. There is a snobbery often attached of "I refuse to go mesh and am therefore somewhat better for sticking to my guns." If the person is otherwise a good person, I couldn't give a rat's patoot what their avatar looks like. But to suggest I am somewhat less because I like the look of mesh for myself, just rubs me the wrong way. To add: My longest and best online friend hasn't changed his look since about 2009. While he has expressed an interest in updating eventually, I have never made the suggestion to him. His friendship means so much more to me then what his avatar looks like. Yes I notice, but after about 5 seconds, we have too much to talk over for me to care one way or the other.
  7. I saw more lookalikes of my old default avatar then I have of my current bento headed avatar. And duck lips were definitely around forever on default avatars. Not to mention the 'deer in the headlights" look I usually see around the eyes. I don't care if you want to stay with default, many of my closest friends are still using default, but this constant bashing is just stupid. We all have different ideas of beauty and SL helps us embrace it. As for Vitruvian Man (yes I did peek at the profile), while Di Vinci was a genius, he was also a man of his times, a white European male. Since then, we know a lot more of the world and the cultures in it. Beauty that doesn't even come close to his ideal can be found all over the world.
  8. Oh and you can demo for quite a while before buying. I think over the entire sim. It's been a while since I bought mine
  9. There may be others by now, but last I heard Water Horse was the only bento horse. You get a very nice, realistic riding experience. Look for the HUGE barn https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Water Horse/39/54/22 MP: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=Water+Horse
  10. Same thing here, to the point myself and others ended up pointing out this perk of premium in the Scandalize group. One said she's been trying to get there since yesterday. BTW another store I didn't see you mention, is having a similar hunt but for melons, Safira.
  11. For me to read a notecard, it has to be a product I know may have instructions for use that I need to keep. If something just says READ ME, I'll likely toss it, since most of those in the past few years are just thank yous with an LM. Actually, except for ones that I need the special instructions for, I'm quite likely to toss all, even if it says I may win 10,000L. Part of me thinks that sounds a bit like finding out I have 3 million in a Nigerian account. Sorry.
  12. Tried it and have 17 pages, and think I know part of the issue. If you stop at Intimates, you do get many hits from the store itself. If you go one more level into Lingerie, it all becomes gachas. So in this case it may be how she listed her intimate items. Regardless, I do still think gachas should have their own subsection, and demos should be select-able from the page the for sale item is on.
  13. BTW just did Callum's refinement to my original search and have 67 items left, of which all but a few are gacha items.
  14. It does seem to be much better if you go straight to her store on the MP rather then searching blueberry, then selecting apparel>lingerie. Searching that way instead of going straight to her merchant page brought up 343 pages at 12 items per page. And because I seem to have no life, I conducted an experiment. I left it sorted by relevance, 12 items per page and skipped ahead to every 3rd page. Nothing from Blueberry's actual store ever came up. About 1 percent was other gachas and things from a couple other stores, but I'd say about 340 of those pages were nothing but Blueberry gachas. Now granted you can go straight to her merchant storefront on the MP, but that's not always intuitive to everyone. There are work arounds as Callum shows, but it still would be nice to put them in their own section and enforce that.
  15. It's gotten stupid ridiculous trying to get past them. Demos need a subsection under the main items they are for also. I once passed 30 or so pages of demos, after someone uploaded a ton of them in the section I wanted to look through. Added: It's gotten bad enough on the MP that shopping in-world is the easier choice. Always was my first choice to shop in-world, this just hammers the point home.
  16. If you mean promoting as in crediting creators in the Picture of the Day, the next two previous POTD are also fashion photos and have links to the style cards. Neither of which contain anything by Blueberry and do give equal time to other creators. If you mean Xiola, last I heard, was that aside from working for LL, she is still a person entitled to her own sense of style and her own opinions. If she was a nobody that did the exact same thing we wouldn't be hearing so much on this. The only other promotional part has been explained fully by Blueberryxxx herself. My only concern might be if Xiola alone determines which photo gets picked.
  17. I know I probably shouldn't chime in. But seriously, if clothes in a blog from any creator on any site, makes Second Life look like something interesting that someone completely new wants to try, I'm good with it. More people in SL can only benefit the entire SL economy.
  18. LL has to make money somehow, and they are trying to attract people buy giving more tier-free land and lower tier for the ones that want more. The exchange fee was a .50 raise. The way around it is not to nickle and dime the Lindens you buy. Buy more of them but less often. If you need 5k for the month, buy it once, pay the 1.49 fee once. Not buy 500 ten times and paying the 1.49 also 10 times.
  19. I stand by what I said. Once a parcel was selected by a newbie after becoming premium, it was often sold, no longer making it a free newbie parcel. However, new players kept coming in and they kept building more sims so any new person could claim their free parcel. Yes all the rest happened too, but they would have needed a lot less if the new player parcels could have reverted back to new player parcels instead of being sold and new ones needing to have been made. This is not something that happened for a short amount of time. I joined 2-3 years after SL began, so you had new sims being made before, it also continued a few years after I joined, and this was during the time SL was getting a TON of publicity, including Anshe Chung's notice by national media. People were flooding in and grabbing their newbie parcels, many sold for profit (a friend sold his 512 after just a couple days for 10K lindens), many bought large swaths from the new players in hopes of being the next virtual land baron. But more had to keep being made so the incoming newbies could grab their little bit.
  20. Whether or not I enable it, depends on how my older PC is running, because for me it does give my FPS a drastic drop. I have actually been asking myself the same question, so will be watching this thread. Even without ALM enabled though, I think flat textures themselves have come along so much since I began, that even just those look pretty good now.
  21. So was Epilais, last time I looked. This in fact is why there is such a glut of land. LL was constantly opening new land for newbies at the time. It's also how Anshe Chung was able to buy up so much and make her empire. It's also why Linden homes were established. Now people can try living in a home but without getting a tier-free plot unless they essentially shop around for one, and without LL needing to build new sims so each newbie could have a sale-able plot for free.
  22. Yup, they had mainland plots newbies could claim once they went premium, no Linden homes. Mine was in Epilais, my best friend claimed the parcel adjoining mine. Edited to add: They would open entire regions just meant for newbies to claim, once mostly full they'd open more. The regions steadily grew. The problem was, as I said, many people made alts to claim land. Got premium for a month, got their land, sold it, dropped the alts.
  23. in theory, I like the idea of LL selling land parcels super cheap and people moving in, instead of bots and wannabee land barons buying it to sell at stupid high prices. Except that is what got us to this point in the first place. I've been around long enough to remember when LL gave you a 512 parcel on mainland with premium, you could basically just claim it, and it was yours. People made alts to get even more, then turned right around, placed it for sale, bots and barons snapped it up, and we arrived at where we are at now. I'm not sure what the solution would be, but super low or free land for all has been tried already
  24. I'm not doing that, but I've always thought, wear the items, t-pose, alpha yourself or use alpha cuts to make yourself invisible, take a picture.
  25. I tried IMVU back when M was around and screwing up SL. I tried quite a few alternatives then. But what I didn't care for with IMVU was not really being able to actually move. A lot of it (for me at the time), seemed to be hopping from one poseball to another, Yes they animated you, but there was no actual walking from one place to another even within an instance. SL allows me to act in a more realistic way and do many more things. I think I gave it a fair assessment. I played around in it for a good 2 months.
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