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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. Chelsea Malibu wrote: As we remember our Veteran's on this day, a very heartfelt and tearful thank you for your service and sacrifices you have made for so many. And for those currently serving in combat zones oversees, we pray for your safe return and the welcome arms of your families. I know there are a lot of active and veteran groups in SL as well as some activities happening today in world, please post them for those who would like to attend. ^^ Ditto ^^
  2. Perhaps your inventory had not fully repopulated? Try relogging in a quiet space like Hatton and let your inventory fully reload.
  3. RiccyRozay wrote: ME AND MY SL FAMILY HAVE GOOD AMOUNT OF MONEY BUT ,WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT DIRECTION TO GO IN. WE ALL DABBLE IN SCRIPT, BUILDING ETC.BUT WILL CONTRACT WHOEVER FOR WHATEVER WE NEED DONE JUST WANT TO DO SOMETHING THAT IN VERY VALUABLE AND MAKES A LOT OF MONEY. WILLING TO SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY? THX RICCYROZAY I have to hand it to you that at least you claim some skills. There are many who appear (or do it from a distance), hands out, begging for L$. I suggest that you and your family decide what you really like to do, really LOVE to do, to do it alot and many hours, diligently. Perfect those skills and just do it! There are many models of successful businesses in SL but they did not start overnight and the owners have sunk alot of BS&T into them. Be prepared to work hard but have fun.
  4. There is a subforum called 'Forum Feedback' and this appears to be feedback that you are providing. You might try to repost there or at least link this thread there but no guarantees that anyone in LL will look at it. We once were assured that mods were on hand 24/7 to deal with spammers and that seems obviously not to be the case.
  5. Just another suggestion. If your viewer has the ability to do an Area Search, use that to find things. In Firestorm you can find it under World > Area Search. Then click the Find tab and enter the name or part of the name into the Name field and press Search on the bottom of the box.
  6. You will not be informed if action has been taken so do not look for a response after you file an AR. If the sandbox is owned by LL, they are usually very good about removing the griefing items.
  7. Welcome back! Mesh clothing comes with an alpha layer which must be 'added', not 'worn' and an object for the item of mesh clothing. Many types of clothing come in standard sizes (XL, L, M, S, XS) and one of those will likely fit you with no or minimal body shape tweaking. You can find standard sizing information on the MP. Just search on 'Standard Sizes'. You must 'add' alpha layers because you will probably wear more than one of them at a time. You can wear a maximum of five. This might include alpha layers for mesh hair, sweater, slacks, shoes. There is also mesh jewelry, eyes, and eyelashes but you do not need alpha layers for those (and the seller does not provide them). You CAN mix mesh and non-mesh clothing. For example, you can wear a non-mesh shirt and a mesh sweater or blazer. Just play around with it. It won't hurt you ALWAYS buy demos to try first. If you feel that a demo will mean you have to tweak your shape more than you want to do, don't buy the item. I used to have about 20 shapes for different sellers until I just gave in and adopted the standard size for 'small' as I was closest to that size anyway. If a seller does not use standard sizing, you will find out when you try on the demo. Have fun and relax Edit: I did not answer your first question! Mesh items to wear are designed to fall on the body more naturally than does clothing made with prims. You will see the difference when you start trying on mesh stuff
  8. Also, depending on how long it has been deactivated, you will have more or less remaining in your inventory. If you are lucky, you might have just about everything. If not, get ready to go shopping.
  9. One way to gather the information you need for your paper is to actually go inworld (gasp!) and to a popular area (such as a fair, a dance club, a cafe..anywhere there are multiple green dots on the map) and ask around. It would be far more interesting and give you a better sense of the environment.
  10. All good advice. I have an excellent anti-keylogger software I run weekly, too. I also always create strong passwords. All we can do is the best we can do to push off anyone with malicious intentions.
  11. Live Chat told me to file a BUG report on their JIRA. Here is the link to it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4298
  12. Freya Mokusei wrote: Yup. Leaving information on your clipboard (after copying it) makes it very vulnerable to being read from memory. Saving passwords in your browser is not recommended either, ditto saving the information in the SL viewer - a multitude of exploits exist for both. Typing in the password each time has its own problems (especially if you can't guarantee the security of your machine - presumably Venus was hit with a Keylogger), but having a compromised system will lead to larger problems than just losing the odd password. As with all security advice, please don't just take my word for it. I never said that I left it on my clipboard. I don't keep it on my clipboard.
  13. My WoW account was hacked over one year ago and Blizzard quickly restored my toons. I then ordered an authenticator from them. While that adds some security, what also helps is to paste your username/id and password into the appropriate fields during the login process rather than keying them in. How many people do that here? Rhetorical.
  14. Y'all know that LL is not reading this thread, right? I advise you in my role as 'Helper' to take your serious energy elsewhere. OR, post a comment in humor and make us laugh. That is a much better use of time.
  15. Everyone is experiencing this problem. File a ticket as Live Chat's not yet open. Everyone FILE A DAMN TICKET. There, that felt better.
  16. Imagin Illyar wrote: Because these are personal wish lists and your opinion on what others want is irrelavent. I'm hoping that if we keep it lean the Lindens may read it and become aware of what their customers want. I really don't want this thread to become an argument over what we should and shouldn't want. There are plenty of forums for discussion, please just keep this one for posting your own top 5 wishlist for SL. You must be kidding me.
  17. I am going to violate your OP and ask why you don't want others to comment on what is posted in this thread? Holy Lack of Interaction!
  18. Wasabi Pills has both a long and short version of 1/2 shaved hair. You can also check at Dura.
  19. You are probably not half as tired of asking for L$ as are those whom you ask. It is generally frowned upon to ask for money as one can purchase L$ on the exchange. Other than note that your avatar is a pony, you do not mention any interests or skills. I suggest you give some thought as to what interests you and what skills you have or might get (there are many free classes inworld). Good luck.
  20. Can you add a link to your Marketplace and/or inworld shop?
  21. All your landlord can do is return your stuff. They cannot steal it. There are many landowners who are reputable and from whom you can rent land for a long while. Ask around and/or check the listings on the forum (not this subforum, the one about Land). There are landowners who have been active in a good way for years in SL. You just hit on two bad eggs, I guess. Don't you belong to a group managed by that landowner? You might check the notices to see if you missed a communication from them.
  22. walterwhiteSr wrote: Venus, we are not all the same, some are more adept at managing friends and those relationships. I can honestly say, it is offensive to me if I am giving 100% of my attention to someone, concentrating on whatever we are doing, and then discover that that my total focus is not shared, that pauses are answers to other IMs or whatever. If in RL I can turn off my cell phone, not check my emails, and spend concentrated time watching a movie, spending time with a lover, etc, or whatever I choose, why doesn't that translate to SL. I am developing business contacts in SL, and would like to confine communication to specific hours. I can say that, one special friend gets irrated that I pause our IM and the associated train of thoughts while I take time to respond to the business contact. It easily can ruin a mood or more. So, you dislike when she does it and wonder why she gets annoyed when you do it. Sounds like you are made for each other.
  23. Notecards are not made to hold images in the way you are suggesting. You can drag and drop a texture file into the notecard but it will appear as something someone will have to click to open and view. If you use the Firestorm viewer, you upload an image under the Build option on your top toolbar. Pick Upload and then Image.
  24. Manage your online status as you see fit however I would suggest that one of the points of having friends on your list is so that you can communicate with them. I never hide my online status from anyone. Ever. I can manage my interactions well enough. Perhaps I have the right friends. I would not trust one of those HUDs as far as I can toss em. Someone told me a long while ago that I was online an entire weekend (when I was not). This told me two things: 1) the HUD was wrong and 2) someone distrusted my online status. They are no longer on my list.
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