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Mikki Miles

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Everything posted by Mikki Miles

  1. Great Stuff! I'm looking forward to xmas and Glühwein.... I'd like to see that in real, err, you know what I mean.
  2. just to mention it: mesh is not only clothes...
  3. Du kannst dich auch an Oskar Linden wenden, der füllt dein Konto im Beta-Grid auf
  4. actually he said he's very interested in that project, and he said it in that particular, now deleted thread
  5. yep, ich kann nur jedem empfehlen, da ein paar Mark zu investieren, es ist es wert...
  6. Marcthur Goosson wrote: - why do I have to choose "This model represents"? What is the functionality it's just for collecting statstical data for LL...
  7. that group doesn't work for me. apparently those sandboxes have been empty, at least every time I tried to tp there. Must be a very exclusive group allowed to go there...
  8. the dropdowns have no effect on the uploaded items, it's just for gathering infos for LL
  9. I have had this too, on Lion. I didn't try for some time now, at some point I logged in on windows 7 (bootcamp) to upload.
  10. oh, right, I didn't think about the possibility to provide a dedicated script for each system. I think I will get there... thanks again
  11. great, thank you. hopefully you don't mind when I keep bugging you... I try to get the ANS from Hippo to work. In the field "Region" I get "website", where it should name the region of my shop. I found that line >$Region = "Website";\< in your script, I suspect it sets that field to "website", no matter what. Is this line required?
  12. there's just one thing not right. for MP-sales the commision shows 0. that can't be expected behaviour?
  13. looks very much like a hoax. I saw that too, and when I asked for the source of this "info", I only got that "I know someone who knows someone..." kind of a reply
  14. that's great!!! I always wanted to learn about this, and now you're providing that information. You're my hero of the day... edit: ..and it's working! :matte-motes-smile:
  15. I think there should be no weekend, rather a nightshift...
  16. and when I try to do a search, I receive 1600447 results that have NOTHING to do with the search keyword, and the results are exactly the same, no matter which keyword I choose. Trying to search my business gives no result at all, just the message "Please enter a Merchant or Store name before submitting a search.", which I did, of course. In short, the search function went down the drain...
  17. arton Rotaru wrote: The Car is 48 PE, and it still looks like a car in lowest LODs. und das seh ich erst jetzt - mit Kölner Kennzeichen ;-)
  18. I won't build any music instruments with prims or sculpts anymore. Mesh looks so much better and has less prims. New products will be mesh, and I will rebuild older prim items with mesh sooner or later.
  19. Firestorm Beta (Mesh) is out, and it looks promising so far. Still some way to go, but it's a BETA...
  20. it's not possible to set a custom pivot, atm. Drongle described a work around here: Pivot work around
  21. ok, here we go. The group is called Mesh Merchant Ring (key 3c971341-2e37-aaad-e898-6a6575941584) and has no logo yet ;-)
  22. sure atm we're just a very, VERY little ring, I don't know if you can call this a ring at all...
  23. yeah, converting to video helps. THANKS a lot! nice job for the WE, converting and uploading files...
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