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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. 1) Almost all skin makers produce skins in a wide range of skin tones with or without freckles and with a variety of eyebrow options. The skin you saw will probably be available in another skin tone - you may have only seen one promotional offer but there may be a whole range in their store, or will be shortly. 2) What viewer are you using? I don't know of any viewers that support server-side appearance (in other words, that will allow you to see other avatars with skins and system clothing) that don't support multiple items (i.e. multiple tattoos) on a layer.
  2. SID Riler wrote: After everyone collaborating to a fund for a lawsuit and court charges that never was, 20 000 dollars or around that, she should be giving skins for free, at least She already did - when she came back to SL after the legal issues, everyone in her free-to-join group got a fatpack of skins, including to everyone who joined after the the free skins were initially offered. Shouldn't have been napping...
  3. Alexios Donardson wrote: are there any advantages or disadvantages to enable pathfanding for a sim? for example a particular sim doesn't have any pathfinding capable objects/scripts, are we going to see any overall difference if we enable it? Madelaine's answer has good information but isnt' completely accurate anymore. The slight additional load she describes used to always be present on a pathfinding-enabled sim but now only happens when there's an actual pathfinding character present. What kind of sim do you have - will you do all the building or is it primarily rental?
  4. Felicia Silversmith wrote: Tari, i agree with you. Sometimes contacting customer help to solve problems. But sometimes it does not. Some people writing reviews without thinking about results. I've created this topic because sales of product really decreased after this review appeared. And even may be problem already solved, girl who wrote review do not care about review she wrote. I've tryed to contact Linden Lab, but so far no success. I found and read the review. The review was written by someone who didn't know what she was talking about, like most one-star reviews. I read your comment - it explained the "problems" she was seeing quite well. But then you went and called her "stupid" and in general behaved like someone I would have no interest in giving my money to. Maybe THAT'S why your sales dropped.
  5. AlmondJoy69 wrote: Hey, so I have the Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands. I also have the Birdy Slink Avatar Enhancement Appliers. I've been looking around with no real solution so I thought I'd just come here and ask. I've tried what I could to get the applier to work with the hands but I would just like a step by step of what I need to do. The Birdy appliers- everytime I press my skin tone (I'm wearing a Birdy skin too) it doesn't apply to the slink hands. I'm obviously doing something wrong and I would appreciate it greatly If I could get some help. I am somewhat new to the slink hands and appliers, I never bothered as much (lazy) but I have them so I wanted to give them a try, and I know I would like them if I knew how to use them lol, thank you! Okay, silly question - are you sure you're using the HAND applier and not the FEET applier?
  6. TeeCay wrote: I recently downloaded Rainbow Viewer, i kinda like it, but whats odd, i enabled, basic shaders, and hardware skinning, but it doesn't seem to work. As far as I can tell, Rainbow hasn't been updated since 2009. No mesh, no server-side appearance, no nothing.
  7. greek Wingtips wrote: I wrote on the unregisterd forum but the point is who reads the small print to think That tga has been removed its like saying buying microsoft office without word installed Its just crazy No, it would be closer to Microsoft Office not being able to open WordStar or Lotus 1-2-3 files. Elements is a casual consumer product and TGA is a old format that isn't used much for what the average person editing an image will need. You can get free conversion programs on-line if you need them.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: MizzKittenzz wrote: So if I bought these lindens through virwox with my bitcoins could I take my lindens and sell them through lindex? Thanks so much for the reply. I'm really hoping to buy lindens not just to sell but I wanna be a contributor for people and buy clothes and houses in game. Ty You're not going to be able to sell Lindens on the Lindex until you've bought some directly from LL and they have a payment record and history for you. Do you have documentation for this? Just curious. It wouldn't surprise me but can't find documentation. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php? Note that these start from your first transaction with them, and you can't sell Lindens at the first two levels. I'm guessing this means you have to buy, but it may be possible to put your payment info in without buying anything.
  9. Proxima Saenz wrote: That's what I thought.. the 64 bit version is as stable as the new 32 bit version. I will be testing the new 64 bit version in the sim that I experience this massive lag and come back to you all with my findings. Under certain circumstances of hardware, location, etc, the 64 bit version of Firestorm can perform much worse as far as framerate than the 32 bit version. See if you get the same lag with the 32-bit version. Firestorm JIRA: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12001
  10. Jace Vendetta wrote: This has been going on for a few days where if my audio is enabled i will crash when TPing to another area or Home randomly. If I do not have it set, then I will complete the TP, but when turning the audio on, 8 times out of 10, I will crash anyway. This is happening on both the LL Viewer and Singularity. Any thoughts? Oh, I'm on Mac. There's a known problem with Macs crashing with certain specific audio streams - it appears to have to do with their playing ads from a different web location than the main stream. This BUG report describes it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5296
  11. Felicia Silversmith wrote: Storm, there are mechanisms to unlist bad products. But merchants dont have any protections from incorrect reviews. Thats is what topic about,, People spending a lot of time to create product and then some person writing defaming review wich really fake. And all merchants can do in this case is to write tickets to Linden Labs. But it will not stop this person from writing more fake reviews like that. A merchant can put a comment in after an unfair review. And, as a consumer, I can usually recognize reviews that are unfair even without comments.
  12. preciousklc wrote: I am trying to make a makeup vanity. Does any one know where I can find animations like brushing your hair or putting on lipstick? If you have access to another vanity with an animation you like (even if you don't own it yourself) you can "edit" it and go to "contents" and see what animations are in it. Then you can use "inspect"/"object profile" to find the creator of those animations and finally search that creator in world or on Marketplace to see if they are sellling the animations retail.
  13. chloe Pennyfeather wrote: Fpr some reason my avatar just sits when I pose on a pose ball. The partner's ball works fine. This is not about missing the 'animate' window The animate window does not appear on the balls I have tried. I have not made any changes to any settings that I am aware of ? A popular furniture poseball system was written so that it wouldn't ask you permission to animate you if you've previously used that poseball, even if the furniture had been stopped previously. This was for convenience. However, recently changes were made to the "Stop Animating Me"viewer menu command to fight a griefing issue but had the side-effect of disrupting this poseball system. If you've used "Stop Animating Me" on the region your furniture is it will take away the animation permission from anything you've granted permission to now, but this furniture system won't ask you permission again because it thinks you already gave it permission. The work-around would be to have your partner sit on the ball you want to use and then stand up. Then you can sit on the ball - it should ask you for animation permission again, as you become a "new user" of that poseball after someone else sits on it. Once you grant it permission again it should work normally.
  14. MizzKittenzz wrote: So if I bought these lindens through virwox with my bitcoins could I take my lindens and sell them through lindex? Thanks so much for the reply. I'm really hoping to buy lindens not just to sell but I wanna be a contributor for people and buy clothes and houses in game. Ty You're not going to be able to sell Lindens on the Lindex until you've bought some directly from LL and they have a payment record and history for you. Linden Lab does NOT want to be in the currency conversion business so they deliberately make it somewhat inconvenient to take real-world currency out of Second Life. Lindens from Virwox will be perfectly usable to buy things and give to others though.
  15. Monica Cazalet wrote: I just updated my sl viewer and it is terribly laggy now and has ruined my SL experience. I had no trouble at all with the Beta version for my mac .... I wish I could go back to it now. :matte-motes-sour: What is the best SL viewer for a Macbook pro form 2012? Some Macs, especially with ATI/AMD video, have issues with fitted mesh viewers. Try turning on "Advanced Lighting Model" and see if it helps; if it doesn't then turn it back off and turn off 'Hardware Skinning."
  16. MizzKittenzz wrote: Sorry if I'm in the wrong section, anyway I read you can exchange your bitcoins to lindens, is this true??? I was curious as my husband mines bitcoins... What I really want to know is, is it acceptably ok to get lindens with your bitcoins, as I know both are virtual currencies that many people seek after. I was just curious because I thought if its acceptable I could trade some BCs for Lindens. Also if so can someone tell me around about the exchange rate, like how many BC it takes to make so many lindens... Thanks. One of the biggest sites for exchanges like this is www.virwox.com. You can buy Lindens with Bitcoins on sites like this (look for the "Authorized Linden Dollar Reseller" identification), but you can't sell Lindens anywhere but the official Lindex exchange.
  17. JungUKnow wrote: I'm trying to make a descision about how to sell my clothing so I want to find out what some of you prefer when buying clothes or as a seller what you think seems to work better. So if you could just take a few minutes out of your time to answer this it would be really appreciated. When buying clothing, lets say a dress, skirt or top for ladies or a sweater or pants for guys do you prefer to buy individual colors of that item of clothing with the option to buy a fat pack or do you prefer to buy something texture changeable via hud or menu for a higher price than one color but lower than a fatpack? Also if you do buy a texture change item what kind of prices would you be willing to pay? Or as a merchant how do you prefer to sell your items and for what reasons? Thanks for answering, your time is much appreciated. :matte-motes-big-grin: It depends on the type of item for me. I generally prefer individual colors for a dress or other complete outfit, but HUD's can be nice for things like separates or shoes that can be mixed and matched with other items - they allow me to quickly get another color of an item to go along with a new outfit I may put together in the future but wasn't planning on when I bought the item in the first place. With HUD's, please allow renaming of the item so I can know which color any particular copy I make will have.
  18. El Homewood wrote: I would like to play SL without getting a headache. I have a good, fairly up to date computer; what is with the damn flickering? Can't find any information about it; am I the only one? What kind of flickering do you see? If it's watery regions in the distance showing up as flickering white squares at certain distances, you can either turn off "Advanced Lighting Model" or go to the "Develop" menu, go to "Rendering" and turn off "Object-Object Occlusion."
  19. Whirly Fizzle wrote: Alice, can you try this please and let us know if it works. Drop a copy of msvcr100.dll into your Firestorm 64bit install folder. You can grab the msvcr100.dll here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42703858/msvcr100.dll Thanks! Whirly, the latest word is that you need both "msvcr100.dll" and "msvcr80.dll" in the Firestorm directory - they're needed for SLPlugin.exe http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/i#browse/FIRE-13144
  20. Denizine wrote: I think one important thing to note here is... AliceHazel isn't getting a "DLL is missing" error message, but an error message with a code. 0xc000007b. I'm having this issue myself, and there hasn't been any solution yet. Like Alice, I was able to run the Alpha just fine, but the official x64 releases give me this trouble as well. I've looked in System32 and SysWOW64, and both already have MSVCP100.dll in them. So I doubt the lack of said DLL is the problem. There seem to be a fair number of people having this issue with the new Firestorm 64-bit release. This is a page of suggestions regarding this issue: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/faq/id-1931360/0xc00007b-error-fix.html
  21. misstoxicity wrote: Ok so... I just started here today. (Hi everyone!) I was in the world thing or whatever and was TRYING to figure out how to open/use/wear the new clothing I just bought from the marketplace. I have NO idea what I did wrong, but I think when my mouse fell off my desk, it clicked something and now I'm bald. D: I've tried changing avatars and wearing different hair styles, but my avi stays completely bald no matter what I do. I considered starting a whole new account, but I figure there's GOT to be a way to fix this... Right? :matte-motes-confused: Anyone have any idea what could have happened? Forgive my ignorance please, I just started today... So try not to yell at me too much. :matte-motes-stress: There are many things in SL that won't make sense to new people because of the way it's evolved. One of them is the inventory objects called "hair" are almost never used as, well, hair - they are an old, helmetlike thing that used to be used as hair but now basically all of them in your inventory are only used to shape your eyebrows so they'll be shrunken inside your head and be invisible. If you're trying to wear a "hair" item (icon of a head in profile) that's probably what's happening. Current hairstyles are always "objects" (icon of an orange box.) What kinds of avatars are you trying to wear? If you're using a default one that comes up with the avatar menu you SHOULD get some sort of hair, but if you're trying ones you just bought many "avatars" for sale are only shapes and skins. Try this - click on the "Appearance" tab of your viewer (picture of T-shirt) and you should see at least one outfit - the one you had when you first logged in. Right-click on it and select "Wear - Replace Current Outfit." That should get you back to where you started, at least.
  22. FangXiLi Xue wrote: There we go :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: Today i have this lag so much again, this time after i was logged in like 1,5 hour and active building on my land, rezzing stuff etc. I tried to unwear the Firestorm bridge, but didnt help (my husband advised me this and before it seem to reduce it a bit, but today not, maybe it was coincedence before) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firestorm 4.5.1 (38838) Oct 28 2013 00:03:49 (Firestorm-Beta) with Havok support Release Notes You are at 18.7, 153.8, 1,001.7 in San Pierto located at sim9832.agni.lindenlab.com ( SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/San%20Pierto/19/154/1002 (global coordinates 130,067.0, 301,978.0, 1,001.7) Second Life Server Release Notes CPU: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz (2499.94 MHz) Memory: 4095 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows Vista 64-bit Service Pack 2 (Build 6002) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GT 230/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.1106 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1e zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.10.0 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.18 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey) Font Used: Deja Vu (96) Draw distance: 368 Bandwidth: 250 LOD factor: 10.5 Render quality: Low (1/7) Texture memory: 512 MB (1) Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 36/504,311 (0.0%) Your draw distance is too high for your video card; your LOD factor is far too high for ANYONE, quite frankly. I used to see freezes like you're describing in areas with many small detailed meshes, such as gacha yard sales and one particular mesh furnishings store. That was when my LOD factor was 4 - I've lowered it to 2.5 and the freezes have largely gone away. I think the problem is with a high LOD factor too much detail clogs up your video memory and it needs to perform a time-consuming purge. Raised LOD's are only useful for a few badly done old sculpts and aren't useful at all for competent mesh and I find that even with dubious sculpts most resolve properly at a LOD factor of 2.5.
  23. Dingle Doigts wrote: I am interested in a parcel at Swain (234, 108, 133) which appears to be abandoned. I cannot contact the group and the owner of the group is no longer a usable name. I surround the parcel and would like to purchase it, but I am unable to find out any information on it. Please contact me if it is possible to do something with it. Thanks, Dingle Doigts. You can take out a support ticket with the location of the property and they'll check the status for you. It's possible for land to be owned by a no-longer-valid group -- actually I used to have one of those lots next to mine and I was able to get it sold to me.
  24. hazeonelove wrote: I remember seeing an "initial set up fee" when I was looking into LL land. Is that USD or $L? Hopefully $L lol. And you're absolutely right, the estate owner I have is never on, leaves everything to the managers. Which can not do more than I can, besides answer a few simple questions. Besides the EO rights, is there any perks to buying from LL? I'm just trying to see if the fees and money are worth the two extra rights that I know of. 1: renaming the region. 2: Installing RAW files. If you are the owner of the region you can also restart the region when necessary and request rollbacks to a previous state in case of emergency. You could avoid the setup fee by buying a private region outright from someone who's trying to sell theirs. There will be a transfer fee (which some sellers will be willing to eat to get it off their hands) but you can avoid the $1000 fee.
  25. IthuDefender wrote: 1. This game is wrong in so many ways , it is pathetic sad game. I played it for 3 days before i deleted my account , I wish I deleted it sooner, because almost every mother **bleep**er i met was either a pervert or a pedophile , secondly the game promotes porn whether you like it or not. I made an account just to troll around, it wasn't worth it at the end of the day. Combine porn with World of Warcraft and this is the kind of game you get. 2. “You have not been here as long as me, thus know nothing.” > Using your failure as a human being to sound superior to others. 3. It's a game ! If ur computer die, do y die in rl ? : -) 4. It's probably a good thing these turds live there. They really are thick as **bleep**. 5. Honestly I think this game looks pretty ok. But Jesus it is a GAME on the COMPUTER which you GET. It sounds like a game to me 6. There's a whole real life out there, I would rather live in it. Living your life in a virtual world and never getting real life experience cannot be a good thing for you. 7. This is such a stupid game. 8. This game is wrong in so many ways. It is a pathetic, sad game where almost every mother **bleep**er is either a pervert or a pedophile. 9. There's a lot of mentally ill people in this game. Keep in mind these are all comments found on certain videos on Youtube where people in Second Life have been "trolled". I'll appreciate any response whatsoever. Thank you. It'd also be nice if you'd tell me approx how long you've been into Second Life in the comment as well, thank you. I'm assuming these videos were taken IN Second Life. So, if the people making these comments were in Second Life it doesn't say much about their real lives if they had nothing better to do, does it?
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