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Storm Clarence

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Everything posted by Storm Clarence

  1. I'll give you a kudo for being the new self-appointed official British SL forum Humor Police. (eye rolls) Book 'em Dano (Do you see what I did there) I guess if you didn't find it funny perhaps you should have flipped the page, but you preferred to call me on it which made me laugh even harder. How come you didn't add to the thread by posting some of your humor? Oh, I forgot you are the Humor Police.
  2. I'm glad you got the joke. I'm sure you laughed as hard back then as you did now. Or you are posting to let all of us know it took you this long to get the joke.
  3. But but nobody sang in the ninth. The Yankee's still had 3 more outs and they would win the game. . . Beethoven 0 Yankees 146. I've said enough. Just horrible dreams!
  4. I haven't been in SL much of late, but last night I had the craziest SL dream. I was eating a 10 lb. marshmallow. 10 lbs.! Where else but in SL will you find a 10 lb. marshmallow? When I woke up this morning my pillow was gone.
  5. Yeah, all that ^. But I like the red head with awesome breasts. I try not to overthink things like that.
  6. Yes, I am. But the 'pickings' are very slim here of late. . . so GET OFF MY LAWN! punk (my pet peeve)
  7. I'm not so sure poor young Adam had too much of a choice either. Imho, I think Adam was the inspiration for a Henny Youngman line: 'Take my wife, please!'
  8. /me I love you! /her Is that the wine talking? /me No. That's me talking to the wine. My sentiments on Valentine's Day is of Biblical perspective - Adam and Eve didn't have a date on Valentine's Day; they had an apple.
  9. You have one of the prettiest avatars I have had the pleasure of setting my pixel eyes on. So now I gotta ask. . . are you a fruit or vegetable? If either of the two then I think I may need to re-orient myself. Just because I'm lost doesn't mean my compass is broken.
  10. Yours is one name I always enjoyed reading. I am glad you are posting once again.
  11. I cannot take the liberty to discuss the moderators of this forum as they will deduct another 25 posts for each infraction. An unpopular opinion.
  12. Said the gal with 39K+ posts. You deserve every point and accolade that one can bestow on this forum. You have earned your way to 'being silly' anytime you choose. . . a tremendous SL forum/answers presence. One day I will be SL famous too. I just need to get my post count over 250ish and then everyone will know who I am. . .
  13. It wasn't an issue or question of sides. It was an issue with individuals and their individual opinions. Bilious crap from some. You picked sides, I didn't. I read the posts from individuals.
  14. I agree, his post is vile. But one of the most vile . . hate filled screeds you have read here? Please take a moment and reread some of the posts in this thread ripping white men, conservatives, trumpers, capitalists, christians, et al. Yes, the bilious crap. The OP was predicated on bilious crap. What did you expect? Hate begets hate, period. And many have taken the opportunity to express theirs.
  15. RB, Beth stated in this forum notsolong ago that she had an IQ of ~140. I have no reason not to believe her, ergo I am not so sure she isn't bright. However, politics clouds many a mind. While I understand what you wrote above I think it would be insane to paint the whole trans community with this brushstroke. Yes, there are fanatics, but it is not the whole. Every 'belief' has its fanatics. It ain't worth the fight because within the norms of today we have gender politicking with PC intersectionality that judges not someone on their strength of character but their sexual preferences or party affiliation. You are wrong just because you argue outside of gender politicking and not within the norms of PC. Are you a fanatic? Is it either your way or no way? Just asking.
  16. And what will they all do when he loses! Rhetorical. PS Did I use the correct pronoun for Bernie?
  17. Well, I, for one, thought this post was a joke. Actually, I had a very hardy laugh. Thank you.
  18. Hey Pebbles, BamBam here. I just don't believe your words or your encounters as written. Smells like a jussie to me. This is my not so humble opinion.
  19. Haute imbibing. Yes! See item three of my favorites.
  20. I am so sorry Lindal, but I enjoy haute service. Not faux service.
  21. My favorite French word; written or spoken: Haute. Haute Cusine Haute Couture Haut Brion inter alia. I like it large I like it classy As I live large and I live classy, im(haute)o In SL I have only encountered: Haute Boob Haute Pectoral Haute Derriere Haute Biceps Haute Attitude Is this because we are not real in SL? Is this because this game is just a game where 'haute' leveling up does not exist outside of ones avatar presentation? Don't get me wrong, I like haute boob just as much as the next guy even if it is only pixels. But. Anyway, I was just asking.
  22. If one posts something kind it is now considered brown-nosing? Cool. Envy anyone? PS I never expected my nose to land there . . . Cool again.
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