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Anthony McGregor

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Everything posted by Anthony McGregor

  1. If someone puts in their profile, 3rd gender/sex, would that generally be understood? 3rd gender/sex is quite common in societies in South Asia and South East Asia and is generally accepted and thought of as "normal". I just researched and discovered it also exists amongst Native Americans - Ethnographic examples [of 'third genders'] can come from distinct societies located in Thailand, Polynesia, Melanesia, Native America, western Africa, and elsewhere and from any point in history, from Ancient Greece to sixteenth-century England to contemporary North America.
  2. I haven't actually seen gender being mentioned in profiles, that often. Age is mentioned more often. Neither interest me. I react to the appearance of the avatar in front of me and the personality they have, not their RL gender, age, if they have a cat or dog, what their RL race is etc. So no, I don't think, in general, gender is a necessary element in someone's profile. However, clearly, from posts here, some do want to know RL gender and that seems, mostly, to be about engaging in slex with them? The only things I look for in a profile are, nicking LM's of interesting looking places and avoiding people with aggressive or rude profiles. The other thing that gives me a good laugh are the amazing subjects covered in the groups people are members of, a lot of which could not possibly be repeated here!
  3. Investigating - We are aware and currently investigating an issue surrounding Marketplace listings and their visibility. The issue is causing listings for active items not to be seen in stores. Please follow this blog for updates.Aug 16, 2023 - 08:50 PDT
  4. My favourite place to go to, or log in to, when I am having problems with inventory, viewer, or to be honest, actually any problem, is Furball. It all seems to work so much better there.
  5. First of all, I hate banlines, but I am a pilot, so I would, wouldn't I. When I lived in Bellisseria, I noticed that, if I flew over a parcel and it was using a non-Belli security system, it would not be too long before I ended up on a ban list. I do not know if I was manually or auto added. I always try to fly over open water, but there is a place in Belli, on the north south route, with a narrow channel, which is difficult to get through "cleanly". When I saw banlines appear to me, I checked the parcel ban list and recognised a lot of names of pilots and sailors, who I am familiar with. My flying now is around the open seas of the Blake area. Now, with so many security devices available, including the free Belli one, I think the need for banlines is both historical and unnecessary. I decided to move to a private estate, where banlines are banned, which is a pity, because the new ranch theme was very attractive. I do hope Belli will become the first place where banlines become history.
  6. With the profile and real life photo, there are 2 change options. One is upload photo, which loads a new photo from an external source. The other is change photo, which goes to textures in your in-world inventory. For PICKS, it always goes to textures in the inventory, or the image of the place you are standing (the image in about land). The upload and change options do not need saving, that is done automatically. I am talking about the LL Viewer. Seems things work differently for Firestorm. If your preference is Firestorm, I think they have in-world helpers that might be able to guide you. Most times I have had unexplained problems with a viewer, I am told to either clear the cache or uninstall and reinstall it!
  7. I use the LL Viewer and the only time I couldn't get my photo to "stick", after uploading was, it seems, because it was too big. I was advised on this, so I changed from PNG to JPG, which made it smaller and that did work. To this day, I do not know if that was actually the problem, because I too, am not tech savvy!
  8. If it is a petition, would that not need support from other SL Residents? How would Ezzie get that support, successfully, without using the Forums? Though, your point about LGBTQ+ topics getting derailed, is extremely valid.
  9. Thanks. I read it again and it was the use of the term structures, when referring to the 15 metres. I did not think of trees being a structure. Now I know!
  10. Oh 15m high, I missed that one. Now I will have to check. Thanks for the info. Edit : I checked a landscaping Mole tree next to the ranch and that was well over 30m high, so now I don't understand the 15m thing.
  11. With the splayed hands, the thing I find weird is that, some people will see you with splayed, or starfish hands, but at the same time, others see them as being OK. I have never worked out why this happens.
  12. I am still using Second Life Release (64bit). When the version 7 and above auto installs for me, will selecting Use Region Settings and not doing individual settings, set everything right? I was thinking that, for example, in Bellisseria, LL would have set everything to how it would all look and work best?
  13. In Preferences, Chat, there are several chat options and one that says Bubble Chat. I have not played with these, but you may find you can get chat back to what you want, if you experiment.
  14. Yes, if you do the arithmetic, one month of Premium Plus and a name change, comes out slightly cheaper. There is UK VAT to add to the cost of a name change, so the lower Premium Plus cost saves on the VAT, but Premium Plus membership for one month does not have VAT added. As has been said, there is also the stipend paid to you for the month of membership. The best way to find all the names available is to log in to your account and go to change my name to find out if both the surname and first name combination are available. You don't have to go to the cashier and pay anything, until you have found out if the combination of both the first name and last name are available.
  15. Peeve - When spoken quickly, I still can't get this tongue twister right. I’m not the pheasant plucker, I’m the pheasant plucker’s son. I’m only plucking pheasants ’til the pheasant plucker comes.
  16. Oh I like the straw in the pic. I went to Whiplash to try to find it, but no luck.
  17. Apologies if this has been brought up before, but there are two empty regions in Ranch Land. Neither of them have coloured borders around them, just totally empty. Any clues what will happen to both of them? Are they for those horse riders amongst us, to ride wildly around, with total abandon? Oh, they are called Blind Pete and Overall.
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