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Anthony McGregor

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Everything posted by Anthony McGregor

  1. Don't you also have to allow rezzing in the group ability settings under the various membership roles. So if the everyone role is given out, then the ability, under Parcel Powers, needs to be checked for, always allow create objects?
  2. I had crash problems with the SL Viewer, after updating with the latest NVidia driver. I did a restore and things are now better. However, this is mentioned in the SL Viewer release, - Maintenance BUG-230911 video card drivers did not install properly Wonder what that is about and if it is related?
  3. I use the LL Official Viewer and this has always been how it works for me, it is not a new problem. I have to be online when the group invitation is sent. If I am not online, then I get the invitation, but nothing happens when I click accept. Incidentally, friend requests work the same. If I am not online, I get the request, but clicking it does nothing. I asked someone who uses Firestorm and they said that they don't get either of these problems, so it seems to be something with the LL Viewer.
  4. @Rowan Amore Is the ability to disable group chat a Firestorm feature? I use the LL Viewer and I don't see that feature, the only thing I see possible, is disabling group notices.
  5. I would be grateful for some advice on the script problem, that I have read about here. I am thinking of buying a boat. Does the script problem mean that it is not advisable to buy, say, a new boat, because it will no longer function properly, therefore making the purchase a waste of money? Thank you for your help.
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