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Everything posted by FelicityPage

  1. Ughhhh, I hope this is not true, is it? I get like 2fps when advanced lighting is on.
  2. I used to heavily shop on the Marketplace because inworld shops are too overwhelming for me, too many things to look at, hard for me to focus. Now, when I do Marketplace searches, it's horrible. So, yep, I am flagging listings with unrelated keywords. No shame.
  3. Mhhmmm. I was surprised to find some popular brands that were putting in "freebie" "dollarbie" on their listings when they were over L$200
  4. So, if I do a search on Marketplace for things like "free gift" or "freebie" etc and the items that come up for more than L$0 or L$1 and I want to flag them.. and I go to View Page Source, where do I find the keywords there? Listings are coming up as not free or more than $L1 but I am not finding "free gift" or "freebie" in the page source? If I still flag these, is that okay or will I get reprimanded since the keywords are not found in the page source? Or am I missing something?
  5. Great job on the shapings, I really, really like Fiona and Sasa too!! Those two would be hard to choose from.
  6. Thank you so much, you rock!! 🥰
  7. If that account belonged to someone else, would you date it? Why or why not? For me, my male alt was nice looking and a good personality, so yes I would have .
  8. Yeah, am late to the party.. question if anyone knows.. I have Maitreya 4.1 and went to the store for redelivery, but there was no option to get 5.3 only LaraX. So, I got LaraX but anyone know how I can also get 5.3? Thanks so much!
  9. If you have an AO set and only like some of the animations.. if the set is Edit/Modify ok, add it, then click edit on it from your inventory list (or may be able to edit from "Wearing") the edit box will pop up, go to the Contents tab in that box, it will list all of the animations. You can now drag the chosen animations to your inventory (I make a folder ahead of time for this named "Single AO Animations"). This is great if you can get free or low cost AO sets, and some do have good animations in them, and you don't have to keep the bad ones. If you use Firestorm, and know how to make a custom AO, you can do that, which is what I do. Tutorial:
  10. Oh my gosh, I can't stand people who become obsessed with how long it takes you to IM them or if you don't IM them.. they act like you just did the worst thing in the world. Playing the victim, all about them.
  11. Narcissists and whiners, ugh! My boss is both. I have to bite my tongue every single day. That alone is exhausting! TGIF! And yes, I am whining 😁
  12. You are still saying the same thing lol for such a long time. When are you going to realize that for most SL is an ESCAPE from RL? Just because you think people should think and act like you, and you get upset when they don't. People hide their real life for their own personal reasons. When will you understand that? LOL Cheers!
  13. Feeling nostalgic. For me, *thinks*...ok I got it! That feeling of pure wonder and curiosity when within your first month of SL. Not the frustrating parts but being in a new kind of world. Exploring all over, learning about others, making funny mistakes...it reminded me of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, when they first went to Narnia. I still do have some wonder and curiosity but a lot less because when you know about a lot of something, it can become "old hat". What's yours?
  14. Is Bare Rose mostly mesh clothes or classic applier/bom?
  15. When your boss gives no warning about a meeting, just starts the video call in the group, and expects everyone to be there. He does this 90% of the time... but If you have a stack of issues for him, that he needs to resolve, escalated issues, he takes 2 weeks to do them.. then wonders why customers are disputing their payment to him, because um, issues NOT resolved, of course they want their money back! Then they give him bad reviews and he tries to get them removed. Why be the clean up crew?? Do preventative maintenance!!
  16. Thank you all who put in this effort, a great resource!
  17. Wow, this looks like a painting. Great job!
  18. Back before fitted and rigged mesh clothes, one had to adjust their body to fit the clothes, so this guy's pants did not rezz yet, and all I saw were super skinny goat legs supporting a bulky body with oversized arm muscles, I wish I still had that pic LOL
  19. I'd be happy to help you out. Feel free to send me a private message here in the forums. Or you can also IM me inworld. For the questions: How long have you participated in Second Life? I think 9 yrs now.. How many hours per week (on average) do you participate in SL? I used to be on 4 hours a day, but lately have been rl busy so maybe 8-10 hours a week. How much time have you invested in your avatar? Gosh, a TON!! Not sure how to calculate that. Do you make your real identity known, or do you remain pseudonymous? Some of my friends know the real me, my voice and some details. What is the worst thing a person can do in SL? Be intentionally cruel to others, because they don't agree with them or just because they can.
  20. Yes, I should have put it there but was not thinking of that forum at the time. Maybe the mods can move my threads? @Quartz Mole
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