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Psyche Starling

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Everything posted by Psyche Starling

  1. I think in some cases they're using vendor scripts that can only vend one item at once. So they package it up so it's one item.
  2. Yayyy! I was planning to grab that gown anyway, and hadn't looked closely.
  3. I figure I'll wear both and switch. I already switch to Legacy and GenX sometimes. And I like retro styles; it's hard for your clothes to go out of style when they've been out of style since before you were RL born! *guy taps head meme*
  4. That's...an extremely good point. Having a small collection of items ready to go would make switching more appealing to a lot of folks.
  5. I got my Lite on sale some months ago; I think it was like 1500 at the time? I've never used an applier layer in my life, and the first thing I did when Freya went mod was remove them, so I was like "charge me less for what I want anyway? Yes please!" 😄
  6. Free is always appealing! I had the male TMP for my alt (until I needed him to model something that looked godawful on it, and sprung for a Jake) and I had him wearing a lot of standard sizes and some Legacy. There was a lot of alphaing, but he's not a clotheshorse so I made it work for a while.
  7. "All bodies" is a much higher number than you're imagining. I love my GenX and I get it. But it's not just GenX. There are probably hundreds of random niche mesh bodies that are worn by only a few people. So where does a creator draw the line? If there's a particular designer you want to see stuff from, write them a nice note, or participate in their body surveys if they have them.
  8. I sometimes put that stuff in the name of the outfit. I'll name it like..."black dress for Maitreya flat feet alpha 1" meaning the first button on the alpha HUD. Your prim idea is cool!
  9. Trying to name some that haven't been mentioned yet, but my old eyes might miss some things! SpectacledChic Amiable WebDew Ecru Couture Belle Epoque Siss Boom Meander Like the ones mentioned above, these stores don't only have modest clothes, but they all have some modest clothes, and more than like 1 outfit that I can think of. Some are original mesh and some use templates, but I picked ones that I think do a good job making the templates their own, so to speak. Oh, also Applique Chic often has something on the 25L Tuesday sale.
  10. Oh, man, the number of times I want to check whether I own something but can't go inworld right then to look! 😄
  11. Last year I bought a really cool-looking and inexpensive witch cottage. I adore it. It had an upper gable area that there was no way into. Meant to be decorative, but I wanted to use the space. No problem, thinks me! I'll just put in some TP buttons. But every time I tried to TP up there, it would yeet me back to the first floor. I could rez furniture upstairs and sit in it, but if I stood up, yeet again. Turns out part of that area was convex hull, and it took me a while to suss out which bit, and then I had to put an invisible prim somewhere else to not go sticking through the roof. But by the time I was done, I really loved that house lol. I'd made it my own. Bonus, it helped me figure out what was happening when a more recent purchase acted up in the same way.
  12. What body are you using for your maternity look? Carol's Store does a lot for LoveMomma and their stuff is cute and affordable.
  13. A while back, Stephen King came out with a book called Full Dark, No Stars. Every time I'd see a review for it, I'd think it was kind of rude of the reviewer to give it zero stars! Or else that it must be flat-out horrible! 😄 There was a band in my college town that named themselves Free Food.
  14. My solution to this is to basically be a year behind. 😂 I made my Halloween stuff mostly with textures I got last fall, now I'm making Christmas stuff with textures I got last winter. Oodles of Doodles has some Christmas out, if they're not the one you've already hit.
  15. Thanks! I applied some time ago but didn't hear back, which I've assumed means I didn't make the cut. 😄
  16. The FLF event had bikes you could rez! The first one or two I saw, I thought "oh, fun, someone brought their bike." After seeing 8-10 of them i realized they were coming from the event! I like events, but as a very very small-time creator I've started getting invitations to some of the smaller events, and not all of them seem likely to be a good investment. I can't afford the entry fees for every one that's out there. So I pick ones I've liked as a customer or that I like the theme of.
  17. Glitzz! They have some BOM stuff as well as mesh stuff. I know for a while you could get some really nice BOM pieces as group gifts (though I've been a member so long I don't remember what it costs to join the group). They've got some for sale as well.
  18. Gabriel has a big room of attractive freebies last I checked. Some are standard sizes, but in items like a suit that cover the whole body, it will still work.
  19. siss boom. ETA: Not sure why the laugh, it's the name of the store.
  20. This creator is Apostolic: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/169874
  21. Exile Tempest https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Exile-Tempest/24841611
  22. Yeah, there's a definite possibility that this new seller and OP's favorite creators both got templates from the same place.
  23. You know, this is a very good point! I've seen some folks with profiles like "I am darkness. I hate everyone. ***** off." and people with profiles like "I'm a nerd and I make bad puns," and the latter seem much more approachable!
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