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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I hope he has a massive budget and a few good years to train it. I can't say a whole lot for reasons, buuuuut I wouldn't trust AI to help me plan a birthday party, let alone grade essays. Peeve: I seriously thought this trend would fade as quickly as NFTs and I'd be out of a job by now, but boy was I wrong!
  2. Ooo, I couldn't go South for looooooots of reasons. I read that places like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia are pretty big destinations for fleeing city-dwellers and others who have been priced out of neighborhoods up in the North, but that's all a big ole nope for me. That doesn't leave a ton of options of course (I'd also say no to the Midwest and West, for reasons), so I'm pretty much left with island territories and researching digital nomad visas to nope all the way out. That is a whole other set of peeves right there. Visas are a PIA. Oh, you're lucky! My area has very good grocery stores with weekly sales, places like Costco and BJs, Target has reallllly great food, Aldi's, etc., so my region isn't suffering too badly when it comes to healthy food access either IF people can afford it, but I know when you get into certain areas in NYC and upstate, things can get pretty real. So much this.
  3. Oh true, but those don't carry anything healthy, that's for sure, lol. I mean, we did have a bunch of supermarkets and grocery stores and restaurants doing the 24/7 thing a loooong time ago (including diners - oh man, those were the days), but those are long gone. Not sure why, exactly. The latest we've got are Walmart and Target, which close at...11pm, I think.
  4. Those still exist? All of the grocery stores around me stopped doing that like a decade ago (maybe longer) and closing between 8pm and 10pm-ish is now the norm. 😩 No but real talk, I'm in one of the most expensive states, but when rentals are going for $3000+ for a 1 bedroom/$2000+ for a studio, I'm not surprised whatsoever that people aren't able to break away from work more than once a week (or less) to go shopping. I also see ads for full-time jobs requiring college degrees paying $16 an hour and I literally yell at my screen - WHO IS THIS FOR????? You need about 3 of those to survive out here, which is pretty much the norm - lots are working 2 or more jobs and have no time for anything but looking for another job. That's not even getting into the issue of food deserts, which is a whole other thing. That's basically where well-stocked grocery stores aren't local or are too expensive for the surrounding neighborhood to afford, so people wind up shopping in tiny local corner stores, which mostly carry only cheap fast food (think 7-Eleven or a tiny bodega). So yeah, healthy food tends to be a luxury to some around these here parts, depending on lots of factors. Like dem $16/hr jobs!!!!! (WHO IS THIS FOR????). PEEVE: WHO IS THIS .. ok lemme stop LOL. I've been raging all week about my state (been doing research on places to move to and the whole process is making me rather angsty!). 😂
  5. Yay, a musician! I used to tinker with music/audio and DAWs a long time ago (Sound Forge, Reason, Cubase, and Acid back in the day, Nuendo and Logic Pro in college, and finally settled into Ableton Live in more recent history), but I fell out of the hobby simply because I was too cheap to update Ableton and it was TIME, lol. Many versions behind, I tell you. It's not like I was making money from my stuff to justify the upgrades, either. Not to mention, Ableton Live's cheapest package these days is lacking so many good features, so that was out. I eventually decided to just move to Reaper, but then I got distracted by other hobbies (SL photography among them) and my slacking butt STILL hasn't started that journey yet. I can't help much on the live streaming into SL thing since I never even considered trying that (or DJing in general), howeverrrr, if you're in need of help putting together your in-world musician personas, I gotchu there! Older avatars aren't too hard to pull off with the right head + skin + details combo. You wouldn't even need to use an alt if you didn't want to. I swap between entirely different looks all on the same account. Promise, I won't make you look like Skrillex. Though we probably could, lol. 👀
  6. For photography, it's lighting, particles, and props for me. I don't think I've ever gotten close to 38 attachments, though. Never really knew what the limit was, either. I'm a little surprised now that I think about it, considering I often wear a lot of arm/hand/torso mods and wings and animated body overlays and head wear (including my trusty cat who sits on my head) and companions. Hmm. I'll have to check the next time I throw something crazy on.
  7. Ewww snow! I should probably mention that all of those stores serve rather different niches, so it depends on what style you're after. I experiment a lot on my male avatars, so I tend to not consider that much when giving out recommendations. 😂 Butterscotch and Native Urban are pretty casual, and Native Urban also has some rather nice suits. Cordewa is a mix. AsteroidBox is alternative. Jeys hits the "runway futuristic fashion" niche rather well (I always get Rick Owens vibes when I'm in his store).
  8. I can't remember exactly what works and looks good doing it because I experiment a LOT with womens footwear and leave it at that much of the time, but I do know that places like Butterscotch sometimes have shoes to go with the outfits. AsteroidBox has a few pairs of pants with included boots. Their standalone boots may also fit some of their pants, though I haven't tried yet. Cordewa also makes shoes that fit their outfits. Uhhhh...Native Urban has a mix of rigged and unrigged shoes. Jeys has shoes to go with some of his outfits. I'm sure there are others, but I'm blankin'!
  9. No comment! 👀 Nah, the heads are really pretty (all of them are, really) and I adore the older male head they released, but yeahhhhh, I'm good.
  10. The Genus Morph has some decent enthusiasm in the Discord channel. Some pretty photos of what people are doing with it, too. Speaking of that, btw, I don't know if it's labeled anywhere, but the fatpack for the Morph will not be sold after Skin Fair, according to the creator. It's an exclusive. Oh wait, I think the sign does say that. Also, she acknowledged someone's suggestion to link the eyes/nose/mouth to save on attachment slots. They've already been brainstorming a solution to that and will announce whatever whenever.
  11. Very welcome! I just found them yesterday while on my usual deep dive into the depths of YouTube to find new (to me) world music and I've been grooving since. I am OBSESSED! Throat singing and a jaw harp? Yes please! Been binging their videos since. And yep, indigenous Siberian folk pop/rock. So good! I'm diving back down into YouTube soon, so I'll post anything else interesting that I find!
  12. Lol, no no, it's not just you at all! SL's learning curve (including everything surrounding it - navigating the shopping blogs and social sites and marketplace and in-world groups and all that) is masssssive! Took me months to learn all this stuff, and that's only because I love shopping, otherwise it would've taken longer I bet. Don't feel bad one bit. ❤️
  13. Yep, this is definitely the way to go. I memorize stores for everything. Comes somewhat naturally when you shop in-world too damn much like I tend to, lol. I'm pretty much at the point now where if I think "hmmm, I could use some fun animated plugs for my Andore gauged human ears...," I automatically know where to go without even searching (except for the store's SLURL). And that's very specific! For things like "shoes" or "nails" or a good evening gown," it's even faster to call up a list of places to hit in my head. That somewhat depends on the event or the format they use for it. If you click on the event name, you'll either see teleport links at the top for the main event sim itself, OR, if it's an in-store sale (like the weekend sales tend to be - Fifty Linden Friday, Happy Weekend, Saturday Sale, TMD Weekend, etc.), try clicking on the product photos and you should see a teleport link for the store in the popup. Very welcome! And yes, Flickr is a great resource for finding rare goodies. I've found some awesome shops by getting nosy about what people had on, lol.
  14. Posting two because I'm obsessed and keep bouncing between both when I *should* be working.
  15. Yeeeeeeees!!! That says more about the nature of mesh in general probably (I've seen some clipping and clothing funkiness in other games, too), but it's soooo infuriating! Finding boots, especially for men, that play nicely with pants is a whole chore, LOL. I've found myself wearing womens boots (heels and all, don't even care) on occasion because they can sometimes (sometimes!!!) be slender enough at the ankle and above to fit below a pant leg. Not always, but sometimes you get lucky! Finding clothes in general - that's not overly bad IF you make yourself your own list of stores, or just commit one to memory. Browse the sales on Seraphim enough (and remember to include events like ManlySL and others that don't appear there), and you get a general sense for where to find certain things at decent prices. Takes a lot of time to build that out, though. Another good tip - browse Flickr and join a lot of SL fashion groups for men on there. You don't have to post photos to them - just browse. Lots of the contributors are good about listing their worn items and outfits in the description section. That's how I find a lot of things these days.
  16. Instructions unclear. I'm too clumsy for cooking in general. Experiment with recipes? Yes. Doing it while not setting the entire kitchen on fire - no. Also a former latch key kid and massive rejecter of gender roles. Learned all the fun stuff (sewing, food prep, cooking, etc. etc.) from watching boyfriends, room mates, and eventually Gordon Ramsay. 😂
  17. Welcome back! I agree with you on this wholeheartedly, but I'll go even further - even for those of us who already learned the ins and outs of working with this stuff and create avatars as a hobby these days - it's exhauuuuusting! Just all the little quirks of the system in general plus body updates and new releases and this not fitting that and this store dropping support for this and that. I think I've finally hit burnout and I'd be lying if I said I haven't been looking for another place to get my character design fix with a modern (but still flexible) character creator. Speaking of which: Katherinnneeee - have you SEEN the stuff people are creating in Dragon's Dogma 2's new character creator? It was released on Steam for free before the game comes out (still there if you wanna play with it). People have made everything from Chucky to Kratos to Laezel to freakin' Beyoncé (!!!) with that thing and it all looks so good. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to it (r/fashiondogma) and a bunch of vids on YouTube, if you haven't seen it yet. Don't even ask me how we'd incorporate a system like that into here, though. Probably have to make purchased items get stored in the creator tool instead of an inventory or something, I dunno.
  18. I do, yeah. Or hourly. Basically with every avatar or outfit change (if I'm wearing something drastically different). Eyes are a major part of my look, though, and I'm always fiddling with them and adding effects, which reminds me - we need more animated eye overlays! It's weird because eyes (especially different styles) are always the one thing I feel like I need more of. Everything I find is so same-y and plain-y. I've only got a tiny handful of stores I can rely on for something fun.
  19. I don't really do this, no. Only a handful of my avatars are what one would typically think of as attractive, and those are primarily brought out when I want to do a fashion shoot or a themed photo series based on an album or film or something. The main bulk of my "hang out in SL" avatars are quite different. Some are silly-cute (frog, deer, etc.), some look very strange or otherworldly, and some are grotesque or off-putting. I mostly make avatars for self-expression, commentary, and storytelling. If I'm feeling goofy, I'll toss on my frog. If I want to make a statement about the state of the world or planet in general, nobody's going to want to date the horrors I come up with - not even me.
  20. Flexi hair never left. Even the floor-length variety. I see it constantlyyyyyyyy.
  21. Lmao, I'm always afraid of this sort of thing when I wear more elaborate attachments. I've got a superb (but massive) crab leg body mod that I'm terrified to wear because I just know I'm going to get stuck trying to squeeze my big crustacean butt through a door somewhere. At least some of my wings can be positioned and adjusted (sometimes). 😂
  22. Lol, I used to hang out with a very sound spammy bunch, so I've just grown accustomed to keeping SL entirely muted. 😂
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