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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. What who where? I didn't post in this thread (yet). 😄 Well, I guess now I did... For the OP, I'd always suggest creating your own shapes (you can start with one that comes with your head or preferred skin) and work off reference photos - it helps a ton. As for freckles and moles, take a peek at The Skinnery, Nuve, Izzie's, Jack Spoon, etc. This Is Wrong has a 1L gift set you can try - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/THIS-IS-WRONG-Freckles-RED-GIFT/24940280
  2. You can achieve that look with a male Lelutka head, or one of their unisex ones (Zo or River). You can also take a look at Akeruka's EvoX line for more options. A lot of that, however, will come down to the skin you choose. Take a look at Ives Beauty - their skins are a bit more youthful in appearance and can achieve the look you might be going for. I believe Ives matches Velour body skin tones, but check the notecard that comes with your demos just to be sure. Random examples below: On Lelutka Kris: On Lel Wade: On Lel Ford: On Lel Eon:
  3. Picking a favorite is really, really difficult for me. I wear a ton. As for most fun to style and build different looks around, I suppose I'd say mermaids, various undead, and frog. Dressing up my orc is also a really fun challenge from time to time.
  4. I don't run into this much at all. I may have seen a posted minimum height rule once or twice? I ignore those - all of my avatars are over 6.5 feet, plus heels. I've never been hassled or booted for being a frog or lich or fox or whatever. I stopped messing with big clubs a long time ago since I had trouble finding places playing what I like to hear, but prior to that, I can't think of any I used to go to that had avatar rules at all. Only one beach I hung out at had a human-only rule, and I easily got around that by converting one of my mermaid avatars into a land version. Nobody seemed to take issue at all with shell swimwear, scale tattoos/materials, seaweed skirts, cute little tiaras and themed jewelry, etc. Or, I'd just toss on a human avie and throw her into random summer wear or something. I might have poked the rules a lil bit with the stompy boots and heels in the sand, but nobody cared much about that either. Not very. If I am going somewhere in the hang out category, I try to make sure they're open to all. If I can say "but I look ridiculous right now - I'm a frog in roller skates with a cat on my head just FYI" in response to a friend's TP and get met with a "perfect, who cares" then I'm good to go.
  5. The free version, too! I'm using basic, but I have a bunch of self-curated playlists that I'm assuming Spotify is using to build out my weekly Discover and other playlists for me. That plus artist/album likes and follows, perhaps. You know what's wild? I have a playlist that's got zero similarities between artists/songs/albums EXCEPT for the fact that they're completely unserious and silly. I call it "Redonkulous Jamz" and it's a completely random mish mash of genres with the only connecting thread being that their lyrics are funny or really bizarre. And when I reach the end of that playlist and Spotify auto-continues the music - it picks humorous things that would fit that playlist exactly! It's incredible. 😂 I completely believe it's capable of picking really good 70s, 80s, jazz, classical, etc. if it's able to roll with my foolishness. Tooooooooo much! I've got several playlists listed with an over 24 hours listen time and I add to those constantly. Not seen that yet, but I'm really not fond of the big ole artist panel that pops up every time a track plays. Trust me Spotify, if I'm jamming, I WILL go check out who the artist is, don't worry!
  6. Honestly, I find Spotify's algorithms to be seriously good. In fact, I've come to rely on them. I listen to a lot of very difficult-to-find international music/genres where it would be almost impossible to find good artists on my own simply due to language barriers and a slightly smaller artist reach (I have an entire collection of Egyptian and Greek rap, Turkish electronic/dance, world music, etc.) and without Spotify poking me every week like HEY, HEY...check these guys out! - I'd have no real way to find it (short of random Google and YouTube searches that may or may not turn up something I'm interested in). My only real peeve there is having to use Spotify, which is kind of mehhh for artists, generally. YouTube's suggestions just aren't that good at picking similar stuff I like. It's close buuuut doesn't quite hit. I dunno what secret sauce Spotify is using to determine what I'd binge for hours, but yikes, it works.
  7. Oh, you didn't miss much. Some random person made a comment that Swift's music was boring. That led to them getting outed as a Björk fan by Swifties. Other Swifties were then like ooOooOoOoO u mean u like dis *random clip of Pluto entirely out of context*. Björk fans rush to his defense and the defense of a 27-year-old banger. The end. I'll never understand how they managed to find that one gem out of her insanely massive discography, but hey. I think it's a meme, somewhere.😂 Minor peeve: Music beef always tickles me, but that was nowhere near as fun as people being shown key lyrics 30 years later and finding out their favorite artists/songs are...problematic. That's straight up hilarious. Toss Atopos, Ovule, Ancestress (hell, just listen to all of Fossora), Joga, Hidden Place, Hunter, Bachelorette, Pagan Poetry, Possibly Maybe, and Isobel in the mix, too. And yes, I see absolutely zero point in comparing them. That was such a goofy argument! 😄 Oh man, huge peeve: All fandoms are annoying. I've heard Nicki Minaj's fans can be rather brutal on them thar social medias.
  8. I'd worry if ya did! I actually know next to nothing about her, except that Swifties were catching hands on Twitter a week or so ago for messing with Queen Björk. "Pluto" apparently blew some minds and some couldn't handle it. Not that it's been a whole 27 years or anything that we've been listening to that. *cackles maniacally* Peeve: That did set me off on a path to try and binge her entire catalog, or at least most of it (I actually skipped Biophilia entirely when that came out because the site she built around it annoyed me greatly from a design POV) and now I'm really, really upset I never saw her live!!!! ARGJHGHGHG.
  9. It happens to me ALL the time, too! You know how Spotify actually has algorithms that pay attention and feed you things you really do want to hear, and then you're like OHHHH YAAAS that beat slaps and you click over to the album and... what is this ambient crap?! I came here ready to party what in the... 😂 Every. Single. Time.
  10. That's a great idea, but darn, no extended on YouTube. I'll just have to keep it on repeat. 😂 Lemme tack on a peeve to that one: When you hop over to the album looking for even more hypnotic beaty goodness and find out none of the other tracks are even remotely similar. WHYYYY? Wait nvm I lied. Awwwwwwww there it is. UNF UNF UNF
  11. Big ole peeve: When an artist establishes a really sick groove and the song ends in 3 minutes. No, you keep that beat going longer! I want 10 minute tracks out of you!!! I was in the zone! How dare.
  12. Real talk - This is 100% what I aim for. That's not a bad thing to me at all. Much like real life, the last thing I'd ever want to do is run into an exact clone of myself. Admittedly, styling avatars is a big hobby for me so I might be a lot more picky about these things than most, but I do go pretty far out of my way to hunt down fun items. Body choices matter more than head, and that's really only because you'll likely be shopping for clothing a bit more often than you'll be shopping for more expensive items like skins. Even still - there's nothing that mandates participating in trendy sales or even paying any attention to those. Find stores that carry cute stuff for your body and if you're happy with their offerings, stick with them. Kupra is far less popular these days than other options, it's true, but I've no idea why that would ever matter. As long as there are designers YOU like still creating for it (matters not what anyone else in your circle thinks) and you enjoy what they have for sale, you're all set. Heads matter even less. All you really need are one or two good quality skins and some makeup you can mix and match (unless you're an active shapeshifter), and as someone who IS a shapeshifter and wears both old and new human and fantasy skins and addons, there isn't a ton of difference. My favorite human skin is an old Velour I picked up years ago that I'd argue is far better quality than anything that store is selling these days (the skin tone is gorgeous and no longer exists). One of my favorite fantasy skins is an old SLUV one from POUT!. Everything I've grabbed since looks ehhh in comparison (not bad but not WOW), and it's all newer. Realistically, though, how many people are swapping heads/skins enough to where they even need to worry about grabbing the latest and greatest? I'm the only one I know of who drastically changes my entire appearance frequently (numerous times per session) and even I don't buy skins that often. As for popularity - never been a concern of mine except to run in the entire opposite direction. You'll be hard-pressed to find my favorite heads on any popularity lists or grid stats. If you find a ton of people rockin' AK Pride, Catwa Queen, or BeSpoke's Gizzy, Ryker, Android Raven, or Lich, I'll eat my fashionable hat! Despite running across the occasional custom UV maps (Gizzy, in particular), I've never had a single ounce of trouble styling any of those and they're my most flexible and fun to play with heads (the BeSpokes are full mod). Short version - shopping and styling is a lot more fun when you don't give a rat's tail what other people are doing.
  13. For Catwa Daniel, you'll want to shop stores that are still selling SLUV skins (the overwhelming majority are Evo X). I agree with the above. Try Not Found and Stray Dog. There's also Vendetta, and possibly Clef de Peau, if they still have their SLUV skins out (I haven't checked in a long bit). Each of those stores also do their own body appliers/BOM. As always, demo everything.
  14. Reminds me of the time I wanted to see Prince live. Ooooooof. Oh, you actually want to SEE the performer? Fork over $1000 for your seat, then. Of course, I suppose it is possible to reach that level of spending within SL, but I certainly have zero desire to do that. I'd rather just go to a concert. 😂
  15. Just to compare, to hop on a train nearby and ride it into Manhattan with a roundtrip ticket today (off-peak) would cost just over $30. If this were a weekday during peak time (which is when most people would be traveling back and forth to the city to work around here), that'd be about $41. For people who do that daily, it's about $380 for a monthly ticket. That's just to get to Penn Station - doesn't account for subways or any additional bus/rail/taxi transportation, food, entertainment, etc. It'd take me forever to spend that much in SL, honestly. I buy Lindens like...$5-7 at a time, once a month or less. So, cheaper than my Hulu subscription. I've always said when SL starts costing more than streaming services or my WoW subscription, I'd start cutting down on it. I can't even compare it to a casual night out in the city (which isn't even luxury in most cases) because that's on an entirely different level of spending. By far, SL is my most budget-friendly hobby (and I intend to keep it that way!).
  16. Luxury? No. Definitely not for me. A night out at Broadway for one or two is well over a few hundred bucks (if you include transportation, tickets, dinner, drinks, etc.). Hell, tickets alone are like $100-$200 per for some shows. I wouldn't even call that upscale (you could roll in in jeans). A pop/rock concert costs easily more than SL. Not luxury. A night out a nice restaurant (not luxury) can be $$$. Luxury entertainment? A Michelin star restaurant. An evening in an exclusive VIP lounge. A private helicopter tour. Limo tours. Dinner cruises. Going to a ball. $$$$$$$$. In comparison, SL is a reallllllly cheap form of entertainment for me. I spend less here most months than I do for Xbox Game Pass for PC. Perhaps if you're dropping $1000 a night in SL or something - then yeah, maybe it's on par with hanging out in a suite at the Bellagio. 😄
  17. Oh yeah, headphones for audio engineering/mixing/mastering are a whole other ball of Play-Doh. My main issue is I'm always on the hunt for headphones specifically for very, very, very WUBBY deeeeeeeeep bass (I listen to a lot of UK grime, drill, and minimal dubstep) which...well, I know where to go for that - Senns, AT's, AKGs. But I'm cheap and don't want to jump up to the $150-200+ a pair bracket, so I keep ephin' around and findin' out in the $50 price range, and that's SO not the way to go. Even if the headphones are semi-decent, the cables are always complete trash in this price range. 😒 Grrrrr. Peeve. Time to start saving money, I guessssssssss.
  18. Headphone cables. I'm. So. Sick. Of. Replacing. Headphones and/or cables. I swear I don't even headbang (that much).
  19. This does make me wonder if the issue with wearing male skins was fixed. Nip placement was very, very off any time I tried to make that work. I'm a V-Tech user, too, and tend to really prefer it. Shame they're no longer supporting Maitreya. A few stores followed suit and only carry V-Tech products for Legacy and Reborn now (yet another reason I'm considering moving to another body). I'll wait and see if Flat gains any traction before making any decisions, I suppose.
  20. BarberYumYum has a few styles. Sintiklia also. You could also achieve that with some styles by playing around with some unrigged bangs.
  21. On topic: If you're talking about very, very closely buzzed/shaved hairstyles mixed with some longer cuts/designs, I've found mesh bases to be a bit...lacking in that area. One of my favorite hairstyles is designed just like that - a close-fitting mesh "shaved" or buzzed base with longer braids and buns (styles changeable via HUD). I eventually had to quit wearing it because waiting up to 2-3 minutes for it to actually rez on my head was a bit much. On its own, the hairstyle could push a good 80,000+ complexity (didn't matter to me, but may be a factor for some) and I eventually stopped wearing it because swapping it on/off was a chore. These days, I definitely opt for BOM bases with mesh addons - either sold & designed to work together or I just mix/match myself. I've had the best success going for mix & match, since I'm rather picky about my hairstyles. If you're talking about general short above-the-shoulder length hair that comes without a BOM base at all, I typically buy those from Yomi, bonbon, .Shi, Sintiklia, Dura, Kuni, Moon, and BarberYumYum. Quick off topic: I'm certainly no spokesperson for black women and it'll vary widely, but I see nothing at all wrong with Pheeby's phrasing. On the other hand, I loathe being called a POC. Blah.
  22. Body skins are generally going to be cheaper than heads. Don't quote me now, but I'm pretty sure 300L sounds about right for a body skin at Velour. As for prices, keep your eyes on weekend sales on https://www.seraphimsl.com/ (Happy Weekend in particular, but perhaps Manly Weekend, TMD, and Saturday Sale, too). You can find a buuuunnnnch of discounted head skins for about 50L-100L that way! Edit! Almost forgot, ack! You're very welcome! 😂 Edit edit: Forgot Manly has its own portal... https://www.manlysl.com/manly-weekend/
  23. Son!a Edge is definitely one place I'm massively interested in for updates. Her gowns work so well with some of the body mods at Petrichor (also not yet updated for X, I don't think), which makes for rather interesting effects. The other stores for gowns would be Celestina's and Sofia, but I'm patient. I have a zillion gowns from both stores already, but all of them are 5.3 (I think...I still haven't looked through all of the recent Advent gifts yet). And yep, I already grabbed the gown from Astralia, because GLITTTTTTTTTTER!!!!! 😂 Mermaid stuffs - yeah, I'm expecting that to take a long time. Unfortunately, Cynefin is gone, and that's what I'm currently wearing. I'll have to swap to Aii or Petrichor, if they update, and...if I feel like it. I dunno - I just love my Nemissa tail so much, I'm wondering if I should just swap to Legacy to keep it (and the entirety of the rest of my wardrobe without having to make any major changes!). Of course, these ideas pop into my head long after Black Friday/Christmas sales, soooo... Overall, I'm fine with waiting for the market to catch up and I'm not overly worried (yet) about the state of things. Yet. YET. *eyeballs Legacy* 👀
  24. I do tend to agree with Cinos, depending on the style(s) in question. Sure, you can find plenty of jeans and tops and dresses and whatever in LaraX, but I'm still waiting for my favorite stores to pick it up (if they will at all). As of yet, I have not seen a ton updated in the techwear, fantasy (mermaid wear, armor, leather gear, robes, cloaks, furs, blah blah), cyberpunk, steampunk, futuristic, period fashion, evening wear (seen a few - more may be coming soon), or costume realms. I'm sure that'll change at some point, and some of those markets tend to be a bit slower to pick up bodies in general, but we'll see.
  25. Tons of options. For heads, if you want something that's fully unisex (with a male and female neck fit included), you can try Akeruka's Pride, Lelutka's Zo or River, or BeSpoke's Yon. There are other female options that can be shaped to your liking with all major brands (I've personally used Genus and Catwa), so definitely check around and demo a lot. Skins - tons. Try Unholy, try Amara Beauty, try Akeruka, try Alt3, try Ives, you can try Alaskametro (for SLUV - not sure if the skins are updated for EvoX yet), etc. The main thing is to make sure whatever body they're designed to match has a V-Tech skin layer or a flat tattoo for the chest. Velour does (most brands are compatible with Velour), Amara Beauty has free body skins and a "small tiddies" addon that works alright, Alt3 should support Lara Flat or V-Tech (can't remember which), Alaskametro has a layer, etc. Demo everything!
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