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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. OMG stop that. Yes you dooooo! Pretty sure you were in that thread (threads?). Here's the announcement. I think they got two done. https://secondlife.com/community/black-culture-community And https://secondlife.com/community/pride
  2. Yeah, that is awesome. I wish more companies did that. I can honestly say I have never worked anywhere with any of that (not even the goofy once-a-year "how about we mention this thing and then forget about it again" stuff). Not to bring up the SL community pages again (oops), but I was hoping that at least those would've been more of a year-round celebration event for lots of communities, but that project seems to be no more.
  3. It's complicated. I'm not against diversity programs and initiatives in general. It's just a little obnoxious when you ONLY hear about these things on set dates and AT NO OTHER TIME, nomsayin? It's the same with Pride and similar celebrations - I fully support them, but I'll take a company that keeps those flags flying year-round FAR more seriously than the temporary flag in bio only in June thing, ya know? It's the same thing with this. Don't wait until February to fill my recommended with Black films, HULUUUUU. Stoppit. *Disclaimer - I'm just picking on Hulu. I have no idea if they're still doing that. I did see HBO (oh sorry, MAX now, ugh) was sending around promo emails for Lunar New Year. Same concept. Stoppit.
  4. I was attempting to avoid having to "go there," so my initial reply was rather vague, I admit. Lemme put it another way. I, personally, cannot stand it when companies in general make a big deal out of things like Black History Month. It's not just LL. I feel the same way when I land on a store's or Hulu's homepage and get smacked in the face with it (or worse - the Juneteenth hype/merch), too. It's a me thing, I know. For learning my own history, there are far better resources I can turn to (books, personal essays, websites like TheGrio and The Root, my own family, etc.). I'm not coming to SL or any other virtual world for that. This is a place I retreat to to get away from these lessons and for once, get a chance to NOT be me. Hence the "I'm just green" response. Nothing against you or your question @Love Zhaoying - just a personal peeve of mine (which perhaps I could've posted in the Peeves thread, but meh!). Others will feel differently, of course, and some may love the in-world celebrations. It just makes me grumpy, and you DID ask for opinions, soooo... 😂
  5. I personally don't need any. I'm typically pink or green or blue or orange in SL anyway.
  6. Just to be overly nitpicky - Fortnite and Roblox aren't really new. Fortnite is 7 years old (2017), and Roblox is 18 (2006). I do agree with you, though. No real comparison between them other than having creative building built-in, but the demographics are very, very different. I never tried EVEOnline (spreadsheet simulator, lol), but yeah. Other games in that 20-ish year old range - Old School RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Everquest (which is still rather popular and still getting regular updates and progression servers), original Guild Wars, etc. Though to be fair, "WoW is dying!!! X game is a WoW killer!!!!" has been a thing for well over a decade, if not longer. On this, though, when an MMO does even a major graphics overhaul, it requires nothing on the part of the player, other than perhaps a GPU, RAM, or PC upgrade (which is standard in the gaming industry and can't really be helped). We just log in, hop on, and check it out. With SL, it's not quite as hands-off. At least not yet - I'm hoping PBR does get to a point where I don't have to do a dang thing to see it properly as the designer intended - not even mess with EEPs. Plz make this a thing.
  7. Not sure if you heard about this, but a few years ago (2022 or something like that?) Twitch banned the word simp (and some others) when used as insults, and added it to their hateful conduct policy. There was a time where younger streamers and fans would use it to insult men in their chats (some who admittedly did get a bit out of pocket), and it basically got out of hand, so they squashed its use. Pretty sure it's still on the list of things you probably don't want to say on stream or in chat in a harassing way, but I admit, it's been a while since I've seen the word used in that context. In a reclaimed sort of way...yes. Considering the demographic it's mostly used by (Gen Z) and where it appears most (TikTok, Insta, etc.), perhaps LL is targeting a younger audience...
  8. Apologies for bringing more real life into the discussion (I'll bring it back to SL, I promise), but doesn't this somewhat mirror how real life charity fundraisers and social events for a good cause tend to go, as well? Usually a dress-up semi-formal event (or formal, even), big fancy reception hall, dinner, dancing, live band? Now, I haven't been to any myself as I'm just not posh enough to be offered an invitation (how dare), but that seems to be what I remember them being like. Of course, if I'm totally making things up and my romanticized view of such things is the result of watching way too much Golden Girls in the 90s, please don't hesitate to let me know. 😂 In fact, the one charity event I do remember attending was more of a casual pancake breakfast type deal. Don't quote me because my memory is horrible, but I'm pretty sure I was on the setup/serving end of things and not a guest (I was a kid at the time). Plenty showed up because, well, food! To bring this back into SL, perhaps something like that (social dinners and similar events) could work for other causes if organizers want to get away from the traditional spend money/shopping/DJ/dancing-type events that currently exist but still give people some sense of entertainment. I do like the idea of keeping the art galleries and exhibits, though. I'll also echo Pheeby's offer - if you need help setting anything up for a charity event (on the decorating side, especially!) you can always give me a shout. Just poke me on the forums, too, as I don't always venture in-world every day.
  9. That's hilarious! I didn't know that torch existed. Been playing this game on and off since 2004, and this is the first time I ever got myself properly stuck anywhere. IN MY DEFENSE! - I was trying to jump on TOP of the chimney to watch Stitches wreck town from a safe location (standing on the roof alone wasn't ideal since my camera was so damn low due to my height, lmao). I didn't think my tiny legs would send me sailing over the edge! Didn't know my own Gnomish strength.😂 I'm playing Classic SoD, so I don't exactly know what's enabled and what isn't. I never touch Retail.
  10. Is that a thing? When I peeked on Le Google, it sent me to a link to make a self-service unstuck request with Blizzard Support via web. Didn't need to do it, thank goodness, but...that would've been amusing if location coordinates got sent along with it.
  11. Peeve: Not me getting my tiny Gnome butt stuck in a chimney. Thank goodness my hearthstone wasn't on cooldown or else that would've been one embarrassing unstuck request made to Support. 😂
  12. I have an old set I wear from time to time. Unrigged so I can reposition around other ear piercings. It's unfortunately not available anymore. Searching the MP for "Nose chain," though, I found a few you can try: Suicidal Unborn - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SU-Auset-Nose-Chain/21022099 Koloriko https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Koloriko-Nose-Chain/22340664 PKC https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PKC-Monique-Nose-Chain/17603798 Six Feet Under https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SFU-Athame-Nose-Chain/23982003 Azaran https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AZARAN-NOX-NOSE-CHAIN/24822805 There are others, as well. Try a search like that. Places like PKC and Six Feet Under might have more available, too.
  13. Random list for fantasy clothing/accessories off the top of my head: Cureless/CureMore/Moon Amore AtaMe Petrichor Ghoul CerberusXing Hotdog ContraptioN Static Rekt LuluB Sweet Thing Hazel 13Act The Forge FenDuDu Silvery K Val'More Valkyr Madame Noir For monstrous heads with fangs and such, try Cryptid and BeSpoke.
  14. I don't have a whole lot to add to the topic, but big props for dropping Teddy P. in the forums, lol. I can't tell you how many times I had to listen to that jam growing up (my mom's a huge fan). Even these days, I find myself randomly singing "Looks like anothaaaa luuurrrve TEE KAYY OOOO!" when running around the house. 😄 On topic: Big same. There may be a very rare chance you might meet someone and have it blossom into a very long-term friendship or more, but that can pretty much happen anywhere. I have a 15+ year friendship with my bestie that I met in WoW, and I've had even longer friendships in here. BUT - I feel like I know my SL friends a lot less since we never actually got to meet in person and had some time apart as people take breaks, etc., whereas my best friend and I took our friendship offline, so we're much closer. If anything, SL taught me to drag good friends offline.
  15. Ummmmmm....lemme look... Nope. Now, I do need to update FS, so maybe that's why, but I don't think I'm that far behind. If it's new in 6.6.17, then yeah, I don't have it (yet).
  16. Hard agree. Had you not mentioned it just now, I seriously would've continued not remembering the feature existed. I remember vague mention of it from a few months ago, but had no idea it was actually implemented into Firestorm. As far as I've seen, there's no indication in my inventory that it's even a thing I can do (unless it's in the right-click menu, which I kind of half pay attention to since navigating that is all muscle memory by now lol). If it's mentioned in the image capture/screenshot region, I wouldn't have seen it there either as I do my photography in Black Dragon and so so so rarely ever open the screenshot menu in FS. *facepalm*
  17. I completely forgot that exists. I also have no idea how to even engage with it or how it works at all. I just remember it's something about taking a photo of an item and I pretty much tuned out at that point since my inventory is already so massive (sounds like effort!). I'm not taking photos of 100,000+ items! Peeve: Why can't things just work without me having to do anything? 🤣
  18. You'll never be able to take a broad statement (compliments rock!) and apply it to every woman (or man). As someone who does approach men, it can take a bit of time to learn what a particular guy likes, which I'm totally okay with. I'll usually toss out a compliment if it actually leads to further discussion (awesome tattoo, who's the artist, what else are you planning to get, etc.). I'm not going to compliment a guy's cute jeans unless I'm looking to score a pair for myself or unless he's rocking something extremely unusual. I did once date a guy who wore flashing LED bicycle lights powered by a battery pack in his pocket weaved into his club outfits to tease the local cybergoths. Hilariously, it wound up looking so damn good (which was so far from the intention), every single compliment he received about them was warranted IMO. Minor peeve: I do miss hanging around absolute fashion nutjobs like that. I need to drag my butt into NYC more often.
  19. Unpopular opinion #26 and Peeve #47 - I find compliments about my appearance to be incredibly boring, uninspired, and uncreative. They're the quickest way to make me lose interest in someone. Sorry, can't help it! On any given day, I'm a frog with a cat or parrot and fruit perched on my head or a deer with an entire remote office, tasty snacks, or a wilderness survival kit (including toilet paper!) entangled in my antlers. Surely, someone interested in that shenanigans can find something more amusing to open with than commenting on how my dress looks.
  20. I really don't see many overly revealing clothing items like this outside of Flickr and event previews on Seraphim. I'm a really picky shopper and haven't run into that much at all in-world. Funny enough, I could probably get away with wearing my tops pulled up like that, though, since many of my body skins are PG. 😄 My main peeve on the clothing side, though, is when a store doesn't really mix and match well with its own items. I don't do BOM for anything but the rare occasional costume piece, so a place that makes its tops compatible with its bottoms is ideal. Plzzzz let me mix and match your entire store. Better yet, I'd die for a pair of shorts or a slightly longer-than-mini skirt I can wear with my mesh pantyhose. Even with all the alpha HUD options that come with the hose to remove the upper area, it's a pain to find a skirt that's long enough to work.
  21. Yep. Bad ideas. Most attempts to bring that into the gaming sphere have crashed and burned. There have been successful implementations in the accessibility realm (player-made mods that use AI to read out existing quest text in a massive game like WoW - but woo, is it hilariously bad), and of course, it's been used for NPC behavior and related functions since forever, but devs using it to replace actual job roles such as artists, writers, voice actors, etc. - hasn't been much of a warm reception. I know, SL not a game, yippie yippie, but still. Given the climate, I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole if I were LL. Re: Duolingo - that news actually got me to drop the service. I used it quite a bit a few years ago for German lessons and I've been saying I want to pick them up again, but hearing of the layoffs, I'll be yeeting it to the curb. That one peeved me a LOT.
  22. Seerrrrriouuusssly. I watched the Wacom wildfire happen in real-time. It was not pretty. That was around the same time that Wizards of the Coast got their wig snatched for the same thing. Wacom stayed quiet, while Wizards tried to tweet through it. They did the whole tweet deleting, denial, shown proof, and finally a sheepish "we didn't knowww, it came from a third-partyyyyy" non-apology thing. 😂 Then a few weeks later, Duolingo caught a few hands (they've been using AI for a bit, but I think the news of recent layoffs of contract translators pulled them into the spotlight). 👀 Peeve: Companies never learn.
  23. So much this. I use a lot of fantasy art/illustrations for reference photos when building out my avatars and it's so obnoxious how much terrible AI art exists in that category. Ugh. Though the most bonkers thing I've seen in this realm so far is graphic tablet companies (Wacom, Huion, XPPen, etc.) actually using AI art in their marketing to promote their tablets. Like...illustrators and artists are your primary customers I don't *gestures wildly* 👀
  24. I currently live in a little fantasy paradise surrounded by an enchanted pond tucked into the hills near a beach 3200m up in the sky on a private estate, so my opinion on such matters probably doesn't matter one bit, but I agree with @Scylla Rhiadra on this one. I'm a city person at heart (though the idea of living in a cute modern glass home perched near the ocean or buried deep in the woods does appeal from time to time) and not a suburbs fan at all, so the idea of moving to Belli never once crossed my mind, but I could see the temptation if it had a lot more variety. Then again, the absolute last thing I think about here is realism. My homes typically range from "woman caves" decked out like arcades with pink, purple, and teal neon vaporwave decor to swanky little penthouses up parked up in space. Scylla's right that a wider pool of regional homes from all over the world would be fun, but call me when we get some underwater grottos, haunted crypts, fun 8-bit style blocky homes, mushroom houses, futuristic sci-fi pod homes nestled into the mountains...some mind-bending Escher houses...
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