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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I see a lot of wings around. I also wear them on occasion, with some avatars (dragon, harpy, etc.). I keep sounds off, though. They can be super annoying at times.
  2. Male skins can be found for very cheap during weekly/weekend sales. Head skins are generally under 100L on sale, body skins up to about 350L or a slight bit more (depending on the store). You can save money on that by purchasing a body (or head) that comes with a set of in-house or third-party skins. It all depends on the type of avatar and the look you're going for. Some heads/bodies are easier to prep than others.
  3. I used to do newbie/returnee makeovers for free (with them covering the costs of their new stuffs, of course), but I quit due to the significant time investment. It's almost impossible to take a person from a system avatar to mesh without a lot of education on everything from BOM to appliers to how to shop to how to find sales to working with HUDs and sliders and more, and it was all pretty exhausting, honestly. I can't do a "click and wear" approach because my goal is to get the person not only into a brand new mesh avatar, but into being able to maintain their new look and update it as inspiration hits them while sticking to a reasonable budget. Plus, it's always fun to have them contact me days/weeks later and show me what creative shenanigans they've managed to get themselves into. If you're interested in that, I can help, but fair warning - information overload doesn't even begin to describe what it's like these days. 😩 I returned in 2020 after a multi-year absence, and it took me a few months to teach myself all the ins and outs of creating a mesh avatar from scratch. My entireeeeee inventory needed a makeover! Your best bet is to watch the videos posted above (especially on the body side - watch the videos on Jake, Legacy, Kario, and Gianni to get an idea of how the different male bodies work) and if you still have questions after that, feel free to poke me in this thread.
  4. I bust out my Catwa (Queen) when I'm doing more than moderate slider shaping (my orc has a pretty fierce underbite, flatter nose, sharp cheekbones, etc.) because I like the fine tuning in the HUD alongside the basic sliders, but I do not own one of the newer Evo X compatible ones, so I can't comment on how those behave. The older HDPros I've tried, though, feel the most responsive to me. I tend to whip out my Akerukas (Pride, mainly) when I want to work on a plain ole female human. Less responsive than Catwa, but more than Lel. I haven't played around with too many of the humanoid BeSpoke heads. In their human(ish) line, I have the Android head and Ryker, which has extremely sharp, chiseled features and an older appearance, but they have a few others. The ones I've tried, though, have been very easy to shape in fun ways. Ryker might be my most favorite human head to mess around with, just because it looks so unique right out of the gate and different skins affect it so differently. This is the one I'm using for my witch, since I can go totally bonkers with the nose and jaw. I avoid female Lel like the plague when I'm doing anything too creative. Oddly, I *can* get crazy(ish) with Lel's male heads, however (with Quinn feeling the most responsive and Ford and Alain feeling pretty fun to shape, as well), so maybe one of the nonbinary heads might play nice with the sliders (maybe). I didn't spend too much time with River or Zo, but I'd assume they'd be a bit more flexible to allow for a variety of looks.
  5. Most (all?) demos are available in the Juniper Events group notices, too, if you don't feel like trying to get in just to grab some.
  6. Yup, no alphas with BOM skins. Yank them all off. Their eyes are usually BOM, too, so no eye alphas either, unless you want to wear a different set of mesh/applier eyes. Leu is brand new - it's going to have their newest HUD (with tons of features), and include an Evo X and SLUV version. Their older products were pretty barebones on that front and a lot had custom UVs, so they were a lot harder to personalize. They only recently started adopting Evo X and released their newest HUD update...summer of last year, I think. So a LOT of products don't have it. They did update a few customer favorites to Evo X and the new HUD, but they haven't been able to do most of them. Peeve: This is why styling is so harrrrd. I'm constantly switching between tech to use all my favorite heads. 😩
  7. Okay fair warning - the Mica head is old, so it won't have the new updated features. If it only has an AO HUD, that does sound about right. The red texture might be due to wearing an alpha - take off any alpha layers and try again. I'm pretty sure Mica is BOM. Also, you might develop a peeve about the custom head UV - you won't be able to wear any current Evo X or SLUV skins or tattoos or layers on it, so it's very what you see is what you get. Whatever skins you have that were included with the pack is about all you'll be able to use, short of making skins yourself (they do hand out dev kits very easily, so you can ask about that if you want one).
  8. I do love direct SLURLs, that's for sure! I'm at the point now, though, where even huge galleries are overwhelming. My imagination works too fast for my own good - ooo I could do THIS with THAT, omg and then I could do THAT with THIS. OOOO I want one of those so I can make a this thing over here. 😂 My "avatars to make" list was growing daily and I eventually had to force myself to stop looking at sales altogether for a bit and commit to the stuff I was already working on. There are still things that I found during the last Fantasy Faire that I want to grab. I'm not ready for the next one yet!
  9. Couple updates on this! I can confirm the ears in the Leu ad are indeed the ears included with the head. There's a video posted in Discord that shows the complete look, found here: https://gyazo.com/c9e9d51916a60b0529c0c92cd0afa4ed I can also confirm the ears can be fully hidden in the HUD. The controls for them (including positioning) are in the main head tab, second button from the top. I cannot confirm with 100% certainty where the stripes come from. I only played with the demo, and no addons were included in that (that's a peeve, though I do understand - the ear textures weren't included either). I tried all the skins in the demo pack and played with the effects in the HUD, but only a few of them had markings at all, and they weren't those stripes. I'm guessing the ad model used a separate Evo X skin tattoo for that, but @Love Zhaoying will have to check his full version to see if that's included and if not, it's likely a separate third-party addon. Peeve: Styling is harrrrrd.
  10. I just tried it out. It's very well-textured and looks reallllyyyy nice, but I don't quite need it at this point in time. I'm not too bothered about the eyes as I usually wear mesh anyway. The fingernails are a bit unfortunate as they do peek around my worn mesh ones, but it's not too big of a deal overall. It's a great skin, but I'll sit this one out. I typically look forward to Abnormality and on occasion, Engine Room and We Love Roleplay for fantasy events. Fantasy Faire is always so huge and overwhelming, I almost never attempt to shop it and typically just wait until things make it back to the main store to browse. The ideal for me is just random in-store sales. That's where I grab most of my finds (that, and weekend sales).
  11. Oh, I'm definitely not hurting for fantasy skins. I was just hoping for something a bit more than just plain colors, like the weathered metal statue skins I saw that I *might* demo 👀. I've got plenty of colors already, but I'm definitely lacking stone, wood, metal, scale, and patterned skins (especially in Evo X). The metallic skin would be perfect for a future project if I ever get there (it can get in line - I have so many avies I want to make/avies in progress and I'm slacking so hard). I saw the photo for that Snow Rabbit head, but it looks very young and definitely far too cute for me. I'm kind of enjoying this horror villain arc I've been in. Liches, witches, demons, Eldritch abominations - been gradually working on wholesome stuffs like that. 😂
  12. That's awesome! Maybe some other head makers will give that idea a try some day. 👀 Now that I think about it, there is a furry head that would benefit from doing that. It's a bird and comes with 12 different varieties/beak styles and positions. Being able to just swap the beaks instead of the entire head would be kind of neat. I don't think the base head changes much, if at all.
  13. Any visible seams or weirdness around the nose/mouth/eyes? Did you check it in different EEPs? With and without makeup? No, I'm not going to buy this thing, LOL. I'm just super curious how it all works and how effective it is in the end. It's an interesting idea.
  14. Is it female only? I didn't look at the ads too hard. Having stuff like that with male and female neck fits would be fun. Also, if third parties could make individual facial features (like they can do for nails, hands, feet, wings, tails, torsos, etc. for bodies), that'd rock.
  15. Start a thread to post all 17 of your new looks in when you get them done! 😂
  16. I wish I had that problem. Can't relate, lol. If you're looking to lighten your wallet, start making more avatars. That'll do it. That reminds me - you can get some paw pads and claws and cute tails and things if you want to treat your lions to some new stuffs.
  17. Oh, you were set to spend some money, LOL. I'm too cheap for all that. The morph thinggie Genus is doing is pretty interesting, but I could get like 5 (or more) heads for the price of all that.
  18. If the ears are separate addons, you can leave them off. If they're attached, check your HUD - there should be a Show/Hide button in there for them. Peeve: Stop making me want to buy new heads (not the lions tho). Edit: Next time, just yell at me to get in-world and show you where something is. You didn't have to pay extra, silly lion.
  19. Oh, I didn't even bother looking at the darker skins. You know my feelings on that quest already, LOL. The intriguing skin for me was from...uhhhh....La Maldita Bruja. It was giving me Sevdaliza vibes (and she's gorgeous), but the skin tones are much too light for me. Boo.
  20. Mica should still be available... Hang on, lemme go peek because I'm not 150% sure. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BeSpoke-Lion-Mica-Head/22347952 Cheaper in-world (2000L) - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Honeydale/84/139/30 . When you land at the main landing point, turn around until you see the BeSpoke sign on the floor and statue and donation box - walk straight through that archway and it should be in that section. Yes, that's a styled Leu. I can't see much of the ears, but it looks like it's using the same set. Check out the HUD, too. There are usually skin effects and materials and things in there that can add to the look. Or, if you mean the stripes, it might be one of their skins sold separately.
  21. Leu is their newest release (I'm in their Discord and saw it announced). It's Evo X and should use their newest HUD tech. It's in their hybrid line - their previous hybrid was an Owl. The other heads in the booth were older heads voted on by the community to be included and given some steep discounts. As for seeing this one before, you might be thinking of their older head, Mica, which is a custom/SLUV combo and uses their old HUD style (double-check that - some of the oldest may not have a HUD now that I think about it). You could also be thinking of Usagi Haruka, which is more of a rabbit (with the newest bunny now being the Hare Avery), but several used that one for all sorts of things.
  22. Still tons of makeup. There are skins, but same ole same ole. There's a shopping guide on the Juniper Events site.
  23. Yes. It's so rare for me to spend more than 1500L for a head these days (I don't think I've ever bought a female Lel head now that I think about it, and my last actual Lel purchase was a discounted Ford in pre-Quinn days), so unless the price is that or below, I'm good. 😄 Because I buy and wear so many heads, I have to set a hard limit somewhere, and that's usually the price. Unisex and morphing features help convince me to grab my wallet, too, since I can do more with those. I have a few heads on my "to buy eventually" list that can morph between "oh, how cool/cute/pretty" and "ok, that's horrifying."
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