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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I am slightly disturbed that he knows what Second Life is, and now I'm thinking about all of the other...colorful...government and government-adjacent personalities who might know about it. Or...be in it. 😳 Oh gawd...the mind reels. Now that's really a peeve. 😵
  2. Yup, they've already threatened such. I'm just sipping tea and watching from the sidelines. I only read over there and use the site pretty much as a news (and recipe!) aggregator, so if it collapses into a steaming heap, well, there's always Reddit and Pinterest. Okay, I need to follow even more sites/blogs/media outlets apparently! I have not seen ANY good news on my feed today, grrrr. There's another peeve. That's all very great news and surely would've cheered me up hours ago! Agreeeeeee!
  3. Advertisers are going to loooooove this! 😏 Peeve: There's too much news in general today and none of it is fun! My home feed is a wreck. Crazy news mixed with delicious chicken parm recipes. What even? Hmpf.
  4. Lol, thank you so much! It makes me happy, too. She's such a joy to wear and run around in. I haven't wanted to take that head off since I bought it. 😂
  5. Still not in the Halloween spirit yet. Might not ever get there. 😄
  6. It's been so long since I've worked with print and colors and all that mess, to be honest. I have no idea if non-sub versions of PS would be affected by the change. I don't know if Pantone has info about the changes on their website, but it may be worth peeking. The primary problem, though, is most companies and designers would likely be on one of those stoopit subscription plans (or using contractors on one of those plans), so they'll definitely be feeling it. It'll be a mess sorting that out. Big yikes. Oh and re: Affinity - girl...girl....get the demos. Try that ish out. It's FANTASTIC. Just wait for a sale if you decide to buy. I got Affinity Photo (Photoshop equivalent), Designer (Illustrator equivalent), and Publisher (In-Design equivalent) for $25 each during sales. The add-ons (brushes, fonts, effects, etc.) in the Affinity Store also go on sale. There are only a handful of limitations I've come across so far - like not having a good way to create "editable/fillabe form" PDFs. That's been a feature request for a long time. But they do listen to the community, so....hopefully soon(tm). Adding another peeve which is actually the same peeve, just shorter - Adobe. 😒
  7. I was wondering why Pantone was trending. I haven't clicked on it yet in my pre-caffeinated state. I used to work in design (print) a million years ago. Losing access to Pantone could be a major problem for some companies and designers. Adobe's shenanigans in general is honestly why I ditched the entire operation (for personal use - probably can't avoid using it if you're hired on in-house somewhere), and swapped first to open source, then buy once packages. If I ever do get back into the field on a freelance basis, I'll take my chances with those programs (and I adooore the entire Affinity suite it's so gooood). Zero shot I'd ever give Adobe my money. Subscription-based software (and colors?!?) is a MAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE PEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Nope, I rarely ever pay attention to seasonal weather/outfits. Or social norms, for that matter. Skipping around in sparkling evening gowns for no good reason. I mean, the first week of Nov will be in the high 60s-70s here (low 20s for our Celsius friends) if this forecast holds up (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY), so now I've got even less of a reason to think about it. 😄
  9. It's not just the shine. Dip into the past-medium dark browns and it's just...yeah. Just very wrong. I also have my peeves with the colors chosen for the fantasy tones, as well. Oof. Fortunately, I've had good luck finding stores that do not use those body skins/tones for both human and fantasy avies. Nothing against the store as a whole (the makeup is lovely and the old skins were very nice!), but man... that newer line's skin tones across the board are just... not my jam. And that will always be a major peeve, because I currently wear a skin from their older line on my primary avie and it's gorgeous!
  10. Exaaaaactly! Gotta get that bounce in there, too. If I gain any kind of reputation in this forum, I want it to be for entering and leaving threads similar to how I dancewalk around in-world.
  11. Ohhhh, that thing. I always forget it exists since I'm only ever in my profile to change my avatar or somefin. "Sashay away" is my preferred phrase. But my SL walks are usually fairly over-the-top, so that works in my case. 😂
  12. It's a real word. No need to bother with the Urban Dictionary for that one. Though, Urban Dictionary does favor a more colorful interpretation, but then, that's not surprising. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flounce https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/flounce https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/flounce https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/flounce More on topic, I still don't even know what forum reputation means/is. So there's that! 😏
  13. Banks can't even get that right. Heck, healthcare companies can't even get that right. Showing ID is one thing. Storing data securely is a whole other challenge.
  14. Shirtless mirror selfies. Speaking of which, if we get mirrors and that becomes a thing, I'm off Flickr for good. 😩😂
  15. I should probably get into the dark/Halloween spirit one of these days, but I'm having way too much fun not doing that.
  16. Shapes you can customize yourself relatively easily. What you'll need to upgrade to full mesh = a new head and a body. Then a skin to pull it all together. A shape will usually be included with your head and/or skin, so you can start with that and customize your look from there. Your cheapest body option at the moment is Belleza Jake at 1500L. Legacy Male (currently on sale for 50% off, so 2500L) is a decent second option. For the head - demo everything, but since we're so close to Black Friday, I'd recommend holding off to see if Lelutka offers some new free heads for the holidays. In the meantime, demo those, and demo Akeruka's newest line (it's compatible with Evo X skins/accessories). AK also does free giveaways, but their group join fee is L150, so you may want to wait and see what, if anything, they offer for the holidays first. Skins are sometimes on discount in weekend and holiday sales, but for stores, keep an eye on - Not Found, Stray Dog, Velour, Clef de Peau, and Vendetta. Head skins and body skins are often sold separately in the same shop, so make sure you're matching up your preferred tones and grab demos for both when you demo/shop. That's the short version!
  17. I've stumbled across a few. The formatting is horrible! Minor peeve - YouTube should pick a lane. They don't copy Twitch very well, either.
  18. Lol, thank you! At first, I said, "I'm totally going for the 6-year-old girl just broke into mom's closet look (first photo)," and now I've got her prancing around all super vintage. Pics of that to come as soon as I find the right accessories. This avatar is so fun to play with!
  19. This hasn't been my recent experience. My IMs are delightfully silent these days. Even when I'm not green or purple. 😄
  20. Trying something very new. This might be my most favorite avatar to play dress-up with ever.
  21. When I put together outfits, I tend to do it piecemeal - mixing and matching from all over the place. For something that could work for a classic vampire or goth look, try The Baron brocade vest w/shirt from Thirst. It's sized for Legacy M and Jake. I believe the fatpack includes the pants.
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